view paste/paste.9977 @ 7910:7d5f1c5e44b1

<moon__> mkx bin/hfs//erro You have discovered an eerie caven. The air above the dark stone floor is alive with vorices of purple light and dark, boiling clouds. Seemingly bottomless glowing pit mark the surface.
author HackBot
date Sat, 07 May 2016 00:41:47 +0000
parents 3b1b07d2b34c
line wrap: on
line source

2011-04-05.txt:19:06:09: <elliott> not having ZOMGMODULES?
2011-04-05.txt:19:08:17: <cpressey> from ZOMGMODULES import WINNING
2011-04-05.txt:19:33:14: -!- ph0ntohpiliac is now known as ZOMGMODULES.
2011-04-05.txt:19:33:23: <ZOMGMODULES> why are none of these fantastic nicks taken
2011-04-05.txt:19:33:54: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: i propose you snatch up one-honking-great-idea while it's still available
2011-04-05.txt:19:35:09: -!- ZOMGMODULES is now known as EnjoyBeingLocked.
2011-04-05.txt:19:55:11: -!- EnjoyBeingLocked is now known as ZOMGMODULES.
2011-04-05.txt:19:56:12: <ZOMGMODULES> elliott: depends on the language
2011-04-05.txt:19:56:20: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: C
2011-04-05.txt:19:56:29: <ZOMGMODULES> i dunno man, should be relaxing
2011-04-05.txt:19:56:47: <ZOMGMODULES> it's like drumming... it has a cadence
2011-04-05.txt:19:57:37: <ZOMGMODULES> your grammar is pretty much established?
2011-04-05.txt:19:57:58: <ZOMGMODULES> you wrote it out?  on paper?
2011-04-05.txt:19:58:04: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: well, the bootstrap grammar is pretty much established. i'm not going to try fun stuff until i rewrite the compiler in the language.
2011-04-05.txt:19:58:41: <ZOMGMODULES> you need to write it out, preferably on paper but also in a comment block at the top of the source is acceptable, or it won't be relaxing.
2011-04-05.txt:19:59:10: <ZOMGMODULES> this is the wisdom
2011-04-05.txt:19:59:45: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: pretty impressive ass you have there, with all the ideas you pull out of it ;;;;::DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDdddddddddddd
2011-04-05.txt:20:03:03: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: with yacc-like things, if you have like, [a; b; c] and {a; b; c} both as blocks
2011-04-05.txt:20:07:19: <ZOMGMODULES> void parse() { if(tokeq("["){expect("["); parse_list(); expect("]");} else if (tokeq("{"){expect("{"); parse_list(); expect("}");} else error(); }
2011-04-05.txt:20:07:28: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: no i don't mean that
2011-04-05.txt:20:07:56: <ZOMGMODULES> void parse_list() { parse_elem(); while(tokeq(";")){ expect(";"); parse_elem(); } }
2011-04-05.txt:20:09:02: <ZOMGMODULES> i'd love to, it's very relaxing.  unfortunately, can't spend all day here
2011-04-05.txt:20:09:19: <ZOMGMODULES> though 'dem smalltalk thangles' is a little underspecified for my taste
2011-04-05.txt:20:09:55: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: message is expr messagepart*
2011-04-05.txt:20:12:29: <ZOMGMODULES> i would just accept ident or ident: interchangeably and filter out the bad stuff at the static analysis phase
2011-04-05.txt:20:12:33: <ZOMGMODULES> if that's legal
2011-04-05.txt:20:12:41: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: oh that's not the problem
2011-04-05.txt:20:12:51: <ZOMGMODULES> hey,... ghci's "let" does something like that, right oerjan?
2011-04-05.txt:20:13:02: <ZOMGMODULES> if it's good enough for ghci it's good enough for me
2011-04-05.txt:20:13:19: <ZOMGMODULES> elliott: that's a dumb grammar
2011-04-05.txt:20:13:25: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: that's smalltalk
2011-04-05.txt:20:13:33: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: really :s are banned in identifiers altogether
2011-04-05.txt:20:13:36: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: it's just that they're valid _symbols_
2011-04-05.txt:20:13:37: <ZOMGMODULES> "That's our Smalltalk!"
2011-04-05.txt:20:13:43: * ZOMGMODULES canned laughter
2011-04-05.txt:20:14:19: <ZOMGMODULES> this is pretty much why i never got into smalltalk
2011-04-05.txt:20:14:30: <ZOMGMODULES> this very part of it seemed unnecessarily brutal
2011-04-05.txt:20:14:42: <ZOMGMODULES> :'s
2011-04-05.txt:20:14:58: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: hmm, i dunno
2011-04-05.txt:20:15:34: <ZOMGMODULES> my brain just does not think like that
2011-04-05.txt:20:16:02: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: well, it's nicer than /python's/ approach to the "argument positions are meaningless" problem.
2011-04-05.txt:20:16:05: <ZOMGMODULES> using the same label mechanism for all those things
2011-04-05.txt:20:16:26: <ZOMGMODULES> that's ok.  it's been a long time and i don't remember
2011-04-05.txt:20:22:06: <ZOMGMODULES> I do not know if I agree with the sentiment that adding a random number to every character in your program and interpreting it as Perl counts as your language being "Turing-complete"
2011-04-05.txt:20:26:12: <oerjan> <ZOMGMODULES> hey,... ghci's "let" does something like that, right oerjan? <-- well that's what it looked like...
2011-04-05.txt:20:26:26: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: look at dat lack of braces
2011-04-05.txt:20:27:57: <ZOMGMODULES> C needs a ";;" operator that is a high-precedence ";" to avoid the need for braces
2011-04-05.txt:20:28:10: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: and we could call it ocaml
2011-04-05.txt:20:28:12: <ZOMGMODULES> if (x==y) printf("hi") ;; printf("there")
2011-04-05.txt:20:28:30: <ZOMGMODULES> oh uh
2011-04-05.txt:20:28:31: <ZOMGMODULES> SURWE
2011-04-05.txt:20:28:34: <ZOMGMODULES> *SURE
2011-04-05.txt:20:28:43: <ZOMGMODULES> the more ;'s the higher the precedence
2011-04-05.txt:20:29:11: <ZOMGMODULES> yeah that's not quite my vision
2011-04-05.txt:20:37:33: <ZOMGMODULES> they do research on viewpoints
2011-04-05.txt:20:37:56: <ZOMGMODULES> "We found that a certain percentage of the population hold one opinion, while the rest hold another."
2011-04-05.txt:20:38:14: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: careful. alan kay might punch you
2011-04-05.txt:20:38:15: <Phantom_Hoover> Who's ZOMGMODULES
2011-04-05.txt:20:38:24: * ZOMGMODULES IS ZOMGMODULES
2011-04-05.txt:20:38:43: <ZOMGMODULES> Phantom_Hoover YOU ASK A LOT OF QUESTIONS
2011-04-05.txt:20:39:59: <ZOMGMODULES> Phantom_Hoover PERHAPS YOU SHOULD TRY /whois
2011-04-05.txt:20:40:25: <Phantom_Hoover> ZOMGMODULES!
2011-04-05.txt:20:40:25: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: wait your name is Christopher? kinda assumed you were always just Chris THIS IS LOGICAL OK
2011-04-05.txt:20:41:11: <olsner> who's ZOMGMODULES?
2011-04-05.txt:20:42:35: <ZOMGMODULES> elliott: parents who put just "Chris" on a birth certificate are... like parents who put just "Bob" on a birth certificate.
2011-04-05.txt:20:42:35: <Phantom_Hoover> ZOMGMODULES, you're named after a werewolf.
2011-04-05.txt:20:42:44: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: So, like your parents then?
2011-04-05.txt:20:42:52: <elliott> `addquote <ZOMGMODULES> elliott: parents who put just "Chris" on a birth certificate are... like parents who put just "Bob" on a birth certificate.
2011-04-05.txt:20:42:55: <HackEgo> 351) <ZOMGMODULES> elliott: parents who put just "Chris" on a birth certificate are... like parents who put just "Bob" on a birth certificate.
2011-04-05.txt:20:43:04: <ZOMGMODULES> that was quotable?
2011-04-05.txt:20:43:50: <ZOMGMODULES> elliott: Topher Grace?
2011-04-05.txt:20:44:31: <ZOMGMODULES> Phantom_Hoover: Which werewolf would that be?
2011-04-05.txt:20:44:52: <Phantom_Hoover> ZOMGMODULES, St. Christopher, saint and werewolf.
2011-04-05.txt:20:45:00: <ZOMGMODULES> Phantom_Hoover: this is news to me
2011-04-05.txt:20:45:16: <elliott> `addquote <Phantom_Hoover> ZOMGMODULES, St. Christopher, saint and werewolf.
2011-04-05.txt:20:45:17: <HackEgo> 352) <Phantom_Hoover> ZOMGMODULES, St. Christopher, saint and werewolf.
2011-04-05.txt:20:51:27: <ZOMGMODULES> Not Ørjanette?
2011-04-05.txt:20:52:43: <oerjan> ZOMGMODULES: hm that might also work
2011-04-05.txt:21:01:56: <ZOMGMODULES> elliott: does your accept() have a side-effect
2011-04-05.txt:21:02:05: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: accept() is
2011-04-05.txt:21:03:00: <ZOMGMODULES> huh. i always use expect(), and never accept()
2011-04-05.txt:21:03:12: <ZOMGMODULES> i use tokeq() which doesn't consume
2011-04-05.txt:21:03:17: <ZOMGMODULES> fewer side-effects in tests
2011-04-05.txt:21:03:18: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: well i copied accept() from wikipedia :) but accept is actually quite nice i think
2011-04-05.txt:21:03:30: <ZOMGMODULES> if you like side-effects in tests, SURE
2011-04-05.txt:21:03:42: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: if (ident() && accept(COLON) && expr()) return 1;
2011-04-05.txt:21:03:52: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: (ok so that wouldn't be as nice-looking in practice cuz you have to build an ast, but that's not bad)
2011-04-05.txt:21:04:51: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: PRETTY
2011-04-05.txt:21:08:00: <ZOMGMODULES> wow, I took almost all day to come up with two lines of code
2011-04-05.txt:21:08:49: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: hey this grammar is actually pretty simple
2011-04-05.txt:21:09:56: <ZOMGMODULES> if your tests consume tokens, you won't have infinite loops
2011-04-05.txt:21:10:24: <ZOMGMODULES> at least you have THAT assurance, with those side-effects
2011-04-05.txt:21:10:38: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: i'm practically a nazi
2011-04-05.txt:21:10:50: <ZOMGMODULES> expects are... more like exit()s in C
2011-04-05.txt:21:11:05: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: right but like if you have a
2011-04-05.txt:21:11:10: <ZOMGMODULES> unless you do some fancy catching thing with them
2011-04-05.txt:21:11:18: <ZOMGMODULES> in which case they're more like throw
2011-04-05.txt:21:11:52: <ZOMGMODULES> you will eventually run out of tokens
2011-04-05.txt:21:12:02: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: accept doesn't consume if it doesn't match
2011-04-05.txt:21:12:12: <ZOMGMODULES> oh, right
2011-04-05.txt:21:12:53: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: GOOD ADVICE
2011-04-05.txt:21:13:07: <ZOMGMODULES> I even do things like { if tokeq(";") { expect(";"); ... } }
2011-04-05.txt:21:13:22: <ZOMGMODULES> simplicity > efficiency
2011-04-05.txt:21:13:58: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: um but that's exactly what accept is :D
2011-04-05.txt:21:14:06: <ZOMGMODULES> yes
2011-04-05.txt:21:14:22: <ZOMGMODULES> that's why accept is an UNNECESSARY
2011-04-05.txt:21:14:55: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: BLAHHH
2011-04-05.txt:21:15:08: <ZOMGMODULES> also, ...
2011-04-05.txt:21:15:19: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: so your routines, do they call the tokeniser or does the tokeniser call it?
2011-04-05.txt:21:15:35: <ZOMGMODULES> void parse_foo() { expect("foo"); }   void parse_bar() { if (tokeq("foo")) parse_foo(); }
2011-04-05.txt:21:16:27: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: actually with recursive descent the latter would only be possible with continuations i think :D
2011-04-05.txt:21:16:29: <ZOMGMODULES> elliott: I call the tokenizer, generally
2011-04-05.txt:21:16:34: <ZOMGMODULES> elliott: you got it
2011-04-05.txt:21:16:41: <ZOMGMODULES> elliott: with something continuation-like, anyway
2011-04-05.txt:21:16:44: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: which means: we need that C continuation lib!
2011-04-05.txt:21:16:55: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: I APPROVE OF MY PROBLEM-SOLVING METHOD
2011-04-05.txt:21:17:02: <ZOMGMODULES> once, in Erlang, I did neither.  I had the lexer and parser be seperate processes which messaged each other
2011-04-05.txt:21:17:22: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: that's ... almost beautifully hideous
2011-04-05.txt:21:21:56: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: so does writing a compiler that compiles to machine code hurts?
2011-04-05.txt:21:29:58: <ZOMGMODULES> tswettbot: you rock
2011-04-05.txt:21:30:12: * ZOMGMODULES is hoping a dozen debug windows just opened up for tswett
2011-04-05.txt:21:30:47: <ZOMGMODULES> < elliott> ZOMGMODULES: so does writing a compiler that compiles to machine code hurts? <-- no, not really... depends, I guess
2011-04-05.txt:21:31:33: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: yeah but my compiler has to have, liek, two backends!
2011-04-05.txt:21:31:42: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: x86-64/linux and x86-64/NOTHING
2011-04-05.txt:21:32:23: <ZOMGMODULES> elliott: then it's not, generally speaking, that painful... everything is partitioned nicely.
2011-04-05.txt:21:32:31: <ZOMGMODULES> lexer, parser, ast, codegen.
2011-04-05.txt:21:32:42: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: oh the compiler parts don't scare me.
2011-04-05.txt:21:32:53: <ZOMGMODULES> it's if you want to do it all "narrow" where it gets hairy
2011-04-05.txt:21:33:13: <ZOMGMODULES> nothing too painful about generating x86 code, is there?
2011-04-05.txt:21:33:21: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: well no. but i want mnemonics!
2011-04-05.txt:21:33:36: <ZOMGMODULES> you want to generate assembler?
2011-04-05.txt:21:34:07: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: no.
2011-04-05.txt:21:34:17: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: i want to generate machine code using an assembler-ish dsl
2011-04-05.txt:21:34:20: <ZOMGMODULES> then you lost me at "mnemonics"
2011-04-05.txt:21:34:54: <ZOMGMODULES> then you (in effect) want to write an assembler, and generate assembly for that assembler
2011-04-05.txt:21:35:07: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: yes. that's true. but i don't want to _generate_ it, i want to invoke its routines directly.
2011-04-05.txt:21:35:16: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: and the assembler doesn't actually have to be convenient...
2011-04-05.txt:21:35:52: <ZOMGMODULES> elliott: then you are writing a codegen.
2011-04-05.txt:21:36:22: <ZOMGMODULES> a codegen with an API whose entry points have names that mnemonics.  much like, well, every API
2011-04-05.txt:21:36:27: <ZOMGMODULES> *that are
2011-04-05.txt:21:37:12: <ZOMGMODULES> there are many codegens that let you switch out backends to target a different architecture.  if that's what you're saying
2011-04-05.txt:21:37:21: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: no no no.
2011-04-05.txt:21:38:22: <ZOMGMODULES> elliott: I've basically coded that API (in C, not Smalltalk)
2011-04-05.txt:21:38:50: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: sure. it's easy enough for a subset. just IDEALLY i'd generate it from the big instruction table things :)
2011-04-05.txt:21:39:23: <ZOMGMODULES> generating it from an instruction table, yes: I've never done that and it would have some nice to it.
2011-04-05.txt:21:40:18: * ZOMGMODULES DISMISSES TSWETTBOT!!!!
2011-04-05.txt:21:40:25: <ais523> wow, ZOMGMODULES fits better in here than most of the regulars
2011-04-05.txt:21:52:54: <ZOMGMODULES> I dismiss you, livejournal.
2011-04-05.txt:21:53:17: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: lots of cool people use livejournal. i'm not sure why.
2011-04-05.txt:22:01:36: <ZOMGMODULES> tswettbot8: HOW'S IT GOING, MAN
2011-04-05.txt:22:05:13: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: please advise
2011-04-05.txt:22:08:39: <ZOMGMODULES> how can you expect a debugger to be bug-free
2011-04-05.txt:22:08:51: <ZOMGMODULES> at least smalltalk has the foresight to try to debug it
2011-04-05.txt:22:09:04: <ZOMGMODULES> with
2011-04-05.txt:22:09:06: <ZOMGMODULES> itself
2011-04-05.txt:22:09:19: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: what do asts look like again
2011-04-05.txt:22:09:29: <ZOMGMODULES> elliott: ...
2011-04-05.txt:22:09:33: <ZOMGMODULES> TREES
2011-04-05.txt:22:09:36: <ZOMGMODULES> they look like TREES
2011-04-05.txt:22:10:09: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: i'm only half joking, why doesn't c have support for data structures :/
2011-04-05.txt:22:10:28: <ZOMGMODULES> C has fine support for sexprs once you code them up
2011-04-05.txt:22:10:43: <ZOMGMODULES> well
2011-04-05.txt:22:11:12: <ZOMGMODULES> i usually end up with a hideous enum and a union of structs, but I'm usually not aiming for the simplest kind of data structure
2011-04-05.txt:22:11:27: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: well it's just... does that e--
2011-04-05.txt:22:12:10: <ZOMGMODULES> elliott: if you are trying to code objects in C, that's your own damn fault
2011-04-05.txt:22:12:15: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: i'm not i'm not
2011-04-05.txt:22:12:44: <ZOMGMODULES> struct expr { struct expr *lhs; struct expr *rhs; char *op; }
2011-04-05.txt:22:12:48: <ZOMGMODULES> there's your ast
2011-04-05.txt:22:13:04: <ZOMGMODULES> NULL
2011-04-05.txt:22:50:07: <ZOMGMODULES> hey tswettbot,
2011-04-05.txt:22:50:20: <ZOMGMODULES> hey tswettbot, say
2011-04-05.txt:22:50:35: <tswett> ZOMGMODULES: the space on the end is necessary.
2011-04-05.txt:22:50:43: <ZOMGMODULES> hey tswettbot, say I dismiss you, tswettbot.
2011-04-05.txt:22:51:03: <ZOMGMODULES> I made it ragequit!
2011-04-05.txt:22:53:41: <ZOMGMODULES> 1-based indexing, huh
2011-04-05.txt:22:54:05: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: NO
2011-04-05.txt:22:54:10: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: hey wait
2011-04-05.txt:22:54:21: <ZOMGMODULES> YES
2011-04-05.txt:22:54:23: <ZOMGMODULES> YES YES YES
2011-04-05.txt:22:57:27: <elliott> everything cp... ZOMGMODULES says sounds better in caps
2011-04-05.txt:23:00:52: <ZOMGMODULES> soooooooooo........ there's this code, that is never called by these unit tests.  but changing the code causes the unit tests to fail.
2011-04-05.txt:23:01:43: <ZOMGMODULES> oh, no. i had wrong method. whew.
2011-04-05.txt:23:02:01: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: :D
2011-04-05.txt:23:15:40: <ZOMGMODULES> |help
2011-04-05.txt:23:15:41: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: Help is available for: assignment expressions print goto tell source errors
2011-04-05.txt:23:15:46: <ZOMGMODULES> |errors
2011-04-05.txt:23:15:47: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: Unknown command.  Type '|help' for help.
2011-04-05.txt:23:15:50: <ZOMGMODULES> |help errors
2011-04-05.txt:23:15:50: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: To get more interesting error messages, set ~/errmsgs=snark.
2011-04-05.txt:23:15:59: <ZOMGMODULES> |~/errmsgs=snark
2011-04-05.txt:23:16:00: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: snark
2011-04-05.txt:23:16:05: <ZOMGMODULES> |foo
2011-04-05.txt:23:16:06: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: That's wonderful for you!
2011-04-05.txt:23:16:23: <ZOMGMODULES> |poop
2011-04-05.txt:23:16:24: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: What is this I don't even
2011-04-05.txt:23:16:32: <ZOMGMODULES> |save
2011-04-05.txt:23:16:32: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: State saved.
2011-04-05.txt:23:16:35: <ZOMGMODULES> storkbot: YOU LIE
2011-04-05.txt:23:16:36: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: That's wonderful for you!
2011-04-05.txt:23:17:23: <ZOMGMODULES> and the scary thing is that that feature requires lua 5.1
2011-04-05.txt:23:17:26: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: needs moar errors
2011-04-05.txt:23:17:30: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: can you let us define our own errmsgs
2011-04-05.txt:23:17:52: <ZOMGMODULES> |~/errmsgs=('That's stupid.'; 'You''re stupid.')
2011-04-05.txt:23:17:53: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: ('That's stupid.'; 'You''re stupid.')
2011-04-05.txt:23:18:09: <ZOMGMODULES> |true that
2011-04-05.txt:23:18:09: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: Unknown command.  Type '|help' for help.
2011-04-05.txt:23:18:15: <ZOMGMODULES> not hard to implement
2011-04-05.txt:23:18:16: <ZOMGMODULES> ANYWAY
2011-04-05.txt:23:18:23: <ZOMGMODULES> storkbot: DIE DIE
2011-04-05.txt:23:18:24: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: Unknown command.  Type '|help' for help.
2011-04-05.txt:23:18:30: <ZOMGMODULES> storkbot: helllllp
2011-04-05.txt:23:18:31: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: Unknown command.  Type '|help' for help.
2011-04-05.txt:23:18:36: <ZOMGMODULES> storkbot: help
2011-04-05.txt:23:18:36: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: Help is available for: assignment expressions print goto tell source errors
2011-04-05.txt:23:18:44: <ZOMGMODULES> storkbot: help goto
2011-04-05.txt:23:18:44: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: To evaluate a string as a command, issue 'goto command'.  This discards control context.
2011-04-05.txt:23:18:53: <ZOMGMODULES> storkbot: goto help
2011-04-05.txt:23:18:53: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: Help is available for: assignment expressions print goto tell source errors
2011-04-05.txt:23:18:58: <ZOMGMODULES> oh yeah, THIS bot.
2011-04-05.txt:23:19:02: <ZOMGMODULES> ok
2011-04-05.txt:23:19:12: * ZOMGMODULES shuffles over to the other monitor
2011-04-05.txt:23:19:26: <ZOMGMODULES> good night
2011-04-05.txt:23:19:35: -!- ZOMGMODULES is now known as storkbot.
2011-04-05.txt:23:56:16: -!- ZOMGMODULES has joined #esoteric.
2011-04-05.txt:23:56:21: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: hi!
2011-04-05.txt:23:56:25: <ZOMGMODULES> ZOMG HI
2011-04-05.txt:23:56:28: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: plz not to be suing me for what i've done
2011-04-05.txt:23:56:47: <ZOMGMODULES> WHAT HAVE YOU DONE
2011-04-05.txt:23:57:01: <ZOMGMODULES> :(
2011-04-05.txt:23:57:08: <ZOMGMODULES> what does that mean, though?
2011-04-05.txt:23:57:19: <ZOMGMODULES> or when lambdabot's here, use it
2011-04-05.txt:23:57:46: <ZOMGMODULES> i nurture it... on and off
2011-04-05.txt:23:57:58: <ZOMGMODULES> i don't think it's a language yet exactly
2011-04-05.txt:23:58:19: <ZOMGMODULES> total agreement
2011-04-05.txt:23:58:46: <ZOMGMODULES> i was going to... implement persistence
2011-04-05.txt:23:58:59: <ZOMGMODULES> except now i look at its lua source code and i hate it... oh hi storkbot
2011-04-05.txt:23:59:09: <ZOMGMODULES> |~/
2011-04-05.txt:23:59:10: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES:
2011-04-05.txt:23:59:15: <ZOMGMODULES> |~/*
2011-04-05.txt:23:59:15: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: Unknown command.  Type '|help' for help.
2011-04-05.txt:23:59:21: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: AWESOME Y/N
2011-04-05.txt:23:59:37: <ZOMGMODULES> i was thinking about how to distinguish commands from variables
2011-04-05.txt:23:59:45: <ZOMGMODULES> i have no idea
2011-04-06.txt:00:00:09: <ZOMGMODULES> yesh, it kind of drifting in that direction
2011-04-06.txt:00:00:17: <ZOMGMODULES> all variables are variables that can expand themselves
2011-04-06.txt:00:00:23: <ZOMGMODULES> said expansion is execution
2011-04-06.txt:00:01:09: <ZOMGMODULES> |goto ~/send
2011-04-06.txt:00:01:10: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES:
2011-04-06.txt:00:01:21: <ZOMGMODULES> |~/send=help
2011-04-06.txt:00:01:22: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: help
2011-04-06.txt:00:01:26: <ZOMGMODULES> |~/send
2011-04-06.txt:00:01:26: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: help
2011-04-06.txt:00:01:32: <ZOMGMODULES> |goto ~/send
2011-04-06.txt:00:01:32: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: help
2011-04-06.txt:00:01:35: <ZOMGMODULES> :(
2011-04-06.txt:00:01:36: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: that seems broken a bit to me
2011-04-06.txt:00:01:55: <ZOMGMODULES> i thought it did -- not with | though
2011-04-06.txt:00:02:11: <ZOMGMODULES> goto should totally derefence
2011-04-06.txt:00:02:28: <ZOMGMODULES> oh wait
2011-04-06.txt:00:02:30: <ZOMGMODULES> |help exp
2011-04-06.txt:00:02:30: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: All items in [brackets] are replaced by their value, in a recursive, depth-first manner.
2011-04-06.txt:00:02:46: <ZOMGMODULES> |[~/send]
2011-04-06.txt:00:02:46: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: Help is available for: assignment expressions print goto tell source errors
2011-04-06.txt:00:02:51: <ZOMGMODULES> see
2011-04-06.txt:00:02:57: <ZOMGMODULES> execute = []
2011-04-06.txt:00:03:04: <elliott> ZOMGMODULES: but but
2011-04-06.txt:00:03:23: <ZOMGMODULES> |~/send=~/send
2011-04-06.txt:00:03:23: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: ~/send
2011-04-06.txt:00:03:27: <ZOMGMODULES> |[~/send]
2011-04-06.txt:00:03:27: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: ~/send
2011-04-06.txt:00:03:34: <ZOMGMODULES> |goto [~/send]
2011-04-06.txt:00:03:34: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: ~/send
2011-04-06.txt:00:03:43: <ZOMGMODULES> |~/send=goto ~/send
2011-04-06.txt:00:03:43: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: goto ~/send
2011-04-06.txt:00:03:46: <ZOMGMODULES> |[~/send]
2011-04-06.txt:00:03:46: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: goto ~/send
2011-04-06.txt:00:03:58: <ZOMGMODULES> |~/send=[goto ~/send]
2011-04-06.txt:00:03:59: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: goto ~/send
2011-04-06.txt:00:04:02: <ZOMGMODULES> |[~/send]
2011-04-06.txt:00:04:02: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: goto ~/send
2011-04-06.txt:00:04:04: <ZOMGMODULES> grrrr
2011-04-06.txt:00:04:24: <ZOMGMODULES> i think currently expansion is SOMETIMES
2011-04-06.txt:00:04:54: <ZOMGMODULES> i totally figured out how to do a loop in this, once
2011-04-06.txt:00:05:11: <ZOMGMODULES> |/global=hi
2011-04-06.txt:00:05:11: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: hi
2011-04-06.txt:00:05:15: <ZOMGMODULES> |/global
2011-04-06.txt:00:05:15: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: hi
2011-04-06.txt:00:05:19: <ZOMGMODULES> |ls
2011-04-06.txt:00:05:19: <storkbot> ZOMGMODULES: Unknown command.  Type '|help' for help.
[too many lines; stopping]