view paste/paste.31992 @ 8427:1fc808cd5b1f

<b_jonas> learn can\'t is the most frequent word whose pronunciation varies between /\xc9\x91\xcb\x90/ and /\xc3\xa6/ depending on dialect. The list is: advance after answer ask aunt brass can\'t cast castle chance class command dance demand draft enhance example fast father glass graph grass half last laugh mask master nasty pass past path plant rather sample shan\'t staff task vast
author HackBot
date Thu, 09 Jun 2016 21:28:47 +0000
parents 61773ea4b7b2
line wrap: on
line source

bin/?:    else echo "$1? ¯\(°​_o)/¯"; exit 1;
bin/¿:? "$@" | rev | tac
bin/؟:? "$@" | rev
bin/anonlog:    grep -P -i -- "$1" ????-??-??.txt | shuf -n 1| sed "s=<[^>]*> =="
bin/anonlog:    file=$(shuf -en 1 ????-??-??.txt)
bin/aseen:done < <(ls -r /var/irclogs/_esoteric/????-??-??.txt)
bin/bienvenido:if (defined($_=shift)) { s/ *$//;  s/ +/ @ /g; exec "bin/@", $_ . " ?"; } else { exec "bin/?", ""; }
bin/bseen:done < <(ls -r /var/irclogs/_esoteric/????-??-??.txt)
bin/define:    echo 'Define what?'
bin/define:    --dump --width=1000 ''"$QUERY" |
Binary file bin/delvs matches
bin/e:echo elieser224: ¿por qué con frecuencia altas y bajas?
bin/ello:  if (!(name != null ? name.length : void 0)) {
bin/ello:  console.log(consonant_then_o.test(name) ? name.replace(consonant_then_o, function(match, before, consonant, rest) {
bin/ello:  }) : ell_manglable.test(name) ? name.replace(ell_manglable, function(match, before, middle, rest) {
bin/ello:  }) : starts_with_o.test(name) ? 'hell' + name : ends_with_consonant_then_vowel.test(name) ? name.replace(ends_with_consonant_then_vowel, function(match, before) {
bin/ello:  }) : ends_with_consonant.test(name) ? name + 'ello' : "Hello, " + name + "!");
Binary file bin/emmental matches
bin/etymology:    echo 'Look up what?'
bin/etymology:    --dump --width=1000 ''"$QUERY" |
bin/forget:echo "Forget what?"
Binary file bin/fortune matches
Binary file bin/fueue matches
bin/google:    echo 'Google what?'
bin/google:     --dump --width=1000 ''"$QUERY" |
bin/?h:? "$@" | perl -pe 's/([aeiouy])([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvxz])\b/$1h$2/ig'
bin/hatesgeo:perl -n -e '/:(.*?)!.*JOIN/; $j{$1}++; END {print "$_ $j{$_};" for sort {$j{$b} <=> $j{$a}} keys %j}' $@
bin/?hh:\? "$@" | perl -pe 's/([aeiouy])([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvxz])/$1h$2/ig'
bin/js:## <>
bin/js:## <>
bin/learn:topic=$(echo "$1" | lowercase | sed 's/^\(a\|the\) //;s/s\? .*//')
bin/list:grep '^..:..:..: <[^>]*> `list' /var/irclogs/_esoteric/201[3-9]-??-??.txt | sed 's/^.*<//;s/>.*//;s/_*$//' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' '
bin/log:    grep -P -i -- "$1" ????-??-??.txt | shuf -n 1
bin/log:    file=$(shuf -en 1 ????-??-??.txt)
Binary file bin/lua matches
Binary file bin/luac matches
bin/luarocks:package.path = [[/hackenv/share/lua/5.2//?.lua;/hackenv/share/lua/5.2//?/init.lua;]]..package.path
bin/luarocks-admin:package.path = [[/hackenv/share/lua/5.2//?.lua;/hackenv/share/lua/5.2//?/init.lua;]]..package.path
Binary file bin/macro matches
Binary file bin/mov matches
Binary file bin/node matches
Binary file bin/nooodl: matches
bin/pastelog:        file=$(shuf -en 1 ????-??-??.txt)
bin/pastelog:        lines=$(timeout 25 grep -P -i -- "$1" ????-??-??.txt | head -n 301)
bin/pastelogs:        file=$(shuf -en 1 ????-??-??.txt)
bin/pastelogs:        lines=$(timeout 25 grep -P -i -- "$1" ????-??-??.txt | head -n 301)
bin/pastlog:grep -P -i -- "$1" $(ls ????-??-??.txt | head -n -1) | shuf -n 1
bin/prefixes:echo 'Bot prefixes: fungot ^, HackEgo `, EgoBot !, lambdabot @ or ?, thutubot +, metasepia ~, jconn ) , blsqbot !'
bin/quine:cd /var/irclogs/_esoteric; cat $(ls ????-??-??.txt | tail -1) | sed 's/[^>]*> //' | grep '^`' | tail -1 #Best cheating quine ever?
bin/randomanonlog:awk 'sub(/^<[^:]+:[^ ]+ PRIVMSG #esoteric :/,"")' < `ls /var/irclogs/_esoteric/????-??-??-raw.txt | shuf -n1` | shuf -n1
Binary file bin/rot256 matches
Binary file bin/searchlog matches
bin/seen:($n,$e)=split /\s+/, join(" ",@ARGV); $n=~s/ *$//; $c="ls -r /var/irclogs/_esoteric/????-??-??.txt"; $c.=" | head -n 30" unless $e eq "ever"; @f=split /\s+/, `$c`; for $f (@f) { open F,"<$f"; @l=grep(/^..:..:..: <$n>/i,<F>); close F; if (@l) { $b=$f;  $b=~s#.*/(.*?).txt#$1#; print "$b $l[-1]"; exit 1; } } print $e eq "ever" ? "not that I remember" : "not lately; try `seen $n ever";
bin/seens:find /var/irclogs/_esoteric -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '????-??-??.txt' | sort -r | xargs -d'\n' -r tac -- | grep "^..:..:..: <$1>" | head -n 1
bin/shove:  ? @ARGV : <>;
bin/shove:my $width = 0; $width = ($width < length $_ ? length $_ : $width) for @program;
bin/shove:      $cmd eq "'" and ($quotecount += ($lws ? -1 : 1)), ($lws = !$lws);
bin/shove:      $cmd eq '"' and ($quotecount += ($lws ? 1 : -1)), ($lws = !$lws);
Binary file bin/tclkit matches
bin/tell:echo "I think you mean \"@tell $@\" instead?"
Binary file bin/units matches
bin/welcome:if (defined($_=shift)) { s/ *$//;  s/ +/ @ /g; exec "bin/@", $_ . " ? welcome"; } else { exec "bin/?", "welcome"; }
bin/wercome:if (defined($_=shift)) { s/ *$//;  s/ +/ @ /g; exec "bin/@", $_ . " ? wercome"; } else { exec "bin/?", "wercome"; }
bin/wl:    url = '' \
bin/word:my $parse_line = qr/(\d*)(?: +(\d+))?/;