view paste/paste.19598 @ 6405:30b6ed06491d

<oerjan> learn Puns are fun. Ask shachaf about them.
author HackBot
date Fri, 18 Dec 2015 00:14:14 +0000
parents d7754e0e4259
line wrap: on
line source

2003-07-06.txt:16:17:27: <Andreou> RPN? then /j #nop3 :)))))
2004-06-11.txt:20:34:19: <lament> :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
2005-05-18.txt:20:34:31: <kipple> then they give you a page full of ))))))))))))))))))
2005-05-28.txt:23:21:17: <lament> gopher would be even better than ftp :))))))
2005-06-14.txt:23:12:24: <GregorR> Oh, btw, about Lisp, lament: hear hear))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
2005-06-14.txt:23:12:24: <GregorR> ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
2005-08-05.txt:19:04:27: <int-e> S = lxyz.xz(yz) is an abbreviation for (lx.(ly.(lz.((xz)(yz)))))
2005-08-05.txt:19:06:31: <int-e> Sabc = (((Sa)b)c) = ((((lx.(ly.(lz.((xz)(yz)))))a)b)c) = (((ly.(lz.((az)(yz))))b)c) = ((lz.((az)(bz)))c) = ((ac)(bc))
2005-08-05.txt:20:34:55: <calamari> ((((lx.(ly.(lz.((xz)(yz)))))a)b)c) = (((ly.(lz.((az)(yz))))b)c), why is lx removed and not lz?  that's what's confusing me
2005-08-05.txt:20:35:32: <int-e> I reduce the subterm ((lx.(ly.(lz.((xz)(yz)))))a)
2005-08-05.txt:23:24:34: <int-e> I was somehow thinking of numbers as fffffffx instead of f(f(f(f(fx))))) ...
2005-08-06.txt:01:15:52: <int-e> --> (?f.f (?x y.x) (?x y.x (x y)) (?x y.x (x (x (x (x (x y)))))))
2005-08-06.txt:01:57:22: <int-e> new lsub: (\a b.\g x.(a <pow> I (b <pow> (K x))) ((\x.x x) (\f x.g (x (f f)))))
2005-08-10.txt:00:40:11: <jix> did ?z x y.x (z x y) => (S (K (S (S (K S) (S (K K) I))))) (S (S (K S) (S (K (S (K S))) (S (K (S (K K))) (S (S (K S) (S (K K) I)) (K I))))) (K (K I)))
2005-08-10.txt:00:55:08: <jix> did (?x y z.x z y) => (S (S (K S) (S (K K) (S (K S) (S (S (K S) (S (K K) I)) (K I))))) (K (S (K K) I))) in 10 mins
2005-09-18.txt:01:45:16: <Keymaker> like for example ((((()))))
2005-10-20.txt:17:17:49: <graue> jix: nowhere :)))))))))
2005-10-30.txt:00:05:50: <GregorR> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  TURN AWAY, BEFORE THE POWER OF LISP ENTANGLES YOU)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
2005-10-30.txt:00:14:10: <GregorR> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
2005-10-30.txt:00:15:42: <GregorR> )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) is always a problem.
2005-10-30.txt:00:37:12: <fizzie> And I only have a ")))))))))))" in the Glass compiler thing, no longer strings of parens.
2005-11-05.txt:16:01:00: <jix> GregorR_: ... target)))))))) ;)
2005-11-05.txt:17:17:08: <jix> use lisp!)))))) ;)
2005-11-06.txt:16:10:58: <int-e> (defun curry3 (f) (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (lambda (z) (funcall f x y z)))))
2005-11-26.txt:21:08:25: <ihope> So far, I have ack 3 (ack 1 (ack 1 (ack 1 (ack 0 (ack 1 4))))).
2005-11-27.txt:19:12:56: <fizzie> 3.80 seconds to calculate the value of (letrec ((fib (lambda (n) (if (= n 1) 0 (if (= n 2) 1 (+ (fib (- n 2)) (fib (- n 1)))))))) (fib 8)) -- this must be one of the slowest scheme systems ever built.
2006-01-01.txt:18:36:30: <SimonRC> heh: ((lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x))) (quote (lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x)))))
2006-01-15.txt:02:34:44: <lament> ((((((((((()))))))))))
2006-02-25.txt:00:53:27: <ihope> \a b c d e f g -> a g (f g) (e g (f g)) (d g (f g) (e g (f g))) (c g (f g) (e g (f g)) (d g (f g) (e g (f g)))) (b g (f g) (e g (f g)) (d g (f g) (e g (f g))) (c g (f g) (e g (f g)) (d g (f g) (e g (f g)))))
2006-03-10.txt:21:32:47: <jix> RoboGregorR: pha just because you arn't used to the lisp syntax))))))))))
2006-03-20.txt:16:02:41: <ihope> B(1,1,1) = B(0,B(1,0,1),B(1,1,0)) = B(0,B(0,1,1),B(1,0,1)) = B(0,A(1,1),B(0,1,1)) = B(0,A(0,A(1,0)),A(1,1)) = B(0,A(0,A(0,1)),A(0,A(1,0))) = B(0,A(0,2),A(0,A(0,1))) = B(0,3,A(0,2)) = B(0,3,3) = A(3,3) = A(2,A(3,2)) = A(2,A(2,A(3,1))) = A(2,A(2,A(2,A(3,0)))) = A(2,A(2,A(2,A(2,1)))) = A(2,A(2,A(2,A(1,A(2,0))))) = A(2,A(2,A(2,A(1,A(2,0)))))
2006-04-27.txt:01:24:57: <calamari> consider a loop ((((([...)))))]  if I have a negative number and jump to the (((( then I still have to climb out of the negs, I don't start at zero like I did the first time
2006-05-30.txt:01:37:23: <ihope> Hmm, aleph(aleph(aleph(aleph(aleph(aleph(aleph(...)))))))
2006-07-27.txt:05:37:56: <thematrixeatsyou> (((((((((())))))))))(()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()())((()()()()())((())(())(())(())(())(())(())(()))(()()()()()()()))((()()()()()()()()())(())()()()()()()())
2006-07-27.txt:06:04:18: <thematrixeatsyou> then again, the (((((((((())))))))))(()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()())((()()()()())((())(())(())(())(())(())(())(()))(()()()()()()()))((()()()()()()()()())(())()()()()()()()) would ring a wtf
2006-08-29.txt:00:44:14: <ihope> #do eval ((lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x))) (quote (lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x)))))
2006-08-29.txt:00:44:15: <GreyKnight> #do eval ((lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x))) (quote (lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x)))))
2006-08-29.txt:00:44:17: <GreyKnight> #> '((LAMBDA (X) (LIST X (LIST (QUOTE QUOTE) X))) (QUOTE (LAMBDA (X) (LIST X (LIST (QUOTE QUOTE) X)))))
2006-08-29.txt:08:28:06: <GreyKnight> We were using (defun ackermann (a b) (if (= a 0) (1+ b) (if (< a 0) 0 (if (= b 0) (ackermann (1- a) 1) (ackermann (1- a) (ackermann a (1- b)))))))
2006-08-29.txt:19:11:00: <ihope> lamentLikes x = length x == 6 && head x == 'P' && head (tail x) == 'y' && head (tail (tail x)) == 't' && head (tail (tail (tail x))) = 'h' && head (tail (tail (tail (tail x)))) = 'o' && head (tail (tail (tail (tail (tail x))))) = 'n'
2006-09-06.txt:01:07:10: <ihope> (defun foldr (f b l) (cond ((null l) b) (something (f (car l) (foldr f b (cdr l)))))) <- my little foldr function
2006-09-06.txt:01:09:40: <ihope> (defun foldr (f b l) (if (null l) b (f (car l) (foldr f b (cdr l)))))?
2006-09-06.txt:01:18:01: <Razor-X> (define (fold-right function initial list) (if (null? list) (function initial initial) (if (null? (cdr list)) (function initial (car list)) (fold-right function (function initial (car list)) (cdr list)))))
2006-11-05.txt:03:08:13: <SevenInchBread> ha":"values").values()))))()].__dict__.[lambda: "__class__"()].__dict__[lambda "".join(list("".join(list("__len__"))))()].__call__.__call__.__call__.__call__())
2006-11-22.txt:05:00:11: <SimonRC> PLUS = (LAMBDA (X Y) (X (LAMBDA () Y) (LAMBDA (N) (SUCC (PLUS N Y)))))
2006-11-22.txt:05:02:55: <SimonRC> plus = (lambda (x y)  (x           (lambda ()    y) (lambda (n)   (succ (plus n y)))))
2006-11-22.txt:05:08:37: <SimonRC> NAT-TO-CHURCH = (LAMBDA (N) (LAMBDA (F) (LAMBDA (X) (N (LAMBDA () X) (LAMBDA (M) (F (NAT-TO-CHURCH M))))))
2006-11-22.txt:05:11:16: <SimonRC> NAT-TO-CHURCH = (LAMBDA (N) (LAMBDA (F X) (N (LAMBDA () X) (LAMBDA (M) F (NAT-TO-CHURCH M))))))
2006-12-22.txt:02:15:05: <bsmntbombdood> given (defun a (m n) (cond ((= m 0) (+ n 1)) ((and (> m 0) (= n 0)) (a (- m 1) 1)) ((and (> m 0) (> n 0)) (a (- m 1) (a m (- n 1)))))), does (a 10 13) terminate?
2006-12-22.txt:02:16:11: <bsmntbombdood> given (defun a (m n) (cond ((= m 0) (+ n 1)) ((and (> m 0) (= n 0)) (a (- m 1) 1)) ((and (> m 0) (> n 0)) (a (- m 1) (a m (- n 1)))))), compute (a 4 3) please
2006-12-22.txt:02:37:12: <bsmntbombdood> given that (defun f (x y) (cond ((> x y) (f y x) (t (f (+ x y) y))))), does (f 2 1) terminate? does (f 1 2) terminate?
2007-01-07.txt:01:30:02: <ihope> ~pexec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :~list (.*)", lambda x,y : bot.raw("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (, list(
2007-01-18.txt:05:22:46: <oklopol> :)))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:40:24: <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(random.randint(1,int(y.groups("d")))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:40:50: <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(str(random.randint(1,int(y.groups("d"))))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:41:32: <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(str(random.randint(1,int("d"))))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:42:25: <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(str(__import__("random").randint(1,int(y.groups("d"))))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:44:32: <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout.write(str(__import__("random").randint(1,int(y.groups("d"))))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:46:04: <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout.write(str(__import__("random").randint(1,int("d"))))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:47:44: <CakeProphet> ~exec globals()["random"] = __import__("random");self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout.write(str(random.randint(1,int("d"))))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:56:33: <CakeProphet> ~exec self.__class__.imlazy = lambda x,f: self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *%s (?:(?: (.*?) ))* *", lambda ge,ha: sys.stdout(str(f(*ha.groups()))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:57:13: <CakeProphet> ~exec self.__class__.imlazy = lambda x,f: self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *%s (?:(?: (.*?) ))* *" % x, lambda ge,ha: sys.stdout(str(f(*ha.groups()))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:58:33: <CakeProphet> ~exec self.__class__.imlazy = lambda x,f: self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *%s (?P<inp>.*)$" % x, lambda ge,ha: sys.stdout(str(f(*"inp")))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:59:25: <CakeProphet> ~exec self.__class__.imlazy = lambda self, x,f: self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *%s (?P<inp>.*)$" % x, lambda ge,ha: sys.stdout(str(f(*"inp")))))
2007-01-21.txt:08:01:27: <CakeProphet> ~exec self.__class__.imlazy = lambda self, x,f: self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *%s (?P<inp>.*)$" % x, lambda ge,ha: sys.stdout(str(f("inp")))))
2007-01-27.txt:13:19:03: <LeaLeaLea> :)))))
2007-01-27.txt:13:19:10: <LeaLeaLea> :)))))))))))))))))))))
2007-01-29.txt:23:58:27: <bsmntbombdood> (define (curry f . x) (lambda (a . rest) (apply f (append x (cons a rest)))))
2007-02-01.txt:00:54:25: <bsmntbombdood> (define fibs (cons-stream 0 (cons-stream 1 (stream-add fibs (stream-cdr fibs)))))
2007-02-10.txt:23:59:51: <oerjan> (define (f n) (cond ((perfect n) 1) (else (f (+ n 2))))) (f 3)
2007-02-22.txt:16:59:35: <EgoBot> ((((((((((((((((Hello, world!))))))))))))))))
2007-02-24.txt:18:51:51: <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :~ski (.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (, ski_repl.unparse(ski_repl.simp(ski_repl.parse(
2007-02-24.txt:18:52:29: <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :~ski (.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (, ski_repl.unparse(ski_repl.simp(ski_repl.parse(
2007-02-24.txt:18:53:11: <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :~ski (.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (, ski_repl.unparse(ski_repl.simp(ski_repl.parse(
2007-02-24.txt:18:54:19: <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :~ski (.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (, ski_repl.unparse(ski_repl.simp(ski_repl.parse(
2007-02-24.txt:19:21:54: <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :~ski (.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (, ski_repl.unparse(ski_repl.simp(ski_repl.parse(
2007-02-24.txt:19:27:09: <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :~ski (.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (, ski_repl.unparse(ski_repl.simp(ski_repl.parse(
2007-02-24.txt:19:28:49: <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :~ski (.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (, ski_repl.unparse(ski_repl.simp(ski_repl.parse(
2007-02-25.txt:00:51:10: <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :~ski (.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (, ski_repl.unparse(ski_repl.simp(ski_repl.parse(
2007-02-26.txt:16:11:03: <oerjan> ~exec self.register_raw(~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :>>>(.*)", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(repr(eval(
2007-02-26.txt:16:11:29: <oerjan> ~exec self.register_raw(~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :>>>(.*)", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(repr(eval(
2007-02-26.txt:16:11:53: <oerjan> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :>>>(.*)", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(repr(eval(
2007-02-26.txt:16:15:30: <oerjan> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :>>>(.*)", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(repr(eval(
2007-02-26.txt:16:18:00: <oerjan> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :>>>(.*)", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(repr(eval(
2007-02-26.txt:16:25:08: <oerjan> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :>>>(.*)", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(repr(eval(
2007-03-04.txt:00:37:52: <SevenInchBread> (cons (cons (cons (cons (cons nil)))))      ...5, and then use the properties of lists to do arithmetic.
2007-03-16.txt:00:16:41: <oerjan> ((Y (lambda (f) (lambda (l) (f (cons 'bitch l))))) '())
2007-03-16.txt:00:21:10: <bsmntbombdood> ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (f) (cons 'bitch (f f)))))
2007-03-16.txt:00:24:25: <bsmntbombdood> (cons 'bitch ((lambda (f) (cons 'bitch (f f))) (lambda (f) (cons 'bitch (f f)))))
2007-03-16.txt:00:30:35: <bsmntbombdood> ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (f) (cons-stream 'bitch (f f)))))
2007-03-18.txt:09:57:12: <Sgeo> Someone please find number of digits of 2^(2^(2^(2^(2^(2^(2^0))))))
2007-03-18.txt:09:59:39: <Sgeo> (2^(2^(2^(2^(2^(2^0))))) has over 19 thousand digits
2007-03-18.txt:10:00:22: <GreaseMonkey> 2^(2^(2^(2^(2^(2^(2^0)))))) -> 2^(2^(2^(2^(2^(2^1))))) -> 2^(2^(2^(2^(2^2))))
2007-03-18.txt:10:01:01: <Sgeo> length $ show $ (2^(2^(2^(2^(2^(2^0))))))
2007-03-27.txt:16:18:30: <Figs> (d(d(d(d(d(d(d(d(4)))))))-s(4))*d(4)-d(4)
2007-03-27.txt:18:42:37: <SimonRC> ((lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x))) (quote (lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x)))))
2007-04-07.txt:23:39:51: <bsmntbombdood> (display ((lambda (x) (list (quote display) (list x (list (quote quote) x)))) (quote (lambda (x) (list (quote display) (list x (list (quote quote) x)))))))
2007-04-07.txt:23:50:20: <oerjan> shorter: ((lambda (x) (display (list x (list (quote quote) x)))) (quote (lambda (x) (display (list x (list (quote quote) x))))))
2007-06-16.txt:00:46:24: <bsmntbombdood> ((lambda 3 1 ((closure-ref (get-num-arg 1) 0) (get-num-arg 1) (closure (lambda 2 3 ((lambda 1 1 ((closure-ref (get-num-arg 1) 0) (get-num-arg 1) (get-num-arg 3))) (get-num-arg 2)))))) (closure (lambda 4 2 (%halt (get-num-arg 2)))))
2007-06-25.txt:18:45:27: <Arrogant> ((y-lambda (self) (λ (n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (self (- n 1)))))) 5) ; 120
2007-06-25.txt:18:52:31: <Arrogant> (define y-combinator (λ (x) ((λ (p) (x (λ (n) ((p p) n)))) (λ (p) (x (λ (n) ((p p) n)))))))
2007-06-25.txt:18:52:35: <Arrogant>       `(y-combinator (λ (,self-symbol) ,proc)))))
2007-07-08.txt:05:54:46: <RodgerTheGreat> (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((("lisp sucks too, if you're fucking ridiculous about it.")))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
2007-07-23.txt:22:36:04: <oklofok> (define (div a b) ((church-less-than a b) nil) (else (+ 1 (div (sub a b) b)))))
2007-07-23.txt:22:37:40: <oklofok> (define (div a b) ((church-less-than a b) nil) (else (inc (div (sub a b) b)))))
2007-07-26.txt:23:55:55: <bsmntbombdood> (call/cc (lambda (cont) (let ((foo (lambda () (cont #f)))) (print (begin (foo) 1)))))
2007-08-26.txt:09:51:00: <oklopol> >>> sch (define factorial (lambda (a) (if (= a 0) 1 (if (= a 1) 1 (* a (factorial (- a 1)))))))(factorial 6)
2007-08-26.txt:09:52:45: <oklopol> >>> sch (define (factorial a) (cond ((= a 0) 1) ((= a 1) 1) (1 (* a (factorial (- a 1)))))) (factorial 6)
2007-08-27.txt:20:44:18: <oklopol> >>> sch (define s (lambda (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))))
2007-08-27.txt:20:45:49: <oerjan> sch (define fib (lambda (n) (if (< n 2) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1) (- n 2))))))
2007-08-27.txt:20:45:54: <oerjan> >>> sch (define fib (lambda (n) (if (< n 2) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1) (- n 2))))))
2007-08-27.txt:20:46:52: <oerjan> >>> sch (define fib (lambda (n) (if (< n 2) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))))
2007-08-27.txt:20:48:35: <oklopol> >>> sch (define s (lambda (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:09:45: <oklopol> >>> sch (define s (lambda (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:11:51: <bsmntbombdood_> >>> sch ((lamdba (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x))) (quote (lamdba (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x)))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:13:21: <bsmntbombdood_> >>> sch ((lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x))) (quote (lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x)))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:15:15: <bsmntbombdood_> >> sch ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))) (quote (lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ()))))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:15:25: <bsmntbombdood_> >>> sch ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))) (quote (lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ()))))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:35:25: <oklopol> >>> sch ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))) (quote (lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ()))))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:43:34: <oklopol> >>> sch ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))) (quote (lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ()))))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:45:00: <oklopol> >>> sch ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))) (quote (lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ()))))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:46:21: <oklopol> >>> sch ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))) (quote (lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ()))))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:46:50: <oklopol> ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))) (quote (lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))))) <<< this is output if i run from command line
2007-08-27.txt:21:48:03: <bsmntbombdood_> >>> sch (((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (self) (lambda (a b) (if (= b 0) a ((self self) (+ a 1) (- b 1)))))) 4 5)
2007-08-27.txt:21:57:05: <oklopol> >>> sch ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))) (quote (lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))
2007-08-27.txt:21:57:06: <ololobot> ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))) (quote (lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ()))))))
2007-08-29.txt:00:10:15: <xor> ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (self) (lambda (f) (f (lambda args (apply ((self self) f) args))))))
2007-09-13.txt:18:55:19: <ehird`> ~exec time.sleep((lambda x: 1 - x - __import__("math").floor(x))(time.time())); while True: sys.stdout(__import__("math").floor(time.time())))))))
2007-10-30.txt:17:41:00: <ololobot>  -> ('s', ('s', ('k', 's'), 'k'), ('s', ('s', ('k', 's'), 'k'), ('s', ('s', ('k', 's'), 'k'), ('s', ('s', ('k', 's'), 'k'), ('s', ('s', ('k', 's'), 'k'), ('k', 'i'))))))
2007-11-03.txt:20:24:50: <oklopol> >>> sch (define s (lambda (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))))
2007-11-03.txt:20:49:44: <oklopol> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-03.txt:23:51:23: <oklopol> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-03.txt:23:52:10: <oklopol> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-03.txt:23:53:41: <oklopol> > ((((lambda (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (lambda (a) (lambda (b) a))) (lambda (a) (lambda (b) a))) 8)
2007-11-04.txt:00:15:24: <oklopol> > ((((lambda (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (lambda (a) (lambda (b) a))) (lambda (a) (lambda (b) a))) 8)
2007-11-04.txt:00:17:05: <oklopol> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:17:58: <ehird`> (def s (x) (lambda (y) (lambda (z) ((x z) (y z)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:17:59: <ehird`> > (def s (x) (lambda (y) (lambda (z) ((x z) (y z)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:20:33: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def k (a) (lambda (b) a))
2007-11-04.txt:00:23:02: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def k (a) (lambda (b) a)) (((s k) k) 3)
2007-11-04.txt:00:24:45: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def k (a) (lambda (b) a)) (((s k) k) 3)
2007-11-04.txt:00:26:05: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def k (a) (lambda (b) a)) (((s k) k) 3)
2007-11-04.txt:00:27:16: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def k (a) (lambda (b) a)) (((s k) k) 3)
2007-11-04.txt:00:37:21: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:39:15: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:40:06: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:48:26: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:48:58: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:49:06: <ehird`> > (def k (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:49:12: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:49:16: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:49:23: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:49:24: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:49:26: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:49:27: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:49:58: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:50:56: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:51:01: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:51:05: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:51:06: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:51:09: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:51:12: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:51:14: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:58:12: <ehird`> > > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:58:15: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:58:20: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:01:06:50: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:01:06:51: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:17:26:44: <ehird`> > (def fact (n) (if (eq n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))
2007-11-04.txt:17:27:47: <ehird`> > (def fact (n) (if (eq n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))
2007-11-04.txt:17:30:08: <ehird`> > (def fact (n) (if (eq n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))
2007-11-04.txt:17:31:08: <ehird`> > (def fact (n) (if (eq n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))
2007-11-04.txt:17:33:27: <ehird`> > (def fact (n) (if (eq n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))
2007-11-30.txt:16:43:07: <ihope> A(0,A(1,139)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).
2007-12-19.txt:20:12:52: <faxathisia> the last 5 pages of the universe is alll ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
2007-12-21.txt:18:15:50: <Slereah-> I get ((S((S((S(KS))((S(KS))((S((S(KS))((S(KK))(KS))))((S((S(KS))((S(KK))(KK))))((S(KK))I))))))(KI))((S(KK))(KI)))
2007-12-21.txt:18:21:37: <SimonRC> e.g. it turns 5,4,x into  (5 4) x == (\y. 4 (4 (4 (4 (4 y))))) x = 4(4(4(4(4x))))
2007-12-21.txt:21:34:42: <faxathisia> e.g. context = new Context(Symbol.intern("succ"), new Lambda(new Cons(Symbol.intern("n"), new Nil()), new Lambda(new Cons(Symbol.intern("f"), new Cons(Symbol.intern("x"), new Nil())), new Cons(Symbol.intern("n"), new Cons(Symbol.intern("f"), new Cons(new Cons(Symbol.intern("f"), new Cons(Symbol.intern("x"), new Nil())), new Nil()))))), context);
2007-12-22.txt:02:56:07: <faxathisia> s = ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) ((s (k s)) ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) i))) (k i)))))) (k ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) i))) (k i))))
2007-12-22.txt:02:59:06: <faxathisia> \x y z w -> ((x y) (z w)) = ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k (s (k s)))) ((s (k (s (k k)))) ((s (k (s (k s)))) ((s (k (s (k k)))) ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) i))) (k i)))))))) (k (k ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) i))) (k i)))))
2007-12-22.txt:14:27:12: <faxathisia> e.g. when you see a branch with ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) ((s (k s)) ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) i))) (k i)))))) (k ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) i))) (k i)))) in it -- which has type (a -> b -> c) -> (a  -> b) -> a -> c, just replace it with s
2008-01-05.txt:21:10:06: <timotiis>       (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))))
2008-01-05.txt:21:11:16: <timotiis>    (else (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))))
2008-01-05.txt:21:13:30: <timotiis>     (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
2008-01-15.txt:00:28:17: <faxlore>                      (first lists)))))
2008-01-15.txt:01:40:26: <ehird`> (def silly (lst) (extract (((first rest... last)) lst)) (cons last (append rest (list first)))))
2008-01-21.txt:21:30:16: <oklopol> ;)))))))))))))))))))
2008-01-22.txt:16:13:03: <ehird> (LET ((#:G2102 1) (#:G2103 1))   (LET ((#:G2104 (EQUAL #:G2102 #:G2103)))   (IF #:G2104 #:G2104       (OR        (ERROR         (FORMAT NIL "Test failed, expected ~S but got ~S" #:G2102 #:G2103))))))
2008-01-22.txt:22:44:27: <ehird>     (else (apply (elt commands (car p)) (cdr p)))))
2008-01-23.txt:19:49:03: <ehird> (defmacro times (n &body body) (if (= n 1) body `(progn ,body (times ,(- n 1) ,@(cdr body)))))
2008-01-23.txt:19:49:35: <ehird> (defmacro times (n &body body) (if (= n 1) body `(progn ,@body (times ,(- n 1) ,@(cdr body)))))
2008-01-23.txt:19:58:57: <ehird>       `((progn ,@body) ,@(macroexpand `(times-helper ,(- n 1) ,@body)))))
2008-01-24.txt:21:01:48: <faxathisia> ((lambda (m) ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (y) (m (y y)))))) ;; Should work in a lazy lisp
2008-01-28.txt:01:12:28: <adu> makeCounter = (\name = (count = 0, tick = (\name = (\name.count = (\name.count + 1)))))
2008-02-08.txt:22:13:56: -!- ehird__ changed the topic of #esoteric to: ((lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f (lambda () (x x)))) (lambda (x) (f (lambda () (x x))))) (lambda (f) (display "THE TOPIC IS NOT ") (write (f))))
2008-02-10.txt:20:42:23: <ehird`> (a (b (c) (d))) -> (c (lambda (x) (d (lambda (y) (b x y (lambda (z) (a z))))))
2008-02-15.txt:13:13:05: <slereah_> Or ^f^x.f(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(x))))))) in lambdas.
2008-03-22.txt:19:00:10: <marshmallows> #0=(begin #@(((source-file . "console") (line-number . 1) (column-number . 11) . #1=((source-kind . user))) . (write #@(((source-file . "console") (line-number . 1) (column-number . 18) . #1#) . (quote #@(((source-file . "console") (line-number . 1) (column-number . 4) . #1#) . #0#))))) #@(((source-file . "console") (line-number . 1) (column-number . 31) . #1#) . (newline)))
2008-03-29.txt:00:47:05: <marshmallows> (a b c d) = (a . (b . (c . (d . ()))))
2008-03-29.txt:00:49:17: <marshmallows> (a . (lambda () (b (lambda () (c (lambda () (d . ()))))))) = (stream a b c d)
2008-03-29.txt:00:56:41: <ehird> (define (read-file f) (let ((c (read-char f))) (if (eof-object? c) '() (cons c (read-file f)))))
2008-03-29.txt:01:08:20: <ehird>                  (apply amb (cdr args)))))))
2008-03-31.txt:21:51:21: <ehird> (languages (applicative (in (backwards (is (composition (function))))))) -- Slava Pestov, creator of Factor
2008-04-03.txt:17:25:47: <oklopol> current factorial (= fact {(-> 1 1) (-> n (* n (out (' (- n 1)))))}) (fact 4)
2008-04-03.txt:17:55:38: <oklopol> (= fact {(-> 1 (outn 1)) (-> n (outn (* n (' (- n 1)))))}) (fact 4)
2008-04-09.txt:16:46:39: <ehird> :: (= qs {    (-> [] [])    (-> (: h t)       (+ (qs (\ {(< _ h)} t))          (+ [h]             (qs (\ {(>= _ h)} t)))))})
2008-04-10.txt:01:37:32: <oklofok> :: (= qs {(-> [] []) (-> (: h t) (+ (qs (\ {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (\ {(>= _ h)} t)))))})
2008-04-10.txt:01:38:33: <oklofok> :: (= qs {(-> [] []) (-> (: h t) (+ (qs (ftr {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (ftr {(>= _ h)} t)))))})
2008-04-10.txt:02:19:25: <oklopol> :: (= list (cons 6 (cons 1 (cons 9 (cons 2 (cons 4 (cons 0 nil)))))))
2008-04-10.txt:02:19:59: <oklopol> :: (= qs {(-> (: h t) (+ (qs (flr {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (flr {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})
2008-04-10.txt:02:26:35: <oklopol> :: (= list (cons 6 (cons 1 (cons 9 (cons 2 (cons 4 (cons 0 nil))))))) (= qs {(-> (: h t) (+ (qs (flr {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (flr {(>= _ h)} t))))) []}) (qs list)
2008-04-10.txt:02:27:20: <adu> :: (qs (cons 5 (cons 4 (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 nil))))))
2008-04-10.txt:02:28:30: <oklopol> :: (qs (cons 4 (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 nil)))))
2008-04-10.txt:02:28:54: <oklopol> :: (= qs {(-> (: h t) (+ (qs (flr {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (flr {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})
2008-04-10.txt:02:29:43: <oklopol> :: (= qs {(-> (: h t) (+ (qs (\ {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (\ {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})
2008-04-10.txt:02:29:55: <adu> :: (qs (cons 5 (cons 4 (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 nil))))))
2008-04-10.txt:02:30:26: <adu> :: (cons 5 (cons 4 (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 nil)))))
2008-04-10.txt:02:47:00: <oklopol> :: (= list (cons 5 (cons 4 (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 (cons 0 nil)))))))
2008-04-10.txt:02:47:10: <oklopol> :: (= qs {(-> (: h t) (+ (qs (flr {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (flr {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})
2008-04-10.txt:02:48:26: <oklopol> :: (= list (cons 5 (cons 4 (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 (cons 0 nil)))))))
2008-04-10.txt:02:48:31: <oklopol> :: (= qs {(-> (: h t) (+ (qs (flr {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (flr {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})
2008-04-10.txt:02:55:05: <oklopol> :: (= list (cons 5 (cons 4 (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 (cons 0 nil)))))))
2008-04-10.txt:03:04:14: <adu> :: (= qsort {(-> (: h t) (+ (qsort (filter {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qsort p(filter {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})
2008-04-10.txt:03:04:33: <adu> (= qsort {(-> (: h t) (+ (qsort (filter {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qsort (filter {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})
2008-04-10.txt:03:04:38: <adu> :: (= qsort {(-> (: h t) (+ (qsort (filter {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qsort (filter {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})
2008-04-10.txt:03:15:27: <oklopol> :: (= cons {(-> [h t] {(-> [$pb :] [h t]) (-> $car h) (-> $cdr t) (-> [$setcar h] h) (-> [$setcdr t] t) (-> [$! 0] h) (-> [$! n] (! t (- n 1))) (-> $length (+ 1 (length t)))})})(= list (cons 5 (cons 4 (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 (cons 0 nil)))))))(= qs {(-> (: h t) (+ (qs (flr {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (flr {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})(qs list)
2008-04-10.txt:03:16:12: <oklopol> :: (= cons {(-> [h t] {(-> [$pb :] [h t]) (-> $car h) (-> $cdr t) (-> [$setcar h] h) (-> [$setcdr t] t) (-> [$! 0] h) (-> [$! n] (! t (- n 1))) (-> $length (+ 1 (length t)))})})(= list [6 5 4 3 2 1 0])(= qs {(-> (: h t) (+ (qs (flr {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (flr {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})(qs list)
2008-04-17.txt:18:38:09: <oklopol> i want >...< to be the neglist syntax :)))))
2008-04-24.txt:20:35:40: <oklofok> :))))))
2008-04-28.txt:16:38:16: <ehird_> fix f arg = f (f (f ... (f arg)))))
2008-05-06.txt:22:21:22: <ehird> or do oko-style :)))))))))))))))))))))))
2008-05-06.txt:22:21:33: <ehird> but i have never said :-)))))) before coming in here
2008-05-08.txt:22:17:54: <ehird> (define (tc expr) (cond ((eq? (car expr) 'lambda) (lambda (x) (replace (cadr expr) x (cddr expr)))) (else (apply (eval (car expr)) (map eval (cdr expr)))))
2008-06-05.txt:00:44:44: <tusho> (define (N n) (if (zero? n) N0 (S (N (- 1 n)))))
2008-06-05.txt:01:07:54: <tusho> (define (mu' f n) (if (zero? (f n)) 0 (+ 1 (mu f (+ n 1)))))
2008-06-05.txt:18:52:49: <Slereah> [19:51:17] <Slereah> Would µ with one variable be (define (µ f y) (cond ((= (f y) 0) y) ( #t ( µ f (+ y 1))))) ?
2008-06-10.txt:01:07:02: <Slereah> (define (A m n) (cond ((= m 0) (+ 1 n))((> m 0)(cond ((= n 0) (A (- m 1) 1)) (> n 0) (A (- m 1) (A m (- n 1)))))))
2008-06-10.txt:01:12:42: <Slereah> (define (A m n) (if (= m 0) (+ 1 n) (if (= n 0) (A (- m 1) 1) (A (- m 1) (A m (- n 1))))))
2008-06-10.txt:01:47:19: <tusho> ((/ a b) . (modulo . (a . (b . ()))))
2008-06-13.txt:01:15:31: <Slereah> I use (define (M n) (if (> n 100) (- n 10) (M (M (+ n 11)))))
2008-06-13.txt:03:21:02: <Slereah> (define (list->number x n) (if (null? (cdr x)) (*(power 10 n) (car x)) (+ (* (last x) (power 10 n)) (list->number (cdr (reverse x)) (+ 1 n)))))
2008-06-13.txt:03:35:04: <oklofok> (define (power a b) (if (= b 0) 1 (* a (power a (- b 1))))) this can be done logarithmically
2008-06-23.txt:13:42:14: <oklopol> so fixed-point of (f n) is (f (f (f (... (f(f n)))))
2008-07-14.txt:20:24:52: <tusho>       (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
2008-07-18.txt:01:45:27: <oklopol> but anyway, i think augur just sucks ass, as he's gay ;)))))
2008-07-19.txt:03:43:01: <adu> (every(thing (in (lisp (uses (parent))))))
2008-07-27.txt:22:04:54: <psygnisfive> (define (cons a b) (lambda (op) (cond ((= op 'car) a) ((= op 'cdr) b) (else (error)))))
2008-08-02.txt:07:35:57: <oklopol> :))))))
2008-08-09.txt:14:29:33: <optbot> tusho: (= cons {(-> [h t] {(-> [$pb :] [h t]) (-> $car h) (-> $cdr t) (-> [$setcar h] h) (-> [$setcdr t] t) (-> [$! 0] h) (-> [$! n] (! t (- n 1))) (-> $length (+ 1 (length t)))})})(= list (cons 5 (cons 4 (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 (cons 0 nil)))))))(= qs {(-> (: h t) (+ (qs (flr {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (flr {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})(qs list)
2008-08-14.txt:08:21:40: <oklopol> lucky us! :))))))
2008-10-01.txt:17:03:05: <tusho> ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
2008-10-01.txt:17:20:21: <fizzie> (for-each display (append (map (lambda (i) (string-ref "Hello, world!" i)) (letrec ((iota (lambda (from to) (if (= from to) (cons from '()) (cons from (iota (+ from 1) to)))))) (iota 0 12))) (list #\newline)))
2008-10-01.txt:17:49:41: <AnMaster> While I can certainly see some very very good things with scheme, I have so far two issues with it: 1) you end up with too many ))))) at the end of many expressions for it to be readable. 2) apart from really trivial things it is rather ugly languages, and then I don't mean only macros, but also code with no macros
2008-10-10.txt:22:27:52: <optbot> oepy: ((lambda 3 1 ((closure-ref (get-num-arg 1) 0) (get-num-arg 1) (closure (lambda 2 3 ((lambda 1 1 ((closure-ref (get-num-arg 1) 0) (get-num-arg 1) (get-num-arg 3))) (get-num-arg 2)))))) (closure (lambda 4 2 (%halt (get-num-arg 2)))))
2008-10-15.txt:19:40:00: <fizzie> |: (+ 1 (call/cc (lambda (k) (+ 2 (k 3)))))
2008-10-24.txt:00:04:31: <thutubot> (((((~())))))
2008-10-24.txt:03:57:49: <thutubot> 01(1)(0)((1)(0))((0)(1))(((1)(0))((0)(1)))(((0)(1))((1)(0)))((((1)(0))((0)(1)))(((0)(1))((1)(0))))((((0)(1))((1)(0)))(((1)(0))((0)(1))))(((((1)(0))((0)(1)))(((0)(1))((1)(0))))((((0)(1))((1)(0)))(((1)(0))((0)(1)))))(((((0)(1))((1)(0)))(((1)(0))((0)(1))))((((1)(0))((0)(1)))(((0)(1))((1)(0))))) ...too much output!
2008-10-28.txt:02:05:26: <thutubot> (((((!())))))(((((!())))))(((((!())))))(((((!())))))((!()))((!()))!() ...S out of stack!
2008-10-28.txt:03:30:53: <thutubot> (((((!!)))))(((((!!)))))(((((!!)))))(((((!!)))))((!!))((!!))!! ...S out of stack!
2008-10-28.txt:03:31:24: <thutubot> ()((((((!!))))))((((((!!))))))((((((!!))))))((((((!!))))))(((!!)))(((!!)))(!!) ...a out of stack!
2008-10-28.txt:03:39:51: <thutubot> ~:(*a(a(:^)*(*a)~*a(~:)~*(~^)*):^)~^(((((!!)))))(((((!!)))))(((((!!)))))(((((!!)))))((!!))((!!))!! ...a out of stack!
2008-10-28.txt:03:40:27: <thutubot> (~:(*a(a(:^)*(*a)~*a(~:)~*(~^)*):^)~^)()((((((!!))))))((((((!!))))))((((((!!))))))((((((!!))))))(((!!)))(((!!)))(!!) ...a out of stack!
2008-10-28.txt:03:46:09: <thutubot> (((((((((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))((!!()())))((!!()())))
2008-10-28.txt:03:46:35: <thutubot> ((((((((((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))((!!()())))((!!()())))) ...a out of stack!
2008-10-28.txt:04:02:12: <thutubot> ((((!!()()))(((!!()()))((((((!!()())))))((((((!!()())))))((((((!!()())))))((((((!!()())))))))))))) ...a out of stack!
2008-10-28.txt:04:30:40: <thutubot> (~a*^((^)((:)S)(!(A)S(^)*())())!^^(^):^)(~:a(((:)S)(!(A)S(^)*())())*(^)~a*(~a*)~*(!^^)*~a*(:^)*)((((((((((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))((!!()())))((!!()())))) ...too much output!
2008-10-28.txt:04:45:58: <thutubot> ()(!!()())(((((((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))()(!(A)S(^)*())((:)S)(^) ...a out of stack!
2008-10-28.txt:04:48:31: <thutubot> (~:a(((:)S)(!(A)S(^)*())())*(^)~a*(~a*^)*~*(!^^)*~a*()*^)(!!()())(((((((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()())))))) ...too much output!
2008-10-28.txt:04:54:54: <thutubot> (((((((!!()()))))(((!!()()))))((!!()())))) ...a out of stack!
2008-10-29.txt:03:57:26: <thutubot> ((((((^))))))(((((^)))))(((((^)))))(((^)))((^))((^))(^) ...a out of stack!
2008-11-04.txt:20:22:01: <thutubot> ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ...too much output!
2008-11-11.txt:15:09:24: <fizzie> I usually just use the named-let for that sort of functions:  (define (mu f) (let loop ((n 0)) (if (= 0 (f n)) n (loop (s n))))) -- but that's of course a matter of style.
2008-11-11.txt:17:01:42: <Slereah>                                (apply (g append(list( (- n 1) (apply (rec (append (list f g (- n 1))args)))) args)))))
2008-11-22.txt:00:35:45: <oklopol> ;))))))
2008-11-22.txt:14:00:09: <oklopol> "as long as it's not pop pop culture, it's okay, and it's not not okay if i *don't* know." (forall X)(okay(pop_pop_culture(X) ^ know(X))), then emphasis on (not (not (okay(pop ... know(X)))))
2008-11-22.txt:14:03:52: <oklopol> "as long as it's not pop pop culture, it's okay, and it's not not okay if i *don't* know." (forall X)(okay((((not pop_culture(X)) ^ (pop_pop_culture(X))) ^ (know(X)))))
2008-12-25.txt:18:59:56: <ais523|direct> because they don't stack as well as ))))) or }}}
2009-01-07.txt:12:58:51: <fizzie> "int x=3;" is an instance of the 'declaration' syntax; It's something like (declaration (declaration-specifiers (type-specifier "int")) (init-declarator-list (init-declarator (declarator "x") "=" (initializer "3"))))))))))))))))))))))))))) in tree form.
2009-01-17.txt:17:08:57: <ehird> ~exec self.register_raw(r':[^ ]+ TOPIC #esoteric :(.*)', lambda m: self.raw('TOPIC #esoteric :%s |' % (,)))))
2009-01-18.txt:02:15:29: <kerlo> mbda x (lambda y (lambda z ((x z) (y z))))))"
2009-01-18.txt:02:48:49: <MizardX> ((\s ((\k s) (\x (\y x)))) (\x (\y (\z ((x z) (y z))))))
2009-01-18.txt:15:21:39: <ais523> #eval ((l (y z) (y (y (y (y (y z))))) (l (x) (f a x x)) (y))
2009-01-18.txt:15:21:42: <ehird> #eval (l (f) ((l (x) (f (x x))) (l (x) (f (x x)))))
2009-01-18.txt:15:21:56: <ais523> #eval ((l (y z) (y (y (y (y (y z)))))) (l (x) (f a x x)) (y))
2009-01-18.txt:15:22:36: <AnMaster> #eval ((l (y z) (y (y (y (y (y z)))))) (l (x) (f a x x)) (l (f) ((l (x) (f (x x))) (l (x) (f (x x))))))
2009-01-18.txt:15:22:42: <ais523> #eval ((l (y z) (y (y (y (y (y z)))))) (l (x) (f a x x)) (q))
2009-01-18.txt:15:22:53: <ehird> #eval (l (f) ((l (x) (f (x x))) (l (x) (f (x x)))))
2009-01-19.txt:23:11:11: <kerlo> %eval ((((s s)k)((s(k((s s)(s((s s)k)))))k) foo)
2009-01-19.txt:23:11:36: <kerlo> %eval (((s s)k)((s(k((s s)(s((s s)k)))))k)
2009-01-19.txt:23:12:37: <kerlo> %eval (((s s)k)((s(k((s s)(s((s s)k)))))k))
2009-01-19.txt:23:12:38: <kerlobot> [l (z) ((((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k) z) ((k ((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k)) z))]
2009-01-19.txt:23:12:47: <kerlo> %eval ((((s s)k)((s(k((s s)(s((s s)k)))))k)) foo)
2009-01-19.txt:23:12:48: <kerlobot> (foo (((s ((s s) k)) (k foo)) ((k ((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k)) foo)))
2009-01-19.txt:23:13:00: <kerlo> %eval (((s s)k)((s(k((s s)(s((s s)k)))))k))
2009-01-19.txt:23:13:00: <kerlobot> [l (z) ((((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k) z) ((k ((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k)) z))]
2009-01-19.txt:23:13:11: <kerlo> %eval (hold (((s s)k)((s(k((s s)(s((s s)k)))))k)))
2009-01-19.txt:23:13:11: <kerlobot> (hold (((s s) k) ((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k)))
2009-01-19.txt:23:16:48: <kerlo> %temp ((lambda (fix) input) (((s s) k) ((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k)))
2009-01-19.txt:23:17:24: <kerlo> %temp ((l (fix) input) (((s s) k) ((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k)))
2009-01-19.txt:23:18:21: <kerlobot> [l (z) ((((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k) z) ((k ((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k)) z))]
[too many lines; stopping]