view paste/paste.17397 @ 8427:1fc808cd5b1f

<b_jonas> learn can\'t is the most frequent word whose pronunciation varies between /\xc9\x91\xcb\x90/ and /\xc3\xa6/ depending on dialect. The list is: advance after answer ask aunt brass can\'t cast castle chance class command dance demand draft enhance example fast father glass graph grass half last laugh mask master nasty pass past path plant rather sample shan\'t staff task vast
author HackBot
date Thu, 09 Jun 2016 21:28:47 +0000
parents 6058c527c4de
line wrap: on
line source

2007-05-05.txt:04:37:32: <GregorR> (BTW: Wherever you see *((int *) 0) = 0, that's me saying "throw someException; // once exceptions are implemented")
2007-06-25.txt:06:39:02: <immibis> ~exec raise "SomeError"
2007-06-25.txt:06:39:24: <bsmnt_bot> SomeError
2008-09-02.txt:22:09:27: -!- chromeeeee has joined #esoteric.
2008-09-02.txt:22:09:35: <chromeeeee> fuck that was fast.
2008-09-02.txt:22:09:36: <chromeeeee> :~
2008-09-02.txt:22:09:52: <chromeeeee> i am typing to you from mibbit running in google chrome running in parallels running in os x
2008-09-02.txt:22:09:55: <chromeeeee> :3
2008-09-02.txt:22:10:13: <ais523> hi chromeeeee, presumably you're tusho?
2008-09-02.txt:22:10:13: <chromeeeee> byebye linus
2008-09-02.txt:22:10:16: <chromeeeee> ais523: no
2008-09-02.txt:22:10:32: <chromeeeee> my name is Ritanj
2008-09-02.txt:22:10:39: <chromeeeee> Ritanj Urban Muller
2008-09-02.txt:22:10:43: <chromeeeee> Ritanj Urban Muller Lite
2008-09-02.txt:22:10:58: <chromeeeee> To be specific, Ritanj Urban Cherry-On-Top Muller Advertising Campaign Lite-Lite
2008-09-02.txt:22:11:23: <chromeeeee> what.
2008-09-02.txt:22:11:25: <chromeeeee> who is tusho.
2008-09-02.txt:22:11:42: <ais523> chromeeeee: the other person in this channel from the same IP who talks the same way as you
2008-09-02.txt:22:11:47: <chromeeeee> ais523: ah, him
2008-09-02.txt:22:11:48: <chromeeeee> ignore him
2008-09-02.txt:22:11:50: <chromeeeee> he's stupid
2008-09-02.txt:22:14:01: <chromeeeee> i am a prostitute and a drug
2008-09-02.txt:22:14:29: <chromeeeee> fungot: you are not a prostitute or a drug
2008-09-02.txt:22:14:30: <fungot> chromeeeee: hah perl again
2008-09-02.txt:22:15:00: <chromeeeee> wow
2008-09-02.txt:22:15:03: <chromeeeee> this is amazing micropoetry
2008-09-02.txt:22:15:38: <chromeeeee> ":) smileys fall from the blue sky, sadly." "using esc all the time while awake.' wikipedia"
2008-09-02.txt:22:15:43: <chromeeeee> two great peieces of art from fungot
2008-09-02.txt:22:15:43: <fungot> chromeeeee: now youve failed 365 times.
2008-09-02.txt:22:15:48: <chromeeeee> three pieces.
2008-09-02.txt:22:16:43: <ais523> tusho: chromeeeee's still responding to pings
2008-09-02.txt:22:16:52: <chromeeeee> butts
2008-09-02.txt:22:16:53: <chromeeeee> ah
2008-09-02.txt:22:16:54: <chromeeeee> now it works
2008-09-02.txt:22:17:56: <chromeeeee> fungot: forth line of poetry?
2008-09-02.txt:22:17:57: <fungot> chromeeeee: i must depart now. i'll fix it.)) the golden ratio" achieved by the shortest known 99 bottles of beeron the wall! 97 bottles of beer
2008-09-02.txt:22:19:36: -!- chromeeeee has quit (" ajax IRC Client").
2008-11-14.txt:14:29:50: <fizzie> The page continues -- or "mitäh?" or "vittu puhu suomee!"; those are just "what?" and "[expletive] speak Finnish!"
2009-01-04.txt:16:59:03: <ehird> listen tomeeeeeeeeeee
2009-02-27.txt:16:26:29: <ehird> #(true false) becomeEveryInArray: #(false true)
2009-03-19.txt:19:48:20: <ehird>
2009-03-19.txt:20:00:58: <AnMaster> <-- google uk?
2009-03-19.txt:20:03:57: <ehird>
2009-03-19.txt:20:15:14: <AnMaster> ehird, tried that chromeexperiemnt thingy, falling works in firefox, you mentioned dragging things around. Can't get that to work
2009-03-30.txt:16:55:28: <lifthrasiir> i don't know why... perhaps because n = <someexpr>; in the loop merges into condition check (just guessing)?
2009-07-20.txt:22:04:41: <SimonRC> ehird: I read that /topic someewhere recently, but I can't remember where
2009-07-25.txt:02:28:16: <GregorR> It doesn't hook in to Windows in any meaningful way. You have to run the binaries like   elfload.exe someELF
2009-08-18.txt:21:45:05: <ehird>
2009-08-18.txt:21:47:01: <AnMaster> <ehird> <-- didn't I see something like that for haskell too?
2009-09-14.txt:05:12:05: <ehird> in chromee
2009-10-28.txt:01:52:49: <pikhq> A really simple init system is... Not someething I blame you for.
2009-11-15.txt:20:59:22: <ehird> and the two functions are copypastes with somee changes
2010-02-06.txt:14:30:45: <ehird> I'd relax it to {| someEqualityThingProvidedByTheDefinition (α × {β ÷ α}) β |}, but that's as good as letting you define it to anything.
2010-02-06.txt:14:32:16: <MissPiggy> so you could quotient out by "someEqualityThingProvidedByTheDefinition" and still use {| α × {β ÷ α} ≡ β |}
2010-06-10.txt:17:25:35: <Deewiant>
2010-06-10.txt:18:08:26: <CakeProphet> you can do:  x.throw(SomeException)
2010-06-28.txt:23:47:24: <Gregor-W>  /dev/elf . To run something, cat someelf > /dev/elf
2010-07-17.txt:18:00:09: <alise> awesomeeee
2010-09-01.txt:02:05:46: <Sgeo> somext someevent
2010-09-01.txt:06:29:56: <Sgeo> somext someevent
2010-09-13.txt:23:24:08: <alise> ;; THIS IS SO FUN
2010-10-24.txt:00:21:13: <elliott> Gregor: websplat +
2010-11-02.txt:11:31:59: <elliott> *Main Control.Monad> someExpr
2010-11-02.txt:11:31:59: <elliott> *Main Control.Monad> rewrite someExpr [someRule]
2010-11-02.txt:11:43:08: <elliott> *Main Control.Monad> someExpr
2010-11-02.txt:11:43:08: <elliott> *Main Control.Monad> rewrite someExpr [someRule]
2010-11-02.txt:11:43:17: <elliott> someExpr is a SolidE
2011-01-09.txt:04:58:59: <elliott> variable: you might also consider returning (Maybe resulttype) instead, or having (Either SomeErrorType resulttype)
2011-01-19.txt:07:27:27: <Sgeo>
2011-01-28.txt:20:56:25: -!- copumpkin is now known as SomeEnthusiast.
2011-01-28.txt:21:15:51: -!- SomeEnthusiast is now known as copumpkin.
2011-02-10.txt:00:13:04: <Deewiant> elliott: e :: SomeException should catch everything
2011-05-31.txt:02:17:11: <elliott> AWEEEEEESOMEEEEEEEEE
2011-07-29.txt:21:51:40: <elliott_> evincar: these both return Either SomeError Integer
2011-07-29.txt:21:52:12: <elliott_> (Either SomeError String) is an explicit error-tagged return type
2011-07-29.txt:21:52:20: <elliott_> And (Either SomeError) is a monad
2011-07-29.txt:21:54:46: <elliott_> int foo(int n) throws SomeError;
2011-07-29.txt:21:54:51: <elliott_> foo :: Int -> Either SomeError Int
2011-07-29.txt:21:56:17: <elliott_> But still, I'd say that a monadic model of error handling is the same as checked exceptions. (And the same as unchecked exceptions if you make "SomeError" an existential on some Exception typeclass.)
2011-08-08.txt:20:00:59: <elliott> data Foo = Foo ... {-# UNPACK #-} !SomeEnum ...
2011-08-13.txt:21:48:02: <elliott> Prelude Control.Exception Control.Monad.Trans Control.Monad.State.Strict> Control.Exception.catch (do Just 9 <- return Nothing; print "hi" :: IO ()) (\(SomeException e) -> print e)
2011-08-15.txt:18:56:21: <elliott> prescriptivism is awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeee
2011-09-22.txt:00:03:15: <elliott> if I do (catch m (\(x::SomeException) -> ...)), will that catch all exceptions?
2011-09-22.txt:00:04:13: <oerjan> and everything is a subtype of SomeException, because the main method is defined in terms of that.
2011-09-23.txt:20:13:25: <elliott> 	| Error Exc.SomeException
2011-10-04.txt:01:19:11: <zzo38> elliott: O, OK, I can look at SomeException. Can you convert a String to SomeException?
2011-10-04.txt:01:22:46: <zzo38> But if I use SomeException, can I combine multiple errors?
2011-10-04.txt:01:23:14: <oerjan> <zzo38> elliott: O, OK, I can look at SomeException. Can you convert a String to SomeException? <-- hm something tells me elliott said something on the other side of the split
2011-10-04.txt:01:24:04: <elliott> oerjan: <elliott> zzo38: btw you probably want SomeException
2011-10-28.txt:06:55:52: <elliott> ?hoogle Either SomeException a -> IO a
2011-11-03.txt:09:38:45: <zzo38> I don't like the way of pure code exceptions in GHC. But I do have another idea:  mkPure :: Q Exp -> Q Exp; instance Applicative Pure; runPure :: Pure t -> Either SomeException t;
2011-12-01.txt:06:59:50: <kallisti> g.throw(SomeException)
2011-12-01.txt:17:31:22: <elliott> ais523: Prelude Control.Exception> catch (print (1 `div` 0)) (\e -> putStrLn $ "Exception: " ++ show (e::SomeException))
2011-12-01.txt:17:33:43: <elliott> ais523: Prelude Control.Exception> catch (evaluate [1,2,undefined] >> return ()) (\e -> putStrLn $ "Exception: " ++ show (e::SomeException))
2011-12-01.txt:17:33:53: <elliott> Prelude Control.Exception> catch (evaluate (undefined :: [Int]) >> return ()) (\e -> putStrLn $ "Exception: " ++ show (e::SomeException))
2012-01-13.txt:12:25:09: <elliott> toException :: e -> SomeException
2012-01-13.txt:12:25:09: <elliott> fromException :: SomeException -> Maybe e
2012-05-18.txt:02:07:07: <elliott> "omee~" -- monqy, 2012
2012-05-18.txt:02:08:13: <monqy> i meant omee!
2012-05-18.txt:02:08:40: <elliott> anyway im going to stick with "omee~"
2012-05-18.txt:02:08:49: <elliott> `addquote <monqy> ophanim: omee~
2012-05-18.txt:02:08:52: <HackEgo> 854) <monqy> ophanim: omee~
2012-05-18.txt:02:09:07: <HackEgo> ​*poof* <monqy> ophanim: omee~
2012-06-03.txt:20:46:19: <shachaf> wE得るCOMEE得る得るiOTTA得ぬDiO得ぬ!
2012-07-13.txt:15:02:33: <fizzie> Unlike most other welcomees.
2012-07-29.txt:00:55:32: <Sgeo_> somesnitobj registerevent someevent [list myhandler $data1 $data2]
2012-08-18.txt:02:24:05: <shachaf> Welcomeegan back to Boston!
2012-08-30.txt:02:38:53: <Arc_Koen> "no, shisomethingshi, nihonsomeeeeeeethingitoblacksomething
2012-10-13.txt:02:08:55: <elliott> `pastelogs omee