view paste/paste.17360 @ 6897:2d85a657ea4b

<ais523> ` sed -e \'s/loop, /loop, deletes bits from one number according to a pattern in another, /\' -i wisdom/select
author HackBot
date Tue, 16 Feb 2016 22:15:27 +0000
parents 9fccd77559a0
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2005-07-23.txt:13:43:10: <lindi-> pgimeno: use ddd if you want to use menus and mouse 
2007-04-19.txt:09:45:15: <fax> while true ; do dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1200 count=1 2>/dev/null | md5 ; done | sed -e s/0/ロ/ -e s/1/東/ -e s/2/京/ -e s/3/ス/ -e s/3/ス/ -e s/4/オ/ -e s/5/ラ/ -e s/6/カ/ -e s/7/ス/ -e s/8/ケ/ -e s/9/ト/ -e s/a/ダ/ -e s/b/㐭/ -e s/c/㤸/ -e s/d/㒵/ -e s/e/㤵/ -e s/f/㬲/
2007-04-19.txt:09:46:27: <fax> while true ; do dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1200 count=1 2>/dev/null | md5 ; done | sed -e s/0/ロ/g -e s/1/東/g -e s/2/京/g -e s/3/ス/g -e s/3/ス/g -e s/4/オ/g -e s/5/ラ/g -e s/6/カ/g -e s/7/ス/g -e s/8/ケ/g -e s/9/ト/g -e s/a/ダ/g -e s/b/㐭/g -e s/c/㤸/g -e s/d/㒵/g -e s/e/㤵/g -e s/f/㬲/g
2007-04-21.txt:00:16:02: <fax> x=sed`echo '0ヰ1東2京3ス4ス5オ6ラ7カ8ス9ケaトbダcガd㒵eジfヤ' | sed -e 's/\(.\)\(...\)/ -e s\/\/\/g/g'` && while true ; do dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1200 count=1 2>/dev/null | md5 ; done | $x
2007-04-21.txt:00:21:48: <bsmntbombdood> while true ; do dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1200 count=1 2>/dev/null | md5 ; done | sed`echo '0ヰ1東2京3ス4ス5オ6ラ7カ8ス9ケaトbダcガd㒵eジfヤ' | sed -e 's/\(.\)\(...\)/ -e s\/\/\/g/g'`
2007-06-14.txt:22:19:03: <fizzie> There's also a strange sort of sensibility in leaving a dd if=/dev/full of=/dev/null running at a low priority. Gives you a "I'm doing my part to restore the balance!" feeling.
2007-08-19.txt:02:40:28: <oklokok> i can add if you like.
2008-03-04.txt:17:53:38: <ehird> dd if=/dev/god of=/dev/heaven
2008-03-16.txt:18:02:27: <AnMaster> SimonRC, it was just because I was in a discussion so it would seem odd if I just left
2008-04-04.txt:15:47:41: <AnMaster> ais523, nah it was generated with dd if=/dev/urandom of=test count=10M
2008-07-01.txt:18:39:30: <AnMaster> dd if=foo of=blah bs=1234
2008-07-08.txt:18:51:49: <pikhq> Slereah_: To wipe the partition table, dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hard_drive_here count=1
2008-07-08.txt:22:24:54: <Slereah_> A man proposed me the following command to nuke fucking everything : dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/...
2008-07-08.txt:22:36:45: <tusho> then $ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/THEHD
2008-07-08.txt:23:05:05: <Slereah_> ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda
2008-07-08.txt:23:27:10: <Slereah_> ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda
2008-07-23.txt:20:55:33: <ais523> Deewiant: planning to add IFFI to Mycology?
2009-02-25.txt:23:25:11: <AnMaster> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null& pid=$! ; sleep 30; kill -USR1 $pid; sleep 1; kill $pid
2009-02-26.txt:10:41:21: <AnMaster> ais523, quite interesting speed test: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null& pid=$! ; sleep 30; kill -USR1 $pid; sleep 1; kill $pid
2009-04-01.txt:23:14:33: <Sgeo[College]> dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/ais523_mind
2009-04-01.txt:23:16:03: <Sgeo[College]> sudo dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/ais523_mind
2009-04-04.txt:09:26:56: <AnMaster> $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=1G count=2
2009-04-04.txt:09:28:08: <bsmntbombdood> $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=1M count=2K
2009-04-04.txt:09:28:39: <AnMaster> $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=1M count=2K
2009-04-04.txt:09:29:09: <AnMaster> $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=128K count=2K
2009-04-04.txt:09:30:16: <AnMaster> $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=128K count=50K
2009-04-25.txt:19:33:04: <ehird> AnMaster: anyway, the place I'm getting it from offers ubuntu linux as an OS option; it would be rather odd if they sold a totally ubuntu incompatible gfx card with that.
2009-05-03.txt:23:11:43: <comex> !sh dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/foox
2009-05-10.txt:19:37:33: <psygnisfive> grammaticality is more like "would it feel nature to you to say this?" or "would it sound odd if you heard this said?"
2009-05-12.txt:16:26:29: <ehird> dd if=/dev/zero
2009-05-14.txt:20:35:56: <bsmntbombdood> CAN I DD IF=/DEV/ZERO ?
2009-05-17.txt:19:20:50: <bsmntbombdood> echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches; dd if=data bs=1M count=2K of=/dev/null
2009-05-18.txt:00:17:31: <AnMaster> ehird, ok. dd if=/dev/zero of=/image bs=whatever
2009-05-19.txt:23:24:12: <pikhq> while true;dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda;done
2009-06-10.txt:21:34:48: <FireFly> dd if=vowels of=/dev/null
2009-07-28.txt:19:28:50: <pikhq> dd if=floppy of=/dev/fd0
2009-07-28.txt:19:50:01: <ehird> Oh, just "dd if=foo.img of=/dev/fd0"
2009-07-28.txt:20:15:19: <ehird> "$ dd if=filename of=/dev/fd0 bs=1024 conv=sync ; sync"
2009-08-30.txt:14:39:03: <Deewiant> dd if=./... of=cthulhuise bs=1
2009-08-30.txt:15:04:29: <Deewiant> dd if=/bin/... of=evil bs=∞
2009-09-03.txt:15:14:28: <AnMaster> ehird, dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/partition_in_question
2009-11-22.txt:00:31:09: <ehird> dd if=/dev/zero of=foo bs=8192 count=8192
2010-02-10.txt:20:03:02: <lament> it would be pretty odd if i weren't on the channel
2010-02-25.txt:18:14:05: <AnMaster> since both @ and q seems odd if not
2010-03-20.txt:01:28:36: <oerjan> be patient. now make a vector v of length 9 with 0's and 1's.  then M v is a vector whose i'th coordinate is odd iff pushing the pieces that are 1 in v will toggle that piece.
2010-04-16.txt:21:05:11: <zzo38> Does that command work  dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb
2010-06-21.txt:06:17:43: <pikhq> It *was* quite nice to do dd if=bzimage of=/dev/fdd, though.n
2010-08-28.txt:19:37:06: <alise> [ehird@dinky mac]$ dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.hfv bs=1 count=104857600
2010-08-28.txt:19:39:43: <alise> [ehird@dinky mac]$ dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.hfv bs=8192 count=12800
2010-08-28.txt:19:41:46: <alise>  dd if=/dev/sdb2 | ssh user@host "dd of=/home/user/partition.image"
2010-08-28.txt:20:05:16: <fizzie> alise: If you're making a zero-image with dd, it's worth a thought to "dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.hfv bs=1 count=0 seek=104857600", to make a sparse file. For a 100-meg image it probaly doesn't much matter, though.
2010-08-28.txt:22:06:30: <Vorpal> alise, um? dd if=/dev/zero of=diskimage
2010-09-11.txt:16:47:54: <alise> [ehird@dinky Downloads]$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb
2010-09-17.txt:03:19:17: <Sgeo|PM> dd if=lupu-511.iso of=/dev/sr0
2010-09-19.txt:16:51:26: <alise> ehird@dinky:~/NixOS$ dd if=/dev/zero of=hd bs=1k count=0 seek=8388608
2010-10-17.txt:02:40:34: <elliott> catseye: then dd if=netbsd.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=8k (assuming /dev/sdb is your usb drive)
2010-10-17.txt:02:43:14: <elliott> $ sudo dd if=netbsd.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=8k
2010-10-17.txt:02:47:06: <elliott> $ sudo dd if=NETBSD_ISO_NAME of=/dev/sdb bs=8k
2010-10-18.txt:00:14:24: <Vorpal> dd if=/dev/sda1 /media/external-drive/whatever
2010-10-28.txt:05:50:10: <Gregor> # dd if=/dev/zero of=test.big bs=1M count=10 conv=fdatasync
2010-10-28.txt:21:40:02: <fizzie> ais523_: I used to run a "dd if=/dev/full of=/dev/null" for a while every now and then to balance things out, but it never seemed to help.
2010-10-29.txt:18:25:51: <elliott> cpressey: if you make the stick, then just dd if=stick of=foo, upload foo, and i can do the reverse obviously
2010-10-29.txt:20:54:46: <Gregor> # dd if=/dev/zero of=test.big bs=1M count=10 conv=fdatasync
2010-10-30.txt:03:07:31: <elliott> 	dd if=/dev/zero of=$@ bs=1k count=1440
2010-10-30.txt:03:07:31: <elliott> 	dd if=boot/bootsector of=$@
2010-11-02.txt:07:36:08: <elliott> elliott@dinky:~$ dd if=/dev/random of=foo bs=512 count=4
2010-11-02.txt:07:37:04: <elliott> i guess cat /dev/random | dd if=/dev/stdin
2010-11-02.txt:07:37:22: <elliott> elliott@dinky:~$ cat /dev/random | dd if=/dev/stdin of=/dev/null bs=512 count=4
2010-11-07.txt:00:43:14: <calamous> So, sorry to interrupt the flow of the conversation. But can anyone explain this: root@neutrino:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/vdb1 bs=1M count=16 conv=sync
2010-11-07.txt:00:43:15: <calamous> root@neutrino:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/vdb bs=1M count=16 conv=sync
2010-11-11.txt:08:28:54: <elliott> -fda opengenera.tar.bz2, then dd if=/dev/fd0
2010-11-29.txt:22:31:58: <fizzie> elliott: If you want easy arithmetics, you can use a file as a unary variable. To convert the value to a decimal integer, extract the file size from dd diagnostics. To add a decimal integer N to one file, do "dd if=inputvar of=outputvar bs=1 seek=N".
2010-11-29.txt:22:33:26: <fizzie> I wanted to do something that would do `dd if=/dev/zero count=...` and so on, but it appears zero bytes are too scary.
2010-11-29.txt:22:34:59: <fizzie> They go away; "echo `dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=5` | hexdump -C" just prints a single newline.
2010-11-29.txt:22:40:21: <fizzie> fis@eris:~$ dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=42 seek=69 > t 2> /dev/null; dd if=t bs=1
2010-11-29.txt:22:43:45: <elliott> fizzie: x=`dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=42 seek=69 2>/dev/null`
2010-11-29.txt:22:45:50: <fizzie> But at least you can compute N*M without a temporary file: "dd if=/dev/zero bs=6 count=7 2>/dev/null | dd bs=1" and read the diagnostics.
2010-11-29.txt:22:46:49: <fizzie> $ (dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=42 2>/dev/null; dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=69 2>/dev/null) | dd bs=1
2010-11-29.txt:22:49:41: <fizzie> If nothing else, at least   sh -c 'dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=42 2>/dev/null; dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=69 2>/dev/null' | dd bs=1
2010-11-29.txt:22:52:01: <elliott>         dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count="$1" 2>/dev/null
2010-11-29.txt:22:52:01: <elliott>         dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count="$2" 2>/dev/null
2010-11-29.txt:23:03:09: <fizzie> Just for the record, if you need to handle negative quantities, subtraction is really easy: dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=123 2>/dev/null | dd bs=1 skip=45 of=/dev/null 2>&1  will compute 123-45.
2011-01-04.txt:17:42:15: <cheater99> sspm: sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda
2011-01-04.txt:17:47:31: <cheater99> sspm: sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda count=10240
2011-01-04.txt:17:48:27: <cheater99> sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda count=10240; sudo apt-get orca; halt -pfw
2011-01-04.txt:17:56:17: <cheater99> sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda count=10240; sudo apt-get orca; halt -pfw
2011-01-07.txt:01:33:33: <cheater00> did you tell him to dd if=/dev/urandom ?
2011-02-21.txt:21:22:34: <fizzie> Deewiant: Weird: $ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=1 | od -N 10000 -v -t x1 -A n | tr ' ' '
' | grep -v '^$' | (while read byte; do printf "\x$byte"; done) | wc -c
2011-02-21.txt:21:22:48: <Vorpal> Deewiant, dd if=/usr/share/dict/words of=/dev/stdout bs=1 count=10000 2>/dev/null
2011-03-01.txt:00:07:25: <elliott> dd if=COLOR.COM of=/dev/fd0
2011-03-01.txt:00:16:31: <elliott> dd if=/dev/zero of=floppy.img count=2880
2011-03-01.txt:00:16:38: <elliott> dd if=COLOR.COM of=floppy.img conv=notrunc
2011-03-14.txt:20:33:56: <Gregor> dd if=/dev/zero of=bigfile bs=1M count=10 conv=fdatasync # omfg this has been running for over a minute *sobs*
2011-06-25.txt:19:36:27: <Lymee> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mem
2011-06-30.txt:01:51:15: <zzo38> The way I did it required a command structure something like this:   dd if=/dev/mem skip=`dd if=/dev/mem | od | awk`; consolechars
2011-07-01.txt:00:49:28: <zzo38> dd if=/dev/mem bs=1 count=2048 skip=`dd if=/dev/mem bs=1 count=4 skip=268 | od -t u1 | awk 'NR==1{print $5*0x1000+$4*0x10+$3*0x100+$2*0x1}'` of=rom8x8font
2011-07-08.txt:08:05:38: <pikhq> Sgeo_: dd if=/dev/urandom | tee /dev/* >/dev/null
2011-07-16.txt:19:30:45: <itidus20> in this pic you can sort of see the idea of "digging" through but the first problem arises. it looks very odd if the player does not turn his head around as he falls
2011-09-25.txt:18:04:57: <Vorpal> elliott: I did dd if=/dev/cdrom of=tmp-file and them compared tmp-file to the iso, it matched
2011-11-05.txt:20:17:42: <pikhq_> dd if=/boot/vmlinuz of=/dev/fd0
2011-11-23.txt:10:40:06: <Vorpal> `run dd if=/var/irclogs/_esoteric/2011-11-23-raw.txt of=/dev/stdout | perl -n -e '/:(.*?)!\S+ (JOIN|PART|QUIT)/; $j{$1}++; END {print "$_ $j{$_}; " for sort {$j{$b} <=> $j{$a}} keys %j}'
2011-11-23.txt:10:41:05: <Vorpal> `run dd if=/var/irclogs/_esoteric/2011-11-23-raw.txt of=/dev/stdout status=noxfer | perl -n -e '/:(.*?)!\S+ (JOIN|PART|QUIT)/; $j{$1}++; END {print "$_ $j{$_}; " for sort {$j{$b} <=> $j{$a}} keys %j}'
2011-11-23.txt:10:41:05: <Vorpal> `run dd if=/var/irclogs/_esoteric/2011-11-23-raw.txt of=/dev/stdout 2>/dev/null | perl -n -e '/:(.*?)!\S+ (JOIN|PART|QUIT)/; $j{$1}++; END {print "$_ $j{$_}; " for sort {$j{$b} <=> $j{$a}} keys %j}'
2011-12-19.txt:01:38:31: * elliott dd if=iso of=/dev/sdb
2011-12-26.txt:16:02:07: <fizzie> E.g. here's one add if you want to b