view interps/clc-intercal/CLC-INTERCAL-Docs-1.-94.-2/blib/htmldoc/sick.html @ 996:859f9b4339e6

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author HackBot
date Sun, 09 Dec 2012 19:30:08 +0000
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	<H1>CLC-INTERCAL Reference</H1>
	<H2>... The command-line compiler tool</H2>

	Table of contents:
	    <LI><A HREF="index.html">Parent directory</A>
	    <LI><A HREF="#sick">The command-line compiler tool</A>
	    <LI><A HREF="#command">Command-line options</A>

	<H2><A NAME="sick">The command-line compiler tool</A></H2>
	Starting from CLC-INTERCAL 1.-94, the preferred method to compile
	programs is to use the Integrated Programming Environment,
	<I>sick</I> (which stands for <B>S</B>uperior <B>I</B>NTERCAL
	<B>C</B>ompiler <B>K</B>luge or something like that). A program
	compatible with the old "oo,&nbsp;ick" is planned and will be
	made available if and when.

	<I>sick</I> requires CLC-INTERCAL 1.-94 and newer. It won't work with older versions.

	Although there are plans to provide some sort of interesting user
	interface to <I>sick,</I> at present it only works in batch mode,
	compiling programs using options specified on the command line,
	and either producing objects or running the program as soon as
	the compiler finishes.

	The arguments on the command line are either options (in the
	form <I>--name=value</I> or <I>-xvalue</I>), or filenames. If
	a filename is encountered, it is immediately compiled with the
	options which precede it in the command line, and then optionally
	executed. After processing the command line, <I>sick</I> terminates.

	<H2><A NAME="command">Command-line options</A></H2>
	There is a large number of command-line options, which are grouped
	by type for easy reference.

	<H3>Source character set options</H3>

	Before compiling a <I>program,</I> sick needs to know what
	character set has been used to encode the source. These days it's
	mostly ASCII but you never can tell. The default is <I>--guess</I>.

	    <TR><TH>Long option</TH><TH>Short</TH><TH>Meaning</TH></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--baudot</TD><TD>-b</TD><TD>Extended Baudot</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--ebcdic</TD><TD>-e</TD><TD>Nonstandard EBCDIC</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--hollerith</TD><TD>-h</TD><TD>Hollerith, straight from punched cards</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--charset=<I>NAME</I></TD><TD></TD><TD>Select a character set</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--guess</TD><TD>-g</TD><TD>Try to guess looking at the program source</TD></TR>

	See the <A HREF="charset.html">chapter about character sets</A>
	for more information on supported character sets.

	<H3>Compiler options</H3>

	Once <I>sick</I> has loaded the source, and converted it
	to ASCII if necessary, it needs to compile it. This requires
	loading a compiler object and any necessary compiler options and
	extensions. This is done by specifying <I>preloads</I>, which,
	as the name suggests, are loaded before the program source. If
	no preloads are specified, <I>sick</I> attempts to guess the
	correct list of preloads by looking at the program suffix (or an
	alternative suffix specified on the command line).

	    <TR><TH>Long option</TH><TH>Short</TH><TH>Meaning</TH></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--include=<I>DIR</I></TD><TD>-I<I>DIR</I></TD><TD>Add directory to search path for compiler objects</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--nopreload</TD><TD></TD><TD>Clears the list of preloads, reverting to the suffix-based guess</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--preload=<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>-p<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>Add <I>NAME</I> to the list of preloads</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--suffix=<I>SUFFIX</I></TD><TD></TD><TD>If using suffix-based guess, use <I>SUFFIX</I> instead of the source file's suffix</TD></TR>

	The suffix-based guessing of preloads relies on the file
	<I>system.sickrc</I> or <I>.sickrc</I> which should be somewhere
	in the search path for compiler objects. The one provided with the
	distributions will use the following table (if a suffix belongs
	to more than one row, it will use the first matching one):

	    <TR><TD>.iacc</TD><TD>iacc</TD><TD>Compiler source</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>.ti</TD><TD>ick, thick</TD><TD>Threaded INTERCAL source</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>.ci</TD><TD>ick</TD><TD>C-INTERCAL source</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>.iasm</TD><TD>asm</TD><TD>CLC-INTERCAL assembler</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>.i</TD><TD>sick</TD><TD>CLC-INTERCAL source</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>.clci</TD><TD>sick</TD><TD>CLC-INTERCAL source</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>.1972</TD><TD>1972</TD><TD>Traditional INTERCAL source</TD></TR>

	In addition to the above, extra letters can be present between the
	spot and the rest of the suffix, indicating extra preloads. Such
	extra letters can only be used with the <I>ick</I> or <I>sick</I>
	compilers, because <I>1972</I>, <I>iacc</I> and <I>iasm</I> do not
	accept options or extensions.

	    <TR><TD>2</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Change base to 2</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>3</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Change base to 3</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>4</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>Change base to 4</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>5</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>Change base to 5</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>6</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>Change base to 6</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>7</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>Change base to 7</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>d</TD><TD>bitwise-divide</TD><TD>Select bitwise behaviour for unary divide</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>g</TD><TD>come-from-gerund</TD><TD>Enable COME FROM gerund and NEXT FROM gerund</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>l</TD><TD>computed-labels</TD><TD>Allow computed statement labels</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>n</TD><TD>next</TD><TD>Allow NEXT statements</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>r</TD><TD>internet</TD><TD>Enable INTERcal NETworking</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>s</TD><TD>syscall</TD><TD>Enable system call interface on label (666)</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>t</TD><TD>thick</TD><TD>Enable threads with COME FROM</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>w</TD><TD>wimp</TD><TD>Set wimp mode as default for compiled program</TD></TR>

	CLC-INTERCAL 1.-94.-2 no longer includes the INTERNET extensions by
	default. The "r" suffix will only work if the optional package
	CLC-INTERCAL-INET has been installed.

	Not all these extra options are compatible with <I>ick</I>. See
	the <A HREF="extensions.html">chapter about compiler extensions</A>
	for more details.

	<H3>Code generation options</H3>

	Once the program source has been compiled, <I>sick</I> needs to use
	a module to generate the actual code. The default is <I>Object</I>,
	which produces an INTERCAL object, which can be executed directly
	or loaded back into <I>sick</I> as a preload.

	    <TR><TH>Long option</TH><TH>Short</TH><TH>Meaning</TH></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--nooptimise</TD><TD></TD><TD>Disable optimiser (default)</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--optimise</TD><TD>-O</TD><TD>Enable optimiser</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--backend=<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>-l<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>Selects the module used to generate code</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--output=<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>-o<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>The output file, defaults to the source file name with a new suffix</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--name=<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>-n<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>A name passed to the backend. Most backends don't use one</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--bug=<I>NUMBER</I></TD><TD></TD><TD>Change the probability of the compiler bug</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--ubug=<I>NUMBER</I></TD><TD></TD><TD>Change the probability of the unexplainable compiler bug</TD></TR>

	The following backends are currently provided:

	    <TR><TD>ListObject</TD><TD>.iasm</TD><TD>Assembler listing of the object</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>Object</TD><TD>.io</TD><TD>Executable object</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>Perl</TD><TD>.pl</TD><TD>Perl program</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>Run</TD><TD></TD><TD>Run program immediately - does not save object</TD></TR>

	If an output file name is not specified with <I>--output</I>,
	the backend will generate a file name by appending its own suffix
	(shown in the table) to the base name of the source program.

	Objects produced by the <I>Object</I> and <I>Perl</I> backends
	will accept the following command-line arguments when executed:

	    <TR><TD>--nouserrc</TD><TD>Ignore <I>.sickrc</I> files, use only first <I>system.sickrc</I> found</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--rcfile=<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>Uses specified file instead of searching for <I>.sickrc</I> and <I>system.sickrc</I></TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--trace</TD><TD>Enable tracing for the object</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--stdtrace=<I>FILE</I></TD><TD>Enable tracing and redirect tracing data to <I>FILE</I></TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--notrace</TD><TD>Disable tracing (default)</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--wimp</TD><TD>Select wimp mode (default if the <I>wimp</I> object was preloaded)</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--nowimp</TD><TD>Select normal mode (default if the <I>wimp</I> object was not preloaded)</TD></TR>

	<H3>Misc options</H3>

	The following options control the way <I>sick</I> operates:

	    <TR><TH>Long option</TH><TH>Short</TH><TH>Meaning</TH></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--nouserrc</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ignore <I>.sickrc</I> files, use only first <I>system.sickrc</I> found</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--rcfile=<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>-r<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>Uses specified file instead of searching for <I>.sickrc</I> and <I>system.sickrc</I></TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--rclist</TD><TD></TD><TD>Lists all <I>.sickrc</I> and <I>system.sickrc</I> files found</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--stdverb=<I>FILE</I></TD><TD>-s<I>FILE</I></TD><TD>Send verbose output to <I>FILE</I></TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--verbose</TD><TD>-v</TD><TD>Send verbose outout to standard error</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--quiet</TD><TD>-q</TD><TD>Do not produce verbose output (default)</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--times</TD><TD></TD><TD>Print compiler timing information on standard error</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--notimes</TD><TD></TD><TD>Do not print timing information (default)</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--trace</TD><TD></TD><TD>Enable tracing - this will trace the compiler, not the object</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--stdtrace=<I>FILE</I></TD><TD></TD><TD>Enable tracing and redirect tracing data to <I>FILE</I></TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--notrace</TD><TD></TD><TD>Disable tracing (default)</TD></TR>

	<H3>User interface options</H3>

	At the time of writing, <I>sick</I> does not use any interface: it
	just gets its orders from the command line, does what it needs to
	do, and terminates. A future version may do more. In the meantime,
	a number of command-line options allow to select a user interface,
	although this selection is currently ignored.

	    <TR><TH>Long option</TH><TH>Short</TH><TH>Meaning</TH></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--graphic</TD><TD>-X</TD><TD>GTK2-based graphical interface</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--curses</TD><TD>-c</TD><TD>Curses-based text interface</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--line</TD><TD></TD><TD>ReadLine-based text interface</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--batch</TD><TD></TD><TD>Batch mode, no user interface (default)</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--interface=<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>-i<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>Load the specified interface</TD></TR>

	CLC-INTERCAL 1.-94.-2 no longer includes the user interfaces in
	the distribution: these are available as separate packages.
