view paste/paste.32023 @ 4869:54c75e4b8405

<mroman_> learn hax0r (see \xc2\xaf\\(\xc2\xb0\xe2\x80\x8b_o)/\xc2\xaf)
author HackBot
date Fri, 26 Sep 2014 13:12:02 +0000
parents b38de57d61c1
line wrap: on
line source

282) <monqy> I've only watched bad movies about video game. I enjoyed every second of it.
318) <monqy> my most fresh dream is one where I'm at a soup contest and a chicken really wants to participate but he's disqualified so he becomes the judge.  when all the soups are done and he's ready to taste them he just stares at the soup and then I become the chicken and I really want to make soup
321) <monqy> `quote django  <HackEgo> ​352) <olsner> django is named after a person?  <olsner> thought it would be a giraffe or something \ 407) <cpressey> `quote django  <HackEgo> ​352) <olsner> django is named after a person?  <olsner> thought it would be a giraffe or something  <cpressey> thankfully only one  <monqy> thankfully only two
348) <monqy> Sgeo: also do you know how to write a parser  <Sgeo> monqy, how hard could it be?
368) <Sgeo_> "system is fairly sane  <Sgeo_> <elliott> imagine if the roomba was called the Robotic Magic Vacuum  <Sgeo_> <elliott> would you object to that being trademarked  <Sgeo_> <monqy> I mean  <Sgeo_> <monqy> phrase trade"  <Sgeo_> oops
389) <monqy> it was a wonderful dream  <monqy> i died in it  <monqy> that's how it started
390) * Sgeo mutters about broken toilets  <Sgeo> #toilet is useless  <monqy> is #toilet even a thing  <Sgeo> I'm looking for help with toilets
424) <monqy> rest in peace lambdabot????  <ais523> monqy: it'll probably be back later  <monqy> nap in peace
430) <itidus20> monqy: last night in my dreams I saw a false photo album of my childhood... looking ghostly
431) <monqy> itidus20: i saw a dancing cgi skeleton named malaria. i danced and played with him.
436) <Sgeo> My memory passed  <monqy> rest in peace sgeos memory
437) <monqy> cigaretes and drunking "lame highs for lame people"  <oerjan> yeah if it doesn't make you go crazy and shoot at people, it's not worth it.  take it from a norwegian.
443) <monqy> beautiful summer / fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck / fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
464) <monqy> the classic "souls have mass" hypothesis
486) <monqy> this reminds me of a time where this guy made up a pretend language that was in his fantasy world and then roleplayed as someone from his fantasy world who used the language and then tried to talk to me about the language
490) <monqy> mmm these music samples are still so tasteful
491) <monqy> im sampling ultra hip holiday  <monqy> hes the boogie woogie santa clause  <monqy> switching to oktoberfest  <monqy> yes i would love to shop to this
492) <monqy> im hungary too...but cnnot eat until hours
493) <monqy> i am out of all the fame loops  <monqy> and the australien soap opera loops  <monqy> so much loop / s omcuh
498) <monqy> game where you flip a coin but it's really really big
512) <CakeProphet> monqy: help how do I use lambdabot to send messages to people. [...around half an hour later...] <CakeProphet> @messages  <lambdabot> quicksilver said 1y 2m 18d 19h 54m 29s ago: you use @tell
519) <elliott> help me i am so alone :(  <monqy> new computer good enough to simulate real parents
532) <monqy> one time I tried cpp programming ​  <monqy> it was hellish ​  <monqy> maybe I should try again
538) <monqy> in the past few minutes I tried remembering what my dream last night was, but instead remembered I didn't sleep
545) <elliott> Dear god stop staring at me.  <monqy> no never  <Phantom_Hoover> monqy is always staring at everyone.  <monqy> it takes many eyes to do this but I manage  <Phantom_Hoover> He is an inspiration to us all.
558) <monqy> did you know: gravity was inspired by apples
577) <monqy> never ever do bacon floats or i will hunt you down and kill you augh my leg
581) <monqy> bad people have feelings too  <monqy> but they're bad  <monqy> so it's okay
602) <monqy> where is this going. why is this going.
626) <ais523> also, why isn't monqy from Hexham? his name sounds like he should be
647) <monqy> i cnat eve begin to understand what you meant with that "one"
651) <Ngevd> BOXBOT IS TERRIBLE  <Ngevd> NOBODY LIKES BOXBOT  <Ngevd> He's just a box with arms  <monqy> i love boxbot already
662) <elliott> monqy: it's only... ascii porn... the unicode bits stay covered
688) <monqy> kallisti: by ordered multiset did you mean: list??????
732) <monqy> Sgeo: I used to have strict requirements for when I said hi but then everyone started saying hi and it all got weird
754) <elliott_> (help why are german)  <monqy> i play the german version of crawl  <elliott_> i
756) <Sgeo> hack and back?  <Patashu> works on anything much slower than you  <monqy> at the cost of: guilt, hating yourself, me sending you the message "hi"  <Patashu> am I also forbidden to cast mephitic cloud and cblink  <monqy> i will also send you "hi" if you: kite excessively, use mephitic cloud, -yes
761) <monqy> 200 and 20 are the same  <monqy> different notations for the same thing
766) <monqy> moral of the story with enough peer pressure nything is possible
767) <elliott> i just whacked it  <monqy> whacking is fine
769) <monqy> imagine hitting a brick wall really really hard but you don't do anything to it. instead you explode.  <monqy> that's what it's like for people who hit you
774) <monqy> ophanim: omee~
775) <monqy> if i had a time machine i would clone old monqy and make friends with him  <monqy> i would also need a clone machine
778) <monqy> you've constructed a situation in which i have no choice but to die in 10 days  <monqy> well done  <monqy> that's murder
846) <monqy> what does it mean for a pencil to be turing complete....  <ais523> monqy: it's the same concept as USB sushi, really
879) <zzo38> Did you agree with what my idea was?  <elliott> absolutely  <monqy> what was your idea ?  <elliott> that was my next question