view paste/paste.7704 @ 12205:1e53282e1c6b draft

<oerjan> slwd moony//s,moony,moon,;s,moon,moony,
author HackEso <>
date Fri, 29 Nov 2019 02:47:37 +0000
parents efd556a0631b
line wrap: on
line source

860) <shachaf> Bike: Your client colours people?  <Bike> it would be pretty boring to see everyone as white, i get that enough in real life
863) <Bike> "damn, my port of ghc to php isn't properly taking javascript booleans into account"
883) <kmc> i bet a blog post complaining about ");});});" syntax in JavaScript and comparing it unfavorably to Lisp would get approximately one billion comments on hacker news  <Bike> but at what cost?  your very soul, kmc!
888) [on Diplomacy] <Bike> man, that doesn't even mention greece at all [...] <Bike> oh, this is about a game, not world war i.
893) <Bike> i don't even know anything about feather and i'm getting sick of the time travel jokes