view interps/cfunge/build/CMakeFiles/Makefile2 @ 7945:34fac2ce839a

<moon__> mkx bin/hfs//erro \'You have discovered an eerie cavern. The air aboe the dar kstone floor is alive ith vortices of purple light and dark, boiling clouds. Seemingly bottemless pits mark the surface. "$1" stand below\'
author HackBot
date Sat, 07 May 2016 18:36:03 +0000
parents 859f9b4339e6
line wrap: on
line source

# CMAKE generated file: DO NOT EDIT!
# Generated by "Unix Makefiles" Generator, CMake Version 2.8

# Default target executed when no arguments are given to make.
default_target: all
.PHONY : default_target

# The main recursive all target
.PHONY : all

# The main recursive preinstall target
.PHONY : preinstall

# Special targets provided by cmake.

# Disable implicit rules so canonical targets will work.

# Remove some rules from gmake that .SUFFIXES does not remove.

.SUFFIXES: .hpux_make_needs_suffix_list

# Suppress display of executed commands.

# A target that is always out of date.
.PHONY : cmake_force

# Set environment variables for the build.

# The shell in which to execute make rules.
SHELL = /bin/sh

# The CMake executable.
CMAKE_COMMAND = /usr/bin/cmake

# The command to remove a file.
RM = /usr/bin/cmake -E remove -f

# Escaping for special characters.

# The top-level source directory on which CMake was run.
CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR = /home/gregor/projects/hackbot/multibot_cmds/env/interps/cfunge/cfunge-src

# The top-level build directory on which CMake was run.
CMAKE_BINARY_DIR = /home/gregor/projects/hackbot/multibot_cmds/env/interps/cfunge/build

# Target rules for target CMakeFiles/build-man.dir

# All Build rule for target.
CMakeFiles/build-man.dir/all: CMakeFiles/cfunge.dir/all
	$(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/build-man.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/build-man.dir/depend
	$(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/build-man.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/build-man.dir/build
	$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_report /home/gregor/projects/hackbot/multibot_cmds/env/interps/cfunge/build/CMakeFiles  1
	@echo "Built target build-man"
.PHONY : CMakeFiles/build-man.dir/all

# Build rule for subdir invocation for target.
CMakeFiles/build-man.dir/rule: cmake_check_build_system
	$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /home/gregor/projects/hackbot/multibot_cmds/env/interps/cfunge/build/CMakeFiles 53
	$(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 CMakeFiles/build-man.dir/all
	$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /home/gregor/projects/hackbot/multibot_cmds/env/interps/cfunge/build/CMakeFiles 0
.PHONY : CMakeFiles/build-man.dir/rule

# Convenience name for target.
build-man: CMakeFiles/build-man.dir/rule
.PHONY : build-man

# clean rule for target.
	$(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/build-man.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/build-man.dir/clean
.PHONY : CMakeFiles/build-man.dir/clean

# clean rule for target.
clean: CMakeFiles/build-man.dir/clean
.PHONY : clean

# Target rules for target CMakeFiles/cfunge.dir

# All Build rule for target.
	$(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/cfunge.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/cfunge.dir/depend
	$(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/cfunge.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/cfunge.dir/build
	$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_report /home/gregor/projects/hackbot/multibot_cmds/env/interps/cfunge/build/CMakeFiles  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
	@echo "Built target cfunge"
.PHONY : CMakeFiles/cfunge.dir/all

# Include target in all.
all: CMakeFiles/cfunge.dir/all
.PHONY : all

# Build rule for subdir invocation for target.
CMakeFiles/cfunge.dir/rule: cmake_check_build_system
	$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /home/gregor/projects/hackbot/multibot_cmds/env/interps/cfunge/build/CMakeFiles 52
	$(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 CMakeFiles/cfunge.dir/all
	$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /home/gregor/projects/hackbot/multibot_cmds/env/interps/cfunge/build/CMakeFiles 0
.PHONY : CMakeFiles/cfunge.dir/rule

# Convenience name for target.
cfunge: CMakeFiles/cfunge.dir/rule
.PHONY : cfunge

# clean rule for target.
	$(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/cfunge.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/cfunge.dir/clean
.PHONY : CMakeFiles/cfunge.dir/clean

# clean rule for target.
clean: CMakeFiles/cfunge.dir/clean
.PHONY : clean

# Special targets to cleanup operation of make.

# Special rule to run CMake to check the build system integrity.
# No rule that depends on this can have commands that come from listfiles
# because they might be regenerated.
	$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -H$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) -B$(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0
.PHONY : cmake_check_build_system