view paste/paste.14026 @ 3028:773ae9c82f6a

<shachaf> addquote <mnoqy> the theory\'s probably not \x02bad\x0f, but calculus is one of those things that\'s so dang applicable that everyone only ever talks about how to apply it and compute with it and uuuuurgh(barf) <mnoqy> so i stay away from it
author HackBot
date Sun, 02 Jun 2013 04:43:34 +0000
parents 5da8339c0209
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2005-05-03.txt:02:57:28: <GregorR> Does anybody want to try out my combination of BrainFuck and CoreWars?  Essentially, you have two BrainFuckish programs running concurrently, and their data space is the opponent's program space.
2005-05-04.txt:07:14:25: <GregorR> It's a combination of BrainFuck and CoreWars.
2005-05-04.txt:07:15:11: <calamari> haha cool idea.. corewars is an oldie but goodie
2005-05-10.txt:06:05:46: <calamari> oh thats right.. you did the corewars thing :)
2005-05-10.txt:06:08:26: <calamari> nope.. I was never good at corewars.  I meant to play it, but ended up playing C-Robots instead (they were on the same shareware floppy)
2005-05-18.txt:20:35:15: <fizzie> I don't think I've had more than 14 consecutive )s, but I haven't written anything very big in scheme. A corewars interpreter/environment/thing once.
2005-05-18.txt:20:36:08: <pgimeno> corewars interpreter? uhm, too big a prog for me to write in that thing, I'm no so masochists
2005-05-18.txt:20:39:31: <fizzie> Well, it was for the course, not a voluntary thing. The list of possible topics mostly included various small games, corewars sounded most interesting of them. (Compared to a spreadsheet application or graph algorithm visualization.)
2005-05-30.txt:20:36:16: <jix> you know the corewar hills ?
2005-06-03.txt:04:31:51: <graue_> RedCode may be but CoreWars isn't
2005-09-15.txt:03:03:54: <wildhalcyon> a braintwist corewars simulation would be cool, but Im not sure how they would fare in a genetic organism sense.
2005-10-28.txt:04:31:49: <duerig> Now all we need is some form of corewars. Where bots try to get other bots to execute inimical programs.
2005-10-28.txt:04:32:06: <lament> duerig: i was thinking of actually having something like corewars here
2005-10-28.txt:04:32:27: <lament> but corewars itself would likely not be too popular
2006-03-08.txt:18:03:09: <SimonRC> Redcode is the machine-like language used for CoreWars, and the evolved warriors beat some hand-coded ones in a tournament!
2006-05-03.txt:21:52:36: <GregorR-W> Brainfuck meets corewars
2006-07-22.txt:03:38:48: <thematrixeatsyou> well i came up with a BF corewars but it's pretty shitty
2006-07-22.txt:03:39:32: <GregorR> I started wanting to go with very corewars-like, but discovered it just didn't work...
2006-08-02.txt:22:43:21: <RodgerTheGreat> has anyone here ever played corewars?
2006-10-22.txt:23:10:14: <RodgerTheGreat> ah, yes- corewar's painfully deformed cousing- FYB.
2006-10-29.txt:18:02:06: <RodgerTheGreat> kinda halfway between RoboWar and CoreWar
2006-10-29.txt:18:05:03: <RodgerTheGreat> pikhq: familiar with CoreWar?
2006-10-29.txt:18:44:04: * pikhq plays with Corewars for a bit
2007-01-18.txt:02:06:32: <CakeProphet> like corewars... but less competitive.
2007-01-18.txt:02:07:17: <oklopol> i've not yet seen the real strategy in corewars, but i must've gotten something wrong, never played
2007-06-20.txt:01:02:11: <RodgerTheGreat> pikhq: could you *try* to explain that redcode IS the language used in corewars?
2007-07-14.txt:05:05:32: <RodgerTheGreat> I've played RoboWar for the mac and Corewar. Similar?
2007-07-17.txt:07:20:40: <GreaseMonkey> fyb is like corewars-meets-rainfuck
2007-07-17.txt:07:21:06: <immibis> how can you have corewars in brainfuck, which can't modify its own code
2007-10-21.txt:18:42:01: <ehird`> RodgerTheGreat: that's a corewars-alike right?
2008-08-12.txt:18:42:37: <fizzie> ITYM corewars; that's the program-overwriting game.
2008-08-12.txt:18:42:45: <asiekierka> i like corewars
2008-08-12.txt:18:44:53: <Deewiant> I was just thinking of corewars in befunge a while ago
2008-11-03.txt:22:49:51: <oklopol> anyway wasn't BeYourFunge ehird's corewards on befunge?
2008-11-07.txt:02:22:27: <jayCampbell> hadn't seen fyb when i suggested brainfuck corewars
2009-01-25.txt:14:48:57: <impomatic> Anyone want to implement Redcode++?
2009-01-25.txt:17:34:50: <ais523> impomatic: probably not very useful for actual CoreWars games, but it's always nice to have esolang-in-esolang implementations
2009-01-27.txt:18:40:41: <impomatic> There's a redcode specific IRC channel, #corewars on
2009-01-27.txt:22:19:42: <impomatic> We're also talking about bf in #corewars on
2009-01-27.txt:22:20:38: <lamente> nice, corewars
2009-01-27.txt:22:21:43: * ehird tries to work out impomatic's name in #corewars
2009-01-29.txt:13:14:11: <impomatic> Corewar will be 25 years old later this year :-)
2009-01-30.txt:19:06:48: <lament> impomatic: you play corewars?
2009-01-30.txt:19:07:31: <ehird> he said he's played corewars since 1993 IIRC
2009-01-30.txt:19:09:37: <impomatic> It's fun, but slow at the moment. There's a history at which give brief details of what's happened each year
2009-01-30.txt:19:11:49: <impomatic> There are several irregular newsletters too,
2009-01-30.txt:22:24:22: <impomatic> Has anyone got any really old corewar stuff?  I'm building a big online archive
2009-01-30.txt:22:26:56: <Deewiant> impomatic: I might, somewhere, but I think it's all from anyway
2009-01-30.txt:22:27:21: <impomatic> Deewiant, I should have all of the stuff! :-)
2009-01-30.txt:23:11:39: <impomatic> While we're talking comics,
2009-01-30.txt:23:14:44: <oklopol> basically you've gotten me to desperately want to try both corewars and code golfing.
2009-01-31.txt:15:42:26: <impomatic> X-Scale: I think I've seen you in #corewars ;-)
2009-01-31.txt:16:06:26: <X-Scale> #corewars ftw
2009-02-05.txt:10:20:41: <impomatic> It's at
2009-02-05.txt:12:16:16: <ais523> AnMaster: is a good guide, if you haven't seen it before
2009-02-05.txt:12:55:56: <impomatic> There's some kind of Corewar game which uses a function language. Called struggle I think
2009-02-05.txt:12:56:36: <ais523> there was a BF-based game inspired by Corewars running on Agora for a while, and it's just starting back up again I think
2009-02-06.txt:20:21:31: <bsmntbombdood> i see you people have been playing brainfuck-corewars
2009-02-07.txt:15:23:09: <ehird> ... It occurs to me I'm sitting in #corewars and haven't ever played corewars.
2009-02-13.txt:17:46:09: <impomatic> I guess I'm interested because I'm an actual corewar player
2009-02-13.txt:17:49:13: <ais523> for instance, in CoreWars the opponent's at a random location
2009-02-14.txt:17:08:09: <ehird> btw, I discussed an OISC corewar with impomatic
2009-02-14.txt:17:08:40: <ais523> OISC corewar, I love it
2009-02-14.txt:17:09:56: <ais523> what about a MiniMAX corewar?
2009-02-14.txt:22:02:06: <ehird> #corewars maybe?
2009-02-14.txt:22:02:35: <Ortez> yes i have been on #corewars
2009-02-26.txt:14:15:20: <impomatic> I thought I'd include it here with an explanation of how it works
2009-03-05.txt:17:09:13: <ehird> the main page is in the style of, and his name is on it
2009-03-05.txt:18:33:33: * impomatic wonders why the corewar subreddit has been banned :-(
2009-03-05.txt:18:35:09: <impomatic>
2009-03-05.txt:18:36:19: <ais523> why was corewar reddit banned, anyway/
2009-03-08.txt:20:42:44: <ehird> also, has this corewar prorgam been made? I call it the "Imp-O-Matic" (hur hur)
2009-03-08.txt:20:43:58: <ais523> corewar isn't about surviving, it's about winning
2009-04-11.txt:00:13:51: <impomatic> I considered making a PCG based on Corewar, but I could figure out decent mechanics without losing the spirit of Corewar
2009-04-18.txt:21:59:23: <impomatic> Corewar's DJN instruction. DJN A,B  will subtract 1 from memory location B and jump to A if the result at location B is non-zero
2009-05-04.txt:12:42:26: <impomatic> The #corewars channel will be moving to freenode if anyone is interested.
2009-05-05.txt:21:06:55: <impomatic> Hi, just a quick question. How does this channel get logged? We want to log the #corewars channel
2009-05-05.txt:21:48:29: <impomatic> Has anyone played with Corelife? It's a 2D version of corewar
2009-05-08.txt:18:01:51: <impomatic> Have some info about CoreLife now, the second 2 dimensional programming language:
2009-05-16.txt:16:12:20: <impomatic> I've prepared mirrors for all of the Geocities Corewar sites. Now I'm working on the sites for some other programming games.
2009-05-23.txt:16:55:52: <seanstickle> Back in the day, I dabbled in Corewar, and this seemed interesting to me
2009-05-23.txt:21:56:29: <coppro> then go play corewar
2009-05-23.txt:21:56:52: <ais523> corewar, or BF joust?
2009-05-23.txt:21:58:58: <coppro> corewar!
2009-05-24.txt:19:57:03: <ehird> in the corewar instruction set?
2009-05-24.txt:20:21:08: <ehird> impomatic: since you're a corewar/bfjoust person... any idea how a Haskell warring-programs game would work? I can't think of a way to harness the purely-functionality :-P
2009-05-24.txt:20:33:09: <ais523> although it wouldn't work much like corewar or BF Joust
2009-05-26.txt:15:49:53: <Patashu> are there any 'program vs program' languages besides corewar, fukyourbrane and BF joust?
2009-05-26.txt:15:50:08: <ais523> Patashu: quite a few, I think; but only corewar is really popular
2009-05-26.txt:16:02:41: <impomatic> There are a few which don't involve robots, but most of the ones I've looked at are similar to Corewar
2009-05-26.txt:16:22:31: <ais523> impomatic: corewar question: how effective is using SPL 0, rather than a goto, to create a loop?
2009-05-26.txt:16:36:21: <impomatic> By the way, the #corewars channel has moved to freenode :-)
2009-05-26.txt:16:36:31: <ais523> so, is it corewar or corewars?
2009-05-26.txt:16:37:36: <impomatic> Corewar is more common though.
2009-05-26.txt:21:15:07: <AnMaster> No thanks. I'm not really interested in corewars or similar things
2009-05-27.txt:01:28:38: <nescience> do like corewars stuff and queue up the entries, who cares about instant results!
2009-05-27.txt:03:32:41: <nescience> the hill should have an "age" parameter ala corewars hills
2009-05-27.txt:22:24:12: <AnMaster> Corewars - UN Edition
2009-05-28.txt:14:48:35: <Patashu> heard of corewars?
2009-05-28.txt:14:48:45: <leonid_> dunno about corewars
2009-05-28.txt:16:52:40: <AnMaster> (which isn't a good name for it probably, but I can't think of anything better for stuff like corewars, bf joust and so on)
2009-05-29.txt:07:08:39: <myndzi> sorta like some of the corewars events
2009-05-29.txt:07:09:03: <myndzi> there've been corewars tournaments held where somebody came up with a unique idea/twist
2009-05-29.txt:07:09:51: <myndzi> there's a lot more spamming the hill with multiple slight changes going on here than it seems happens with corewars
2009-05-29.txt:08:04:06: <myndzi> anyway, my nick's been registered for some time but i didn't really come to this network until #corewars did
2009-06-01.txt:09:49:03: <ais523> people who never really got into corewar, for instance
2009-06-04.txt:19:29:14: <ais523> impomatic: it was loosely inspired by corewar, I think
2009-08-30.txt:20:16:50: <impomatic> mov.i #1,1 is an imp in Corewar
2009-12-19.txt:23:19:50: <Guest50560> is loading for you
2009-12-19.txt:23:26:58: <soupdragon> is corewar fun?
2010-03-02.txt:07:29:21: <dev_squid> Is CoreWar still around?
2010-03-12.txt:21:32:29: <lament> Sgeo: i can see that working in CoreWars
2010-05-15.txt:13:54:53: <impomatic> Does this Aleph-null look okay? See bottom of page, reference 1 -
2010-05-21.txt:22:21:17: <impomatic> Does anyone recognise this language? It looks like odd Pascal to me:
2010-05-23.txt:13:03:42: <Phantom_Hoover> (I'm totally going for CoreWars.)
2010-05-31.txt:12:02:14: <AnMaster> Deewiant, relet: weren't beglad supposed to be something like corewars?
2010-07-12.txt:23:54:57: <ais523> competitive multitasking would be along the lines of CoreWars
2010-08-26.txt:18:22:36: <Phantom_Hoover_> I am still bitter that there does not exist CoreWars fanfic.
2010-08-31.txt:21:38:18: <Phantom_Hoover> This is getting near that CoreWars fanfic I want written.
2010-08-31.txt:21:39:44: <alise> Phantom_Hoover: CoreWars slash!
2010-09-28.txt:16:10:09: <ais523> I suppose if people had a large enough area, and they were far enough apart, it could work a bit like corewars
2011-01-14.txt:18:27:29: <impomatic> Oerjan: was it about corewar, programming games or recursion?
2011-01-20.txt:15:22:54: <elliott> Anyway removing IO and adding commands is the approach of FukYorBrane, the premier CoreWars clone for brainfuck (indeed, the only one :P)
2011-01-21.txt:18:14:09: <elliott> 05.05.02:18:57:28 <GregorR> Does anybody want to try out my combination of BrainFuck and CoreWars?  Essentially, you have two BrainFuckish programs running concurrently, and their data space is the opponent's program space.
2011-01-21.txt:22:59:15: <elliott> realtime corewars
2011-01-23.txt:04:06:15: <elliott> j-invariant: you know games like corewars?
2011-02-01.txt:02:15:05: <Lymia> That program is basicly the FYB version of a CoreWars core clear.
2011-02-01.txt:02:45:10: <Lymia> It's not like corewars in that respect.
2011-02-01.txt:02:54:10: <kfr> Corewars and such are too dry for my taste
2011-02-07.txt:05:19:15: <myndzi> not as robust as like, corewars
2011-02-07.txt:05:21:55: <quintopia> so you'd rather corewars
2011-02-07.txt:05:21:56: <Lymia> Corewars has the SPL instruction.
2011-02-07.txt:05:26:43: <Lymia> quintopia, sounds kinda like CoreWars.
2011-02-07.txt:05:34:25: <myndzi> which i learned about from impomatic in #corewars
2011-02-07.txt:05:37:25: <myndzi> corewars hills run way more than that, and isn't there an infinite corewars hill?
2011-02-07.txt:05:38:26: <myndzi> i guess the biggest difference is that corewars players uhh.. spend a lot of time on one submission and enter it
2011-02-07.txt:05:49:19: <Lymia> Would work better in FYB or CoreWars.
2011-02-09.txt:02:07:56: <myndzi> anyway, i don't know; there isn't anything like pspace in corewars
2011-02-09.txt:20:39:20: <impomatic> Maybe it could be in magazine format like :-)
2011-02-11.txt:21:22:17: <impomatic> ais523: it's the same in Corewar
2011-02-12.txt:20:23:45: <impomatic> !bfjoust firefly
2011-02-12.txt:20:28:36: <impomatic> !bfjoust moonshine
2011-02-12.txt:20:32:09: <impomatic> !bfjoust moonshine
2011-02-14.txt:01:08:42: <quintopia> Gregor: one of these days bf joust is going to be more popular than JESUS. also corewars.
2011-02-14.txt:01:09:52: <elliott> quintopia: I don't think bf joust has the same vibe as corewars
2011-02-14.txt:01:10:07: <elliott> like the 4-instruction nano hill corewar has
2011-02-14.txt:01:10:09: <Gregor> FYB was designed to have the same vibe as corewars *shrugs*
2011-02-14.txt:05:55:06: <impomatic> !bfjoust moonbeam
2011-02-14.txt:05:58:58: <impomatic> Sgeo: only but I have a top secret evil plan that involves taking over the others!
2011-02-14.txt:06:02:25: <impomatic> No official site.  The main sites are and
2011-02-14.txt:06:03:12: <impomatic> !bfjoust changelink
2011-02-14.txt:06:20:26: <impomatic> !bfjoust zapdos
2011-02-14.txt:06:22:18: <impomatic> !bfjoust mewtwo
2011-02-14.txt:06:28:05: <impomatic> !bfjoust venusaur
2011-02-14.txt:15:09:26: <Gregor> BF Joust is better than corewars :P
2011-02-17.txt:01:52:14: <quintopia> it's easier than corewars
2011-02-17.txt:19:35:02: <nescience> and closer to corewars' integrate and recombine attitude :P
2011-03-01.txt:18:59:52: <impomatic> Gregor:
2011-03-04.txt:20:56:21: <impomatic> Like on the corewar hills
2011-03-19.txt:19:45:12: <impomatic> The bot that logs #corewars seems to have been down for a while.
2011-03-22.txt:17:22:09: <Gregor> impomatic: glogbot is public-access, so if you want a logger in #corewars then just ask the appropriate person to /invite it.
2011-03-22.txt:18:05:37: <Gregor> impomatic: Good thing you got a new logbot in #corewars, since clearly the place is hoppin' ;)
2011-03-28.txt:16:29:54: <Phantom_Hoover> Corewars?
2011-03-31.txt:14:46:13: <impomatic> Oh well.  There's some slightly crazy Corewar Fanfic here (in French)
2011-06-24.txt:10:55:27: <CakeProphet>  corewars is a fairly interesting thing.
2011-06-25.txt:22:48:24: <CakeProphet> I think bfjoust could be a bit more interesting if it had a fork command, similar to corewars SPT
2011-06-25.txt:22:52:59: <ais523> unlike in corewars, where splitting is definitely an advantage
2011-06-25.txt:22:59:51: <ais523> so we're talking about a hypothetical version of BF Joust with corewars-style threading
2011-07-10.txt:18:44:04: <Madk> it was more similar to corewar than anything else
2011-07-20.txt:07:05:54: <atehwa> It seems to me that enthusiasm on CoreWars is declining, too.
2011-09-13.txt:17:27:26: <HackEgo> ​_ai \ _corewars \ _esoteric \ _esoteric-minecraft \ _glogbot \ _matrixofsolidity \ _plof \ _scapegoat \ index.php \ log \ log.css \ log.js \ raw \ stalker.php
2011-09-21.txt:21:43:55: <HackEgo> ​_ai \ _corewars \ _esoteric \ _esoteric-minecraft \ _glogbot \ _matrixofsolidity \ _plof \ _scapegoat \ index.php \ log \ log.css \ log.js \ raw \ stalker.php
2011-09-25.txt:16:39:37: <HackEgo> ​_ai \ _corewars \ _esoteric \ _esoteric-minecraft \ _glogbot \ _matrixofsolidity \ _plof \ _scapegoat \ index.php \ log \ log.css \ log.js \ raw \ stalker.php
2012-02-23.txt:21:15:33: <Friendship> Apparently I wrote some corewars fanfic:
2012-02-23.txt:21:17:35: <elliott> AT BEST, Friendship is a Pawn of Corewars Shipping
2012-03-13.txt:06:34:05: <myndzi> it was impomatic in #corewars talkin about it that got me to come play
2012-03-13.txt:06:50:53: <myndzi> which is the same r eason i can't get myself into corewars
2012-06-02.txt:03:50:44: <myndzi> kinda like corewars bomb steps
2012-06-17.txt:14:06:07: <mroman> I think I'm gonna stick with CoreWars :)