view paste/paste.12806 @ 2935:7387e3339358

<shachaf> delquote 572
author HackBot
date Sat, 25 May 2013 10:28:29 +0000
parents b7428da32244
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2005-12-22.txt:09:49:10: -!- pgimeno is now known as ElPez.
2005-12-22.txt:09:49:34: -!- ElPez is now known as GataBelmez.
2006-10-16.txt:02:12:23: <ihope> <Cheese> Cheese Muffin Pepperoni Pez Pizza and spoony to eat it with
2006-10-16.txt:02:12:31: <ihope> * Pepperoni wonders how a Pez Pizza would taste.
2007-01-07.txt:19:37:59: <oklopol> nopez.
2007-01-11.txt:08:48:58: <Sukoshi> For aspiring Lispers everywhere, here's code that automates the Trapezoidal Rule and Simpson's Rule of estimating the area under the curve between an upper-bound a lower-bound according to a curve expressesd as a function func split up into n intervals: (will paste)
2007-04-09.txt:22:37:30: <ihope_> I blame Pez.
2007-05-27.txt:20:24:30: <ehird`> trapezoid/"deporitaz" is painful to the ears.
2007-08-30.txt:19:52:34: <pikhq> PEZBLE.
2008-05-10.txt:17:36:56: <ihope> Un pez dice al otro, "¿Qué hace tu papá?" El otro le responde, "Nada.
2008-08-16.txt:23:13:00: <optbot> KingOfKarlsruhe: * Pepperoni wonders how a Pez Pizza would taste.
2008-08-16.txt:23:14:08: <oerjan> optbot: what does Pez Pizza wonder?
2009-02-07.txt:20:40:56: <oerjan> well why else would they use the trapezoid dumplings?
2009-02-07.txt:20:41:20: <AnMaster> oerjan, When did you first know that else would they use the trapezoid dumplings?
2009-03-31.txt:00:21:25: <fizzie> I have a bad feeling I'm running out of completely featureless boxes. There are things that are almost boxes (like square lozenge ⌑, white trapezium ⏢, the old flatness ⏥, the rather hash-like viewdata square ⌗) and all kinds of squares with little bits of ink in them, but I haven't seen real squares in a while.
2009-03-31.txt:18:24:42: <AnMaster> nor # U+23E2 WHITE TRAPEZIUM: ⏢
2009-06-06.txt:00:50:04: <ehird> hut type shape... trapezoid
2009-08-22.txt:21:38:55: <GregorR>
2009-10-24.txt:17:16:03: <Deewiant> Probably just recently, when spez asked for new mods.
2009-12-05.txt:15:51:53: <ehird> ah, it's kMGTPEZY
2010-02-21.txt:02:17:55: <augur> i need to draw little trapezoids between lines, where the top and bottom parts are under/overlines to some parts of the adjacent lines
2010-03-27.txt:05:43:40: * Sgeo blames Pez.. err, Quadrescence 
2010-11-01.txt:20:05:10: <elliott> El Torito (Spanish for "the little bull") is a Mexican restaurant chain located primarily in California, with a small number of outlets in Oregon, Arizona, and Japan. They have a total of 69 outlets.[1] El Torito is one of several Mexican cuisine restaurants operated by Real Mex Restaurants. The executive chef is Pepe Lopez.
2011-04-25.txt:03:00:13: <pikhq> Zepto is also un-otpez.
2011-04-25.txt:05:08:00: <Sgeo_346126> Pez?
2011-04-27.txt:23:21:34: <elliott> Hint! If you replace phrases like “curves from metabolic studies” with just “curves,” then you’ll note that Dr. Tai rediscovered the rectangle method of approximating an integral. (Actually, Dr. Tai rediscovered the trapezoidal rule.) To top it all off, Dr. Tai decided to name this “Tai’s Model” and the medical community cited this paper 75 times.
2011-09-06.txt:19:33:19: <zzo38> data TypeZero; data TypeSucc t;
2011-09-06.txt:19:33:52: <zzo38> data family X n :: *; data instance X TypeZero = Z Int; data instance X (TypeSucc n) = S (X n) (X n);
2011-09-22.txt:06:35:18: <elliott> it bends and becomes diagonal, trapezoid in shape, almost,
2011-11-19.txt:20:36:16: <Gregor> Mmmmmmmmmmmm PEZ
2011-11-19.txt:20:43:02: <fizzie> PEZ!
2011-11-19.txt:20:46:45: <elliott> Gregor: Try it on PEZ.
2011-11-19.txt:20:48:42: <fizzie> The best thing about PEZ is that you not only get candy, you're also at the same time practicing killing people by wringing their necks.
2012-01-02.txt:15:24:03: <Frooxius> I actually used their music in a short film I did, named "School as a computer game" :3
2012-04-15.txt:19:02:52: <RocketJSquirrel> Mmmmmmm, orange pez :)
2012-05-22.txt:21:02:30: <olsner> supposedly also famous for apfelstrudel (which I'd vaguely associate with vienna... but who keeps track of where vienna is?) and pez candy
2012-07-23.txt:00:10:40: <elliott>
2012-09-03.txt:01:53:21: -!- Gregor changed the topic of #esoteric to: Official channel of PEZ | PEZ is the best candy. Why have you abandoned PEZ? | Do not fret, PEZ can forgive you. Give yourself freely to PEZ. | |
2012-09-03.txt:01:55:26: <Gregor> I was just eating PEZ.
2012-09-04.txt:08:22:01: <atriq> *PEZ
2012-09-04.txt:08:27:26: <fizzie> By PEZ do you mean the candy dispenser things? 
2012-09-04.txt:08:28:38: <fizzie> PEZ are these spring-loaded things where you stack candy to, and then you turn the "head" of it, and candy comes out.
2012-09-04.txt:08:29:20: <fizzie> -- kind of like this in action.
2012-09-04.txt:08:30:40: <fizzie> "Some Pez dispensers can sell for large amounts as collectibles. The highest verifiable sale of a Pez dispenser was a private sale of a Mickey Mouse softhead at $7000 between an Austrian dealer and a US collector."
2012-09-04.txt:08:31:44: <atriq> Who collects Pezs
2012-09-04.txt:08:32:31: <fizzie> I think I have a single PEZ device at home.
2012-09-05.txt:20:28:14: -!- oerjan changed the topic of #esoteric to: I HAVE NOW | Official channel of PEZ | PEZ is the best candy. Why have you abandoned PEZ? | Do not fret, PEZ can forgive you. Give yourself freely to PEZ. | |
2012-09-07.txt:13:58:34: <olsner> why is this the official channel of PEZ?
2012-09-07.txt:13:59:55: * impomatic had to google PEZ.
2012-09-07.txt:14:00:47: <fizzie> I thought PEZ was one of those universal kind of things.
2012-09-12.txt:18:27:05: <olsner> why did PEZ become ESME?
2012-09-14.txt:06:50:52: <oerjan> `pastelogs PEZ
2012-09-14.txt:06:51:36: <oerjan> `pastelogs PEZ