view paste/paste.28766 @ 8427:1fc808cd5b1f

<b_jonas> learn can\'t is the most frequent word whose pronunciation varies between /\xc9\x91\xcb\x90/ and /\xc3\xa6/ depending on dialect. The list is: advance after answer ask aunt brass can\'t cast castle chance class command dance demand draft enhance example fast father glass graph grass half last laugh mask master nasty pass past path plant rather sample shan\'t staff task vast
author HackBot
date Thu, 09 Jun 2016 21:28:47 +0000
parents e06dcdf08c5b
line wrap: on
line source

7) <oerjan> what, you mean that wasn't your real name?  <Warrigal> Gosh, I guess it is. I never realized that.
16) <fungot> oerjan: are you a man, if there weren't evil in this kingdom to you! you shall find bekkler! executing program. please let me go... put me out! he's really a tricycle! pass him!
19) <oerjan> In an alternate universe, ehird has taste
20) IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE: <oerjan> In an alternate universe, I would say "In an alternate universe, ehird has taste"
24) PA ET ANNET UNIVERSET DER DE ENESTE PERSONEN OERJAN: <oerjan> sa jeg kan bare konkludere med at det er feil, eller er verden helt bonkers
59) * oerjan swats FireFly since he's easier to hit -----###  <FireFly> Meh  * FireFly dies
95) <oerjan> insufficient time dilation.  try running faster.
109) <oerjan> alise: mainly it's the fact it blows so hard i cannot avoid hitting the walls of the thing, which completely goes against my basic public toilet hygiene principles
115) <AnMaster> oerjan, can you ever get any number higher than 3 at the start of "ordinary" [look-and-say sequences]?  <ais523> it's not clear from the RFCs
146) <oerjan> it's not obvious from quantum mechanics that you can destroy a universe arbitrarily.
184) <elliott> oerjan: What, can girls aim their penises better?
189) <oerjan> elliott: i think i wrote a proof of 0*x = 0 on this channel once
190) * oerjan considered buying lutefisk, but apparently it cannot be prepared in microwave </bachelor frog>
205) <oklopol> oerjan: also actually A(4, 4) is larger than any other integer, i learned this the other day when i was reading about this algo, it had complexity O(n a^-1(n)) = O(n a^-1(4))
222) <oerjan> (the former is a very deep theorem, i'd have had to read the whole book to understand it, so i didn't.)
231) <oerjan> <Gregor> oerjan: Tell us what (a(b{c}d)*2e)%2 expands to <-- ababcdbcdedbabcdbcdede, i think  <Gregor> oerjan: What - the - fuck
262) <fungot> oerjan: are you in an aware state when the only hammer you have is for variable assignation and blocks
317) <augur> oerjan you're swedish, right?
334) <elliott> oerjan: but hypothetically, assume a Christian spontaneously materialised during the apocalypse
361) <elliott_> I'm not even going to try and understand what you're proposing.  <oerjan> i understand it perfectly.  it's completely nuts.
372) <oerjan> i never meta turing.  he died before i was born.
373) <elliott> oerjan: can you delete that and the meta turing completeness page  <elliott> thanks  <oerjan> elliott: IN UNIVERSO ALTERNATIVO, OERJAN PAGINAS DELET
376) <oerjan> adding quotes by yourself is strictly prohibited and will lead to you being banned
377) <oerjan> as i was filled with zzo38 mystery at the moment i saw  <zzo38> quintopia: I am at Canada.
381) <Sgeo> Will anyone be irritated if I tend to disconnect and reconnect a lot? [...] <oerjan> we _almost_ have an established policy that bots will be banned it they do that.  which means we might have to administer a turing test to sgeo, and that could get ugly.
382) <Phantom_Hoover> oerjan, little do you realise that everything you say and do is part of that great monad tutorial we call life.
437) <monqy> cigaretes and drunking "lame highs for lame people"  <oerjan> yeah if it doesn't make you go crazy and shoot at people, it's not worth it.  take it from a norwegian.
439) [2008] <nooga> i'm testing Haiku  <nooga> and it appears that it is a major shit  <oerjan> 5+7+5, not 5+11, nooga
446) <oerjan> i try to be a hermit but it's hard with all these housemates.
461) <ais523> oerjan: I'm not imaginative enough to write truly great slash fiction
462) <oerjan> sllide: @ is an OS made out of only the finest vapour
513) <oerjan> theorem prover yada yada halting problem.
568) <oerjan> i am sorry to disappoint you, but my musical taste is on the side abba, verdi, and celine dion.  i know this may not be popular and that you would have preferred me to be a satanist.
584) <oerjan> <Patashu> But wait what if I'm using a quantum computer <-- there is "quantum entropy".  it's the same except no one understands it.
613) <oerjan> elliott: it occurs to me that `? welcome is atypical:  its information is actually true.
634) <CakeProphet> but yeah the caliphates expanded their empire by conquering people and then forcing them to either convert to Islam or die. [...] <oerjan> i thought it was sort of, convert to islam or pay extra taxes, but i guess it varied a lot.
635) * oerjan concludes that unsafeCoerce has no effect on strictness
640) <oerjan> shachaf: wait, _you_ are in northumberland?  <shachaf> No.  <oerjan> whew  <oerjan> we don't have room for more esolangers there.  <shachaf> oerjan: Wait, *you* are in Northumberland?  <oerjan> no  <shachaf> Whew.  <shachaf> We don't have room for more esolangers there.
645) <oerjan> wolfram armageddon, the genius overlord game
656) <oerjan> well, i have to assume if i'm going to make any asses
657) <itidus20> if only alonzo church would have anticipated the computer terminal...  <zzo38> itidus20: What do you think it would be if he did so?  <itidus20> i just plucked his name at random [...] <oerjan> if only the marquis de sade would have anticipated hospital romance novels
684) <fizzie> oerjan: Hey, what's your country code for telephonistic dialling from the outside world?  <oerjan> fizzie: +47  <fizzie> oerjan: Ooh, you're, like, right next to Sweden there.  <fizzie> I... guess you are geographically, too.
690) <oerjan> fizzie: wait the germans burned lapland?  they also burned finnmark.  <fizzie> oerjan: It's a bit of what they do. This was the time when we no longer were such good friends any more, and told them to go away.
725) <Sgeo_> Why does CL get called functional?  <oerjan> it's sort of like how you call ancient greece democratic.
793) <oerjan> Gregor: hey no fair doing ungoogleable citations
803) * oerjan makes a brainfuck derivative for quoting xkcds
834) <oerjan> `welcome Rawlie  * zzo38 has joined #esoteric  <Rawlie> thank you  <zzo38> You're welcome.
848) <olsner> we have PR?  <oerjan> the good news is we have PR.  the bad news is we borrowed haskell's motto for it. [...] <oerjan> [...] "avoid success at all costs"
872) <oerjan> i think the problem is you're trying to interpret finnish as logic.
873) <pikhq> Conext coyou'll cotell come cothat coyou cocan't coprefix coeverything cowith co"co".  <oerjan> pikhq: coof urse conot!
892) <shachaf> oerjan: Comonads?  <oerjan> shachaf: no, feather
910) <oerjan> `pastequotes django  <HackEgo>  <olsner> I'm still in all of them :(  <olsner> someone else get quoted saying django please
916) <oerjan> fungot knows all.  <fungot> oerjan: you are correct. there's no freedom for free.
927) <ais523> oerjan: humans are very hard to anthropomorphise
934) <Phantom_Hoover> why the fuc  <oerjan> i was very annoyed.  <Phantom_Hoover> k  <Phantom_Hoover> are my socks  <Phantom_Hoover> in the wastebin