view paste/paste.16554 @ 11967:4fc0813bfe9a draft

<oerjan> addquote <kspalaiologos> I have made a chess engine in Malbolge <kspalaiologos> in theory it\'s decent <kspalaiologos> but it has two drawbacks <kspalaiologos> a) It requires 31 and a half gigabytes of memory <kspalaiologos> b) it\'s quicker to count atoms in universe than to run it
author HackEso <>
date Sun, 13 Oct 2019 01:41:26 +0000
parents fde61f954853
line wrap: on
line source

<fizzie> Deewiant: Did you take the course at some point and/or were you taking it now and/or did you actually already graduate and/or are you still in Otaniemi anyway?
<fizzie> $ perl -e '/? <-- HERE/'     Quantifier follows nothing in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/? <-- HERE  <-- HERE/ at -e line 1.
<fizzie> They're (according to current plans/rumours) going to release a grand total of approximately 1.1 MeeGo devices; the N9, plus the N950 "developers only" phone, which I'm counting as 0.1 because (even though it is a MeeGo device) it's not going to actually be released.
<fizzie dictionary> An 'ad hobbitem' fallacy is when you try to undermine someone's credibility by referring to how hairy his/her feets are.