view bin/shove @ 10843:2d5ba2d44680

<Jafet> le/rn double dactyl//Curious spurious verse form, ostensibly catchy to hear but herculean to write. Sadly its bent on the sesquipedalian makes double dactyls pretentious and trite.
author HackBot
date Fri, 28 Apr 2017 02:49:16 +0000
parents 7914d7e0b500
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# -*- cperl -*-
# Shove interpreter. By Alex Smith.

# Commands:
# ' "     Quote a string ('' strings nest inside "" strings and vice versa)
# < v > ^ Change direction of execution
# A V ( ) Pop a string onto the playfield
# space   NOP

# !       NOP, but tells the compiler that everything behind the IP will
#         never be used (a useful optimisation)
# S       NOP, but outputs TOS (without popping) on systems with output
# n       NOP, but outputs a newline on systems with output

use strict;

# Read in the program

my $debug = ($#ARGV >= 0 and $ARGV[0] eq '-d' and shift and 1);
my @program = ($#ARGV >= 0 and ($ARGV[0] ne '-f' or (shift and 0)))
  ? @ARGV : <>;
chomp for @program;

my $x = 0;
my $y = 0;
my $width = 0; $width = ($width < length $_ ? length $_ : $width) for @program;
my $height = scalar @program;
my $totalrotation = 0;
my @stack = ();
# always going right, we rotate the program if necessary to ensure this

# Pads its argument to width $width.
sub widthpad {
  my $s = shift;
  return $s . (' ' x ($width - length $s));

# Rotates the program clockwise (arg = 1), 180 degrees (arg = 2),
# or anticlockwise (arg = 3)
sub rotateprogram {
  my $amount = shift;
  $amount or return;
  $totalrotation += $amount;
  $totalrotation %= 4;
  if ($amount >= 2) {
    @program = reverse @program;
    $_ = reverse widthpad $_ for @program;
    $x = $width - 1 - $x;
    $y = $height - 1 - $y;
    tr/<v>^AV()/>^<vVA)(/ for @program;
    $amount == 2 and return;
  } else {
    $_ = widthpad $_ for @program;
  my @newprog = ();
  # We repeatedly move the leftmost column of @program to the top row
  # of @newprog.
  while (length $program[0]) {
    my $build='';
    $build = (substr $_, 0, 1, '') . $build for @program;
    push @newprog, $build;
  @program = @newprog;
  tr/<^>v(A)V/^>v<A)V(/ for @program;
  ($width, $height) = ($height, $width);
  ($x, $y) = ($width - 1 - $y, $x);

sub shove {
  my $sx = shift;
  my $sy = shift;
  if($sx < 0) {
    $_ = ' '.$_ for @program;
  if($sx >= $width) {
  if($sy < 0) {
    unshift @program, "";
  if($sy >= $height) {
    push @program, "";
  scalar @stack or die "Empty stack when shoving.";
  $program[$sy] = widthpad $program[$sy];
  ($x > $sx && $y == $sy) and $x += length $stack[0];
  substr $program[$sy], $sx, 0, shift @stack;
  $program[$sy] =~ s/\ +$//;
  $width < length $program[$sy] and $width = length $program[$sy];

sub showprogram {
  my $tr = $totalrotation;
  print "\nactual size: ($width, $height), pos: ($x, $y)\n";
  rotateprogram ((4-$tr)%4);
  $program[$y] = widthpad $program[$y];
  my $c = substr $program[$y], $x, 1, '*';
  print "rotated for viewing; pos: ($x, $y), dir: $tr\n";
  print "stack: ";
  print "{$_} " for @stack;
  print "\n";
  print "$_\n" for @program;
  substr $program[$y], $x, 1, $c;
  rotateprogram $tr;
  scalar <STDIN>;

while ($x < $width && $y < $height && $x >= 0 && $y >= 0) {
  showprogram if $debug;
  my $cmd = substr $program[$y], $x, 1;
  # $cmd eq '>' is a nop
  $cmd eq '^' and rotateprogram 1;
  $cmd eq '<' and rotateprogram 2;
  $cmd eq 'v' and rotateprogram 3;
  $cmd eq '(' and shove $x-1, $y;
  $cmd eq ')' and shove $x+1, $y;
  $cmd eq 'A' and shove $x, $y-1;
  $cmd eq 'V' and shove $x, $y+1;
  $cmd eq 'S' and print $stack[0];
  $cmd eq 'n' and print '\n';
  if ($cmd eq '!') {
    substr $_, 0, $x, '' for @program;
    $width -= $x;
    $x = 0;
  if ($cmd eq '"' || $cmd eq "'") {
    my $quotecount = 1;
    my $lws = $cmd eq "'";
    my $newpush = "";
    while($quotecount) {
      $x < $width or die "Unterminated string.";
      $cmd = substr $program[$y], $x, 1;
      $cmd eq "'" and ($quotecount += ($lws ? -1 : 1)), ($lws = !$lws);
      $cmd eq '"' and ($quotecount += ($lws ? 1 : -1)), ($lws = !$lws);
      $quotecount and $newpush .= $cmd;
    unshift @stack, $newpush;
  $x++;             # move to next command