view paste/paste.30862 @ 7449:1c3c4b1a93e5

<b_jonas> learn Church invented a sane model of computation, but Turing was better with marketing, so now people define theoretical computer science using obsolate hardware like tape recorders.
author HackBot
date Sun, 17 Apr 2016 22:22:41 +0000
parents e037173e0012
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2007-02-17.txt:02:05:15: * ihope logreads
2007-02-18.txt:03:34:06: <bsmntbombdood> oerjan.logread_amount > 100
2007-03-07.txt:01:24:57: <bsmntbombdood> dirty little logreader
2007-04-01.txt:16:13:15: <ais523> I've changed it now anyway, just in case a logreader decides to impersonate me
2007-04-08.txt:17:00:14: <ais523> (I'm having Internet access problems at the moment, so can't come online as often as I'd like and have resorted to logreading (which I do anyway))
2007-06-18.txt:04:10:17: <bsmntbombdood> the logreading alphabet
2007-06-25.txt:13:39:22: <ais523> (I was logreading and saw how someone managed to get it to part by mistake, but I've got it back to normal over the normal IRC channels.)
2007-10-15.txt:18:57:51: <bsmntbombdood> /logreads
2007-10-19.txt:12:07:41: * ais523 is the sort of logreader who suddenly continues conversations that ended days ago with no warning
2007-10-25.txt:15:51:11: * ais523 was logreading and saw people discussing their discovery
2007-11-04.txt:01:11:48: * oklopol is a fanatic logreader
2008-03-21.txt:18:03:43: <ais523> were you logreading, or was that just good timing?
2008-04-02.txt:22:50:40: <ais523|busy> ehird_: I'm busy with something else at the moment, I don't have time to go logreading
2008-04-03.txt:10:09:16: <ais523> sorry, I was logreading and that just jumped out at me
2008-04-03.txt:11:09:21: <ais523> (ehird: I know you're not in the channel right now but I'm assuming you logread)
2008-04-05.txt:22:24:27: <ehird_> oh, and ais523, I do logread
2008-04-26.txt:09:41:08: <oklopol> but ais prolly doesn't logread
2008-04-26.txt:14:15:06: <ehird> <oklopol>	but ais prolly doesn't logread	09:41:08
2008-04-26.txt:14:19:21: <ehird> oh, and if ais523 is logreading, it seems got put up for realz
2008-04-26.txt:14:33:22: <ehird> oklofok: time to logread
2008-04-26.txt:14:33:26: <ehird> i replied to your logreads
2008-05-01.txt:17:12:08: <ehird> if you've been logreading you will soon banish me
2008-05-01.txt:17:12:18: <ais523> hi, and I haven't been logreading
2008-05-07.txt:21:08:13: * oklopol needs to do some logreading
2008-06-11.txt:09:20:17: <oklopol> yay i like it when people shut up while i'm logreading
2008-06-12.txt:22:02:37: <tusho> AIS523 IF YOU ARE LOGREADING
2008-06-13.txt:16:12:34: <tusho> i was just clearing up any confusion for logreaders
2008-06-15.txt:00:52:12: <tusho> augur: you fail at logreading!
2008-06-15.txt:18:52:08: * ais523 wonders if ehird's logreading
2008-06-15.txt:19:04:36: <ais523> and apparently logreading, so I was wrong
2008-06-16.txt:15:55:03: <tusho> Hiato: he logreads
2008-06-16.txt:20:55:37: <oklopol> sry, logreading took a sec :<
2008-06-18.txt:15:07:40: * ais523 logreads
2008-06-24.txt:22:39:06: <tusho> come back, logreadais523
2008-07-02.txt:16:19:23: <tusho> but yes, ais, if you're logreading, do come
2008-08-10.txt:23:35:29: <tusho> AnMaster-logread-note:
2008-08-16.txt:00:24:15: <oklopol> also you fuckers talked so fast logs went past the screen and i have to open logreader again
2008-08-18.txt:20:42:54: <ais523> TUSHO LOGREAD NOTICE: You fail at setting Anagolf Brainfuck problems.
2008-08-24.txt:00:03:05: <tusho> logread.
2008-08-27.txt:22:04:01: <ais523> oerjan might be logreading
2008-08-27.txt:23:05:25: <ais523> oerjan: were you logreading?
2008-08-27.txt:23:05:51: <oerjan> <ais523> oerjan might be logreading
2008-09-01.txt:18:51:53: <tusho> i was just logreading and saw that
2008-09-01.txt:18:52:14: <fizzie> tusho: What's the point of the /ignore if you logread the stuff still?
2008-09-01.txt:18:54:56: <tusho> psygnis__: logread.
2008-09-01.txt:20:01:07: <ais523> I might logread it later
2008-09-01.txt:20:12:51: <tusho> i'll logread
2008-09-01.txt:20:21:52: <tusho> well i was just logreading
2008-09-04.txt:13:39:36: <tusho> @logreading prudes: now playing wolfgang amadeus mozart - leck mich im arsch
2008-09-04.txt:16:43:30: <ohsut> actually, probably the real tusho is logreading and tweaking things just to annoy us
2008-09-12.txt:23:02:36: <ais523> you can still logread...
2008-09-20.txt:20:03:45: <ais523> wow, I haven't logread for months
2008-09-20.txt:20:03:47: <ais523> I used to logread all the time...
2008-10-15.txt:16:34:06: <ais523> as #esoteric has lots of logreaderes
2008-10-15.txt:16:34:09: <ais523> *logreaders
2008-10-17.txt:09:31:21: <ais523> and I was planning to logread it later
2008-10-27.txt:10:41:35: <fizzie> Were you one of those logreading people? Tried out 1200 transcribed Penny Arcade comics, and Agora rules, yesterday. Both of those weren't too bad.
2008-10-27.txt:10:47:23: <ais523> I don't exactly logread
2008-10-27.txt:10:47:45: <ais523> so it's like I've been here all the time, and I read scrollback rather than logreading
2008-10-27.txt:10:48:11: <fizzie> Well, logreading, scrollback-reading; same thing.
2008-10-30.txt:22:25:16: <ais523> ah yes, I remember from logreading now
2008-11-25.txt:17:35:02: <fizzie> Logreading: it's not just a good idea - it's the law!
2008-12-05.txt:18:09:20: <ais523> oerjan: been logreading?
2009-01-03.txt:22:12:38: <ais523> I know you aren't here, but IIRC you logread
2009-01-12.txt:23:40:51: <ehird> kerlo first entered here when he was 12, I know this because as an obsessive logreader I have to keep track of these things
2009-01-22.txt:13:14:46: <ehird> you were a logreader before you ever came in
2009-02-07.txt:19:37:14: <ais523> yep, ehird left ##nomic in a huff and hasn't rejoined since, but apparently logreads it anyway
2009-02-07.txt:19:47:26: <oklopol> AnMaster: i try my best not to consider logreaders.
2009-02-07.txt:20:12:30: <ais523> probably ehird doesn't even ened to logread
2009-02-09.txt:15:34:34: <ehird> ais523 logreader: thoughts?
2009-02-14.txt:14:57:11: <ehird> sorry, I've been away for a whoooole day so I'm megalogreading.
2009-03-02.txt:16:00:19: <oerjan> and that concludes my logreading.  you should now be safe for a while, at least unless you say anything.
2009-03-03.txt:16:01:18: <ais523> actually, I'll logread it, I haven't done that in a while
2009-03-05.txt:15:57:52: <ais523> ehird: that CSS expires, think of the logreaders!
2009-03-05.txt:16:01:57: <AnMaster> THINK OF THE LOGREADERS!
2009-03-05.txt:16:02:50: <AnMaster> and THINK OF THE LOGREADERS!!
2009-03-05.txt:16:07:42: <ehird> probably because of my logreading tendencies
2009-03-06.txt:20:41:17: <oerjan> i note that i tend to do that sometimes when logreading
2009-03-08.txt:16:42:04: <ais523> so it's utterly useless for any logreader
2009-03-12.txt:00:07:38: <ais523> so much for ehird's permanent pastes for helping logreaders things
2009-03-12.txt:16:02:17: <ehird> no, I'm logreading
2009-03-15.txt:19:10:02: <fizzie> I also linked to the google-groups URL three days ago; someone hasn't been diligently logreading!
2009-04-01.txt:22:31:11: <ais523> admittedly, he wasn't in the channel when we were talking to him, but he was obviously logreading
2009-04-04.txt:21:56:20: <fizzie> Deewiant: No, I mean, it's been the topic on the channel several times. You should be logreading.
2009-04-04.txt:21:56:31: <ehird> everyone should logread
2009-04-08.txt:20:24:55: <ais523> asie[Virus]: even if AnMaster did, oerjan or someone could logread it
2009-04-09.txt:19:12:06: <ehird> you spammed my inner logreader.
2009-04-10.txt:22:09:19: <ehird> ais523: Sure they do; I'm an avid logreader, I do it for interest and fun.
2009-04-16.txt:22:14:49: <ais523> oklopol: been logreading?
2009-04-17.txt:20:58:44: <oklopol> in case you left in the 2 minutes i spent logreading after that
2009-05-09.txt:23:32:41: <oerjan> although that may be because i had already changed to logreading, and so saw the preceding part immediately
2009-05-22.txt:16:46:49: <ehird> while logreading
2009-05-22.txt:17:03:19: <ehird> finally my logreading is over
2009-05-22.txt:20:13:45: <oerjan> <ehird> finally my logreading is over
2009-05-26.txt:17:47:42: <ais523> oerjan: been logreading, or just an out-of-content reply?
2009-05-29.txt:21:22:21: <ehird> i logread this way, psygnisfive, so phooey :)
2009-05-29.txt:21:26:09: <AnMaster> <ehird> i logread this way, psygnisfive, so phooey :) <-- I completely understand why psygnisfive is irritated. The same way of your "respond before you read it all" have irritated me too.
2009-05-29.txt:21:27:56: <ehird> AnMaster: thankfully I don't care what you think about my logreading responses.
2009-05-29.txt:21:29:36: <ehird> AnMaster: Also, me responding to logreads doesn't affect anyone else. Cluttering the hill with mututally-drawing does.
2009-05-29.txt:21:29:55: <AnMaster> <ehird> AnMaster: Also, me responding to logreads doesn't affect anyone else. Cluttering the hill with mututally-drawing does. <-- yes it does, for whoever got highlighted
2009-06-02.txt:23:22:16: <ehird_> okay now i've logread
2009-06-02.txt:23:22:19: <ehird_> and read the responses to my logreading
2009-06-18.txt:21:19:46: <pikhq> ehird, logreader extraordinare.
2009-06-19.txt:18:33:13: <ehird_> ais523: now i have to logread, BAH!
2009-06-19.txt:18:48:22: <ehird_> logreading over.
2009-06-21.txt:19:44:20: <ehird> LOGREADING
2009-06-21.txt:19:44:40: <ehird> yay logreading over
2009-06-21.txt:19:44:42: <GregorR> ehird is totally the kind of guy to have a logread script that PREVENTS him from reading new messages :P
2009-06-21.txt:19:44:44: <ehird> now to read the logs that appeared while logreading
2009-06-21.txt:19:46:04: <ehird> 19:44 GregorR: ehird is totally the kind of guy to have a logread script that PREVENTS him from reading new messages :P
2009-06-21.txt:19:50:48: <Deewiant> ehird: 19:33, a few lines up, my message. You fail at logreading.
2009-07-07.txt:19:50:31: <ehird> I wish ais523 logread.
2009-07-08.txt:10:53:07: <fizzie> If you logread, you'd know it was the original source for what led to the "national park" discussion.
2009-07-08.txt:10:53:26: <ais523> no, I don't normally have the focus to logread
2009-07-08.txt:19:37:32: <ehird> 02:53:26 <ais523> no, I don't normally have the focus to logread
2009-07-08.txt:19:37:40: <ehird> that i directed at you if you logread
2009-07-08.txt:19:37:50: <ehird> 11:50:31 <ehird> I wish ais523 logread.
2009-07-14.txt:22:23:48: <GregorR> AnMaster: ehird's been logreading.
2009-07-14.txt:22:25:54: <AnMaster> ehird, I don't logread
2009-07-15.txt:11:46:34: <ehird> okay now i will logread oklokok's questions
2009-07-15.txt:13:26:49: <oerjan> oklokok: i was logreading
2009-07-15.txt:13:30:05: <oerjan> if i had been, i would not be logreading it, would i?
2009-07-15.txt:22:07:28: <ehird> Don't you hate it when I logread and reply before reading on?
2009-08-06.txt:14:45:09: <oerjan> a run-by logreading
2009-08-06.txt:14:46:12: <ehird> we have a culture of blocked logreading/responding
2009-08-08.txt:14:01:45: <ehird> my logreading has not yet seen you
2009-08-10.txt:15:25:00: <ehird> so I still haven't finished logreading yet!
2009-08-19.txt:23:19:24: <ehird> oerjan: Logread :P
2009-08-20.txt:17:35:11: <ehird> everyone logreads
2009-08-29.txt:12:15:42: <oklofok> let's see context, i've been skipping on logreading
2009-09-15.txt:04:52:58: <ehird> ... oldest ... logreading ... ever
2009-09-18.txt:23:43:27: <ehird> I'm logreading the things I missed.
2009-09-20.txt:00:55:49: <ehird> (I'm skipping logreading the middle day...)
2009-09-20.txt:20:32:32: <ehird> I must quit my bad habit of logreading, but please do note, later down:
2009-09-26.txt:20:02:38: <AnMaster> I don't generally logread
2009-09-29.txt:01:59:15: <ehird> and so i finish logreading.
2009-09-29.txt:15:27:15: <ehird> i can't wait to logread
2009-09-29.txt:15:28:39: <ehird> ais523: anyway, summary of the few-line logreading if your browser is now nc(1) or something: "you're wrong! no, wait, whoever that is is wrong. correction, you're wrong!"
2009-10-08.txt:09:26:03: <fizzie> I don't really know what the music discussion was about, wasn't here when it started and I don't really bother with logreading.
2009-10-10.txt:08:46:00: <fizzie> Well, I *would*, but I need to be in a bus in something like 10 minutes, so this is not really the time. But if you want to blab it here, I can logread it later. :p
2009-10-20.txt:00:04:40: <ehird> Oh yeah, I didn't finish logreading
2009-10-28.txt:00:49:21: <ehird> Stupid being disconnected while logreading
2009-11-07.txt:20:00:45: <ehird> Sgeo: I logread.
2009-11-07.txt:20:01:20: <Sgeo> When you logread, I can't see your reaction
2009-11-07.txt:20:02:03: <ehird> Sgeo: You can see my reaction if you logread too.
2009-11-07.txt:23:10:37: <ehird> and so i am going to have to flight by which i mean /ignore goodbye temporarily please do not take it personally thank you i will probably logread because i have no self control bye
2009-11-07.txt:23:10:51: <ehird> okay logreading now./
2009-11-10.txt:00:08:56: <ehird> 1. you fail at grammar 2. you don't logread
2009-11-10.txt:07:51:03: <{}_> <ehird> 1. you fail at grammar 2. you don't logread <-- actually I do look for highlights. Apart from that I don't usually log read
2009-11-15.txt:15:56:59: <AnMaster> ehird, yes but ais doesn't logread
2009-11-15.txt:16:59:49: <ehird_> Already logread.
2009-11-15.txt:17:10:44: <ehird_> STILL FUCKING LOGREADING BITCH :|||||||||
2009-11-16.txt:13:50:24: <ais523> wow, I need to logread more often
2009-11-16.txt:20:44:40: <ehird> but I won't bother replying to any arguments ais523 makes when i say my responses, unless the ones I logread are logical
2009-12-01.txt:16:56:16: <ais523> (and you know he logreads, right?)
2009-12-01.txt:16:57:04: <oklofok> and yes, i know he logreads
2009-12-01.txt:16:57:36: <oklofok> "oklofok: thank god ehird isn't here" was targeted to logreading ehird most of all
2009-12-05.txt:07:55:19: <ehird> NECROLOGREAD
2009-12-08.txt:12:15:19: <ais523> (ehird logread: I've started using xmonad again for some things; once I found out it supported multiple desktops, it fits my workflow much better, as I can ensure there's exactly two windows on a desktop when I want to tile two)
2009-12-30.txt:11:08:12: <ehirdiphone> oerjan: Good luck logreading
2009-12-31.txt:06:03:04: <coppro> he's a logreader
2009-12-31.txt:06:28:50: <ehirdiphone> coppro: I logread on my iPhone.
2010-01-10.txt:16:24:09: <ais523> ehird: did you logread before coming online, by the way?
2010-01-25.txt:00:57:37: <bsmntbombdood> logread
2010-02-12.txt:22:07:28: <alise> AnMaster: i'm logreading an entire week
2010-02-13.txt:14:25:52: <alise> logreading
2010-02-14.txt:17:23:51: <oklopol> Wareya: sorry i'm so excited about my own thing i mostly ignore boat and logread it every few minutes :|
2010-02-18.txt:02:46:22: * pikhq logreads
2010-02-19.txt:14:18:29: <alise> cpressey's ring language sounds awesome! (Logreading while mother visits by using Opera Mini on her cheap-ass phone? Why ever not.)
2010-02-19.txt:14:29:59: <AnMaster> <alise> cpressey's ring language sounds awesome! (Logreading while mother visits by using Opera Mini on her cheap-ass phone? Why ever not.) <-- since my phone has opera mini... wouldn't it be truly horrible for that purpose?
2010-03-04.txt:12:36:13: <alise> I do logread, you know
2010-03-27.txt:19:42:22: <ais523> I should logread more often
2010-04-13.txt:23:03:04: <ais523> you sometimes get logreaders responding to you months later
2010-04-14.txt:09:58:04: <Deewiant> In case Rugxulo logreads...
2010-04-18.txt:01:18:40: <fizzie> Rugxulo: in case you logread; strange about that; ccbi's trace of it has numbers like 7398752256 in stack. It might be depending on some particular wraparound; I get a differently broken output with -DSTACK_TYPE='unsigned int' (or signed/unsigned long) from ff3 than with the default 'int'.
2010-04-25.txt:19:32:04: <fizzie> Ah, you logread thoroughly.
2010-04-29.txt:00:17:56: <ais523> which would be a pity, because it means I'd miss half the conversation here; maybe I'd logread
2010-05-01.txt:20:17:11: <ais523> hmm, time to go home, I'll have to discover what alise's great idea is later, or else logread
2010-05-02.txt:09:09:39: <fizzie> Rugxulo: I don't logread, but I usually notice mentions of my name; in any case, yes, I'm not terribly surprised that's the case. I'll see if I can make a better one one of these days.
2010-05-02.txt:21:17:26: <alise__> I do believe you just logread.
2010-05-03.txt:10:57:22: * Rugxulo is sorry, logreading
2010-05-03.txt:17:16:10: * alise logreads to find out what fax's response to his ignoring her was; decides not to logread for such purposes any more
2010-05-04.txt:22:15:16: * Rugxulo is logreading again
2010-05-04.txt:22:17:34: <Phantom_Hoover> Yes, I realised that when logreading.
2010-05-10.txt:23:30:58: * oerjan hopes Phantom_Hoover logreads
2010-05-11.txt:14:46:59: <Rugxulo> two links for alise (assuming he logreads):
2010-05-15.txt:17:47:11: <alise> Usually I logread every day.
2010-05-18.txt:20:56:32: <Phantom_Hoover> Without quite a lot of explanation which you can just logread for.
2010-05-22.txt:10:53:00: <alise> No, I just logread because I can't be here Monday-to-Friday.
2010-05-29.txt:01:59:08: <alise> I love slow logreading.
2010-06-04.txt:23:46:48: <alise> Phantom_Hoover: You know, entering to say something after logreading is a technique I used to use and is widely regarded as extremely immature here.
2010-06-08.txt:22:34:19: <Phantom_Hoover> I need to go, but I'll logread tomorrow.
2010-06-11.txt:07:38:55: * Rugxulo still isn't quite sure he understands what SCP is (logreading)
2010-06-16.txt:04:05:58: <Sgeo_> Does ais523 logread?
2010-06-23.txt:22:09:15: <ais523> ah, I rarely logread nowadays
2010-06-26.txt:19:08:55: <augur> i remember sending a link for you when you logread
2010-06-29.txt:20:54:29: <AnMaster> Phantom_Hoover, was logreading at the same time
2010-07-16.txt:00:09:26: <aliseiphone> Yeah. I logread.
2010-08-01.txt:22:51:33: <alise> He doesn't logread.
2010-08-04.txt:21:25:52: <Sgeo> Since when did you stop logreading?
2010-08-08.txt:00:59:20: <Sgeo> You could always logread to see what alise is saying
2010-09-14.txt:16:36:40: <Phantom_Hoover> alise, I know you're logreading this, so please don't take offence.
2010-09-14.txt:19:25:50: <alise> 08:36:40 <Phantom_Hoover> alise, I know you're logreading this, so please don't take offence.
2010-09-15.txt:18:36:40: <SgeoN2> I guess I should logread
2010-09-16.txt:19:21:24: <fizzie> Vorpal: Well, yes, but I can't bother logreading when there's lot of stuff.
2010-09-16.txt:21:46:54: <ais523> hmm, now I'm lost in logreading
2010-09-17.txt:18:00:56: <alise> oerjan logreads too
2010-09-18.txt:23:04:45: <alise> are you just randomly logreading?
2010-09-19.txt:02:06:21: <Sgeo|FsckPuppy> zzo38, are you a logreader?
2010-09-26.txt:16:54:03: <oerjan> <alise> this channel has no such law <-- frequent logreaders instead wish for a ban of iso-8859-1
2010-09-29.txt:01:20:49: <alise> Phantom_Hoover logreading: ^ work that into the "real-physics" CA :P
2010-09-29.txt:01:23:44: <alise> for logreading :P
2010-09-29.txt:15:45:36: <alise> 17:20:49 <alise> Phantom_Hoover logreading: ^ work that into the "real-physics" CA :P
2010-10-04.txt:20:04:28: <alise> no way -- logreading is our national pastime
2010-10-07.txt:17:18:10: <alise> ais523: shut up i can logread as far back as I want :D
2010-10-19.txt:16:03:52: <elliott> oerjan: for logreading reference, the company wine/debian/ubuntu were referring to is Blizzard
2010-10-19.txt:21:47:32: <oerjan> <elliott> oerjan: for logreading reference, the company wine/debian/ubuntu were referring to is Blizzard
2010-10-19.txt:21:47:58: * oerjan thinks grepping for his nick will be enough logreading today.
2010-10-28.txt:17:07:31: <ais523_> elliott: did you logread my post about Jeff Atwood and reddit, btw?
2010-10-29.txt:17:43:18: <elliott> (Logreading from February? WHY NOT)
2010-10-31.txt:07:13:08: <elliott> [[LOGREADING ELLIOTT]] Write a VCS, foo.
2010-11-03.txt:15:53:53: <ais523> elliott: I might logread it, then
2010-11-03.txt:15:54:12: <ais523> I'm sorry, I've been really lax with the logreading over the past couple of years
2010-11-03.txt:15:54:36: <elliott> ais523: also, logreading is hardly a duty :)
2010-11-04.txt:02:35:26: <elliott> [LOGREADING ME] play nationstates since you can't resist, nation is called Battletoadia
2010-11-09.txt:20:52:34: <elliott> Phantom_Hoover: I brought this up after me and ais523 collectively whinged about the idiocy earlier. ais523 logreads.
2010-11-09.txt:20:54:22: <elliott> Phantom_Hoover: I did not address it to you, I addressed it implicitly to ais523-logreading.
2010-11-20.txt:04:10:26: <elliott_> Vorpal-logread: Yellow: "Scientific!"
2010-11-27.txt:01:42:11: <elliott> ==Phantom_Hoover logreading== I have struck diamond. I WILL NOW ACCOUNT FOR EVERY SINGLE DIAMOND BLOCK I MINE SO THAT IT CAN BE SPLIT 50/50.
2010-12-11.txt:05:32:57: <elliott> ais523logread: does this still suffice for using c-intercal on os/2?
2010-12-18.txt:00:03:10: <elliott> oerjan-logread: ^
2010-12-18.txt:11:53:02: <fizzie> (Though it's not like I'm going to forget the -3 thing, just in general it could be easier to report there, since I don't really logread #esoteric, sometimes even not when I'm highlighted.)
2010-12-21.txt:03:42:34: <elliott> especially considering how popular logreading is
2011-01-03.txt:14:05:03: <elliott> j-invariant: lemme logread first
2011-01-04.txt:01:08:15: <elliott> I know you've been logreading all this time.
2011-01-08.txt:06:22:13: <Sgeo> Phantom_Hoover: If you logread, I think I accidentally left Station V3 [and sister comics on occasion] off the list
2011-01-11.txt:01:47:05: <ehurd> j-invariant: btw here's a link, mostly for my logreading benefit since i had to find it again before:
2011-01-11.txt:17:11:17: <elliott> anyway, /me continues logreading
2011-01-12.txt:00:19:39: <elliott> ...nobody should ever analogise wi- i give up i'm just going to go back to logreading
2011-01-12.txt:05:04:06: <Sgeo> elliott, when you logread this, your bot tells me to shut up about sex
2011-01-14.txt:23:56:22: <elliott> Phantom_Hoover logreading: Bad thing about skybase: Respawning often offsets you enough that you fall to your death.
2011-01-15.txt:23:27:39: * Phantom__Hoover logreads
2011-01-18.txt:02:40:36: <elliott> TO MY LOGREADING SELF: ^^^^ DO THAT
2011-01-18.txt:02:40:42: <elliott> Sgeo: You get to remind me if I don't logread.
2011-01-22.txt:20:42:47: <elliott> once I get this interface up and running, I'm going to start the Chronological Logreading Effort
2011-01-23.txt:18:16:02: <ais523> elliott: assuming you're still logreading, did you come across my regex yet?
2011-01-24.txt:00:40:19: <elliott> Logreaders rely on being able to paste logs into the channel to respond to them, so I have to get that working properly.
2011-01-26.txt:17:01:53: <coppro> I won't be logreading
2011-01-31.txt:03:36:49: <elliott> kfr: hey i'll have you know that logreading is a respected tradition here.
2011-01-31.txt:18:18:10: <elliott> (logreading in action!)
2011-01-31.txt:23:36:36: <Sgeo> (I just want the docs but am too lazy to logread
2011-02-01.txt:19:17:32: <elliott> Lymia: it's called logreading :)
2011-02-03.txt:22:10:42: <elliott> I'm logreading.
2011-02-03.txt:23:57:58: <Phantom_Hoover> ELLIOTT DO NOT LOGREAD THIS
2011-02-04.txt:01:42:22: <elliott> ais523-logreading: btw my compiler now supports "[, "], "<, ">, and "", making it the first compliant Underload parser ever... I'll probably remove it due to it being a pain, though :P
2011-02-04.txt:03:09:37: <elliott> I am but a humble logreader.
2011-02-04.txt:18:27:52: <elliott> ok, logreading was a mistake, why can't I learn to trust my past self to make the right ignores...
2011-02-04.txt:22:16:23: <Gregor> elliott: Mainly "<elliott> from the talk page: [[Can We take down all the Gay Shippings like palletShipping, Even with the warning, It just isn't right.--Quick Man 21:18, 14 May 2008 (UTC)]]", taken entirely out of context because I'm not willing to logread
2011-02-08.txt:15:43:20: <ais523> I was `addquoting from logreading
2011-02-09.txt:02:34:22: <elliott> Note-to-logreading-self-to-ask-Deewiant: Does ) ever reflect? When?
2011-02-10.txt:17:04:55: <elliott> Filthy logreader.
2011-02-16.txt:18:24:58: <elliott> I logread in order
2011-02-16.txt:18:26:25: <Gregor> elliott: Just logread durf :P
2011-02-16.txt:21:14:41: <elliott> (oerjan: don't logread from my links any more)
2011-02-16.txt:21:18:18: <oerjan> <elliott> (oerjan: don't logread from my links any more) <-- what? :(
2011-02-17.txt:19:39:53: <elliott> Deewiant: well I'm logreading :P
2011-02-19.txt:18:28:55: <elliott> i wish the other logreaders were here so i didn't seem like so much of a spammer :D
2011-02-19.txt:19:06:19: <Phantom_Hoover> Sgeo_, incidentally, I stumbled upon your AW esolang idea while logreading.
2011-02-19.txt:19:09:50: <elliott> <Phantom_Hoover> Sgeo_, incidentally, I stumbled upon your AW esolang idea while logreading.
2011-02-19.txt:19:22:38: <oerjan> <elliott> i wish the other logreaders were here so i didn't seem like so much of a spammer :D <-- i didn't bother to logread more than searching for my nick today.  as a general rule, the longer the logs the less likely i browse all of them.
2011-02-21.txt:05:44:38: <Sgeo> He logreads. Mostly.
2011-02-21.txt:17:04:23: <fizzie> Gregor: So I fixed those {}s, in case you didn't logread.
2011-02-21.txt:20:31:04: <Gregor> elliott: Upon logreading (which I don't usually do), I see that in a message to ais.
2011-02-21.txt:20:31:22: <elliott> Gregor: I was under the impression that you did not logread, so I hardly see the point.
2011-02-21.txt:20:31:33: <elliott> (Not everybody who logreads checks pings.)
2011-02-26.txt:01:48:40: <elliott_> [PH-logreading:] (Block log); 01:55 . . Conficker (Talk | contribs) blocked Gooniepunk2010 (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of 3 seconds (about right) (account creation disabled) (Member of a website supporting internet terrorism)
2011-02-26.txt:19:21:21: <elliott> wait, have you been logreading?
2011-03-01.txt:14:35:32: <elliott> Deewiant: I logread, what more do you want!
2011-03-03.txt:15:32:37: <Sgeo_> lrn2logread
2011-03-10.txt:06:41:21: <elliott> i picked that up by logreading
2011-03-10.txt:12:22:51: <elliott> from logreading
2011-03-11.txt:20:12:59: <elliott> or logread
2011-03-12.txt:09:38:53: <elliott> oklopol: logreading, i am also logreading
2011-03-12.txt:21:41:28: <ais523> well, you're an avid logreader :)
2011-03-13.txt:15:49:16: <cpressey> oh yes, that logread was quite enjoyable
2011-03-14.txt:14:04:49: <elliott_> but a true logreader never abandons his log.
2011-03-21.txt:20:08:17: <Phantom_Hoover> SUCK ON THAT, LOGREADERS
2011-03-22.txt:22:45:17: <Phantom_Hoover> Oh, he's logreading.
2011-03-22.txt:22:53:38: <Gregor> Then why logread :P
2011-03-22.txt:23:01:38: <Phantom_Hoover> 22:53:38: <Gregor> Then why logread :P ← pikhq messaged him.
2011-03-22.txt:23:31:30: <Gregor> It's for people who want to actively logread the channel without actually being in it :P
2011-03-30.txt:19:43:48: <elliott> ais523: I don't logread Agora :)
2011-04-01.txt:11:41:42: <elliott> oerjan: i'm logreading :D
2011-04-05.txt:14:40:19: <elliott> also i logreaded a shitload yesterday for no real reason
2011-04-07.txt:19:54:15: <elliott> cpressey: watchoo do to, i'm logreading and broken links totally destroy my flow
2011-04-21.txt:18:47:07: <oklopol> oerjan: for your logreading pleasure: a single step of the algorithm splits all the intervals in two, which means that in a polynomial amount of steps w.r.t. |x| (because strings are of length p(|x|)), we have that every interval is of size 1. of course, i haven't really told you why we're writing an algorithm, maybe i'll do that later.
2011-04-24.txt:15:41:59: <oerjan> cheater99: i know i'm just assuming he logreads
2011-04-29.txt:19:31:51: <elliott> sometimes i regret logreading
2011-04-29.txt:19:49:11: <elliott> i logread
[too many lines; stopping]