view paste/paste.22247 @ 7449:1c3c4b1a93e5

<b_jonas> learn Church invented a sane model of computation, but Turing was better with marketing, so now people define theoretical computer science using obsolate hardware like tape recorders.
author HackBot
date Sun, 17 Apr 2016 22:22:41 +0000
parents c4a0982db037
line wrap: on
line source

2010-09-08.txt:04:18:59: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-09-08.txt:04:19:03: <perdito> hi
2010-09-08.txt:04:20:22: <Sgeo> Hi perdito
2010-09-08.txt:04:20:41: <perdito> nope.. hi sgeo
2010-09-08.txt:04:21:41: <perdito> thx
2010-09-08.txt:04:22:16: <perdito> let me check topic infos
2010-09-08.txt:04:22:47: <perdito> oh ok
2010-09-08.txt:04:23:49: <perdito> sounds good
2010-09-08.txt:04:24:02: <perdito> hail eris
2010-09-08.txt:04:24:04: <perdito> hail isis
2010-09-08.txt:04:24:35: <perdito> what are esoteric programming languages?
2010-09-08.txt:04:24:59: <coppro> perdito: Programming languages with little practical use, like INTERCAL
2010-09-08.txt:04:26:08: <perdito> interesting
2010-09-08.txt:04:26:23: <perdito> i guess i like this place
2010-09-08.txt:04:27:45: <perdito> i hope you'll excuse my poor english then.. but i'd like to stay and listen for a while
2010-09-08.txt:04:28:00: <perdito> and maybe learn something
2010-09-08.txt:04:28:25: <pikhq> perdito: Your English doesn't seem poor to me.
2010-09-08.txt:04:29:17: <perdito> thx pikhq, but i think you'll change your mind soon enough
2010-09-08.txt:04:29:18: <perdito> :)
2010-09-08.txt:04:29:23: <coppro> and yours isn't particularly bad, perdito
2010-09-08.txt:04:29:34: <perdito> well thank you
2010-09-08.txt:04:29:38: <pikhq> perdito: Believe me, I've seen worse. From native speakers of English.
2010-09-08.txt:04:31:11: <perdito> k.. so most of you are programmers or sth?
2010-09-08.txt:04:31:26: <pikhq> perdito: Pretty much all programmers here.
2010-09-08.txt:08:10:15: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-11-23.txt:00:49:35: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-23.txt:00:49:54: <perdito> hi
2010-11-23.txt:01:02:52: <Sgeo> Hi perdito
2010-11-23.txt:01:03:15: <Sgeo> perdito, have you been here before?
2010-11-23.txt:01:05:28: <perdito> hi sgeo.. yes i've been here once
2010-11-23.txt:01:05:45: <perdito> hehe
2010-11-23.txt:01:05:58: <perdito> how are things going?
2010-11-23.txt:01:08:34: <perdito> did you manage to find new ways of developing purposeless applications
2010-11-23.txt:01:09:54: <perdito> are you human?
2010-11-23.txt:01:14:45: <perdito> im not very familiar with, and interested in c# programming.. can you give me some hints where to start? a chan or sth
2010-11-23.txt:01:15:32: <perdito> check
2010-11-23.txt:01:18:17: <perdito> is there a .net channel on freenode?
2010-11-23.txt:01:20:50: <perdito> a pity
2010-11-23.txt:01:21:49: <perdito> thanks anyway
2010-11-23.txt:01:24:00: <Sgeo> perdito, try ##csharp
2010-11-23.txt:01:24:41: <perdito> k.. thx sgeo
2010-11-23.txt:22:50:03: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-24.txt:15:20:58: -!- perdito has quit (*.net *.split).
2010-11-24.txt:15:25:01: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-24.txt:15:57:14: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-11-24.txt:16:53:44: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-24.txt:16:53:48: <elliott> hi perdito
2010-11-24.txt:16:53:49: <perdito> hi@all
2010-11-24.txt:16:53:59: <perdito> hoi elliot
2010-11-24.txt:16:54:12: <elliott> perdito: are you thumb mature?
2010-11-24.txt:16:54:28: <perdito> what?
2010-11-24.txt:16:55:41: <perdito> sry..not familiar with..ehm..this kind of expression
2010-11-24.txt:16:56:08: <elliott> perdito: programmer?
2010-11-24.txt:16:56:15: <perdito> yes
2010-11-24.txt:16:56:32: <elliott> perdito: ah. i was just trying to scare off the other type that come here
2010-11-24.txt:16:57:08: <perdito> yess.. but there felt a lil bit spooky
2010-11-24.txt:16:57:17: <perdito> -there+i
2010-11-24.txt:16:57:48: <perdito> u have to know my english is a little bit corroded
2010-11-24.txt:16:58:46: <perdito> need a little more practise.. if u excuse
2010-11-24.txt:17:10:22: <perdito> so you're developing games? :)
2010-11-24.txt:17:10:38: <elliott> perdito: no, we're just addicted to Minecraft :)
2010-11-24.txt:17:10:47: <perdito> k
2010-11-24.txt:17:10:58: <elliott> perdito: we're
2010-11-24.txt:17:11:58: <perdito> yes.. the purpose is kind off abstract
2010-11-24.txt:17:12:02: <perdito> -f
2010-11-24.txt:17:12:13: <perdito> at least for me ;)
2010-11-24.txt:17:16:18: <perdito> i think "erisian programming" would fit better
2010-11-24.txt:17:16:23: <perdito> :)
2010-11-24.txt:17:22:59: <elliott> perdito: heh
2010-11-24.txt:17:39:22: <perdito> wow.. its beautiful!
2010-11-24.txt:17:39:35: <perdito> im fucking impressed
2010-11-24.txt:18:00:04: -!- perdito is now known as perdito|afk.
2010-11-24.txt:19:07:02: <perdito|afk> yes.. where's the joy in life if one cannot die
2010-11-24.txt:19:07:15: -!- perdito|afk is now known as perdito.
2010-11-24.txt:19:10:22: <perdito> Goose124: both suck pretty well
2010-11-24.txt:19:11:41: <Goose124> perdito, does that mean you can give me a better one? :D
2010-11-24.txt:19:12:02: <perdito> no
2010-11-24.txt:19:12:29: <perdito> ;)
2010-11-24.txt:22:05:55: <perdito> well guys..thx for takin me into this minecraft thing.. im really impressed by the work of these 'gang of four'.. this project has everthing.. absolutley innovative and genious gamedesign.. eye-openening technology.. beutiful 8bit loving art, music and last-but-not-least.. spirit
2010-11-24.txt:22:06:30: <Phantom_Hoover> Wait, perdito got into our server?
2010-11-24.txt:22:06:32: <elliott> perdito: haha, good to know a channel about esoteric programming languages can serve a purpose by being wildly offtopic
2010-11-24.txt:22:06:40: <perdito> srfy
2010-11-24.txt:22:06:44: <elliott> perdito: ?
2010-11-24.txt:22:06:46: <perdito> :)
2010-11-24.txt:22:09:43: <perdito> i have to compare its genious to the first days of id-software.. back in those days..names like carmack and romero were heroes in my eyes
2010-11-24.txt:22:09:57: <perdito> beutiful minde
2010-11-24.txt:22:10:01: <perdito> -e+s
2010-11-24.txt:22:10:16: <perdito> very inspirative work
2010-11-24.txt:22:11:58: <perdito> btw.. guess what good ol'carmack does today?
2010-11-24.txt:22:12:41: <perdito> he's developing spacecraft vehicles :D
2010-11-24.txt:22:27:48: <perdito> next, i need to get a closer look at this 'Lightweight Java Game Library' (LWJGL).. seems to be powerful stuff.. anyone having some experience in using it? ..i never used java, but it seems i need to question that in future :)
2010-11-24.txt:22:29:00: <elliott> perdito: i would avoid java like the plague :)
2010-11-24.txt:22:29:46: <perdito> well i did until now (once again please excuse, and feel free to correct my very poor english, but i see no better way to improve it than to use it :P)
2010-11-24.txt:22:30:14: <perdito> hope u get point
2010-11-24.txt:22:30:26: <Phantom_Hoover> perdito, we don't say the J-word in this channel.
2010-11-24.txt:22:32:58: <perdito> k
2010-11-24.txt:22:38:03: <perdito> most of the time i use c#, and as far as i know there is no big difference between java and c#.. had to time to find out sofar
2010-11-24.txt:22:38:13: <elliott> perdito: java has no anonymous functions
2010-11-24.txt:22:38:40: <perdito> and most of them.. its free ;)
2010-11-24.txt:22:39:35: <perdito> we do not need to discuss the differences now
2010-11-24.txt:22:39:52: <perdito> im sure you know them all ;)
2010-11-24.txt:22:42:21: <perdito> lets call it offtopic, but i'm surprised by the speed of this app running in my browser.. its based on  openGL as far as i know
2010-11-24.txt:22:42:39: <elliott> perdito: Oh, are you on Classic?
2010-11-24.txt:22:42:51: <elliott> perdito: I suggest buying Alpha; it's much nicer (and you can run it outside of a browser, too.)
2010-11-24.txt:22:43:31: <perdito> so anyone worked with this lwjg lib mentioned?
2010-11-24.txt:22:44:43: <perdito> my self produced 3D engines sucked so far *g
2010-11-24.txt:22:44:50: <elliott> perdito: well 3D isn't easy :)
2010-11-24.txt:22:44:54: <Phantom_Hoover> perdito, make a non-Euclidean one.
2010-11-24.txt:22:45:01: <perdito> i had polygons with 3-4fps
2010-11-24.txt:22:45:13: <perdito> and i was very proud of it
2010-11-24.txt:22:45:25: <perdito> but i guess openGL is good stuff
2010-11-24.txt:22:46:42: <Phantom_Hoover> perdito, were they HYPERBOLIC polygons?
2010-11-24.txt:22:47:25: <perdito> it was just the wire.. not even filled :)
2010-11-24.txt:22:47:51: <perdito> the most primitive matrix-vector-stuff
2010-11-24.txt:22:48:06: <perdito> not even thinking of textures
2010-11-24.txt:22:57:45: <perdito> in best case the game itself has nothing to do with its view.. so viewing the states of the game is done by some sophisticated compiled and hardware-supporting software
2010-11-24.txt:23:09:00: <perdito> <Phantom_Hoover>perdito, make a non-Euclidean one. <-- thx for that hint
2010-11-24.txt:23:09:07: <perdito> sounds interesting ;)
2010-11-24.txt:23:09:13: <perdito> n8 Phantom_Hoover
2010-11-24.txt:23:10:02: <perdito> just reading an interesting article on that
2010-11-24.txt:23:10:03: <perdito> :)
2010-11-24.txt:23:12:13: <perdito> thanks to you, i know that there sth called "non-Euclidean" exists *g
2010-11-24.txt:23:12:20: <perdito> -there
2010-11-24.txt:23:14:39: <perdito> i see
2010-11-24.txt:23:15:07: <perdito> yes.. my math-leaks will never let me go
2010-11-24.txt:23:17:48: <perdito> eureka!
2010-11-24.txt:23:18:00: <perdito> thx anyway :P
2010-11-24.txt:23:18:53: <perdito> maybe tomorrow *g
2010-11-24.txt:23:19:01: <perdito> but i get the idea
2010-11-24.txt:23:20:16: <perdito> cu phantom
2010-11-25.txt:00:48:04: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-11-25.txt:02:20:35: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-25.txt:11:26:03: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
2010-11-25.txt:11:53:42: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-25.txt:11:59:20: <perdito> hi kaasen
2010-11-25.txt:12:00:25: <perdito> hehe..always missing oerjan
2010-11-25.txt:12:00:46: <perdito> whoever he gets kinda mystic
2010-11-25.txt:12:29:32: <perdito> magic?
2010-11-25.txt:12:29:46: <perdito> no.. a bad joke
2010-11-25.txt:17:49:18: -!- perdito has quit (Quit: perdito).
2010-11-25.txt:19:06:56: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-25.txt:19:52:14: -!- perdito is now known as perdito|afk.
2010-11-25.txt:22:51:14: <perdito|afk> are different users..different process' in that view?
2010-11-25.txt:22:52:49: <perdito|afk> oh it's big.. *scroll
2010-11-25.txt:22:55:08: <elliott> perdito|afk: hum?
2010-11-25.txt:22:55:59: <perdito|afk> forget that question.. there's enough log to  hand thath oneenoght
2010-11-26.txt:02:49:30: -!- perdito|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
2010-11-26.txt:05:01:05: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-26.txt:06:13:33: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
2010-11-26.txt:09:12:21: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-26.txt:09:14:34: <perdito> hail eris
2010-11-26.txt:09:14:55: * oerjan throws apples at perdito 
2010-11-26.txt:09:15:10: <perdito> kallisti!
2010-11-26.txt:10:10:36: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
2010-11-26.txt:10:58:30: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-26.txt:13:52:18: -!- perdito has quit (*.net *.split).
2010-11-26.txt:13:53:34: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-26.txt:14:51:06: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
2010-11-30.txt:23:15:06: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-30.txt:23:15:28: <perdito> hi folks
2010-12-01.txt:07:56:56: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-01.txt:10:05:53: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-01.txt:16:37:17: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-01.txt:23:29:11: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:03:00:29: -!- perdito has quit (Quit: perdito).
2010-12-02.txt:03:09:06: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:06:59:01: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-02.txt:08:40:23: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:08:48:21: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-02.txt:10:52:31: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:11:12:44: <perdito> i luv this chan
2010-12-02.txt:11:12:49: <perdito> :)
2010-12-02.txt:11:18:54: <perdito> objects need properties to be identified, or even instanced as objets..  regarding to them as objects is the intellectual job, i think.. it's focussing on certain aspects of beeing.. and there is and infinite number of them out there
2010-12-02.txt:11:19:17: <perdito> so its hard work
2010-12-02.txt:11:19:24: <perdito> done while you're awake
2010-12-02.txt:11:20:00: <perdito> we are better artist,then we have thought, as master eckhard says
2010-12-02.txt:11:20:19: <perdito> we construct the world.. on the fly
2010-12-02.txt:11:22:00: <perdito> in our dreams, the doors of perception seem to open a little more
2010-12-02.txt:11:23:38: <oklopol> perdito: dunno about that, the way you think in dreams is the way you think when you're not really concentrated, except that you can send yourself sensory input, methinks.
2010-12-02.txt:11:23:50: <perdito> indeed!
2010-12-02.txt:11:24:23: <perdito> concentration = closing the doors of perception.. focusing.. filter the rest.. or even just identify and matter no more!
2010-12-02.txt:11:26:38: <oklopol> perdito: i find it a bit hard to follow your train of thought, and my meaningless poetry sensor starts beeping, no offense, i'm really trying :D
2010-12-02.txt:11:28:02: <perdito> sry.. my english prevents me to express myself clearer
2010-12-02.txt:11:28:13: <perdito> yes!!
2010-12-02.txt:11:28:23: <perdito> you got it :)
2010-12-02.txt:11:30:57: <perdito> concentration is not required to percept the world around us! ..even worse! it makes us filter out all the "useless" information out there.. the infinity
2010-12-02.txt:11:34:02: <perdito> amazing
2010-12-02.txt:11:34:03: <perdito> :)
2010-12-02.txt:11:34:17: <oklopol> "<perdito> concentration is not required to percept the world around us! ..even worse! it makes us filter out all the "useless" information out there.. the infinity" <<< i don't know what the infinity is, but yeah, this may be true, although i think it's a side-effect, not in any way inherently necessary for concentration
2010-12-02.txt:11:34:52: <perdito> as huxley said, we need both:
2010-12-02.txt:11:34:53: <perdito> work
2010-12-02.txt:11:34:56: <perdito> & love
2010-12-02.txt:11:35:19: <perdito> another analogy
2010-12-02.txt:11:35:35: <perdito> body & soul
2010-12-02.txt:11:35:42: <perdito> function & percept
2010-12-02.txt:11:37:12: <perdito> <-- interesting article
2010-12-02.txt:11:48:24: <perdito> remember good ol' operation mindfuck?
2010-12-02.txt:11:48:43: <perdito> wilsons theories on metaprogramming our minds
2010-12-02.txt:11:49:38: <perdito> cosmic trigger.. illuminatus.. schroedingers cat and so on.. a lotta beatiful and funny books to read
2010-12-02.txt:11:51:54: <perdito> dunn wheter there ever will be a way to create sth like artficial intuition,  but im sure we wont without channels as this
2010-12-02.txt:11:52:19: <perdito> and lucid dreaming programmers like you oklopol :)
2010-12-02.txt:11:55:21: <perdito> but first i really need to do sth bout this english-leaks
2010-12-02.txt:11:59:50: <perdito> softwaredev. needs it all.. maths, physics, pschycholgy, philosphy ..and ..uh..even martial arts *g
2010-12-02.txt:12:00:45: <perdito> thanks 2 walls u can at least smash things on themt if they do not work as intended
2010-12-02.txt:12:00:50: <perdito> -->love
2010-12-02.txt:12:00:56: <perdito> remember
2010-12-02.txt:12:23:44: <perdito> awareness
2010-12-02.txt:12:34:06: <perdito> rofl
2010-12-02.txt:12:34:12: -!- perdito is now known as perdito|afk.
2010-12-02.txt:12:43:41: -!- perdito|afk has quit (Quit: perdito|afk).
2010-12-02.txt:13:19:22: <elliott> 03:59:50 <perdito> softwaredev. needs it all.. maths, physics, pschycholgy, philosphy ..and ..uh..even martial arts *g
2010-12-02.txt:13:22:27: <oerjan> elliott: shush, clearly perdito intends to start a new and glorious age of software development
2010-12-02.txt:13:49:11: -!- perdito|afk has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:13:57:46: -!- perdito|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-02.txt:14:09:41: -!- perdito|afk has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:14:16:10: -!- perdito|afk has quit (Quit: perdito|afk).
2010-12-02.txt:14:24:41: -!- perdito|afk has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:14:26:35: -!- perdito|afk is now known as perdito.
2010-12-02.txt:14:28:29: -!- perdito is now known as perdito|afk.
2010-12-02.txt:14:32:47: -!- perdito|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-02.txt:15:01:47: -!- perdito|afk has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:16:06:31: -!- perdito|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-02.txt:16:17:07: -!- perdito|afk has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:22:03:36: -!- perdito|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-02.txt:23:26:29: -!- perdito|afk has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:23:27:21: -!- perdito|afk is now known as perdito.
2010-12-03.txt:07:00:17: -!- perdito is now known as perdito|afk.
2010-12-03.txt:11:02:46: -!- perdito|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-03.txt:11:35:14: -!- perdito|afk has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-03.txt:12:40:22: -!- perdito|afk has quit (Quit: perdito|afk).
2010-12-03.txt:12:40:42: -!- perdito|afk has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-03.txt:13:18:31: -!- perdito|afk is now known as perdito.
2010-12-03.txt:20:03:12: -!- perdito has quit (Quit: perdito).
2010-12-03.txt:22:22:59: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-04.txt:00:16:25: -!- perdito is now known as hagb4rd.
2013-02-20.txt:21:19:23: <shachaf> `pastelogs perdito