view ply-3.8/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/ply/ @ 9554:23f43464694e

<Zarutian> le/rn Frams\xc3\xb3knarflokkurinn/A, now defunct, political party in Iceland. Like its sister party Sj\xc3\xa1lfst\xc3\xa6\xc3\xb0isflokkurinn it is named by the antonym of what it is. (The name means the Progressive Party but they have nearly always been highly regressive). Think dumb Hill-Billies in ill fitting suits and you get their constiuents.
author HackBot
date Sun, 30 Oct 2016 14:33:24 +0000
parents a1845676eaa0
line wrap: on
line source

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Token specifications for symbols in ANSI C and C++.  This file is
# meant to be used as a library in other tokenizers.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# Reserved words

tokens = [
    # Literals (identifier, integer constant, float constant, string constant, char const)

    # Operators (+,-,*,/,%,|,&,~,^,<<,>>, ||, &&, !, <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=)
    'OR', 'AND', 'NOT', 'XOR', 'LSHIFT', 'RSHIFT',
    'LOR', 'LAND', 'LNOT',
    'LT', 'LE', 'GT', 'GE', 'EQ', 'NE',
    # Assignment (=, *=, /=, %=, +=, -=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, |=)

    # Increment/decrement (++,--)

    # Structure dereference (->)

    # Ternary operator (?)
    # Delimeters ( ) [ ] { } , . ; :

    # Ellipsis (...)
# Operators
t_PLUS             = r'\+'
t_MINUS            = r'-'
t_TIMES            = r'\*'
t_DIVIDE           = r'/'
t_MODULO           = r'%'
t_OR               = r'\|'
t_AND              = r'&'
t_NOT              = r'~'
t_XOR              = r'\^'
t_LSHIFT           = r'<<'
t_RSHIFT           = r'>>'
t_LOR              = r'\|\|'
t_LAND             = r'&&'
t_LNOT             = r'!'
t_LT               = r'<'
t_GT               = r'>'
t_LE               = r'<='
t_GE               = r'>='
t_EQ               = r'=='
t_NE               = r'!='

# Assignment operators

t_EQUALS           = r'='
t_TIMESEQUAL       = r'\*='
t_DIVEQUAL         = r'/='
t_MODEQUAL         = r'%='
t_PLUSEQUAL        = r'\+='
t_MINUSEQUAL       = r'-='
t_LSHIFTEQUAL      = r'<<='
t_RSHIFTEQUAL      = r'>>='
t_ANDEQUAL         = r'&='
t_OREQUAL          = r'\|='
t_XOREQUAL         = r'\^='

# Increment/decrement
t_INCREMENT        = r'\+\+'
t_DECREMENT        = r'--'

# ->
t_ARROW            = r'->'

# ?
t_TERNARY          = r'\?'

# Delimeters
t_LPAREN           = r'\('
t_RPAREN           = r'\)'
t_LBRACKET         = r'\['
t_RBRACKET         = r'\]'
t_LBRACE           = r'\{'
t_RBRACE           = r'\}'
t_COMMA            = r','
t_PERIOD           = r'\.'
t_SEMI             = r';'
t_COLON            = r':'
t_ELLIPSIS         = r'\.\.\.'

# Identifiers
t_ID = r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*'

# Integer literal
t_INTEGER = r'\d+([uU]|[lL]|[uU][lL]|[lL][uU])?'

# Floating literal
t_FLOAT = r'((\d+)(\.\d+)(e(\+|-)?(\d+))? | (\d+)e(\+|-)?(\d+))([lL]|[fF])?'

# String literal
t_STRING = r'\"([^\\\n]|(\\.))*?\"'

# Character constant 'c' or L'c'
t_CHARACTER = r'(L)?\'([^\\\n]|(\\.))*?\''

# Comment (C-Style)
def t_COMMENT(t):
    t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count('\n')
    return t

# Comment (C++-Style)
def t_CPPCOMMENT(t):
    t.lexer.lineno += 1
    return t