view paste/paste.27827 @ 6941:261be2d51dea

<oerjan> learn Postorder is the same as Polish notation, since Post was Polish. Not to be confused with reverse Polish notation, which puts operations last.
author HackBot
date Wed, 24 Feb 2016 05:00:46 +0000
parents ccd3c0d8e14c
line wrap: on
line source

use strict; use warnings;
use v5.10;
use open qw( :encoding(UTF-8) :std);
use File::Basename 'dirname';
use Storable 'retrieve';
use List::Util qw(sum min);
use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt);
    eval {
        require Math::Random::MT::Perl; Math::Random::MT::Perl->import('rand');
#warn "Optional module Math::Random::MT::Perl not found.\n" if $@;

my @options = qw(eng-1M eng-all eng-fiction eng-gb eng-us french german hebrew russian spanish irish german-medical bulgarian catalan swedish brazilian canadian-english-insane manx italian ogerman portuguese polish gaelic finnish norwegian esolangs);
my $n = 4;
my $default_opt     = "--eng-1M";
(my $default_dataset = $default_opt) =~ s/(^|-+)([^-])/\u$2/g;

#help info
my $help_text = <<END
Usage: words [-dhNo] [DATASETS...] [NUMBER_OF_WORDS]

  -l, --list             list valid datasets
  -d, --debug            debugging output
  -N, --dont-normalize   don't normalize frequencies when combining
                         multiple Markov models; this has the effect
                         of making larger datasets more influential
  -o, --target-offset    change the target length offset used in the
                         word generation algorithm; use negative integers
                         for best results

my $list_text = <<END
valid datasets: --@{[join ' --', @options]}
default: $default_opt

#data from loaded files
my @loaded_data;

#data after normalizing and combining datasets
my $grams;
my $freqs;

#some command line options
my $debug_mode;
my $target_offset = -4; #needs testing;
my $dont_normalize;

sub pick(%) {
    my ($f) = @_;
    my @c = keys %$f;
    my @w = map { $f->{$_} } @c;
    my $r = rand(sum(@w));
    for(0..$#c) {
        return $c[$_] if $r < $w[$_];
        $r -= $w[$_];
    print "end of pick loop reached. returned $c[$#w]\n" if $debug_mode;
    return $c[$#w];

sub get_gram {
    my ($key) = @_;
    ##Lazily interpolate the gram table on the fly
    ##then cache the results
    unless (defined $grams->{$key}) {
        for(@loaded_data) {
            my $data = $_->[0];
            my $g = $data->{$key} or next;
            my $sum = $dont_normalize || sum(values %$g);
            while( my ($c, $v) = each %$g ) {
                $grams->{$key}->{$c} += $v/$sum;
    return $grams->{$key};

sub generate {
    my $target = pick($freqs) + $target_offset;
    my $word = ' ' x ($n-1);
    my $c;
    do {
        my $len = (length $word) - ($n-1);
        my %ftable = %{get_gram substr($word, -$n+1, $n-1)};
        ($ftable{' '} //= 0) *= 2**($len-$target);
        $c = pick \%ftable;
        $word .= $c;
    } while $c ne ' ';
    $word =~ s/\s//g;
    $word = "$word (L-T: @{[length($word) - $target]})" if $debug_mode;
    return $word;

sub load_dataset {
    my ($mod) = @_;
    push @loaded_data, retrieve ("share/WordData/$mod") or die "Unable to load $mod";

sub main {
    #if (my $d = dirname $0) { chdir $d }
    ##Option handling
    my ($help_mode, $list_mode);
    @ARGV = split /\s+/, $ARGV[0] if @ARGV == 1;
    GetOptions (
                'd|debug'            => \$debug_mode,
                'h|help'             => \$help_mode,
                'l|list'             => \$list_mode,
                'N|dont-normalize'   => \$dont_normalize,
                'o|target-offset=s'  => \$target_offset,
                map {
                    my $mod=$_;
                    $mod =~ s/(^|-)(.)/\u$2/g;
                    $_, sub { load_dataset $mod };
                } @options
               ) or exit 1;
    return print $help_text if $help_mode;
    return print $list_text if $list_mode;
    ##Use the default dataset if no others were specified
    load_dataset $default_dataset unless @loaded_data;
    ##In the case of 1 dataset, skip normalization by copying everything
    ##into the tables
    if (@loaded_data == 1) {
        ($grams, $freqs) = @{$loaded_data[0]};
    ##Otherwise, normalize and combine the length histograms.
    ##The gram tables will be normalized lazily as needed (see: get_gram)
    else {
        for (@loaded_data) {
            my $fdata = $_->[1];
            my $sum = $dont_normalize || sum(values %$fdata);
            while ( my ($len, $f) = each %$fdata ) {
                $freqs->{$len} += $f/$sum;

    ##Run word generator and print results
        local $\ = ' ';
        print generate for 1..min(25, int($ARGV[0]||1));
    print "\n";
    return 0;

exit main unless caller;