view share/lua/5.2/luarocks/path.lua @ 7910:7d5f1c5e44b1

<moon__> mkx bin/hfs//erro You have discovered an eerie caven. The air above the dark stone floor is alive with vorices of purple light and dark, boiling clouds. Seemingly bottomless glowing pit mark the surface.
author HackBot
date Sat, 07 May 2016 00:41:47 +0000
parents d137f631bad5
line wrap: on
line source

--- LuaRocks-specific path handling functions.
-- All paths are configured in this module, making it a single
-- point where the layout of the local installation is defined in LuaRocks.
module("luarocks.path", package.seeall)

local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
local util = require("luarocks.util")
local deps = require("luarocks.deps")

help_summary = "Return the currently configured package path."
help_arguments = ""
help = [[
Returns the package path currently configured for this installation
of LuaRocks, formatted as shell commands to update LUA_PATH and
LUA_CPATH. (On Unix systems, you may run: eval `luarocks path`)

--- Infer rockspec filename from a rock filename.
-- @param rock_name string: Pathname of a rock file.
-- @return string: Filename of the rockspec, without path.
function rockspec_name_from_rock(rock_name)
   assert(type(rock_name) == "string")
   local base_name = dir.base_name(rock_name)
   return base_name:match("(.*)%.[^.]*.rock") .. ".rockspec"

function rocks_dir(tree)
   if type(tree) == "string" then
      return dir.path(tree, "lib", "luarocks", "rocks")
      assert(type(tree) == "table")
      return tree.rocks_dir or dir.path(tree.root, "lib", "luarocks", "rocks")

function root_dir(rocks_dir)
   assert(type(rocks_dir) == "string")
   local suffix = dir.path("lib", "luarocks")
   return rocks_dir:match("(.*)" .. suffix .. ".*$")

function deploy_bin_dir(tree)
   if type(tree) == "string" then
      return dir.path(tree, "bin")
      assert(type(tree) == "table")
      return tree.bin_dir or dir.path(tree.root, "bin")

function deploy_lua_dir(tree)
   if type(tree) == "string" then
      return dir.path(tree, cfg.lua_modules_path)
      assert(type(tree) == "table")
      return tree.lua_dir or dir.path(tree.root, cfg.lua_modules_path)

function deploy_lib_dir(tree)
   if type(tree) == "string" then
      return dir.path(tree, cfg.lib_modules_path)
      assert(type(tree) == "table")
      return tree.lib_dir or dir.path(tree.root, cfg.lib_modules_path)

function manifest_file(tree)
   if type(tree) == "string" then
      return dir.path(tree, "lib", "luarocks", "rocks", "manifest")
      assert(type(tree) == "table")
      return (tree.rocks_dir and dir.path(tree.rocks_dir, "manifest")) or dir.path(tree.root, "lib", "luarocks", "rocks", "manifest")

--- Get the directory for all versions of a package in a tree.
-- @param name string: The package name. 
-- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
-- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
-- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
function versions_dir(name, tree)
   assert(type(name) == "string")
   tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
   return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name)

--- Get the local installation directory (prefix) for a package.
-- @param name string: The package name. 
-- @param version string: The package version.
-- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
-- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
-- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
function install_dir(name, version, tree)
   assert(type(name) == "string")
   assert(type(version) == "string")
   tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
   return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version)

--- Get the local filename of the rockspec of an installed rock.
-- @param name string: The package name. 
-- @param version string: The package version.
-- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
-- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
-- the package (and by extension, the file) exists.
function rockspec_file(name, version, tree)
   assert(type(name) == "string")
   assert(type(version) == "string")
   tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
   return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, name.."-"..version..".rockspec")

--- Get the local filename of the rock_manifest file of an installed rock.
-- @param name string: The package name. 
-- @param version string: The package version.
-- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
-- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
-- the package (and by extension, the file) exists.
function rock_manifest_file(name, version, tree)
   assert(type(name) == "string")
   assert(type(version) == "string")
   tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
   return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "rock_manifest")

--- Get the local installation directory for C libraries of a package.
-- @param name string: The package name. 
-- @param version string: The package version.
-- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
-- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
-- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
function lib_dir(name, version, tree)
   assert(type(name) == "string")
   assert(type(version) == "string")
   tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
   return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "lib")

--- Get the local installation directory for Lua modules of a package.
-- @param name string: The package name. 
-- @param version string: The package version.
-- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
-- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
-- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
function lua_dir(name, version, tree)
   assert(type(name) == "string")
   assert(type(version) == "string")
   tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
   return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "lua")

--- Get the local installation directory for documentation of a package.
-- @param name string: The package name. 
-- @param version string: The package version.
-- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
-- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
-- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
function doc_dir(name, version, tree)
   assert(type(name) == "string")
   assert(type(version) == "string")
   tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
   return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "doc")

--- Get the local installation directory for configuration files of a package.
-- @param name string: The package name. 
-- @param version string: The package version.
-- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
-- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
-- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
function conf_dir(name, version, tree)
   assert(type(name) == "string")
   assert(type(version) == "string")
   tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
   return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "conf")

--- Get the local installation directory for command-line scripts
-- of a package.
-- @param name string: The package name. 
-- @param version string: The package version.
-- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
-- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
-- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
function bin_dir(name, version, tree)
   assert(type(name) == "string")
   assert(type(version) == "string")
   tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
   return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "bin")

--- Extract name, version and arch of a rock filename,
-- or name, version and "rockspec" from a rockspec name.
-- @param file_name string: pathname of a rock or rockspec
-- @return (string, string, string) or nil: name, version and arch
-- or nil if name could not be parsed
function parse_name(file_name)
   assert(type(file_name) == "string")
   if file_name:match("%.rock$") then
      return dir.base_name(file_name):match("(.*)-([^-]+-%d+)%.([^.]+)%.rock$")
      return dir.base_name(file_name):match("(.*)-([^-]+-%d+)%.(rockspec)")

--- Make a rockspec or rock URL.
-- @param pathname string: Base URL or pathname.
-- @param name string: Package name.
-- @param version string: Package version.
-- @param arch string: Architecture identifier, or "rockspec" or "installed".
-- @return string: A URL or pathname following LuaRocks naming conventions.
function make_url(pathname, name, version, arch)
   assert(type(pathname) == "string")
   assert(type(name) == "string")
   assert(type(version) == "string")
   assert(type(arch) == "string")

   local filename = name.."-"..version
   if arch == "installed" then
      filename = dir.path(name, version, filename..".rockspec")
   elseif arch == "rockspec" then
      filename = filename..".rockspec"
      filename = filename.."."..arch..".rock"
   return dir.path(pathname, filename)

--- Convert a pathname to a module identifier.
-- In Unix, for example, a path "foo/bar/baz.lua" is converted to
-- ""; "bla/init.lua" returns "bla"; "" returns "foo".
-- @param file string: Pathname of module
-- @return string: The module identifier, or nil if given path is
-- not a conformant module path (the function does not check if the
-- path actually exists).
function path_to_module(file)
   assert(type(file) == "string")

   local name = file:match("(.*)%."..cfg.lua_extension.."$")
   if name then
      name = name:gsub(dir.separator, ".")
      local init = name:match("(.*)%.init$")
      if init then
         name = init
      name = file:match("(.*)%."..cfg.lib_extension.."$")
      if name then
         name = name:gsub(dir.separator, ".")
   if not name then name = file end
   name = name:gsub("^%.+", ""):gsub("%.+$", "")
   return name

--- Obtain the directory name where a module should be stored.
-- For example, on Unix, "" will return "foo/bar".
-- @param mod string: A module name in Lua dot-separated format.
-- @return string: A directory name using the platform's separator.
function module_to_path(mod)
   assert(type(mod) == "string")
   return (mod:gsub("[^.]*$", ""):gsub("%.", dir.separator))

--- Set up path-related variables for a given rock.
-- Create a "variables" table in the rockspec table, containing
-- adjusted variables according to the configuration file.
-- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table.
function configure_paths(rockspec)
   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
   local vars = {}
   for k,v in pairs(cfg.variables) do
      vars[k] = v
   local name, version =, rockspec.version
   vars.PREFIX = install_dir(name, version)
   vars.LUADIR = lua_dir(name, version)
   vars.LIBDIR = lib_dir(name, version)
   vars.CONFDIR = conf_dir(name, version)
   vars.BINDIR = bin_dir(name, version)
   vars.DOCDIR = doc_dir(name, version)
   rockspec.variables = vars

function versioned_name(file, prefix, name, version)
   assert(type(file) == "string")
   assert(type(name) == "string")
   assert(type(version) == "string")

   local rest = file:sub(#prefix+1):gsub("^/*", "")
   local name_version = (name.."_"..version):gsub("%-", "_"):gsub("%.", "_")
   return dir.path(prefix, name_version.."-"

function use_tree(tree)
   cfg.root_dir = tree
   cfg.rocks_dir = rocks_dir(tree)
   cfg.deploy_bin_dir = deploy_bin_dir(tree)
   cfg.deploy_lua_dir = deploy_lua_dir(tree)
   cfg.deploy_lib_dir = deploy_lib_dir(tree)

function map_trees(deps_mode, fn, ...)
   local result = {}
   if deps_mode == "one" then
      table.insert(result, (fn(cfg.root_dir, ...)) or 0)
   elseif deps_mode == "all" or deps_mode == "order" then
      local use = false
      if deps_mode == "all" then
         use = true
      for _, tree in ipairs(cfg.rocks_trees) do
         if dir.normalize(tree) == dir.normalize(cfg.root_dir) then
            use = true
         if use then
            table.insert(result, (fn(tree, ...)) or 0)
   return result

--- Return the pathname of the file that would be loaded for a module, indexed.
-- @param module_name string: module name (eg. "socket.core")
-- @param name string: name of the package (eg. "luasocket")
-- @param version string: version number (eg. "2.0.2-1")
-- @param tree string: repository path (eg. "/usr/local")
-- @param i number: the index, 1 if version is the current default, > 1 otherwise.
-- This is done this way for use by select_module in luarocks.loader.
-- @return string: filename of the module (eg. "/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/socket/")
function which_i(module_name, name, version, tree, i)
   local deploy_dir
   if module_name:match("%.lua$") then
      deploy_dir = deploy_lua_dir(tree)
      module_name = dir.path(deploy_dir, module_name)
      deploy_dir = deploy_lib_dir(tree)
      module_name = dir.path(deploy_dir, module_name)
   if i > 1 then
      module_name = versioned_name(module_name, deploy_dir, name, version)
   return module_name

--- Return the pathname of the file that would be loaded for a module, 
-- returning the versioned pathname if given version is not the default version
-- in the given manifest.
-- @param module_name string: module name (eg. "socket.core")
-- @param name string: name of the package (eg. "luasocket")
-- @param version string: version number (eg. "2.0.2-1")
-- @param tree string: repository path (eg. "/usr/local")
-- @param manifest table: the manifest table for the tree.
-- @return string: filename of the module (eg. "/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/socket/")
function which(module_name, filename, name, version, tree, manifest)
   local versions = manifest.modules[module_name]
   for i, name_version in ipairs(versions) do
      if name_version == name.."/"..version then
         return which_i(filename, name, version, tree, i):gsub("//", "/")

--- Driver function for "path" command.
-- @return boolean This function always succeeds.
function run(...)
   local flags = util.parse_flags(...)
   local deps_mode = deps.get_deps_mode(flags)

   util.printout(cfg.export_lua_path:format(util.remove_path_dupes(package.path, ';')))
   util.printout(cfg.export_lua_cpath:format(util.remove_path_dupes(package.cpath, ';')))
   if flags["bin"] then
      local bin_dirs = map_trees(deps_mode, deploy_bin_dir)
      table.insert(bin_dirs, 1, os.getenv("PATH"))
      util.printout(cfg.export_path:format(util.remove_path_dupes(table.concat(bin_dirs, cfg.export_path_separator), cfg.export_path_separator)))
   return true