view paste/paste.19328 @ 7094:4a2788609dc2

<b_jonas> learn Elendil decided to try to save Numenor from its awful end by navigating to the undying lands and appealing to the Valar, but then he changed his mind, saved his family only and founded a new empire in Middle-earth.
author HackBot
date Sat, 05 Mar 2016 22:07:12 +0000
parents eba04d154bf0
line wrap: on
line source

588) <kmc> COCKS [...] <kmc> truly cocks
618) <shachaf> You should get kmc in this channel. kmc has good quotes.  <shachaf> `quote kmc  <HackEgo> 686) <kmc> COCKS [...] <kmc> truly cocks  <shachaf> Well, in theory.
689) <kmc> damn i should make a quasiquoter for inline FORTRAN
692) <kmc> has there been any work towards designing programming languages specifically for stoned people
722) <kmc> the problem with PHP is that anyone halfway competent gives up on it and switches to something, anything else  <Sato0x> fact  <Sato0x> I don't see how that's bad
723) <kmc> haters gonna make som valid points
724) <kmc> aim hecker (n): when ur dronk and u pee so bad all over the toilet that ppl make fun of u  <kmc> (corruption of "aim heckler")
743) <kmc> i saw Godspeed You! Black Emperor live  <kmc> it is hard to tell when the soundcheck ends and the set begins
789) <kmc> but i mean i don't like jogging so i wouldn't like jogging while jerking off either
790) <kmc> yeah well, petty theft > federal obstruction of justice
795) <kmc> the other day I bought a recycling can from amazon  <kmc> it came in a cardboard box  <kmc> i took the can out of the box, broke down the box, and put it in the can  <kmc> it was amazing
798) <elliott> this sounds sort of like @ kmc  <kmc> well @ is the least upper bound of all ideas in computer science
806) <kmc> typed racket: anyone using a model m keyboard
809) <zzo38> Can you vote for just the green party or rainbow party instead of both?  <kmc> nope, it is the same party  <zzo38> That is the problem with political parties.
817) <kmc> colemak is for people who think dvorak is too mainstream
819) <kmc> i love how allegedly wine can run all of these different programs but the only one i can actually run is starcraft  <kmc> i think wine may secretly be a cleanroom reimplementation of starcraft
831) <kmc> my current laptop basically works though  <kmc> it can even play 8 year old video games as long as it is not raining in the game
836) <kmc> no christmas without christ, no thursday without thor
842) <kmc> i would subscribe to @zzo38_ebooks  <zzo38> kmc: I have no ebooks which can subscribe to
844) <kmc> i was going to say that the complexity of a demo grows exponentially with size, but it's not so much "exponential" as "faster than any computable function"
846) <kmc> so i guess my root of trust for Arch Linux is...typedef int f(float);
850) <zzo38> What is portable way of load/save floating points in files, using a C code?  <kmc> #ifndef __STDC_IEC_559__  #error Here's a nickel, kid.  Buy a real computer.  #endif
851) <kmc> i think sand will actually do a poor job of absorbing water inside the large intestine
854) <kmc> it's kind of the multiocular O of countries, if you will
857) <zzo38> The winter solstice is in approx. 13 hours from now  <kmc> the mayans warned us  <zzo38> Warned you of what? The solstice?  <kmc> yes
861) <kmc> i bet a blog post complaining about ");});});" syntax in JavaScript and comparing it unfavorably to Lisp would get approximately one billion comments on hacker news  <Bike> but at what cost?  your very soul, kmc!
864) <kmc> ok i lied when i said i read this article
865) <kmc> i like the idea that if you name your country a Soviet Republic you automatically get the right to call up Lenin on the telephone and complain about bathroom pranks
867) <kmc> yes Windows 98 installer, please perform a bad blocks scan of your virtual emulated hard drive  <kmc> you have no idea how completely i control your so-called reality
868) <kmc> i'm looking for a haskell-like programming language, meaning that it supports nesting multi-line comments
869) <kmc> obviously you just write a TRIVIAL raytracer as a bash script
876) <kmc> i can only hope that the 55 year old nuclear reactor 2 blocks away from my house is too old to have SCADA
877) <kmc> what is the linux equivalent of the magical purple light which makes things glow if they have been involved in a crime  <elliott> kmc: nmap??
892) <kmc> i fell in love with the first gimmick twitter account that i met who could appreciate georges bataille
893) <kmc> maybe i like pigeons too much
909) <kmc> most things i hear about 'startup culture' set off the poe's law detector
910) <kmc> a social network for household appliances  <kmc> like, it's one thing to have a washing machine that tweets at you when your laundry is done  <kmc> but another to have a washing machine that posts to its own wall and can become friends with the toaster  <kmc> "Toaster and Bathtub are now: It's Complicated"
915) <kmc> the pokémon theme is very similar to eye of the tiger and not as good
925) <kmc> shachaf: LC_ALL=de_DE.utf-8 errno -l  <kmc> Veraltete NFS-Dateizugriffsnummer  <kmc> Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler  <kmc> "Unterbrechung während des Betriebssystemaufrufs"  i think that was in the Ring Cycle
931) <fungot> kmc: that is just a value of type " airbus is a big fan of avril....but this song " there
949) <kmc> it's almost like Haskell is a programming language and not some kind of mathematical rhetorical arguing device
956) <Phantom_Hoover> Sgeo_, are you just trying to post kmcbait...  * Fiora imagines a cardboard box propped up by a stick with a pile of monads inside.  <elliott> Fiora: that is actually what Haskell is.
960) <Bike> kmc: ok i gotta admit i fully support the use of ultrafilters in social sciences
970) <kmc> living in the middle ages sounds a lot better once you realize that deep frying had already been invented
975) <kmc> error: cuttlefish not synced to vblank  <fiora> maybe it's a power phase issue  <fiora> it's like, a european cuttlefish but it's using american water
977) <kmc> i don't know what that is so i'm going to assume it's a flavor of pocky
982) <kmc> ok im sober now and DNS makes sense again [...] <kmc> Domain Name System [...] <kmc> ♫ domain name system ♫
984) <kmc> i'm not actually competent at hacking things  <elliott> ummmm kmc dont u mean `cracking' [tiny glider symbol with "hacker pride" written next to it in silkscreen] [head of a gnu] [tux penguin]  <kmc> [face shoved in toilet]
986) <kmc> the innovation of the iPhone was... just that it had a web browser that wasn't awful  <Bike> i believe that's how the bolsheviks took over russia as well  <Bike> the kulaks mainly stuck with IE and so were rightfully put to death by the cheka
988) <elliott> prediction: kmc never comes back  * kmc has joined #esoteric
990) <kmc> and then one day you find, ten years have got behind you, no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun  <kmc> ♫  <kmc> ♫ ♫ ♫  <kmc> (Unicode needs a character specifically for "Pink Floyd guitar solo")
991) <kmc> hm hitler probably did one thing that I like too  <kmc> he banned tubas, I guess I am neutral on tubas  <Fiora> oh!  he killed hitler  <kmc> oh yeah, there we go  <kmc> thanks Fiora  <Bike> he also killed the guy who killed hitler
999) <kmc> healthy immune system is a wonderful thing, you gotta take advantage  <kmc> sometimes i eat food off the ground just to keep mine on its toes
1000) <Bike> man at least job applications in biosciences are just like "you are willing to put your arms through a cow"  <kmc> Bike: please send us a link to your CowHub profile of cows you have previously put your arms through on your own time for fun  <Bike> please provide at least two zebrafish you have modified to glow in the dark
1002) <kmc> in the time it takes light to travel from Hexham to Finland, I can generate almost 20 new topics for #esoteric
1009) <kmc> i had a dream just now where i was in a gymnasium and they had fire alarm pull stations but they also had a similarly shaped "call/cc alarm" which I think you were supposed to pull if you found a way to write call/cc (it was expected that people in this gymnasium would be doing a lot of programming in total dependently-typed languages)
1015) <kmc> LIST OF ACRONYMS: List Integrating Some Terminology Of Fine Authentic Credibility Relating to Our New Year Media System
1016) <kmc> if you make pickles with strange salts then you can't eat them, but you can electrocute them and they glow different colors
1035) <kmc> the real GNU kernel is GRUB
1044) <kmc> would not be surprised to find out this tumblr is guerilla marketing by wolfram co to sell mathematica to stoners
1048) <kmc> i think delivery sushi is one of those habits that can rapidly consume all of one's money  <kmc> like cocaine
1050) <+kmc> we are amused  <+kmc> the royal +v
1051) <shachaf> kmc: you gotta tell me if you're an op
1052) <kmc> doom  <Bike> YES  <Bike> oh no
1057) <kmc> 05:09 < utoneq> what exactly is a monad.. and where is the difference to a set or a tuple?  <elliott> kmc: the difference is that a monad is a triple  <elliott> one more element
1064) <kmc> patents do seem to encourage innovation, but much of it is innovation on how to make things slightly worse to avoid patents
1065) <Bike> oh my, this is a photo of an elliott fisting [...] <Bike> i meant elephant  <Bike> but you know what, ok.  <kmc> Bike: ...  <kmc> Bike: can you send me that picture when i'm not at work ok  <kmc> plz and thx
1066) <kmc> Bike: so I'm home now  <kmc> i believe you owe me a picture of elephants fisting each other
1067) <kmc> Bike: i think it's a fermented fish product?  <kmc> either that or it means "welcome" in finnish
1069) <kmc> are you a hardcore PC gamer Sgeo_  <Sgeo_> Want to be
1071) <kmc> ah yes, like the parable of jesus feeding the masses with expired jell-o
1079) <+kmc> Harry Potter and the Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living
1080) <+kmc> i found it confusing in a pleasing way  <+kmc> like this channel but more so
1084) <+kmc> my girlfriend served as an adult control subject for some behavioral research on children [...] <+kmc> she did live on psych studies for a year yeah  <Jafet> Is there a control protocol where you don't use people who live off being sociology test subjects
1086) <+kmc> Harry Potter and the Tyranny of Structurelessness
1101) <zzo38> If someone tries really hard to convince you to sell them drugs, then you should photograph them and bind them.  <kmc> bind them to what  <zzo38> To jail.
1104) <zzo38> For example I don't have the "Magic Missile" spell.  <kmc> how will you attack the darkness  <zzo38> By surprise!
1111) <kmc> anyway getting naked and high in the desert doesn't make you a rebel, as much as I enjoy this activity
1114) <kmc> what did fungot say?  <fungot> kmc: my implementation isn't supposed to sound rude.
1115) <kmc> BBC: Exercise 'can be as good as pills'  <kmc> oh, they mean for your health
1125) <kmc> Sgeo: oh yeah those animated characters were built into the operating system and there was an API for them
1129) <Taneb> kmc, I was trying to go to a sci-fi and fantasy society social, and I went to the wrong bar  <Taneb> Wound up at my university's fetish society  <Taneb> Didn't realise for an hour and a half
1131) <kmc> at the point where you start looking for a debugger for GNU Make, something has gone seriously wrong in life
1136) <kmc> googling "10cm" finds on the first page "Is it true that the vagina is only 10 cm (3.9 inches) deep?"  <kmc> ah yes "the vagina", the international reference vagina kept at the Bureau international des poids et mesures under precise climate control