view paste/paste.19489 @ 8427:1fc808cd5b1f

<b_jonas> learn can\'t is the most frequent word whose pronunciation varies between /\xc9\x91\xcb\x90/ and /\xc3\xa6/ depending on dialect. The list is: advance after answer ask aunt brass can\'t cast castle chance class command dance demand draft enhance example fast father glass graph grass half last laugh mask master nasty pass past path plant rather sample shan\'t staff task vast
author HackBot
date Thu, 09 Jun 2016 21:28:47 +0000
parents dbcabbf98d4c
line wrap: on
line source

2009-06-24.txt:19:35:35: <oerjan> @check \a f -> (repeat a `zbind` f) === (f (a :: Int) :: Int)
2009-06-24.txt:19:44:29: <oerjan> @check (==)
2009-06-26.txt:00:43:12: <oerjan> @check let 42 = 6*9 in (\_ -> 42 == 6*9)
2009-07-14.txt:03:15:13: <oerjan> @check \n -> n >= 0 ==> sum [1..n] == (n*(n+1))`div`2
2011-01-20.txt:18:27:53: <oerjan> @check x < 1.1
2011-01-20.txt:18:32:53: <oerjan> @check x < 100.0
2011-01-20.txt:18:33:18: <oerjan> @check \x -> x < 1.1
2011-01-20.txt:18:39:10: <oerjan> @check \x -> x < 100.1
2011-01-20.txt:18:39:23: <oerjan> @check \x -> x < 1e10
2011-01-20.txt:18:39:41: <oerjan> @check \x -> x < 1000.0
2011-01-20.txt:18:39:48: <oerjan> @check \x -> x < 300.0
2011-01-20.txt:18:39:55: <oerjan> @check \x -> x < 300.0
2011-01-31.txt:04:25:45: <oerjan> @check \l -> foldr (liftM2 (++)) [mempty] == map mconcat (sequence l)
2011-01-31.txt:04:26:09: <oerjan> @check \l -> foldr (liftM2 (++)) [mempty] l == map mconcat (sequence l)
2011-05-16.txt:20:40:15: <oerjan> @check \x -> (x+y)^2 == x^2+2*x*y+y^2
2011-05-16.txt:20:40:27: <oerjan> @check \x y -> (x+y)^2 == x^2+2*x*y+y^2
2011-05-16.txt:20:41:08: <oerjan> @check \x y -> (x+y)^2 == (x^2+2*x*y+y^2 :: Double)
2011-09-20.txt:03:26:44: <oerjan> @check (x >>+ f >>+ g) == ((x :: [Int]) >>+ \t -> (f t :: [Int]) >>+ g :: [Int])
2011-09-20.txt:03:27:54: <oerjan> @check let infixl 1 >>+; l >>+ f = diag . scanl1 (zipWith (const id)) $ map f l where diag ((x:xs):xss) = x:diag (map (drop 1) xss); diag _ = [] in (x >>+ f >>+ g) == ((x :: [Int]) >>+ \t -> (f t :: [Int]) >>+ g :: [Int])
2011-09-20.txt:03:29:10: <oerjan> @check let infixl 1 >>+; l >>+ f = diag . scanl1 (zipWith (const id)) $ map f l where diag ((x:xs):xss) = x:diag (map (drop 1) xss); diag _ = [] in \x f g -> (x >>+ f >>+ g) == ((x :: [Int]) >>+ \t -> (f t :: [Int]) >>+ g :: [Int])
2011-10-02.txt:21:16:48: <oerjan> @check \x y -> x <= y ==> (((+1) . on subtract fromEnum x) y == length [x..y :: Double]
2011-10-02.txt:21:17:03: <oerjan> @check \x y -> x <= y ==> (((+1) . on subtract fromEnum x) y == length [x..y :: Double])
2011-10-02.txt:21:17:34: <oerjan> @check \x y -> x > y || (((+1) . on subtract fromEnum x) y == length [x..y :: Double])
2011-10-02.txt:21:18:16: <oerjan> @check \x y -> x > y || (((+1) . on subtract fromEnum x) y == length [x..y :: Rational])
2011-10-02.txt:21:18:54: <oerjan> @check \x y -> x > y || x < 0 || (((+1) . on subtract fromEnum x) y == length [x..y :: Rational])
2011-12-18.txt:00:51:05: <oerjan> @check True
2011-12-20.txt:04:00:36: <oerjan> @check is this thing on?
2011-12-20.txt:04:04:00: <oerjan> @check let tjoin = concat . transpose . scanl1 (zipWith (flip const)) in \lll -> tjoin $ tjoin (lll :: [[[Int]]]) == tjoin $ map tjoin lll
2012-01-10.txt:03:07:32: <oerjan> @check True
2012-01-10.txt:03:10:22: <oerjan> @check \ll -> zjoin (zjoin (ll :: [[Int]])) == zjoin (map zjoin ll)
2012-01-10.txt:03:11:17: <oerjan> @check \ll -> zjoin (zjoin (ll :: [[[Int]]])) == zjoin (map zjoin ll)
2012-01-10.txt:03:29:31: <oerjan> @check \ll -> (not . null . drop 1 . group $ map length ll) || zjoin (zjoin (ll :: [[[Int]]])) == zjoin (map zjoin ll)
2012-01-10.txt:03:29:51: <oerjan> @check \ll -> (not . null . drop 1 . group $ map length ll) || zjoin (zjoin (ll :: [[[Int]]])) == zjoin (map zjoin ll)
2012-08-06.txt:19:32:14: <oerjan> @check \x y -> x < 0 || y <= 0 | (x-1)`div`y+1 == ceiling (fromIntegral x / fromIntegral y)
2012-08-06.txt:19:32:25: <oerjan> @check \x y -> x < 0 || y <= 0 || (x-1)`div`y+1 == ceiling (fromIntegral x / fromIntegral y)
2012-08-06.txt:19:32:45: <oerjan> @check \x y -> x < 0 || y <= 0 || (x-1)`div`y+1 == -(-x)`div`y
2012-08-06.txt:19:34:33: <oerjan> @check \x y -> y <= 0 || (x-1)`div`y+1 == -(-x)`div`y
2012-08-06.txt:19:34:50: <oerjan> @check \x y -> y <= 0 || (x-1)`div`y+1 == ceiling (fromIntegral x / fromIntegral y)
2012-10-07.txt:21:36:39: <oerjan> @check let (_, c) . (a, _) = (a, c); (.) :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) in \x y z -> x . (y . z) == (x . y) . z
2012-12-10.txt:05:56:54: <oerjan> @check \u v -> ((u+v)-u)+((u+v)-((u+v)-u)) == u+(v::Double)
2012-12-14.txt:21:02:55: <oerjan> @check 2 == 2
2013-06-04.txt:23:17:57: <oerjan> `pastelogs oerjan> @check.*