view paste/paste.15093 @ 7094:4a2788609dc2

<b_jonas> learn Elendil decided to try to save Numenor from its awful end by navigating to the undying lands and appealing to the Valar, but then he changed his mind, saved his family only and founded a new empire in Middle-earth.
author HackBot
date Sat, 05 Mar 2016 22:07:12 +0000
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2003-09-04.txt:00:37:31: -!- Taaus changed the topic of #esoteric to: SKI combinators in Maple! Woo! "s:=a->b->c->a(c)(b(c)); k:=x->y->x; i:=x->x;"
2003-09-04.txt:01:48:07: * Taaus goes back to doing painful things with Maple
2003-09-04.txt:01:51:08: <lament> why are you doing painful things with maple?
2003-09-08.txt:13:18:44: -!- Taaus changed the topic of #esoteric to: Welcome to the Esoteric irish camel! || SKI combinators in Maple! Woo! "s:=a->b->c->a(c)(b(c)); k:=x->y->x; i:=x->x;"
2003-09-25.txt:14:30:08: <Taaus> Bastards... All we get is silly Maple... Although real mathematicians don't need either ;)
2005-06-02.txt:21:41:02: <Keymaker> Gammaplex!
2005-06-02.txt:21:41:07: <Keymaker>
2005-06-06.txt:21:45:15: <pgimeno> (Lode Vandevenne is the author of gammaplex)
2005-06-09.txt:23:59:01: <calamari> for exmaple, a page full of bf programs to copy and paste in while running the applet
2005-06-27.txt:01:28:22: <tokigun> i'm thinking about 99 bob program in Piet, Gammaplex, RUBE, Aheui. :)
2005-07-20.txt:00:33:48: <Aardwolf> Gammaplex, a befunge like that can do graphics
2005-07-20.txt:00:36:06: <jix> Aardwolf: is gammaplex open source?
2005-07-20.txt:00:42:22: <jix> Aardwolf: i get compile errors if i try to compile gammaplex
2005-07-20.txt:00:50:36: <Aardwolf> by the way you should try the pong game in gammaplex, the guy who wrote that is insane :D
2005-07-26.txt:16:04:28: <tokigun> Aardwolf: are you an inventor of Gammaplex? :)
2005-07-26.txt:16:10:29: <tokigun> Aardwolf: if source code of interpreter were in public, i could make some code in Gammaplex and so on... :(
2005-07-26.txt:16:12:39: <Aardwolf> in this file:
2005-07-26.txt:16:15:48: <Aardwolf> I don't know why, but I feel like writing a mandelbrot program in gammaplex :)
2005-07-26.txt:16:23:34: <tokigun> Aardwolf: i'm looking your interpreter. maybe i can make obfuscated Gammaplex interpreter now :)
2005-07-26.txt:16:28:38: <Aardwolf> I find there are a lot of weird things about gammaplex because when I started on it I didn't yet know all the features I wanted to add, maybe I should make a successor that's more logical, or do you think it's fine the way it is? :)
2005-07-26.txt:16:29:53: <tokigun> Aardwolf: that's Gammaplex2? or... why not Deltaplex? :)
2005-08-26.txt:00:00:09: <Aardwolf> I typed something here:, I hope I didn't mess things up too much! But if that is correct, is it turing complete?
2005-09-07.txt:14:38:51: <Aardwolf> that's easy, done that for gammaplex already :)
2005-09-07.txt:15:30:50: <jix> Aardwolf: has gammaplex support for pixel shaders?
2005-09-07.txt:15:57:26: <Aardwolf> Did you use Maple?
2005-09-07.txt:15:57:36: <jix> no i don't have maple
2005-09-10.txt:08:26:54: <Keymaker> the gammaplex inventor is not here, right? :(
2005-09-10.txt:10:01:19: <Keymaker> you were the gammaplex author?
2005-09-10.txt:10:01:49: <Keymaker> i just 10 seconds ago completed my first ever gammaplex program:
2005-09-10.txt:10:04:25: <Aardwolf> gotta recompile the gammaplex interpreter
2005-09-10.txt:10:04:56: <jix> it does more than my first gammaplex program
2005-09-10.txt:10:08:04: <Keymaker> who will help me with my 3d engine project in gammaplex?
2005-09-10.txt:10:17:01: <Keymaker> i think we should run a gammaplex demo competition
2005-09-10.txt:10:22:01: <Aardwolf> non interactive demos would be cool but maybe a bit slow on gammaplex
2005-09-10.txt:10:28:29: <Aardwolf> hmm I wonder if the demo scene can be attracted to gammaplex
2005-09-10.txt:10:31:20: <Keymaker> and the code could be 2d txt like in gammaplex
2005-09-10.txt:10:36:52: <Aardwolf> have you got any suggestions for new gammaplex commands?
2005-09-10.txt:10:47:58: <Aardwolf> I'm going to try to improve the gammaplex interpreter later, and will remove the memory limit then (but not now yet)
2005-09-10.txt:10:51:26: <Keymaker> i'll write a maze game in gammaplex
2005-09-10.txt:10:51:52: <jix> i'll write something cool in gammaplex
2005-09-10.txt:10:52:45: <Aardwolf> tetris is in the suggestion list of gammaplex programs if I remember correctly :)
2005-09-10.txt:11:33:46: <Keymaker> by the way, is gammaplex file extension .txt?
2005-09-10.txt:11:42:18: <Aardwolf> I implemented the gammaplex stack in a sort of weird way, but it'll probably return 0 unless it's memory is full
2005-09-10.txt:11:57:35: <Keymaker> aardwolf: the second rgb is 0 0 0 in the beginning in the gammaplex..?
2005-09-10.txt:11:58:28: <Aardwolf> You know what's sort of stupid, the gammaplex specification is based on the interpreter sometimes instead of the opposite
2005-09-11.txt:12:57:27: <Keymaker> added gammaplex and esowiki category
2005-09-17.txt:21:34:43: <Keymaker> i'm working on a gammaplex demo at the moment
2005-09-17.txt:21:34:51: <Wildhalcyon> Gammaplex is crazy! :-)
2005-09-22.txt:23:25:55: <Keymaker> or that gammaplex demo competition
2005-09-27.txt:22:43:41: <Wildhalcyon> applets could easily be superceded by Gammaplex applets imo
2005-09-27.txt:22:44:52: <Wildhalcyon> kipple: simply port every known applet everywhere into esoteric Gammaplex, then write a gammaplex applet extension for every version of every popular web browser
2005-10-24.txt:01:58:05: <graue> gammaplex?
2005-11-16.txt:07:40:15: * GregorR considers putting maple syrup in his hot cocoa.
2006-05-16.txt:01:56:54: <poiuy_qwert> can anyone explain the [ and ] commands of Gammaplex?
2007-08-09.txt:20:20:38: <oklokok> ehird`: like maple?
2008-03-04.txt:19:30:58: <ais523> slereah_: you could use GammaPlex if you wanted something esoteric
2008-04-23.txt:16:58:07: <ais523> ehird: now write it in just 150x150 pixels in Gammaplex
2008-04-23.txt:16:58:30: <ehird> i would not want to write them in gammaplex
2008-04-23.txt:16:59:07: <ais523> I think gammaplex has trig routines in its standard library
2008-04-23.txt:17:00:06: <ais523> ehird: sounds like gammaplex :)
2008-06-23.txt:13:32:11: <oklopol> i have a few exmaples
2008-08-10.txt:20:04:14: <AnMaster> MikeRiley, %63 is same as c I think for exmaple
2008-09-24.txt:01:04:23: <GregorR> My discovery of the day: Chocolate + maple = good
2008-09-29.txt:12:48:29: <fizzie> Linear algebra (read: matrices) is what people usually use MATLAB for; it doesn't really do symbolic manipulation at all. Or maybe a little bit, but not much. It's no Mathematica (or Maple).
2008-10-02.txt:04:34:23: <pikhq> Maple sucks giant monkey balls.
2008-10-02.txt:05:49:49: <pikhq> Therefore, my 'Maple project' shall be done entirely from Maxima.
2008-10-02.txt:06:08:46: <pikhq> Maxima, Mathematica, Maple, etc.
2008-10-02.txt:06:09:14: <pikhq> All I learned about Maple from that is that Maple truly sucks.
2008-10-04.txt:21:12:43: <AnMaster> oerjan, I prefer with maple syrup
2008-10-04.txt:21:16:31: <GregorR> There's a donut shop in Portland that makes Bacon Maple Bars
2008-10-04.txt:21:17:24: * ehird plots to steal all the bacon maple bars
2008-11-03.txt:18:38:19: <ais523> with an excessively gammaplexy (read: bloated) set of features
2008-11-13.txt:17:14:51: <Deewiant> Ah, and Maple is another popular one.
2008-11-13.txt:17:17:26: <Deewiant> evidently Maple is more like Mathematica
2009-05-21.txt:19:51:46: <GregorR-L> Mmmmm, bacon maple bar.
2009-07-15.txt:12:08:13: <ehird> $1579 apparently they don't even make it any more, but it's fucking made of maplewood.
2009-07-15.txt:12:09:24: <AnMaster> electronics made of maplewood would be fun
2009-07-21.txt:18:23:01: <ehird> Also, maple syrup <3
2009-07-21.txt:18:23:16: <GregorR-L> Maple syrup is the solution to all problems.
2009-07-21.txt:18:23:42: <ehird> maple syrup is just so delicious
2009-07-21.txt:18:26:37: <pikhq> Maple syrup is the solution to all problems.
2009-07-21.txt:18:27:56: <pikhq> I'm going to change that: bacon or maple syrup is the solution to all problems.
2009-12-06.txt:09:01:03: <oerjan> heck i'm not sure i've ever tried it, the institute went with maple...
2010-02-07.txt:04:11:00: <alise> maple syrup
2010-02-07.txt:04:12:52: <coppro> maple syrup is indeed delicious
2010-03-03.txt:03:30:13: <Gregor> Maple bars are not rings, and are not filled.
2010-03-03.txt:03:34:14: <Gregor> <-- the greatest doughnut ever conceived. Full stop.
2010-03-09.txt:20:37:38: <alise_> fax: it was either in maple or ... i think coq
2010-04-25.txt:14:17:39: <alise> oh I forgot Maple in my list
2010-04-25.txt:14:18:48: <alise> Perhaps Maple? I have not tried it.
2010-04-25.txt:20:38:25: <alise> Of course the issue with hooking a bot up to a CAS is that most of the half-decent ones -- namely Mathematica and Maple -- cost.
2010-04-25.txt:20:53:10: <alise> From what I've heard Maple is alright.
2010-05-08.txt:14:39:35: <alise> Maple is also a good pay CAS.
2010-05-08.txt:15:09:16: <alise> Maybe consider Maple? I haven't used it but it doesn't seem too bad.
2010-05-17.txt:01:49:45: <poiuy_qwert> anyone ever played with the Gammaplex interpreter?
2010-05-18.txt:02:57:44: <poiuy_qwert> anyone here played with the Gammaplex interpreter?
2010-05-18.txt:03:02:43: <Sgeo> Gammaplex?
2010-05-22.txt:19:22:25: <poiuy_qwert> i know Gammaplex used SDL, and thats why I planned to use before, but I didn't feel like learning it too :X
2010-06-21.txt:23:35:10: <ehirdiphone> Plus maple syrup.
2010-06-21.txt:23:35:21: <ehirdiphone> God dammit I love maple syrup.
2010-09-05.txt:00:42:42: <Vorpal> alise, like Miss Maple?
2010-11-28.txt:17:34:55: <elliott> Phantom_Hoover: most of the proofs in the former are generated with Maple programs, the entire latter book was generated with a Maple program searching for geometric proofs (source is available)
2010-11-28.txt:23:39:32: <elliott> pikhq: What you need to be able to buy gallons of: MAPLE SYRUP.
2010-11-28.txt:23:40:10: <pikhq> elliott: The US also manufactures maple syrup.
2010-11-28.txt:23:40:12: <elliott> and maple syrup
2010-11-28.txt:23:40:28: <elliott> pikhq: yes but if you could buy "Canadian Maple Syrup" with a maple leaf on it or "American Maple Syrup" with the star-spangled banner
2011-01-15.txt:03:40:29: <elliott> with maple syrup
2011-01-15.txt:03:40:35: <elliott> (everything should be combined with maple syrup)
2011-01-15.txt:03:40:39: <copumpkin> I haven't had them with maple syrup
2011-01-15.txt:03:41:00: <elliott> bacon with melted chocolate dripped in maple syrup is probably close to being liquid happiness-inflictor
2011-01-15.txt:03:41:57: <elliott> copumpkin: vinegar + maple syrup!!!
2011-01-31.txt:20:44:26: <cheater00> The trees of the forest are large hardwood oak and maple, with an
2011-02-19.txt:22:29:38: <Gregor> What should I do next (I'm cycling through the single-flavorant sodas before mixing): Cinnamon, banana, or maple?
2011-02-19.txt:22:30:35: <Vorpal> Gregor, maple
2011-02-19.txt:22:31:49: <Phantom_Hoover> Gregor, maple is the stupidest.
2011-02-19.txt:22:32:06: <elliott> Phantom_Hoover: Maple is awesome.
2011-02-19.txt:22:32:37: <Vorpal> Phantom_Hoover, drink maple syrup!
2011-02-19.txt:22:34:01: <Gregor> I'm leaning towards maple.
2011-02-19.txt:22:34:40: <elliott> Gregor: ...maple cream soda sounds nice.
2011-02-20.txt:00:32:00: <Gregor> OK, maple cream soda syrup is made.
2011-02-20.txt:01:03:28: <Gregor> Maple cream soda: Not as good as I'd hoped.
2011-02-20.txt:01:04:36: <elliott> I put maple syrup on EVERYTHING
2011-02-20.txt:01:14:03: <Gregor> Actually I think there's too much maple.
2011-02-20.txt:06:28:07: <Gregor> Ahhhh, OK, maple soda with appreciably less syrup per liter = a delightful and refreshing experience.
2011-02-20.txt:06:30:51: <Gregor> Also I think if I used my normal amount of syrup but less maple it'd be better.
2011-02-20.txt:06:31:06: <Gregor> Basically, maple extract is the most crazy-powerful extract I've ever used.
2011-02-20.txt:06:31:14: <pikhq_> Gregor: It's fucking maple.
2011-03-09.txt:03:31:20: <elliott> Gregor: P.S. Do maple syrup next. I am in a committed relationship with maple syrup.
2011-03-09.txt:03:31:38: <elliott> Though I guess it's not terribly acidic, but who cares, maple syrup.
2011-03-09.txt:03:31:40: <Gregor> Yes, maple syrup is definitely crazysweet.
2011-03-09.txt:03:32:01: <elliott> Good. MAPLE SYRUP.
2011-03-09.txt:03:32:08: <Gregor> I have maple extract :P
2011-03-09.txt:03:32:16: <Gregor> But I failed HARD at making maple soda by using maple extract.
2011-03-09.txt:03:32:32: <elliott> My experience with maple syrup is that, whenever you feel like using sugar, just use maple syrup instead and it'll be so amazing.
2011-03-09.txt:03:35:37: <zzo38> My experience with maple syrup is that, using with waffle/pancake.
2011-03-09.txt:03:38:54: <quintopia> my experience with maple syrup is that it's acidic and gross
2011-03-09.txt:03:39:05: <quintopia> maple-flavored corn syrup is clearly superior
2011-03-09.txt:03:41:16: <pikhq_> Maple syrup is the embodiment of delicious.
2011-04-09.txt:21:29:20: <Zwaarddijk> well, maple isn't good on fretless guitars
2011-04-20.txt:02:35:21: <elliott> We could pay you in Bitcoins if you preferred. Or maple syrup.
2011-04-20.txt:02:38:37: <elliott> pikhq: DO YOU WANT TO BE PAID IN MAPLE SYRUP
2011-04-20.txt:02:40:40: <Yahweasel> Uhh, fairly certain maple syrup spoils :P
2011-04-20.txt:02:41:59: <elliott> Yahweasel: Spoiled maple syrup: still better than any other liquid?
2011-04-20.txt:02:42:45: <pikhq> Maple syrup can ferment.
2011-04-20.txt:02:43:10: <pikhq> I APPROVE OF MAPLE LIQUOR
2011-04-20.txt:02:44:56: <elliott> Yahweasel: You have to ferment maple syrup now.
2011-04-20.txt:02:46:17: <pikhq> It apparently can be made into a maple mead.
2011-04-20.txt:02:46:59: <elliott> With honey :P
2011-04-20.txt:02:47:24: <elliott> pikhq: I wonder if fermented maple syrup itself would taste nice...
2011-04-20.txt:02:49:28: <pikhq> This hypothetical maple drink would be a straight fermented beverage.
2011-04-20.txt:02:49:56: <elliott> Maple syrup is pretty damn thick, you know :P
2011-04-20.txt:02:51:02: <elliott> You ferment pure maple syrup.
2011-04-20.txt:02:51:33: <pikhq> Yahweasel: In case you didn't notice, molasses and maple syrup have very distinct flavors.
2011-04-20.txt:02:52:57: <elliott> Yahweasel: Dude, EVERYONE drinks for Fermented Maple Syrup.
2011-04-20.txt:02:53:13: <elliott> pikhq: I am going to give you money and you are going to use that money to make fermented maple syrup.
2011-04-20.txt:02:53:24: <elliott> How much cash do you require to make this possible. You must use high-quality Canadian maple syrup.
2011-04-20.txt:02:54:03: <elliott> APART FROM FERMENTED MAPLE SYRUP
2011-04-20.txt:03:01:46: <elliott> pikhq: Fermented (maple syrup + bit of vanilla extract): oh god so fuckinszg deliciosudfghjk
2011-04-20.txt:03:08:18: <elliott> pikhq: can you find out how much it would cost you to ferment maple syrup, thanks
2011-04-20.txt:03:11:44: <elliott> Then whoever makes fermented maple syrup and vanilla gets to create Swig Ingest Drunk: Just Like the Real Thing, Only More Alcoholic.
2011-04-20.txt:03:15:01: <elliott> Let's say maple syrup spoils.
2011-05-05.txt:00:20:50: <quintopia> Aesculapius: is lode the gammaplex dude? i don't remember
2011-05-05.txt:00:21:08: <oerjan> he is, but gammaplex never disappeared
2011-05-09.txt:15:43:54: <ais523> <floop> I'm creating a new programming language called ChrisMaple. Because programming can be hard for people to understand, it will only have 2 functions with no arguments: Stop and Go. I plan on writing a new OS in it :D
2011-07-05.txt:05:32:01: <elliott> monqy: he makes like peanut maple bacon later :(
2011-08-02.txt:02:47:11: <monqy> somehow gpipe-exmaples is compiling
2011-08-13.txt:21:36:03: <elliott> monqy: hvae you writen exmaple yet
2011-08-21.txt:06:56:02: <elliott> The people were all stuck on boats because the Snails owned the world now. --
2011-10-24.txt:10:09:42: <ais523> about an hour later, I'd eventually managed to get it outside when it crawled into a student copy of Maple; I managed to hold it out of the window so that it was outside when it crawled back out again
2011-10-24.txt:10:09:52: <elliott> thakn god for maple
2011-10-24.txt:10:14:05: <ais523> I wonder if the license activation server for Maple 6 is still around?
2011-10-30.txt:21:16:37: <Taneb> It will menace with spikes of maple
2012-01-27.txt:18:34:22: <fizzie> Deewiant: U+21A6 RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR. Alias names: z notation maplet.
2012-04-09.txt:05:04:04: <qfr> Eclipse, Azure, Maple come to mind
2012-05-17.txt:15:04:55: <elliott> In line with mapLens/intMapLens.
2012-12-05.txt:07:12:12: <quintopia> monsters/maple street, it's a good life, handful of others
2012-12-05.txt:07:15:41: <Sgeo|web> (Already spoiled It's a Good Life and Monsters/Maple Street, and know of that one with the glasses)
2013-02-12.txt:20:43:07: * boily puts maple syrup on his compiler stack.
2013-02-28.txt:23:05:23: <Bike> Ugh, I actually /am/ kind of jealous, because I know this guy could Maple circles around me.
2013-05-17.txt:03:37:47: <kmc> my friend took 2C-I and then tried to install Maple
2013-06-01.txt:19:44:40: <Bike> "Cognos · Bayesian Enhanced Strategic Trading · Fax Focus, Inc. · Hewlett Packard · Intel · Korea Telecom · Luen Thai · Maple Partners · Microsoft · Niagara Mohawk Power · Nikko Securities · Novell · Okada Denki Co. Ltd. · Pivotal Technologies · Syngenesis, Inc."
2013-07-29.txt:02:42:15: <Bike> my blood's more maple-y
2013-09-19.txt:15:18:22: <boily> a dataflow / visual programming of the bastard child of Maple, Mathematica and Matlab!
2013-09-26.txt:18:20:34: <fizzie> boily: Or Gammaplex? 
2013-09-26.txt:18:20:57: <boily> fizzie: I wasn't up to there, skipped Gammaplex, and I said “seems”.
2013-11-11.txt:21:19:44: <quintopia> i like the idea of boily being only slightly heavier than a box of maple leaf cookies
2013-11-13.txt:16:25:33: * boily prods mrhmouse with a calibrated 10' pole mad out of the finest maple and with a tapered end wrapped in a hand-knit woolen dampener
2013-11-13.txt:18:59:35: <mrhmouse> is mapole an amalgam of maple and pole?
2013-12-02.txt:16:53:49: * boily swings his usual, standardised maple bat over at Halite[tablet] *SCHMWHACK*
2013-12-02.txt:16:54:16: <boily> `pastlogs maple
2013-12-02.txt:16:54:23: <boily> `pastlog maple
2013-12-02.txt:16:55:04: <boily> `pastelog maple