view paste/paste.17397 @ 8876:87d57c2a2071

<oerjan> slwd markdown//s/rasp.*/walnut./
author HackBot
date Fri, 29 Jul 2016 00:50:35 +0000
parents 6058c527c4de
line wrap: on
line source

2007-05-05.txt:04:37:32: <GregorR> (BTW: Wherever you see *((int *) 0) = 0, that's me saying "throw someException; // once exceptions are implemented")
2007-06-25.txt:06:39:02: <immibis> ~exec raise "SomeError"
2007-06-25.txt:06:39:24: <bsmnt_bot> SomeError
2008-09-02.txt:22:09:27: -!- chromeeeee has joined #esoteric.
2008-09-02.txt:22:09:35: <chromeeeee> fuck that was fast.
2008-09-02.txt:22:09:36: <chromeeeee> :~
2008-09-02.txt:22:09:52: <chromeeeee> i am typing to you from mibbit running in google chrome running in parallels running in os x
2008-09-02.txt:22:09:55: <chromeeeee> :3
2008-09-02.txt:22:10:13: <ais523> hi chromeeeee, presumably you're tusho?
2008-09-02.txt:22:10:13: <chromeeeee> byebye linus
2008-09-02.txt:22:10:16: <chromeeeee> ais523: no
2008-09-02.txt:22:10:32: <chromeeeee> my name is Ritanj
2008-09-02.txt:22:10:39: <chromeeeee> Ritanj Urban Muller
2008-09-02.txt:22:10:43: <chromeeeee> Ritanj Urban Muller Lite
2008-09-02.txt:22:10:58: <chromeeeee> To be specific, Ritanj Urban Cherry-On-Top Muller Advertising Campaign Lite-Lite
2008-09-02.txt:22:11:23: <chromeeeee> what.
2008-09-02.txt:22:11:25: <chromeeeee> who is tusho.
2008-09-02.txt:22:11:42: <ais523> chromeeeee: the other person in this channel from the same IP who talks the same way as you
2008-09-02.txt:22:11:47: <chromeeeee> ais523: ah, him
2008-09-02.txt:22:11:48: <chromeeeee> ignore him
2008-09-02.txt:22:11:50: <chromeeeee> he's stupid
2008-09-02.txt:22:14:01: <chromeeeee> i am a prostitute and a drug
2008-09-02.txt:22:14:29: <chromeeeee> fungot: you are not a prostitute or a drug
2008-09-02.txt:22:14:30: <fungot> chromeeeee: hah perl again
2008-09-02.txt:22:15:00: <chromeeeee> wow
2008-09-02.txt:22:15:03: <chromeeeee> this is amazing micropoetry
2008-09-02.txt:22:15:38: <chromeeeee> ":) smileys fall from the blue sky, sadly." "using esc all the time while awake.' wikipedia"
2008-09-02.txt:22:15:43: <chromeeeee> two great peieces of art from fungot
2008-09-02.txt:22:15:43: <fungot> chromeeeee: now youve failed 365 times.
2008-09-02.txt:22:15:48: <chromeeeee> three pieces.
2008-09-02.txt:22:16:43: <ais523> tusho: chromeeeee's still responding to pings
2008-09-02.txt:22:16:52: <chromeeeee> butts
2008-09-02.txt:22:16:53: <chromeeeee> ah
2008-09-02.txt:22:16:54: <chromeeeee> now it works
2008-09-02.txt:22:17:56: <chromeeeee> fungot: forth line of poetry?
2008-09-02.txt:22:17:57: <fungot> chromeeeee: i must depart now. i'll fix it.)) the golden ratio" achieved by the shortest known 99 bottles of beeron the wall! 97 bottles of beer
2008-09-02.txt:22:19:36: -!- chromeeeee has quit (" ajax IRC Client").
2008-11-14.txt:14:29:50: <fizzie> The page continues -- or "mitäh?" or "vittu puhu suomee!"; those are just "what?" and "[expletive] speak Finnish!"
2009-01-04.txt:16:59:03: <ehird> listen tomeeeeeeeeeee
2009-02-27.txt:16:26:29: <ehird> #(true false) becomeEveryInArray: #(false true)
2009-03-19.txt:19:48:20: <ehird>
2009-03-19.txt:20:00:58: <AnMaster> <-- google uk?
2009-03-19.txt:20:03:57: <ehird>
2009-03-19.txt:20:15:14: <AnMaster> ehird, tried that chromeexperiemnt thingy, falling works in firefox, you mentioned dragging things around. Can't get that to work
2009-03-30.txt:16:55:28: <lifthrasiir> i don't know why... perhaps because n = <someexpr>; in the loop merges into condition check (just guessing)?
2009-07-20.txt:22:04:41: <SimonRC> ehird: I read that /topic someewhere recently, but I can't remember where
2009-07-25.txt:02:28:16: <GregorR> It doesn't hook in to Windows in any meaningful way. You have to run the binaries like   elfload.exe someELF
2009-08-18.txt:21:45:05: <ehird>
2009-08-18.txt:21:47:01: <AnMaster> <ehird> <-- didn't I see something like that for haskell too?
2009-09-14.txt:05:12:05: <ehird> in chromee
2009-10-28.txt:01:52:49: <pikhq> A really simple init system is... Not someething I blame you for.
2009-11-15.txt:20:59:22: <ehird> and the two functions are copypastes with somee changes
2010-02-06.txt:14:30:45: <ehird> I'd relax it to {| someEqualityThingProvidedByTheDefinition (α × {β ÷ α}) β |}, but that's as good as letting you define it to anything.
2010-02-06.txt:14:32:16: <MissPiggy> so you could quotient out by "someEqualityThingProvidedByTheDefinition" and still use {| α × {β ÷ α} ≡ β |}
2010-06-10.txt:17:25:35: <Deewiant>
2010-06-10.txt:18:08:26: <CakeProphet> you can do:  x.throw(SomeException)
2010-06-28.txt:23:47:24: <Gregor-W>  /dev/elf . To run something, cat someelf > /dev/elf
2010-07-17.txt:18:00:09: <alise> awesomeeee
2010-09-01.txt:02:05:46: <Sgeo> somext someevent
2010-09-01.txt:06:29:56: <Sgeo> somext someevent
2010-09-13.txt:23:24:08: <alise> ;; THIS IS SO FUN
2010-10-24.txt:00:21:13: <elliott> Gregor: websplat +
2010-11-02.txt:11:31:59: <elliott> *Main Control.Monad> someExpr
2010-11-02.txt:11:31:59: <elliott> *Main Control.Monad> rewrite someExpr [someRule]
2010-11-02.txt:11:43:08: <elliott> *Main Control.Monad> someExpr
2010-11-02.txt:11:43:08: <elliott> *Main Control.Monad> rewrite someExpr [someRule]
2010-11-02.txt:11:43:17: <elliott> someExpr is a SolidE
2011-01-09.txt:04:58:59: <elliott> variable: you might also consider returning (Maybe resulttype) instead, or having (Either SomeErrorType resulttype)
2011-01-19.txt:07:27:27: <Sgeo>
2011-01-28.txt:20:56:25: -!- copumpkin is now known as SomeEnthusiast.
2011-01-28.txt:21:15:51: -!- SomeEnthusiast is now known as copumpkin.
2011-02-10.txt:00:13:04: <Deewiant> elliott: e :: SomeException should catch everything
2011-05-31.txt:02:17:11: <elliott> AWEEEEEESOMEEEEEEEEE
2011-07-29.txt:21:51:40: <elliott_> evincar: these both return Either SomeError Integer
2011-07-29.txt:21:52:12: <elliott_> (Either SomeError String) is an explicit error-tagged return type
2011-07-29.txt:21:52:20: <elliott_> And (Either SomeError) is a monad
2011-07-29.txt:21:54:46: <elliott_> int foo(int n) throws SomeError;
2011-07-29.txt:21:54:51: <elliott_> foo :: Int -> Either SomeError Int
2011-07-29.txt:21:56:17: <elliott_> But still, I'd say that a monadic model of error handling is the same as checked exceptions. (And the same as unchecked exceptions if you make "SomeError" an existential on some Exception typeclass.)
2011-08-08.txt:20:00:59: <elliott> data Foo = Foo ... {-# UNPACK #-} !SomeEnum ...
2011-08-13.txt:21:48:02: <elliott> Prelude Control.Exception Control.Monad.Trans Control.Monad.State.Strict> Control.Exception.catch (do Just 9 <- return Nothing; print "hi" :: IO ()) (\(SomeException e) -> print e)
2011-08-15.txt:18:56:21: <elliott> prescriptivism is awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeee
2011-09-22.txt:00:03:15: <elliott> if I do (catch m (\(x::SomeException) -> ...)), will that catch all exceptions?
2011-09-22.txt:00:04:13: <oerjan> and everything is a subtype of SomeException, because the main method is defined in terms of that.
2011-09-23.txt:20:13:25: <elliott> 	| Error Exc.SomeException
2011-10-04.txt:01:19:11: <zzo38> elliott: O, OK, I can look at SomeException. Can you convert a String to SomeException?
2011-10-04.txt:01:22:46: <zzo38> But if I use SomeException, can I combine multiple errors?
2011-10-04.txt:01:23:14: <oerjan> <zzo38> elliott: O, OK, I can look at SomeException. Can you convert a String to SomeException? <-- hm something tells me elliott said something on the other side of the split
2011-10-04.txt:01:24:04: <elliott> oerjan: <elliott> zzo38: btw you probably want SomeException
2011-10-28.txt:06:55:52: <elliott> ?hoogle Either SomeException a -> IO a
2011-11-03.txt:09:38:45: <zzo38> I don't like the way of pure code exceptions in GHC. But I do have another idea:  mkPure :: Q Exp -> Q Exp; instance Applicative Pure; runPure :: Pure t -> Either SomeException t;
2011-12-01.txt:06:59:50: <kallisti> g.throw(SomeException)
2011-12-01.txt:17:31:22: <elliott> ais523: Prelude Control.Exception> catch (print (1 `div` 0)) (\e -> putStrLn $ "Exception: " ++ show (e::SomeException))
2011-12-01.txt:17:33:43: <elliott> ais523: Prelude Control.Exception> catch (evaluate [1,2,undefined] >> return ()) (\e -> putStrLn $ "Exception: " ++ show (e::SomeException))
2011-12-01.txt:17:33:53: <elliott> Prelude Control.Exception> catch (evaluate (undefined :: [Int]) >> return ()) (\e -> putStrLn $ "Exception: " ++ show (e::SomeException))
2012-01-13.txt:12:25:09: <elliott> toException :: e -> SomeException
2012-01-13.txt:12:25:09: <elliott> fromException :: SomeException -> Maybe e
2012-05-18.txt:02:07:07: <elliott> "omee~" -- monqy, 2012
2012-05-18.txt:02:08:13: <monqy> i meant omee!
2012-05-18.txt:02:08:40: <elliott> anyway im going to stick with "omee~"
2012-05-18.txt:02:08:49: <elliott> `addquote <monqy> ophanim: omee~
2012-05-18.txt:02:08:52: <HackEgo> 854) <monqy> ophanim: omee~
2012-05-18.txt:02:09:07: <HackEgo> ​*poof* <monqy> ophanim: omee~
2012-06-03.txt:20:46:19: <shachaf> wE得るCOMEE得る得るiOTTA得ぬDiO得ぬ!
2012-07-13.txt:15:02:33: <fizzie> Unlike most other welcomees.
2012-07-29.txt:00:55:32: <Sgeo_> somesnitobj registerevent someevent [list myhandler $data1 $data2]
2012-08-18.txt:02:24:05: <shachaf> Welcomeegan back to Boston!
2012-08-30.txt:02:38:53: <Arc_Koen> "no, shisomethingshi, nihonsomeeeeeeethingitoblacksomething
2012-10-13.txt:02:08:55: <elliott> `pastelogs omee