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<ais523> ls wisdom/* | shuf | head -n 10 | xargs rm
author HackBot
date Wed, 12 Aug 2015 23:38:58 +0000
parents 285d51f86a75
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2003-09-08.txt:13:33:21: <Doppelganger> Their is statues knowledgable found in eyes wrote our pursue, whose is alass a fostard of they allgearls.
2004-05-18.txt:22:17:16: <calamari-> toreun: all those dotted lines are hard on my eyes
2004-05-19.txt:01:10:07: <andreou> ugh, i'm so tired my eyes burn
2004-05-27.txt:15:18:04: <Keymaker> Before I realized not so many mins ago that Befunge consist of single characters like BF and the code is in table, I was pretty confused when I was trying to figure 'is there any logic in this language?'. I was trying to think what syntax and instructions it used and didn't realize the different instructions were in front of my eyes as single characters. :\ (sorry, I just had to say this now because I forgot to say this totally ^ up there)
2004-07-26.txt:21:46:11: <fizzie> I _should_ be fixing this symbianized pitch detection stuff for tomorrow since my vacation starts the day after tomorrow, but my eyes the hurt are. 
2004-12-01.txt:22:34:15: <fizzie> Not much, but non-sleeping manifests itself as aching eyes and other symptoms.
2005-05-05.txt:11:21:19: * pgimeno rolls eyes
2005-05-14.txt:00:45:45: <Keymaker> and those are just some strange eyes although they look like eyes
2005-05-14.txt:00:58:27: <Keymaker> oh, and some lines up i meant to say they're just eyes although they look like eyeglasses
2005-05-23.txt:23:12:38: * GregorR-L 's eyes are opened.
2005-06-28.txt:22:15:13: * pgimeno rolls eyes
2005-07-09.txt:16:42:06: <tokigun> He looks good... except eyes
2005-07-20.txt:01:03:37: * pgimeno rolls eyes
2005-08-08.txt:22:41:55: <calamari> eyes exploded?
2005-09-10.txt:13:52:07: <Aardwolf> Now all that's missing is an OS that does 10 first and then 13 :rolleyes:
2005-10-06.txt:18:22:48: <nooga> o.O is an emoticon with big eyes
2005-10-17.txt:05:51:41: * Robdgreat covers his face and closes his eyes tightly.
2005-10-24.txt:05:11:27: <calamari> but glass makes my eyes glaze over when looking at it.. which is a sign of a sucessful esolang ;)
2005-10-28.txt:04:07:46: <duerig> I once took a class on 'practical functional programming'. We were allowed to choose our own language for the course. Only one person was brave enough to pick Haskell. He showed us his code once and all our eyes bugged out.
2005-11-02.txt:03:20:11: <GregorR> Well for one, 13,09they're never out to burn out your eyes in Freenode.
2005-11-02.txt:03:20:22: <GregorR> Well for one, 13,11they're never out to burn out your eyes in Freenode.
2005-11-02.txt:03:20:31: <GregorR> Well for one, 09,11they're never out to burn out your eyes in Freenode.
2005-11-07.txt:03:25:55: <GregorR> < Can anybody else get this?
2005-11-08.txt:06:37:20: <GregorR> Try without the finger thing, just cross your eyes and try to make the images matchl.
2005-11-09.txt:03:42:34: <kipple> when I cross my eyes everything gets so blurry that it is impossible to seee whether it is 3D or not
2005-11-09.txt:03:48:57: * calamari likes crossing his eyes as hard as he can, then looking straight ahead through one eye.. freaks people out :)
2005-11-09.txt:03:51:24: <calamari> the way I was taught to cross my eyes was to look at my finger (pointing up) and move it closer and closer to my face while still looking at my finger.  It sort of works automatically. 
2005-11-09.txt:03:51:37: <calamari> of course one you train your eyes you don't need that anymore
2005-11-09.txt:05:44:43: <Robdgreat> try crossing your eyes until the images merge
2006-01-28.txt:19:01:42: <Keymaker> what's the point writing brainfuck in another language? that kind of programs have almost zero value in my eyes
2006-02-01.txt:02:30:32: <GregorR> *eyes glaze over*
2006-02-04.txt:07:29:31: * GregorR 's eyes glaze over ;)
2006-02-26.txt:15:03:03: <GregorR> ihope: *hypnotic eyes* BUY THE T-SHIRT
2006-02-26.txt:17:05:58: <GregorR> >o> <(Though our moths may be between our eyes...)
2006-02-27.txt:16:23:27: <ihope> My emoticons look like they have two pairs of eyes
2006-03-01.txt:20:28:16: * Sgeo eyes GregorR suspiciously
2006-05-19.txt:21:38:39: <GregorR-W> *voodoo eyes*
2006-05-23.txt:03:19:37: <ihope> I can cross my eyes just fine, but the other way's impossible.
2006-05-24.txt:17:16:34: <GregorR-W> *lazer eyes at jix*
2006-06-01.txt:20:36:00: <bsmntbombdood> lisp makes my eyes go all hazy
2006-06-05.txt:22:29:59: <SimonRC> Argh!  My eyes!
2006-06-14.txt:23:17:59: * oerjanj boggles with eyes
2006-07-25.txt:01:04:03: <GregorR-W> *eyes glaze over*
2006-07-25.txt:16:52:27: <nooga> my cute eyes see somethin' new
2006-07-25.txt:23:01:55: <Razor-X> It looks like some guy's eyes keep popping out.
2006-07-27.txt:20:59:39: <Razor-X> *Makes girly eyes* Pweeeeez?
2006-07-28.txt:01:21:50: <nooga> hills have eyes
2006-07-28.txt:01:31:37: <Razor-X> Yeah, maybe I'm not that innocent after all.... *makes girly eyes*.....
2006-08-01.txt:16:52:07: <Razor-X> C++ is better, not quite esoteric in my eyes.
2006-08-03.txt:20:46:18: <GregorR-W> *stabs self in eyes*
2006-08-04.txt:04:22:39: <GregorR> Making the whole system not open at all in my eyes.
2006-08-20.txt:15:49:43: <ihope> "My first dream that I can remember was a nightmare. I was about 3 years old. I dreamed that my eyes popped out of my head and they were flying away from me and I tried to catch them, I never did"
2006-08-22.txt:00:21:08: <pikhq> MY EYES! MY BRAIN! MY SANITY!!!
2006-08-28.txt:17:58:56: <GregorR-W> Now I want to gouge my eyes out.
2006-09-02.txt:06:49:46: <pikhq> Ow, my eyes. . .
2006-09-04.txt:10:27:07: <GreyKnight> Like sticking rusty forks in my eyes
2006-09-05.txt:17:25:43: * GregorR-W continues very consciously averting his eyes.
2006-09-12.txt:07:59:04: * GreyKnight eyes the man-eating matrix warily
2006-09-12.txt:21:16:49: <\x1B[2J> If you lookat it and cross your eyes a bit, you'll see a 3D face.
2006-09-18.txt:23:08:49: <RodgerTheGreat> "look with your eyes, not with your hands (or other appendages)"?
2006-09-18.txt:23:09:12: <GregorR-W> Funny, I always heard "look with your penis, not with your eyes"
2006-09-18.txt:23:09:33: <feesh> look with your eye, not with your eyes
2006-10-05.txt:22:52:45: * oerjan rolls his eyes
2006-10-23.txt:20:06:35: <GregorR-L> *eyes glazed over*
2006-10-29.txt:21:18:30: <pikhq> (Proof that BFM doesn't create horribly inefficient code that makes you gouge your eyes out, even *if* you're being fairly naive when coding)
2006-11-22.txt:01:29:52: <RodgerTheGreat> My government teacher was insanely sexist. I was on numerous occasions tempted to prove to the class that she was a hypocritical numbskull, but I decided that remaining neutral in her eyes would be less dangerous than earning her hatred.
2006-12-29.txt:01:52:14: <oklopol> oh my eyes hurt
2007-01-03.txt:05:44:09: <CakeProphet> pikhq,  See makes my eyes hurt when I try to understand it.
2007-01-23.txt:00:54:11: <CakeProphet> by the look in her eyes...
2007-01-27.txt:12:21:27: <SevenInchBread> IVE GOT BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON
2007-03-17.txt:23:37:34: <SevenInchBread> rests in the smiley face and the bogley eyes.
2007-04-14.txt:06:09:47: <oerjan> my eyes skipped that part
2007-05-01.txt:00:22:33: <ihope> Look in a mirror and see if your eyes are green. That's a sure-fire way to tell, maybe.
2007-05-15.txt:21:43:10: <oklopol> i don't see any real difference... might be this pain in my eyes
2007-05-21.txt:18:15:09: <SimonRC> Ow my eyes!
2007-05-23.txt:02:01:20: <oklopol> my eyes hurt like hell ------>
2007-05-28.txt:22:14:30: <oklopol> oerjan: i've never had a hangover, beanbags are for keeping the eyes open :)
2007-05-29.txt:22:12:34: <oklopol> the world through my eyes
2007-05-29.txt:23:03:18: <oerjan> oklopol, avert your eyes!
2007-06-11.txt:21:29:53: <oklopol> my eyes are singing
2007-06-11.txt:23:33:20: <oerjan> but are your eyes different colors?
2007-06-17.txt:02:34:49: <oerjan> "bini oculi" would mean "two eyes each", i think
2007-06-17.txt:02:36:15: <oerjan> "Homines binos oculos habent" = "Humans have two eyes each"
2007-06-25.txt:08:36:51: * oerjan thinks someone must think he has poor eyesight.
2007-07-11.txt:13:59:41: <oklopol> it's just once i wake up i rarely feel like reading, since my eyes hurt like hell
2007-07-20.txt:02:57:24: <RodgerTheGreat> Figs: what pretty blue eyes
2007-07-20.txt:04:45:35: <RodgerTheGreat> Figs: what color would you say your eyes are- blue-grey?
2007-07-20.txt:06:15:54: <Figs> No eyes?
2007-07-21.txt:21:41:39: <RodgerTheGreat> Model M + OSX: beautiful interface for your eyes, and beautiful interface for your hands. :D
2007-07-25.txt:00:21:24: <oerjan> maybe not even under four eyes, hm...
2007-08-02.txt:21:53:33: * RodgerTheGreat closes his eyes and types something...
2007-08-02.txt:21:54:01: <ehird`> Hello world I am typing with my eyes shut I wonder how this will turn out because I am wfollowing RodgerTheGreat 's examples of yes
2007-08-06.txt:17:38:06: <oklofok> anyway, i often fall asleep reading, the pages just start having a random content, but pages will stay the same even if i close my eyes for a moment
2007-08-09.txt:21:43:31: <ehird`> oh god the eyes bleed
2007-08-09.txt:21:43:39: <ehird`> (the eyes would bleed even more if i had msn plus and could see the colours)
2007-08-12.txt:20:26:44: <SimonRC> I think I was actually seeing out of my real eyes in one of them, but it was at 10am
2007-08-13.txt:03:27:12: <oklopol> my eyes hurt a bit, i'll read that tomoeeow
2007-08-13.txt:21:58:02: <oklokok> i have eyes :)
2007-08-18.txt:19:16:40: <SimonRC> after all, you can move your eyes in both
2007-08-19.txt:02:51:41: <oklokok> god the fan is hurting my eyes
2007-08-26.txt:15:26:17: <ehird`> "note: lists-as-colours may only be efficiently used by little green men with exceptional eyesight."
2007-08-27.txt:21:55:07: <GregorR> LICK HER EYES?
2007-08-29.txt:22:45:19: * GregorR curses people with eyes.
2007-09-10.txt:11:39:55: <oklopol> hmm... you must have really good eyes, if they're smaller than ours
2007-09-22.txt:17:57:20: <g4lt-sb100> MY EYES!!!!
2007-09-26.txt:22:02:50: <oklopol> well many, anyway
2007-09-30.txt:09:06:20: <oklopol> or perhaps it's the fact i'm tired as hell and my eyes won't open
2007-09-30.txt:11:23:59: <oklopol> well my screen is fairly close to my eyes, and i can always get closer if necessary ;)
2007-10-07.txt:17:55:35: <ehird`> :rolleyes: is what most forums use
2007-10-10.txt:20:47:30: <GregorR> I just stared at the middle and then chose the one my eyes were drawn to.
2007-10-20.txt:01:58:21: <oklopol> eyes... closing... okokoko
2007-10-21.txt:20:09:32: <ehird`> (right after laughing at xeyes working on windows)
2007-10-21.txt:21:00:54: <ehird`> xeyes runs
2007-10-24.txt:16:18:10: <ehird`> but it's immediate to my eyes ;)
2007-10-25.txt:21:14:23: * ehird` rolls eyes
2007-10-27.txt:17:12:16: * ehird` rolls eyes
2007-10-28.txt:00:11:53: * GregorR 's eyes glow.
2007-11-04.txt:19:38:13: <oklopol> i'm so tired i can barely keep my eyes opn
2007-11-09.txt:17:51:19: <ehird`> that site makes my eyes bleed
2007-11-24.txt:14:54:19: <ehird`> rolleyes
2007-12-10.txt:00:46:30: <oklopol> oerjan: i often cry because of my malfunctioning eyes, never because i'm sad; is that a problem regarding chuck'ness?
2007-12-12.txt:01:09:03: <oerjan> what _is_ the smiley for rolling eyes anyhow.
2007-12-17.txt:23:34:59: <oerjan> ah, there are the rolling eyes i was looking for. 9_9
2007-12-17.txt:23:36:00: <DocWilco> >_> is often shifty eyes
2007-12-17.txt:23:36:18: <oklopol> "my eyes goin thattaway, me going thisaway"
2007-12-29.txt:04:18:59: <oklofok> i guess those might be readable, but the font is too small for my eyes
2008-01-03.txt:05:46:43: <oklopol> the eyes cannot make out the text
2008-01-03.txt:05:47:48: <oklopol> yes, but my eyes are too distracted
2008-01-05.txt:21:45:55: <Hiato> by "the part" I mean "interesting, new to my eyes and different from everything I have seen thus far"
2008-01-06.txt:15:05:21: <Hiato> yes, im all eyes
2008-01-10.txt:19:50:43: <Hiato> doth thou fail to comprehend the expressions put forth by my hand, to thine eyes, fellow interlocutor?
2008-01-17.txt:05:45:48: <bsmntbombdood> i was talking about an average attractiveness rating, and you were talking about the average distance betweens eyes, etc
2008-01-23.txt:05:32:13: <pikhq> "You don't need your eyes to see."
2008-01-23.txt:05:33:39: <pikhq> He is literally saying that he can leave his body, and see without his eyes.
2008-01-23.txt:20:25:42: <ehird> 1. it looks like some kind of mountain, if you squint your eyes
2008-01-27.txt:05:44:04: <oklopol> (read 1 first, then 6, so naturally the robot in the last picture was oscar in my eyes)
2008-01-28.txt:21:15:18: * eagle-101 covers his eyes from the bright light that just went on.
2008-01-28.txt:21:20:31: <RodgerTheGreat> eyes have a semi- reflective rear coating, however.
2008-02-14.txt:21:36:47: <slereah_> String theory. Although right now, all eyes are turned to that one guy who cooked up a theory at home!
2008-02-16.txt:05:25:43: <Sukoshi`> I mean, isn't what makes America great its independent spirit and non-government reliance? *rolls eyes*
2008-02-19.txt:20:15:10: <ehird`> and eviller. red eyes.
2008-02-21.txt:00:51:41: <Slereah> Though I keep my eyes on the screen. Once in a while, I'm one key off and write gibberish.
2008-02-29.txt:20:47:43: <Sgeo> No, it was something you wore over your eyes, and when it detected REM, it flashed lights repeatedly
2008-03-04.txt:22:02:37: <oklopol> that's the problem with laws, in most peoples' eyes, nothing can be forbidden, things can only have a punishment.
2008-03-07.txt:01:20:16: <slereah__> Wouldn't highlighting the +- and all result in a terrible eyesore?
2008-03-07.txt:01:21:35: <slereah__> Then I reiterate my remark : wouldn't that be a terrible eyesore?
2008-03-24.txt:19:07:05: <asiekierka> B is "punch you in the body", E is "punch you in the eyes", H is "punch you in the head"...
2008-03-31.txt:19:20:02: <SimonRC> ehird: ouch my eyes
2008-04-04.txt:21:40:42: <RodgerTheGreat> well, are you suggesting that oil paintings capture anywhere near as many properties of light and color as our eyes are capable of experiencing? Art is representational
2008-04-04.txt:21:43:36: <SimonRC> the pixels in our eyes are arranged in an array with directions in it
2008-04-04.txt:21:45:11: <RodgerTheGreat> "pixels" in our eyes are not arranged in a uniform pattern. Cone response to color is not restricted to their main target color, and different cone types are not overlaid, they're staggered randomly
2008-04-05.txt:03:46:20: <RodgerTheGreat> the eyes look kinda odd, but I suppose it just adds to the effect
2008-04-05.txt:03:47:30: <GregorR> I've learned from experience that you don't use fine details on CafePress T-shirts - the result fades into the abyss very quickly - so I had to GIMP-warp some of the lines a bit, which, yeah, weirded the eyes, but I don't think it hurts particularly :P
2008-04-05.txt:21:23:57: <RodgerTheGreat> I actually do better just closing my eyes and visualizing the keyboard as I listen
2008-04-07.txt:18:08:53: <AnMaster> that makes my eyes hirt
2008-04-07.txt:23:27:18: <ehird> my eyes hurt
2008-04-07.txt:23:27:38: <ehird> lament: squint your eyes when looking at it
2008-04-07.txt:23:50:49: <SimonRC> static types not only appear in the code right before your eyes, but Eclipse will give you a red squiggly line if you screw up
2008-04-08.txt:18:25:50: <ehird> After a while the recursion would just hurt your eyes.
2008-04-20.txt:19:53:10: <SimonRC> nice screen-scraping :rolleyes:
2008-04-26.txt:14:52:09: <ehird> Silly idea: Make your cursor transparent, put xeyes in each corner.
2008-04-27.txt:00:13:35: <ehird> evincarofautumn: there's something wrong with your eyes and mouth
2008-04-27.txt:00:27:06: <evincarofautumn> And yes, my eyes and mouth have become suspiciously Japanese all o' sudden.
2008-04-27.txt:17:35:36: <ehird> >.< means your eyes are broken
2008-05-02.txt:01:53:12: <ehird> evincar: Eurgh. My eyes broke.,
2008-05-02.txt:18:19:30: <ehird> AnMaster: I was, in an evil-maniac-grin-with-bloodshot-gawping-eyes kind of way
2008-05-18.txt:17:49:42: * ehird eyes suspiciously
2008-05-26.txt:17:19:54: <ehird> the uppercase starts to hurt your eyes after a while htough
2008-06-06.txt:00:25:49: <oklofok> well probably with THOSE MASSIVE EYES
2008-06-14.txt:22:29:09: * GregorR averts his eyes.
2008-06-16.txt:20:31:23: <tusho> :rolleyes:
2008-06-16.txt:20:33:52: <GregorR> That's why I love mercurial. :notrolleyes:
2008-06-17.txt:21:50:46: <Hiato> all eyes on oklopol
2008-06-18.txt:01:15:16: <RodgerTheGreat> (if he says "that's not easy unless your eyes are prehensile", I'll know he's an infocom adventure)
2008-06-18.txt:19:59:38: <tusho> ... with my EYES
2008-06-24.txt:23:01:47: <Sgeo> "The term "Sgeo-cybernetics" was first proposed in 2005 by Reyes"
2008-06-26.txt:19:16:44: * tusho rolls eyes
2008-06-28.txt:09:04:26: <oklopol> it's the eyes that are moving
2008-06-30.txt:21:15:58: <ais523> many eyes make all bugs shallow...
2008-07-02.txt:19:36:38: <tusho> Your eyes are borken :P
2008-07-07.txt:19:33:11: <tusho> in which case, my eyes are deceiving me!
2008-07-14.txt:23:58:32: <tusho> roll eyes
2008-07-15.txt:00:13:41: <lament> eyes are pretty smart, unless you count them as part of the brain
2008-07-15.txt:20:31:57: <tusho_> eyes shoot forward to the word, then shoot back
2008-07-15.txt:20:34:11: <tusho_> Your eyes skip ahead to ++, and you read the two arguments.
2008-07-15.txt:20:34:22: <tusho_> So it's not like an applicative language, but it still has skipping forwards with your eyes
2008-07-15.txt:20:35:57: <tusho_> then your eyes will skip ahead to "what are we doing with these two piecesof data?"
2008-07-16.txt:19:00:06: * tusho rolls eyes
2008-07-17.txt:19:51:53: <tusho> our eyes hurt
2008-07-17.txt:21:06:49: * tusho rolls eyes
2008-07-17.txt:23:49:41: <tusho> WITH MY EYES
2008-07-18.txt:10:44:29: * tusho rolls eyes
2008-07-19.txt:22:51:11: <oklopol> eyes are getting tired it seems, SparseGraph -> StereoTypical
2008-07-19.txt:23:28:54: * tusho rolls eyes
2008-07-20.txt:05:04:12: <psygnisfive> its hidden from prying eyes
2008-07-23.txt:18:47:00: <tusho> AND MY EYES. THEY ARE POINTING UPWARDS
2008-08-01.txt:06:25:19: <oklopol> my eyes hurt
2008-08-01.txt:14:32:01: * tusho follows ais523's head spinning with his eyes
2008-08-02.txt:00:19:30: <SimonRC> :rolleyes:
2008-08-02.txt:18:30:38: <ihope> Type it into a domain name service and watch it get registered before your very eyes.
2008-08-03.txt:18:27:54: <SimonRC> :rolleyes:
2008-08-04.txt:15:02:27: * tusho stabs ais523's eyes out
2008-08-04.txt:15:03:02: <tusho> It's nuclear, so yours dissolves along with your eyes.
2008-08-07.txt:18:34:27: <dogface_> "tusho" says that we cannot assume anything is true unless we've seen it with our own eyes.
2008-08-09.txt:15:02:45: * tusho stabs his eyes out with a rake
2008-08-15.txt:13:57:15: <oklopol> you don't even have eyes
2008-08-16.txt:02:09:19: <oklopol> it was a blinking red zone in my eyes
2008-08-16.txt:12:42:42: <Deewiant> AnMaster: so it's more likely the problem is in my background lighting, eyes, or brain. :-)
2008-08-16.txt:12:45:41: <AnMaster> really hurts my eyes
2008-08-22.txt:16:51:24: * tusho eyes his pirated Adobe CS3 icons
2008-08-22.txt:19:28:09: <psygnisfive> ive decided that anime humans, with their big watery eyes, are a different species of human that evolved from tarsiers instead of other primates.
2008-08-22.txt:19:33:11: <AnMaster> <psygnisfive> ive decided that anime humans, with their big watery eyes, are a different species of human that evolved from tarsiers instead of other primates. <-- hahha :D
2008-08-22.txt:22:08:22: <tusho> with my EYES
2008-08-27.txt:14:22:35: <fungot> fizzie: you mean at fnord? i'm assuming it was the era of the disbelievingness, it was a blinking red zone in my eyes now... that'd be a really, really fnord way to define what happens at the edges
2008-08-27.txt:19:54:36: <tusho> With my eyes!
2008-08-27.txt:20:13:22: <fungot> optbot: my eyes
2008-08-28.txt:08:33:47: <psygnisfive> ive got a monitor bolted over my eyes
2008-09-01.txt:20:00:29: <tusho> i see you with my eyes
2008-09-01.txt:20:00:33: <tusho> through ais523's eyes.
2008-09-07.txt:22:41:03: <tusho> Rolleyes
2008-09-07.txt:22:44:04: <Slereah> oerjan has three eyes.
2008-09-08.txt:22:26:35: <tusho> o_O, but with the ._. eyes and the ;_; tears
2008-09-22.txt:23:35:06: <oklofok> it seems to be in my head every time i close my eyes
2008-09-26.txt:23:05:53: <ais523> although that would hurt your eyes and you couldn't get a computer to do that
2008-09-26.txt:23:33:34: <ais523> tusho: you are left-handed, sad and have 6 eyes?
2008-09-26.txt:23:34:11: <ais523> tusho: no way will I believe that from a sad left-hander with 6 eyes
2008-09-29.txt:16:02:39: <tusho> AnMaster: i was just taking the piss, but i guess that's a bit silly of me since I like this: (Note: Websites background is designed to destroy your eyes with its crazy animation.)
2008-10-05.txt:23:52:33: <ihope> It uses a guy who's laughing because his eyes are doing something that's topologically impossible.
2008-10-05.txt:23:52:42: <ihope> Eyes do not intersect.
2008-10-08.txt:18:41:03: <asiekierka> Here you go with a not-so-easy-to-reverse algorithm. Your eyes will blow at the crappiness of it
2008-10-16.txt:15:36:09: <ehird> with your eyes and your brain.
2008-10-16.txt:16:55:15: <oklogod> my eyes are both perfect and reaaaally sucky
2008-10-20.txt:10:50:11: <fungot> AnMaster: " there are who, while to vulgar eyes they seem of all my honours, i am sure that my colleagues will not fnord, seeing that there is a fnord, is almost totally wanting, and then you will be prepared against these inconveniences.
2008-10-20.txt:19:34:37: <psygnisfive> diamond eyes
2008-10-21.txt:17:15:08: * ehird rolls eyes.
2008-10-25.txt:22:12:50: <ehird> Excuse me for preferring to keep my eyes happy with proper font spacing and metrics. :p
2008-10-26.txt:00:02:10: <Asztal> elegant, yes, easy on the eyes, not really
2008-10-26.txt:12:59:08: <ehird> AnMaster: It's easier to shoot my eyes to the corner of the screen than switch to a terminal and type "date\n".
2008-10-26.txt:18:16:00: <lament> i'm hiding my name. it's too hideous for human eyes
2008-10-27.txt:00:51:18: <ehird> and the eyes
2008-10-27.txt:00:53:29: <ehird> the eyes
2008-10-27.txt:00:54:53: <ehird> the eyes
2008-10-27.txt:05:26:49: * oerjan thinks his eyes are starting to have some illusion effect, so he'll stop
2008-10-27.txt:20:30:29: <ehird> i had to close my eyes to concentrate enough though
2008-10-31.txt:21:43:18: <GregorR> But this one makes my eyes go wonky.
2008-10-31.txt:21:43:24: <ehird> it is kind of hurting my eyes as a background
2008-10-31.txt:21:43:33: <lament> girls make my eyes go wonky
2008-10-31.txt:21:46:14: <Asztal> it's doing weird things to my eyes as a desktop background
2008-11-04.txt:19:43:28: <AnMaster> eyes*
2008-11-06.txt:20:20:25: <fungot> AnMaster: i believe that is a very original thought....are you a poet? like atlanta? what color are your eyes?
2008-11-08.txt:14:47:50: <Corun> </add-vert-eyes-mint>
2008-11-08.txt:16:10:17: <oklopol> i can write it with my eyes closed.
2008-11-10.txt:21:17:35: <vabot> jix: [fake-coughing] Neurotoxin... so deadly...  Choking... [laughs] Kidding!  When I said deadly neurotoxin, the deadly was in massive sarcasm quotes. I could take a bath in this stuff, put it on cereal, rub it right into my eyes, honestly, its not deadly at all. To me.  You, on the other hand, are going to find its deadliness a lot less funny.
2008-11-11.txt:10:26:04: <fungot> fizzie: leon. how many women saw this child of his? aron. what, will not conclude their plotted tragedie. beaufords red sparkling eyes blab his heart's malice, and do your best to make his entrance more sweet, and sowre, as husbands have. what is your graces pleasure? buck. euen that ( i hope) which pleaseth god aboue, and the poore state esteeme him as a carkasse fit for hounds: and let mee feele your pulse
2008-11-11.txt:22:09:11: <ehird> I know this with my eyes.
2008-11-15.txt:20:27:07: <ehird> it may not be an improvement in your eyes
2008-11-17.txt:15:26:22: <ehird>
2008-11-19.txt:00:40:21: <fungot> nooga: serve as the eyes of the falling dreamer. there were
2008-11-21.txt:23:16:31: <oklo> for people i just greet and walk by, i usually just open my eyes real wide
2008-11-21.txt:23:27:27: <oklo> because my eyes hurt for hours after being in the wind for a wihle
2008-11-23.txt:10:01:25: <oklopol> there's not much use for eyes when typing
2008-11-26.txt:23:42:09: <ehird> as in, you can display images sort of... in the block of space on your head above your eyes
2008-11-26.txt:23:44:29: <ehird> i don't see them with my eyes, i guess
2008-11-26.txt:23:46:23: <psygnisfive> it doesnt appear in from of me in the sense that it looks as real as things i see with my eyes
2008-11-26.txt:23:46:47: <ehird> psygnisfive: it kind of appears above my range of eyes
2008-11-26.txt:23:47:15: <psygnisfive> one: whether it "looks" the same as stuff you see with your eyes
2008-11-26.txt:23:48:14: <psygnisfive> i can imagine something in front of my eyes, in my normal visual field, but its distinguishably not coming from my eyeballs
2008-11-27.txt:00:05:28: <nooga> it's funny that eyes really operate in RGB + brightness
2008-11-27.txt:00:07:11: <warrie> More interestingly, if I were blind from birth due to something wrong with my eyes, would I still have my visual thinking skills?
2008-11-27.txt:00:07:18: <ehird> The visuals you get when closing your eyes and rubbing them a lot.
2008-11-27.txt:00:10:22: <psygnisfive> ehird: same as pressing your eyes when closed
2008-11-27.txt:00:12:17: <psygnisfive> not like you've looked in a different direction, but rather like someones put weird lenses over your eyes
2008-11-27.txt:00:15:35: <oklopol> right, i thought you meant like if someone wears inverting glasses because of some problem with eyes :D
2008-11-27.txt:02:00:46: <oklopol> but religious people are idiots, in my eyes they are an artifact of the past.
2008-12-01.txt:22:40:33: <GreaseMonkey> why correct when you can type with your eyes ckised?
2008-12-01.txt:22:46:35: <AnMaster> if it was closed eyes
2008-12-01.txt:22:46:37: <ais523> AnMaster: with my eyes shut
2008-12-01.txt:22:49:34: <oklopol> i don't make any more mistakes with my eyes closed, i would never click enter before checking i typed it right though
2008-12-06.txt:21:30:39: <oklopol> and it takes about that time to adjust your eyes to see the worm
2008-12-06.txt:21:32:47: <zuff> i cannot do crosseyes
2008-12-06.txt:21:35:21: <zuff> my eyes just don't do it
2008-12-08.txt:18:05:17: <zuff> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH
2008-12-08.txt:18:17:42: <zuff> has broken my eyes
2008-12-08.txt:18:18:15: <zuff> and it's awful and aaaaaaargh my eyes
2008-12-08.txt:18:20:30: <zuff> *eyes
2008-12-10.txt:15:01:35: <Warrigal> I think it should apply a band-pass filter to the image so that the fitness function pays as much attention to the details, like eyes, as it does to the curvature of her forehead.
2008-12-19.txt:16:21:04: <Slereah> Delicious dirt in my eyes.
2008-12-21.txt:13:33:11: <oklopol> (hmm... is that coprophilia with your eyes closed? :\)
2008-12-22.txt:16:39:55: * ehird bumps up the font size on his terminal and his eyes thank him
2008-12-22.txt:20:32:41: * bsmntbombgirl bats her eyes innocently
2008-12-24.txt:00:27:47: <ehird> I use actual eyes and stuff
2009-01-02.txt:18:32:39: <psygnisfive> theres some humor in the oedipus story vs the oedipus myth in that it was all unknown to him and once it was he gouged out his eyes and ran away from being king
2009-01-03.txt:23:03:26: <Slereah> But only for the eyes of augur.
2009-01-04.txt:00:21:57: <ehird> "with enough bugs, all eyes are shallow"
2009-01-04.txt:00:36:33: * ehird puts a black background on everythin before his eyes cave in
2009-01-05.txt:17:12:47: <oklopol> my eyesight is perfect
2009-01-11.txt:14:38:30: <oklopol> well color was also given as width in the result, and it wasn't really raytracing, i don't know the term, follow rays from eyes to objects.
2009-01-14.txt:22:16:28: <oerjan> my eyes read that as what
[too many lines; stopping]