view share/lua/5.2/luarocks/dir.lua @ 7910:7d5f1c5e44b1

<moon__> mkx bin/hfs//erro You have discovered an eerie caven. The air above the dark stone floor is alive with vorices of purple light and dark, boiling clouds. Seemingly bottomless glowing pit mark the surface.
author HackBot
date Sat, 07 May 2016 00:41:47 +0000
parents d137f631bad5
line wrap: on
line source

--- Generic utilities for handling pathnames.
module("luarocks.dir", package.seeall)

separator = "/"

--- Strip the path off a path+filename.
-- @param pathname string: A path+name, such as "/a/b/c"
-- or "\a\b\c".
-- @return string: The filename without its path, such as "c".
function base_name(pathname)
   assert(type(pathname) == "string")

   local base = pathname:gsub("[/\\]*$", ""):match(".*[/\\]([^/\\]*)")
   return base or pathname

--- Strip the name off a path+filename.
-- @param pathname string: A path+name, such as "/a/b/c".
-- @return string: The filename without its path, such as "/a/b/".
-- For entries such as "/a/b/", "/a/" is returned. If there are
-- no directory separators in input, "" is returned.
function dir_name(pathname)
   assert(type(pathname) == "string")

   return (pathname:gsub("/*$", ""):match("(.*/)[^/]*")) or ""

--- Describe a path in a cross-platform way.
-- Use this function to avoid platform-specific directory
-- separators in other modules. Removes trailing slashes from
-- each component given, to avoid repeated separators.
-- Separators inside strings are kept, to handle URLs containing
-- protocols.
-- @param ... strings representing directories
-- @return string: a string with a platform-specific representation
-- of the path.
function path(...)
   local items = {...}
   local i = 1
   while items[i] do
      items[i] = items[i]:gsub("(.+)/+$", "%1")
      if items[i] == "" then
         table.remove(items, i)
         i = i + 1
   return (table.concat(items, "/"):gsub("(.+)/+$", "%1"))

--- Split protocol and path from an URL or local pathname.
-- URLs should be in the "protocol://path" format.
-- For local pathnames, "file" is returned as the protocol.
-- @param url string: an URL or a local pathname.
-- @return string, string: the protocol, and the pathname without the protocol.
function split_url(url)
   assert(type(url) == "string")
   local protocol, pathname = url:match("^([^:]*)://(.*)")
   if not protocol then
      protocol = "file"
      pathname = url
   return protocol, pathname

function normalize(name)
   return name:gsub("\\", "/"):gsub("(.)/*$", "%1")