view paste/paste.16221 @ 7094:4a2788609dc2

<b_jonas> learn Elendil decided to try to save Numenor from its awful end by navigating to the undying lands and appealing to the Valar, but then he changed his mind, saved his family only and founded a new empire in Middle-earth.
author HackBot
date Sat, 05 Mar 2016 22:07:12 +0000
parents 0690dfcf45d8
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2009-05-09.txt:23:30:37: <Sgeo> so far, it still isn't um.. what's the equivelentof birth, but for eggs?
2009-05-09.txt:23:48:11: <Sgeo> The lovers need to be separated in order for the egg to be laid :(
2009-05-10.txt:20:45:19: <GregorR> Sgeo: I have lots of pregnancies, lots of eggs, and they never hatch >_>
2009-08-13.txt:15:24:46: <Sgeo> ehird, what do you have against lame easter eggs?
2010-02-25.txt:23:26:10: <Sgeo_> I mean, after the bug in whatchamacallit, the easter egg, is fixed
2010-03-09.txt:13:40:11: <alise> Quadrescence: Yes, but Sgeo's obsessed with libraries. And really most eggs are fine.
2010-03-30.txt:19:19:05: * Sgeo throws some c eggs at ais523 
2010-08-16.txt:00:43:21: <Sgeo> I wouldn't throw the egg
2010-09-07.txt:15:25:41: <Sgeo> Sure brain, but how are we going to get a thousand egg rolls?
2010-10-17.txt:04:39:20: <SgeoN1> Please, I'm begging you, don't insult the regulars
2010-11-13.txt:01:17:51: <Sgeo>
2010-11-23.txt:23:35:46: <Sgeo> Phantom_Hoover_, I've been begging for that, despite not being there
2010-11-23.txt:23:36:07: <Phantom_Hoover_> Sgeo, begging for a BF interpreter/
2011-01-15.txt:23:24:13: <Phantom__Hoover> Sgeo, DID SHE NOT NOTICE HER SMEGGING HAIR FALLING OUT
2011-01-18.txt:20:29:33: <Phantom_Hoover> Sgeo, yes, but it's smeggy.
2011-02-13.txt:21:43:58: <Sgeo> extremist Democrat?
2011-02-14.txt:00:41:20: <Sgeo> egg stream?
2011-02-21.txt:06:17:25: <Sgeo> Six little eggs on the run
2011-02-21.txt:06:55:46: * Sgeo pays pikhq with six little eggs
2011-02-21.txt:20:22:11: <elliott> 22:17:25 <Sgeo> Six little eggs on the run
2011-05-12.txt:19:54:25: <ais523> Sgeo: are you trying to lay an egg or hit a tennis ball?
2011-06-08.txt:17:30:54: <Sgeo> "Scientists have found proof that the first chicken came before the first egg,[40] consistent with a special creation of chickens but not with a gradual descent with modifications from a proto-chicken and proto-egg."
2011-06-20.txt:15:47:19: <Sgeo> <3 hard-boiled eggs
2011-06-20.txt:16:11:37: <Sgeo> That wasn't a perverted sense of the word "eggs". I'm not ripping out someone's ovaries
2011-06-21.txt:04:10:10: <elliott> 15:47:19: <Sgeo> <3 hard-boiled eggs
2011-06-21.txt:04:10:10: <elliott> 16:11:37: <Sgeo> That wasn't a perverted sense of the word "eggs". I'm not ripping out someone's ovaries
2011-07-25.txt:04:56:58: <Sgeo_> fizzie, I can't get eggs to install, and the fact that on the mailing list, a regular was unable to get the egg I wanted to install to install for himself, for a different reason, is not encouraging
2011-07-25.txt:07:40:05: <Sgeo_> But still, some eggs are platform-depenent, apparently
2011-10-22.txt:07:17:39: <fungot> Sgeo|web: i meane that my heart meanes no ill intent, but that he will steale sir an egge out of a note
2012-02-26.txt:21:34:38: <Sgeo> (Besides the easter egg)
2012-05-25.txt:10:31:07: <Sgeo>
2012-05-25.txt:10:31:16: <Sgeo> Please tell me that Mr. [deleted] is not the author of the egg
2012-07-09.txt:23:57:46: <Sgeo> Is it reasonable to want to make a non-eggdrop bot in Tcl?
2012-10-14.txt:02:36:18: <Sgeo> Easter egg/
2012-10-22.txt:03:19:13: <Sgeo> Easter egg ish
2012-11-18.txt:02:01:46: <Sgeo> <someone in #jesus> Sgeo:  I have read that in the startings of war, hitler begged churchill for peace like 12 times, but churcill didnt want to accept it.
2012-11-27.txt:08:34:08: <Sgeo__> I think it's a sort of easter egg. I'm not sure.
2012-12-15.txt:10:16:50: <Sgeo> As in, talking about brains being forcefed, begging me to contact the CIA
2013-03-20.txt:15:16:56: <Sgeo> AnotherTest, he's saying that it means you have the possibility of being a great cook, and if you can't prepare an egg, you'll never be able to be a good cook
2013-03-30.txt:19:44:53: <Sgeo> I'd like to try eggs and bacon, but ... even though bacon has a reputation for being fattening...
2013-03-30.txt:19:46:08: <Sgeo> I think I prefer hard-boiled eggs
2013-04-07.txt:15:13:33: <Sgeo> And not as long as
2013-04-07.txt:15:14:29: <Sgeo> I should start eating eggs
2013-04-07.txt:15:14:38: <Sgeo> I wonder if the cafeteria offers hard-boiled eggs
2013-04-18.txt:01:25:56: <kmc> Sgeo: usually RAM is much much cheaper if you buy it from amazon or newegg and install it yourself (which is very easy, if it's something you haven't done)
2013-05-10.txt:00:23:18: <Sgeo> I wonder if any of these easter egg headers end up being a security risk
2013-05-16.txt:04:35:07: <Sgeo> If there was nontrivial video content there, would it just be an easter egg for someone to find, or would it break something?
2013-06-16.txt:00:55:25: <Sgeo> `pastelogs Sgeo.*egg