view paste/paste.28419 @ 8214:42d9e553c5ab

<tswett> learn The doshes are what the gostak distims.
author HackBot
date Mon, 30 May 2016 17:44:30 +0000
parents 157901e20cc2
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line source

2004-05-27.txt:05:56:40: -!- Keymaker has joined #esoteric.
2004-05-27.txt:05:57:43: <Keymaker> Hello everyone; haven't been here ever before, and excuse me my bad English.
2004-05-27.txt:06:05:10: <Keymaker> Heh
2004-05-27.txt:06:05:14: <Keymaker> Yeah.
2004-05-27.txt:06:05:22: <Keymaker> Finnish
2004-05-27.txt:06:05:23: <Keymaker> !
2004-05-27.txt:06:05:27: <Keymaker> I'm from Finland :)
2004-05-27.txt:06:05:47: <Keymaker> Ok
2004-05-27.txt:06:07:16: <Keymaker> Hmmm, too bad I have to go now. I'll come back sometime later, goodbye everyone.
2004-05-27.txt:06:07:19: -!- Keymaker has quit ().
2004-05-27.txt:12:07:32: -!- Keymaker has joined #esoteric.
2004-05-27.txt:12:40:24: <Keymaker> Are you 1.) discussing privately or 2.) just idling? :)
2004-05-27.txt:12:47:23: <Keymaker> yah
2004-05-27.txt:12:47:29: <Keymaker> I can see.
2004-05-27.txt:12:55:03: <Keymaker> hmmm, yes
2004-05-27.txt:12:55:50: <Keymaker> Well, what language you're interested most about?
2004-05-27.txt:12:59:59: <Keymaker> i see
2004-05-27.txt:13:00:29: <Keymaker> i just read something about befunge, gotta say i didn't understand anything :O but it seemed interesting
2004-05-27.txt:13:08:21: <Keymaker> But well, I think I'll go to do some coding or play Commander Keen, cya.
2004-05-27.txt:13:08:22: -!- Keymaker has quit ().
2004-05-27.txt:14:54:06: -!- Keymaker has joined #esoteric.
2004-05-27.txt:14:55:47: <Keymaker> I just realized (=read) Befunge code is in 2d table. No wonder the code looked so cryptic before. :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:03:03: <Keymaker> yeah
2004-05-27.txt:15:03:28: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:03:50: <Keymaker> by the way, where does the code start?
2004-05-27.txt:15:03:59: <Keymaker> from some corner or is there some symbol for it?
2004-05-27.txt:15:04:17: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:15:05:08: <Keymaker> i might take a look at it later :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:05:37: <Keymaker> thanks
2004-05-27.txt:15:06:11: <Keymaker> :O
2004-05-27.txt:15:06:28: <Keymaker> wow, probably wasn't pretty easy to code that one..
2004-05-27.txt:15:12:19: <Keymaker> heh
2004-05-27.txt:15:18:04: <Keymaker> Before I realized not so many mins ago that Befunge consist of single characters like BF and the code is in table, I was pretty confused when I was trying to figure 'is there any logic in this language?'. I was trying to think what syntax and instructions it used and didn't realize the different instructions were in front of my eyes as single characters. :\ (sorry, I just had to say this now because I forgot to say this totally ^ up there)
2004-05-27.txt:15:19:24: <Keymaker> Probably it'll be better to search some info before looking at the code, for now on. :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:19:57: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-27.txt:15:19:58: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:15:21:28: <Keymaker> you probably mean the cat's eye page about Befunge?
2004-05-27.txt:15:23:46: <Keymaker> allright :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:24:41: <Keymaker> hmm, is he in this room at the moment?
2004-05-27.txt:15:25:18: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:15:25:49: <Keymaker> what's 'oses'?
2004-05-27.txt:15:25:57: <Keymaker> oh
2004-05-27.txt:15:26:44: <Keymaker> ok - though, i don't know (yet) what it is
2004-05-27.txt:15:26:55: <Keymaker> heh
2004-05-27.txt:15:28:16: <Keymaker> i'll stay with brainf#ck, but this befunge is just something i don't wanna miss :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:28:33: <Keymaker> is there any good interpreters/compilers?
2004-05-27.txt:15:28:57: <Keymaker> too bad i have to confess, i'm still using win :(
2004-05-27.txt:15:29:35: <Keymaker> heh
2004-05-27.txt:15:31:03: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:32:18: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-27.txt:15:33:13: <Keymaker> that's big plus (lack of bugs)
2004-05-27.txt:15:33:40: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:15:35:13: <Keymaker> :D
2004-05-27.txt:15:36:00: <Keymaker> too bad
2004-05-27.txt:15:37:05: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:37:29: <Keymaker> what you're doing? code?
2004-05-27.txt:15:39:28: <Keymaker> hmmm
2004-05-27.txt:15:39:30: <Keymaker> i see
2004-05-27.txt:15:40:48: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-27.txt:15:40:52: <Keymaker> does it work?
2004-05-27.txt:15:41:45: <Keymaker> :(
2004-05-27.txt:15:42:36: <Keymaker> sorry, but i'm not really good coder :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:43:41: <Keymaker> hmmm, just wondering, how many here are actually from finland?
2004-05-27.txt:15:44:00: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:15:45:13: <Keymaker> yah
2004-05-27.txt:15:45:17: <Keymaker> not at all
2004-05-27.txt:15:46:42: <Keymaker> hmmm, by the way, why c? why not c++?
2004-05-27.txt:15:47:00: <Keymaker> i think that's somehow simpler
2004-05-27.txt:15:47:18: <Keymaker> ah, i see
2004-05-27.txt:15:48:16: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:48:43: <Keymaker> if i have time enough ever i think i'll write somekind of brainf#ck interpreter
2004-05-27.txt:15:49:31: <Keymaker> oo-like?
2004-05-27.txt:15:49:39: <Keymaker> ah
2004-05-27.txt:15:49:51: <Keymaker> i just realized at the same moment i asked :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:51:22: <Keymaker> heh
2004-05-27.txt:15:51:39: <Keymaker> hmm, too bad probably not true :(
2004-05-27.txt:15:53:12: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:54:06: <Keymaker> ah, the agent family :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:57:09: <Keymaker> it'd take me a lot time to read those funge specifications, but what is the biggest difference between befunge 93 and 98, or are they even same language?
2004-05-27.txt:15:57:49: <Keymaker> oh
2004-05-27.txt:15:58:09: <Keymaker> well, i'll use the 93 one when i use this
2004-05-27.txt:15:59:13: <Keymaker> 'trefunge'?
2004-05-27.txt:15:59:49: <Keymaker> oh
2004-05-27.txt:16:00:05: <Keymaker> hehe
2004-05-27.txt:16:00:11: <Keymaker> that all goes too confusing :)
2004-05-27.txt:16:00:50: <Keymaker> yeah
2004-05-27.txt:16:01:24: <Keymaker> i wonder is there any language that anyone hadn't had skills to write an interpreter or a compiler?
2004-05-27.txt:16:02:36: <Keymaker> yah
2004-05-27.txt:16:03:11: <Keymaker> yeah
2004-05-27.txt:16:03:33: <Keymaker> there was that '#' that jumps over one?
2004-05-27.txt:16:03:39: <Keymaker> cell
2004-05-27.txt:16:04:06: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-27.txt:16:04:44: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-27.txt:16:05:25: <Keymaker> are those 1-9 (and a-f) kinda like variables in befunge?
2004-05-27.txt:16:05:39: <Keymaker> that one can save some number into those?
2004-05-27.txt:16:06:01: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:16:06:20: <Keymaker> ah
2004-05-27.txt:16:06:43: <Keymaker> i see
2004-05-27.txt:16:06:58: <Keymaker> heh
2004-05-27.txt:16:07:20: <Keymaker> kinda cheating again :)
2004-05-27.txt:16:07:58: <Keymaker> in some ways that 98 version makes the whole thing a lot easier, but also a lot more confusing if someone wants to use all the things possible in it
2004-05-27.txt:16:08:38: <Keymaker> i wasn't familiar with that
2004-05-27.txt:16:10:33: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-27.txt:16:10:50: <Keymaker> so, in 93 there's 80x25 'cells' to play with?
2004-05-27.txt:16:12:03: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:16:13:21: <Keymaker> some smaller limits in languages is what i've always liked
2004-05-27.txt:16:14:09: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-27.txt:16:14:35: <Keymaker> yes
2004-05-27.txt:16:15:51: <Keymaker> it isn't pretty useful to have 32-bit stack and 8-bit playfield in 93'?
2004-05-27.txt:16:16:44: <Keymaker> yeah
2004-05-27.txt:16:17:31: <Keymaker> yeah
2004-05-27.txt:16:17:50: <Keymaker> actully it sounds pretty logical when you said it that way :)
2004-05-27.txt:16:19:23: <Keymaker> a bit off-topic, do you know any language that would have less instructions that bf's 8?
2004-05-27.txt:16:19:45: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:16:19:49: <Keymaker> i wonder how they work..
2004-05-27.txt:16:20:01: <Keymaker> wow
2004-05-27.txt:16:21:29: <Keymaker> hmm, now when i think about it probably some language could be made with three instructions probablu
2004-05-27.txt:16:21:46: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-27.txt:16:22:06: <Keymaker> cheers
2004-05-27.txt:16:23:51: <Keymaker> too bad :(
2004-05-27.txt:16:24:35: <Keymaker> good :)
2004-05-27.txt:16:26:44: <Keymaker> yah
2004-05-27.txt:16:30:03: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-27.txt:16:30:16: <Keymaker> sounds nice
2004-05-27.txt:16:31:59: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:16:32:13: <Keymaker> i'll try to see if i find something someday
2004-05-27.txt:16:38:18: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-27.txt:16:40:15: <Keymaker> hmmm, i think i'll go now :(
2004-05-27.txt:16:40:30: <Keymaker> it has been nice chatting, see you some other time :)
2004-05-27.txt:16:41:16: <Keymaker> bye
2004-05-27.txt:16:41:19: -!- Keymaker has quit ().
2004-05-27.txt:19:59:40: -!- Keymaker has joined #esoteric.
2004-05-27.txt:20:01:23: <Keymaker> hmmm, does Daniel C., that brainf#ck coder, visit this place sometimes?
2004-05-27.txt:20:05:50: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-27.txt:20:05:58: <Keymaker> ok, thanks for info
2004-05-27.txt:20:06:17: <Keymaker> just thought it would be nice to talk him a bit sometime :)
2004-05-27.txt:20:08:41: <Keymaker> haha interesting :D
2004-05-27.txt:20:13:04: <Keymaker> heh strange stuff, but well made
2004-05-27.txt:20:13:26: <Keymaker> i wonder if it's some brainfuck program that did those fractals?
2004-05-27.txt:20:14:58: <Keymaker> yeah
2004-05-27.txt:20:44:21: <Keymaker> Just curiously asking; how old is this channel? I mean how many year you've been here?
2004-05-27.txt:20:45:34: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:20:45:52: <Keymaker> hmmm
2004-05-27.txt:20:45:58: <Keymaker> not long time ago
2004-05-27.txt:20:48:15: <Keymaker> wow
2004-05-27.txt:20:48:30: <Keymaker> is there any way to read those in web?
2004-05-27.txt:20:50:39: <Keymaker> ok - thanks a lot! :)
2004-05-27.txt:21:08:35: <Keymaker> Interesting material.,
2004-05-27.txt:21:12:31: <Keymaker> hmmm
2004-05-27.txt:21:12:42: <Keymaker> looks very nice
2004-05-27.txt:21:39:32: <Keymaker> almost? :)
2004-05-27.txt:21:44:14: <Keymaker> it sounds pretty impressive
2004-05-27.txt:21:46:25: <Keymaker> :(
2004-05-27.txt:21:46:37: <Keymaker> really bad luck :(
2004-05-27.txt:21:49:02: <Keymaker> i haven't had a good change to test the language :( always too busy
2004-05-27.txt:21:49:11: <Keymaker> ti-basic i mean
2004-05-27.txt:21:57:17: <Keymaker> i would like to learn it..
2004-05-27.txt:22:21:50: <Keymaker> i'll go, good nite
2004-05-27.txt:22:21:51: -!- Keymaker has quit ().
2004-05-28.txt:10:27:03: -!- Keymaker has joined #esoteric.
2004-05-28.txt:10:46:39: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-28.txt:10:47:27: <Keymaker> dcb been here?
2004-05-28.txt:10:59:00: <Keymaker> ok'
2004-05-28.txt:10:59:06: <Keymaker> hehe
2004-05-28.txt:10:59:39: <Keymaker> noo, i just want to change a couple of words with him, that guy seems to be genius
2004-05-28.txt:11:05:49: <Keymaker> ok ok :)
2004-05-28.txt:11:06:09: <Keymaker> we - 1 to be exact, i'm not too bright
2004-05-28.txt:11:06:29: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-28.txt:11:11:51: <Keymaker> ok, good luck
2004-05-28.txt:11:35:58: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-28.txt:11:59:56: <Keymaker> Hmmm, really strange, one cd I bought smells like chicken noodles.. *confused*
2004-05-28.txt:12:47:24: <Keymaker> Hmmm, it's Back to the Future time. See you in the future.
2004-05-28.txt:12:47:27: <Keymaker> Or past.
2004-05-28.txt:12:47:27: -!- Keymaker has quit ().
2004-05-28.txt:20:07:15: -!- Keymaker has joined #esoteric.
2004-05-28.txt:20:07:27: <Keymaker> hiya
2004-05-28.txt:20:09:40: <calamari_> hi keymaker
2004-05-28.txt:20:09:44: <Keymaker> hi
2004-05-28.txt:20:14:27: <Keymaker> evening
2004-05-28.txt:20:14:32: <Keymaker> been here the whole day? :)
2004-05-28.txt:20:16:20: <Keymaker> hmmm, what the parser means?
2004-05-28.txt:20:17:16: <calamari_> keymaker: it takes a c source file and decides what the tokens are .. like "int" "main" "(" ")" "{" .. etc
2004-05-28.txt:20:17:35: <Keymaker> ah
2004-05-28.txt:20:30:15: <Keymaker> interesting :)
2004-05-28.txt:20:37:02: <Keymaker> is 'bfbasic' some program released?
2004-05-28.txt:20:37:37: <Keymaker> cheers
2004-05-28.txt:20:39:26: <Keymaker> this sounds like really hard job to do, how long you've been working on it?
2004-05-28.txt:20:39:40: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-28.txt:20:39:58: <Keymaker> well, good luck with it :)
2004-05-28.txt:20:51:58: <Keymaker> what kind of?
2004-05-28.txt:21:20:52: <Keymaker> now?
2004-05-28.txt:21:21:05: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-28.txt:21:21:13: <Keymaker> better remember :)
2004-05-28.txt:21:49:40: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-28.txt:22:38:33: <Keymaker> hmmm
2004-05-28.txt:22:38:46: <Keymaker> I think I'll go, good night everyone. :)
2004-05-28.txt:22:38:53: -!- Keymaker has quit ().
2004-05-29.txt:07:13:35: -!- Keymaker has joined #esoteric.
2004-05-29.txt:07:13:51: <Keymaker> hiya
2004-05-29.txt:07:20:19: <Keymaker> hi
2004-05-29.txt:07:21:20: <Keymaker> soon i'll have to go and get my something-paper-where-is-grades 'cos summer break (!!) starts..
2004-05-29.txt:07:22:33: <Keymaker> hehe :)
2004-05-29.txt:07:22:49: <Keymaker> i quit yesterday ~hour berofe that time
2004-05-29.txt:07:23:30: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-29.txt:07:23:36: <Keymaker> i haven't tried that game
2004-05-29.txt:07:24:26: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-29.txt:07:25:35: <Keymaker> i bet
2004-05-29.txt:07:25:43: <Keymaker> hehe
2004-05-29.txt:07:26:34: <Keymaker> many things that seem to be boring at first sight often happen to be very interesting/fun
2004-05-29.txt:07:26:54: <Keymaker> exactly :)
2004-05-29.txt:07:27:12: <Keymaker> yeah
2004-05-29.txt:07:27:20: <Keymaker> depends on language a lot
2004-05-29.txt:07:27:38: <Keymaker> yeah
2004-05-29.txt:07:27:44: <Keymaker> that's most important
2004-05-29.txt:07:28:00: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-29.txt:07:28:02: <Keymaker> yeah i see
2004-05-29.txt:07:28:22: <Keymaker> writing something 24/7 you don't like isn't a dream job
2004-05-29.txt:07:28:50: <Keymaker> but too bad, clock is ticking fast, i need to go that i don't miss the stuff there
2004-05-29.txt:07:28:53: <Keymaker> good night :)
2004-05-29.txt:07:29:03: -!- Keymaker has quit ().
2004-05-30.txt:17:13:41: -!- Keymaker has joined #esoteric.
2004-05-30.txt:17:13:55: <Keymaker> ah, home sweet home :)
2004-05-30.txt:17:17:58: <Keymaker> nNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
2004-05-30.txt:17:18:14: <Keymaker> i knew this, i knew this!
2004-05-30.txt:17:18:26: <Keymaker> something good had to happen when i was away for a day..
2004-05-30.txt:17:18:59: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-30.txt:17:19:26: <Keymaker> a lot idling i see
2004-05-30.txt:17:19:51: <Keymaker> well, i hopefully he's here next saturday -- or week
2004-05-30.txt:17:20:54: <Keymaker> *i hope (small correction to the above ^)
2004-05-30.txt:17:24:24: <Keymaker> yah
2004-05-30.txt:17:24:34: <Keymaker> too bad i can't keep this always on :(
2004-05-30.txt:17:34:24: <Keymaker> well, i could try to say something between that joining and quiting time :)
2004-05-30.txt:17:35:06: <Keymaker> (looking at those logs you posted seems he was here ~7 hours)
2004-05-30.txt:17:42:57: <Keymaker> hehe
2004-05-30.txt:17:43:00: <Keymaker> :D
2004-05-30.txt:18:16:07: <Keymaker> argh, i have to got 
2004-05-30.txt:18:16:12: <Keymaker> darn
2004-05-30.txt:18:16:25: <Keymaker> i pressed accidentally enter, i'll write the message again
2004-05-30.txt:18:16:52: <Keymaker> argh, i have to go and start baking a pizza :( i'll be back later
2004-05-30.txt:19:05:52: -!- t is now known as Keymaker[-].
2004-05-30.txt:19:06:01: <Keymaker[-]> done
2004-05-30.txt:19:08:54: <Keymaker[-]> ?
2004-05-30.txt:19:12:22: <Keymaker[-]> o k
2004-05-30.txt:19:14:05: <Keymaker[-]> so, how's your day Toreun? been working on anything? :)
2004-05-30.txt:19:22:26: <Keymaker[-]> ah i see
2004-05-30.txt:19:22:28: -!- Keymaker has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
2004-05-30.txt:19:22:37: <Keymaker[-]> hmmm
2004-05-30.txt:19:22:43: <Keymaker[-]> is it in web yet?
2004-05-30.txt:19:23:04: <Keymaker[-]> :D
2004-05-30.txt:19:23:18: <Keymaker[-]> i'll take a look
2004-05-30.txt:19:24:22: <Keymaker[-]> Ooooh :o Very nice design there!
2004-05-30.txt:19:25:06: -!- Keymaker[-] is now known as Keymaker.
2004-05-30.txt:19:25:31: <Keymaker> yah
2004-05-30.txt:19:25:40: <Keymaker> i'm kinda same when it comes to designing something
2004-05-30.txt:19:25:53: <Keymaker> i'm never totally happy with my works
2004-05-30.txt:19:27:42: <Keymaker> yah
2004-05-30.txt:19:27:51: <Keymaker> same here
2004-05-30.txt:19:28:13: <Keymaker> oh, and gotta say that SimpleBits looks really nice as well
2004-05-30.txt:19:30:28: <Keymaker> you're skills are good enough
2004-05-30.txt:19:30:33: <Keymaker> but my skills.. ugh..
2004-05-30.txt:19:30:58: <Keymaker> yeh
2004-05-30.txt:19:31:43: <Keymaker> know that feeling
2004-05-30.txt:19:32:07: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-30.txt:19:32:51: <Keymaker> :(
2004-05-30.txt:19:32:53: <Keymaker> yeah
2004-05-30.txt:19:33:27: <Keymaker> hm
2004-05-30.txt:19:33:34: <Keymaker> i bet
2004-05-30.txt:19:33:43: <Keymaker> it has other bugs as well :)
2004-05-30.txt:19:35:01: <Keymaker> wha do you mean?
2004-05-30.txt:19:35:27: <Keymaker> oh
2004-05-30.txt:19:35:37: <Keymaker> what does it do?
2004-05-30.txt:19:36:37: <Keymaker> yea
2004-05-30.txt:19:37:43: <Keymaker> yes, it wakes up and sues every other company and coder >:)
2004-05-30.txt:19:39:59: <Keymaker> it eases things a lot
2004-05-30.txt:19:40:26: <Keymaker> nice site, i've seen it sometime before :)
2004-05-30.txt:19:42:28: <Keymaker> too bad :( well, good that i had my change to see it weeks before this point of time
2004-05-30.txt:19:48:25: <Keymaker> y.. yo....y.. you.. youre mortal again fizzie :O
2004-05-30.txt:19:48:52: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-30.txt:19:49:23: <Keymaker> i haven't seen him/her talking, but on the other hand i've spent quite few time here
2004-05-30.txt:19:53:14: <Keymaker> hehe
2004-05-30.txt:19:53:21: <Keymaker> i see
2004-05-30.txt:19:53:54: <Keymaker> well, it makes one wonder, why then hang out in a channel :D
2004-05-30.txt:19:54:33: <Keymaker> yes
2004-05-30.txt:20:01:22: <Keymaker> well, soon i should make up some nice design for my site
2004-05-30.txt:20:03:28: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-30.txt:20:03:33: <Keymaker> well the site isn't in the web
2004-05-30.txt:20:03:43: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-30.txt:20:04:12: <Keymaker> i'm working on couple of sites
2004-05-30.txt:20:04:20: <Keymaker> but this design i was talking about will
2004-05-30.txt:20:04:27: <Keymaker> be to my "personal" site
2004-05-30.txt:20:04:38: <Keymaker> that'll have my (lame) brainfuck codes
2004-05-30.txt:20:05:02: <Keymaker> and other code projects
2004-05-30.txt:20:05:14: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-30.txt:20:05:59: <Keymaker> toreun: when your projects are there, tell me so i can go and check out :)
2004-05-30.txt:20:06:24: <Keymaker> ok :)
2004-05-30.txt:20:06:37: <Keymaker> hehe
2004-05-30.txt:20:08:45: <Keymaker> what does that 'd' mean and where it searches that info fizzie?
2004-05-30.txt:20:09:39: <Keymaker> demi?
2004-05-30.txt:20:09:48: <fizzie> keymaker should be able to parse the language.
2004-05-30.txt:20:09:48: <Keymaker> um, why? :)
[too many lines; stopping]