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	<H1>CLC-INTERCAL Reference</H1>
	<H2>... The INTERCAL calculator</H2>

	Table of contents:
	    <LI><A HREF="index.html">Parent directory</A>
	    <LI><A HREF="#intercalc">The INTERCAL calculator</A>
	    <LI><A HREF="#command">Command-line options</A>
	    <LI><A HREF="#using">Using the calculator</A>

	<H2><A NAME="intercalc">The INTERCAL calculator</A></H2>
	Starting from CLC-INTERCAL 1.-94.-4, a new INTERCAL calculator is
	included with the distribution. Apart from the obvious use as a luxury
	desk calculator, the calculator allows to quickly test fragments of
	INTERCAL programs by just typing them in the calculator and seeing what
	happens. Note that some statements are by necessity not supported,
	for example COME FROMs have no real meaning as each statement is
	executed as a separate program. ABSTAIN FROM and friends, however,
	are supported: you can even say things line "DO ABSTAIN FROM (1)",
	them write out the state to a file, exit the calculator, start it
	up again, read the state back in, type "(1) DO .1 &lt;- #2" and the
	statement will not be executed: the calculator remembers it's supposed
	to be ABSTAINed FROM.

	<I>intercalc</I> requires CLC-INTERCAL 1.-94.-4 and newer. It won't work with
	older versions.

	Starting with CLC-INTERCAL 1.-94.-2, <I>intercalc</I> is provided as a
	separate package, CLC-INTERCAL-ICALC. The various User Interfaces are
	also probided as separate packages, so you can install just the ones
	you use.

	By default, if started without instructions to the contrary, <I>intercalc</I>
	attempts to use the &quot;best&quot; user interface which happens to work in
	the current environment; here &quot;best&quot; means that the list of
	interfaces is obtained from file <I>.sickrc</I> or <I>system.sickrc</I>
	and the first one which works is used. The default is <I>X</I>,
	<I>Curses</I>, <I>Line</I>, <I>None</I> meaning that a GTK2-based graphical
	interface is preferred if X is running and GTK2 is installed; otherwise,
	a curses-based text interface or a ReadLine-based interface if the
	calculator is running on a terminal and the necessary libraries are installed.
	If none of them work, a batch mode interface which writes commands in from standard
	input and produces results on standard output always works. In the
	remainder of this chapter, we speak of &quot;interactive&quot; interface to
	mean &quot;anything except batch mode&quot; and of &quot;windowed&quot;
	interface to mean X or Curses, as opposed to Line or None.

	The arguments on the command line are either options (in the form
	<I>--name</I><CODE>=</CODE><I>value</I> or <I>-xvalue</I>), or filenames.
	If a filename is encountered, it must be a file previously created by
	<I>intercalc</I> using the Write Out option. Specifiying a file is
	equivalent to selecting Read In first thing after the calculator starts up.

	<H2><A NAME="command">Command-line options</A></H2>
	There is a number of command-line options, which are grouped
	by type for easy reference.

	<H3>User interface options</H3>

	If the automatic user interface selection does not give the required
	result, the following options can be used to control what happens:

	    <TR><TH>Long option</TH><TH>Short</TH><TH>Meaning</TH></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--graphic</TD><TD>-X</TD><TD>GTK2-based graphical interface</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--curses</TD><TD>-c</TD><TD>Curses-based text interface</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--line</TD><TD></TD><TD>ReadLine-based text interface</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--batch</TD><TD></TD><TD>Batch mode, no user interface</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--interface=<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>-i<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>Load the specified interface</TD></TR>

	<H3>Compiler options and operating mode</H3>

	These are either the name of the compiler to use, and any extensions
	which you wish to load initially, or other options which control how
	the compiler behaves.

	    <TR><TH>Long option</TH><TH>Short</TH><TH>Meaning</TH></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--include=<I>DIR</I></TD><TD>-I<I>DIR</I></TD><TD>Add directory to search path for compiler objects</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--language=<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>-l<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>Selects the compiler (default: sick)</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--option=<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>-o<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>Selects a compiler option, may be repeated (default: none)</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--mode=<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>-m<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>Selects operating mode (default: full)</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--bug=<I>NUMBER</I></TD><TD></TD><TD>Change the probability of the compiler bug</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--ubug=<I>NUMBER</I></TD><TD></TD><TD>Change the probability of the unexplainable compiler bug</TD></TR>

	The calculator currently defines three operating modes: <I>full</I> (the default), <I>expr</I> and <I>oic</I>.

	In <I>full</I> mode, the full power of the selected compiler and extensions is available. One types
	INTERCAL statements and watches them execute. Additionally, for convenience, one can type an
	expression and this will be evaluated and its result displayed. It is internally implemented by
	pretending you typed &quot;DO READ OUT <I>expression</I>&quot;.

	<I>expr</I> mode is a restricted form of full mode, where you can only execute assignments and evaluate
	expressions; other statements are disallowed. Assignments are specified without the initial DO and/or PLEASE.
	Expressions can of course contain overloading and other side-effects, which will be remembered and will
	come back to cause unexpected results later. This mode is suitable for a desk calculator.

	<I>oic</I> mode is a silly &quot;One Instruction&quot; desk calculator which is there because we can.
	This mode is currently undocumented.

	<H3>Misc options</H3>

	The following options control the way <I>intercalc</I> operates:

	    <TR><TH>Long option</TH><TH>Short</TH><TH>Meaning</TH></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--nouserrc</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ignore <I>.sickrc</I> files, use only first <I>system.sickrc</I> found</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>--rcfile=<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>-r<I>NAME</I></TD><TD>Uses specified file instead of searching for <I>.sickrc</I> and <I>system.sickrc</I></TD></TR>

	<H2><A NAME="using">Using the calculator</A></H2>

	Once the calculator has started, it will display its window (in windowed
	mode), print its prompt (in Line mode), or simply wait for input (in
	batch mode). In any case, you enter statements or expressions and
	watch them execute.

	Some menus are available in windowed mode to change the current compiler,
	base and operating mode. These should be self-explanatory in the X
	interface. In the Curses interface, press Alt-F to access the File menu,
	Alt-E to access the Edit menu, and so on with the other menus. Just
	use Alt and the initial letter of the menu name. Once a menu is open,
	the up and down arrow keys navigate the menu, while the left and right
	keys move to the next menu in the corresponding direction. To select
	a menu entry, press Enter; to close the menu without making a selection,
	press Esc.

	In X mode you can provide input by clicking on a key or by pressing the
	corresponding key on the keyboard if there is one (some symbols may not
	be available on all keyboards); in Curses mode you can press the key
	or, if necesssary, use the cursor keys (up, down, left, right) to highlight
	one of the buttons on the screen, then press Enter to activate it.

	In line and batch mode, access to menu functions can be achieved by starting
	a line with a backspark (<CODE>`</CODE>) and a letter. In Line mode you can
	see what letters make sense by pressing Tab after the backspark, which will
	give you a list. In any case, the following backsparks are available:

	    <TR><TD>`a</TD><TD>Show the &quot;About intercalc&quot; text</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>`b<I>BASE</I></TD><TD>Change base</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>`c</TD><TD>Save settings to <I>.sickrc</I> (not yet implemented)</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>`g</TD><TD>Give up (exit calculator) - you'll need to do it twice to confirm</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>`h</TD><TD>Show command history</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>`h<I>NUM</I></TD><TD>Show command history, limiting to last <I>NUM</I> commands</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>`l<I>LANGUAGE</I></TD><TD>Load a different compiler (1972, ick or sick)</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>`m<I>MODE</I></TD><TD>Change operating mode (full, expr or oic)</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>`o<I>OPTION</I></TD><TD>Toggle compiler option</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>`r<I>FILE</I></TD><TD>Read Out: saves calculator state to file</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>`r</TD><TD>Like `r<I>FILE</I> but uses last filename given to `r or `w</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>`t</TD><TD>Show program trace, if enabled with `otrace</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>`t<I>NUM</I></TD><TD>Same as `t, limiting to trace produced by last <I>NUM</I> commands</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>`w<I>FILE</I></TD><TD>Write In: loads calculator state from file</TD></TR>
	    <TR><TD>`?</TD><TD>Help: displays the help text</TD></TR>

	If you do not provide an argument to `b, `l, `m or `o, they will show
	a list. Currently selected base, language, mode or options (respectively)
	will be marked with a splat.
