view paste/paste.13540 @ 7449:1c3c4b1a93e5

<b_jonas> learn Church invented a sane model of computation, but Turing was better with marketing, so now people define theoretical computer science using obsolate hardware like tape recorders.
author HackBot
date Sun, 17 Apr 2016 22:22:41 +0000
parents 48146b3fe1d6
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2007-08-07.txt:18:50:38: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2007-08-07.txt:18:53:54: * olsner also once learned to 120 but is now back to just 60
2007-08-07.txt:18:54:24: <olsner> yeah yeah
2007-08-07.txt:18:57:09: <olsner> I have a mixture of chunksizes... starting with two (I didn't set out to learn a lot of pi, just as much as could fit in a 64-bit float ;-), then a few groups of 3 or 4, then like pairs of 4's to 60, and 60-120 I memorized in 3's
2007-08-07.txt:18:58:17: <olsner> 3 . 14 15 92 65 35 89 79 32 38 46 264 338 32 79 50 2884 1971 6939 (9375 1058) (2097 4944)
2007-08-07.txt:19:00:50: <olsner> ehird`: well, it's not natural, it's transcendental
2007-08-07.txt:19:01:00: <ehird`> olsner: har har har har har har har yawn
2007-08-07.txt:19:14:15: <olsner> Podemos usar = let's use?
2007-08-07.txt:19:15:04: <olsner> and what's 'otras' mean?
2007-08-07.txt:19:17:34: <olsner> lament: you're 10 digits away from mine and oklofok's baseline, and 70 digits away from our max
2007-08-07.txt:19:19:43: <olsner> that's what I guessed
2007-08-07.txt:19:19:55: <olsner> seems I do know a little bit of spanish after all
2007-08-07.txt:19:22:53: <lament> olsner: i don't feel like learning any more, and 50 is a nice round number :)
2007-08-07.txt:19:23:25: <olsner> lament: just pointing out that you're behind ;-)
2007-08-07.txt:19:23:35: <lament> olsner: actually i know all digits of pi
2007-08-07.txt:19:23:40: <lament> olsner: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
2007-08-07.txt:19:24:04: <olsner> lament: har har har har hrrg
2007-08-07.txt:19:39:00: <olsner> oklofok: but on IRC, all that matters is what you're writing... and you seem to be writing english ;-)
2007-08-07.txt:19:41:24: <olsner> ja ;-) ich bin nicht deutsch, aber ich kann es siemlich sprechen
2007-08-07.txt:19:44:17: <olsner> and a few french phrases "je suis une pomplemousse avec deux jeune bleu", "je ne sais pas, j'aime tout le coleurs" ;-)
2007-08-07.txt:19:45:23: <olsner> oh, I forgot the 'gut'
2007-08-07.txt:19:46:38: <olsner> it just sounded right because the phrase I was aiming for also begins with 'siemlich'
2007-08-07.txt:19:47:15: <olsner> or *ziemlich ;-)
2007-08-07.txt:19:49:00: <olsner> oklofok: whut? have I been making up german words?
2007-08-07.txt:19:50:16: <olsner> but ziemlich is a word
2007-08-07.txt:19:55:52: <olsner> and #implang would be like a channel where you mustn't speak any known language?
2007-08-07.txt:19:57:26: * olsner accidentily joined #impland instead
2007-08-07.txt:21:33:27: <olsner> LOOP probably does everything from mapcar to forth's begin..while..while..repeat..else..then loop
2007-08-07.txt:21:36:09: <olsner> dunno ;-) as far as I understand forth, those control structures are just manipulations on some kind of control stack and can be combined virtually without limits
2007-08-07.txt:21:39:27: <olsner> oh, you're asking about CL's LOOP, not about forth? I' not a big fan of loop so I've actually never used it ;-)
2007-08-07.txt:22:32:44: -!- olsner has quit ().
2007-08-08.txt:06:17:05: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2007-08-08.txt:07:08:12: -!- olsner has quit ().
2007-08-08.txt:07:36:39: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2007-08-08.txt:07:54:17: -!- olsner has quit ().
2007-08-08.txt:17:17:44: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2007-08-08.txt:18:56:13: <olsner> hmm... how do you do call/cc in haskell?
2007-08-08.txt:18:57:23: <olsner> ah, a monad.. should've guessed ;-)
2007-08-08.txt:19:01:28: <olsner> we used Chez Scheme for our SICP course
2007-08-08.txt:19:02:08: <olsner> oh, that reminds me that I was thinking of going through that tutorial... any day now
2007-08-08.txt:19:03:35: <olsner> hmm... please clarify?
2007-08-08.txt:20:48:00: <olsner> I'd like to see the top-ten populous animals... things like cockroaches - how many can there be on the entire earth?
2007-08-08.txt:20:52:01: <olsner> hehe, the Methuselah Mouse Prize is somewhat like competing in server uptimes, but for mouse breeders
2007-08-08.txt:20:52:36: <olsner> current record: a mouse that lived for 1819 days
2007-08-08.txt:22:36:59: <olsner> they think you're a terrorist
2007-08-08.txt:23:17:12: -!- olsner has quit ().
2007-08-09.txt:06:54:44: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2007-08-09.txt:08:09:44: -!- olsner has quit ().
2007-08-09.txt:21:01:32: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2007-08-09.txt:21:17:59: <olsner> is unicode turing complete?
2007-08-09.txt:21:18:16: <olsner> a maze generator *generating* unicode is a different matter entirely
2007-08-09.txt:21:22:18: <olsner> ;-)
2007-08-09.txt:21:23:24: <olsner> the algorithm for bidirectional rendering of text seems quite intricate though - a few carefully inserted extra rules could perhaps make it turing complete
2007-08-09.txt:21:27:11: <olsner> javascript ;-)
2007-08-09.txt:21:28:40: <olsner> RodgerTheGreat: make timing matter too ;-)
2007-08-09.txt:21:28:56: <olsner> the entire language is one big race condition, hehe
2007-08-09.txt:21:40:10: <olsner> 1 is also a power of 2
2007-08-09.txt:21:40:21: <olsner> 0 bits ;-)
2007-08-09.txt:21:47:37: <olsner> hello.jpg?
2007-08-09.txt:21:47:46: <olsner> meta-goatse?
2007-08-09.txt:21:49:24: <olsner> ehird`: do you *really* think it had mnemonics? :P
2007-08-09.txt:21:51:55: <olsner> I guess you'd need load, store and some way to tell load and store where to load/store from/to
2007-08-09.txt:21:52:51: <olsner> OP <imm> --> LD addr-to-data,reg; OP reg
2007-08-09.txt:21:53:06: <olsner> but the address is a kind of immediate ;-)
2007-08-09.txt:21:53:32: <olsner> then no, you wouldn't need immediates
2007-08-09.txt:23:01:39: <olsner> I think NOP is the quintessential non-essential operation :P
2007-08-09.txt:23:01:58: <olsner> *perhaps* useful to fill branch delay slots though
2007-08-09.txt:23:05:57: <ehird`> olsner:  LD addr-to-data,reg
2007-08-09.txt:23:06:05: <ehird`> olsner: how would you put this data in the address? :)
2007-08-09.txt:23:06:50: <olsner> ehird`: let's say addresses 0-200 is code and 200-250 is data... just LD 201,reg1 to load the contents of address 201 into register 1
2007-08-09.txt:23:07:10: <olsner> and ST reg1,201 would put a recalculated value back into memory
2007-08-09.txt:23:07:46: <olsner> not really - it could be loading code into registers to modify itself
2007-08-09.txt:23:08:19: <olsner> nah, just let bits 0-31 control the page number :P
2007-08-09.txt:23:09:41: <ehird`> olsner: how would you personally define ST?
2007-08-09.txt:23:10:23: <olsner> 4 addresses? that's just the same as having 4 registers though :P
2007-08-09.txt:23:35:06: -!- olsner has quit ().
2007-08-10.txt:08:03:37: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2007-08-10.txt:13:10:04: -!- olsner has quit ().
2007-08-10.txt:19:33:28: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2007-08-10.txt:19:57:29: <olsner> oklokok: C types are guaranteed to have a size in bytes defined at compile-time
2007-08-10.txt:19:58:40: <olsner> and bytes are afaik defined to be 8-bit quantities...
2007-08-10.txt:20:01:46: <olsner> well, PC:s aren't turing complete either due to the finite size of memory
2007-08-10.txt:20:07:23: <olsner> ehird`: sizeof(char) could be sizeof(pointer-to-bignum)
2007-08-10.txt:20:07:38: <ehird`> olsner: Sure.. So what?
2007-08-10.txt:20:08:27: <olsner> I mean, sizeof(void *) would be composed of bignums in such a way as to have constant size (but use hidden extra data to enable unbounded values)
2007-08-10.txt:20:08:55: <olsner> thus, sizeof's would be bounded, but the values contained unbounded
2007-08-10.txt:20:09:34: <olsner> could be just 1, since a byte is a bignum
2007-08-10.txt:20:12:25: <olsner> there is contention as to whether that byte size actually is mandated by the standard ;-)
2007-08-10.txt:20:20:41: <ihope_> olsner: there's contention as to... wha?
2007-08-10.txt:20:21:28: <olsner> whether the size of a byte is defined by the C standard to be exactly 8 bits
2007-08-10.txt:20:23:10: <olsner> it probably is clear on that... you just have to read that part of the standard ;-)
2007-08-10.txt:20:26:25: <olsner> I think the discussion did have the potential to bring forth a deeper understanding of C's turing in/completeness
2007-08-10.txt:20:30:39: <olsner> MiniMaL (MINImal MAchine Language) :P
2007-08-10.txt:20:31:04: <olsner> but anything above 1 instruction isn't really minimal anymore
2007-08-10.txt:20:34:07: <olsner> plus, tininess isn't essential for esotericism
2007-08-10.txt:20:36:02: <olsner> so, by winning the fight they lost their allies?
2007-08-10.txt:20:40:40: <olsner> SimonRC: "the right O()"?
2007-08-10.txt:20:57:11: <olsner> an interesting challenge would be to make the program speak "Hello world" through the speaker :P
2007-08-10.txt:20:57:41: <olsner> 256 bytes of data + code makes that really really hard unfortunately
2007-08-10.txt:20:58:48: <olsner> oh, so the code size is unlimited, but only the first 256 bytes are read/writable?
2007-08-10.txt:20:59:44: <olsner> I'm talking text-to-speech (or a simple vocal model) hello world
2007-08-10.txt:21:01:29: <olsner> but the spec doesn't say that the instruction pointer is limited to 0..255, so I guess you can get quite far with frivolous code generation ;-) i.e. generate an N-megbyte program that explicitly loads immmediate data into registers and never jumps
2007-08-10.txt:22:24:42: -!- olsner has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
2007-08-10.txt:22:25:19: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2007-08-10.txt:23:29:23: -!- olsner has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
2008-01-23.txt:16:27:52: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2008-01-23.txt:16:28:54: <olsner> heh, cobol with lazy evaluation ;-)
2008-01-23.txt:16:30:15: <olsner> actually I think it'd be better than plain cobol in most ways
2008-01-23.txt:16:30:33: <ehird> olsner: not quite cobol with lazy evaluation, if you say COBOL already has a value
2008-01-23.txt:16:32:49: <olsner> ehird: no, but it kind of looked like one of those let x = ... in ... x ... constructions familiar from haskell one-liners
2008-01-23.txt:16:33:04: <ehird> olsner: yeah
2008-01-23.txt:16:35:26: <olsner> Slereah: you could try looking for half adders and full adders, the digital circuits for addition - connect n full-adders and you can do n-bit addition
2008-01-23.txt:16:38:55: <olsner> Underload?
2008-01-23.txt:16:39:59: <olsner> oh, is it a functional stack language?
2008-01-23.txt:16:42:53: <olsner> heh, that's basically just a web interface for cat
2008-01-23.txt:16:43:57: <ehird> olsner: 'xactly
2008-01-23.txt:16:54:59: <olsner> reduce = foldr?
2008-01-23.txt:16:55:16: <ehird> olsner: or foldl, i dunno
2008-01-23.txt:16:58:19: <olsner> yeah, connection problems often lead to having your files renamed?
2008-01-23.txt:16:59:27: <olsner> dangerous script, that
2008-01-23.txt:17:00:23: <olsner> I think you can fix that with the proper mount flags
2008-01-23.txt:17:02:15: <olsner> hmm, but how can you be a sysadmin without administration privileges on the machines you're supposed to admin?
2008-01-23.txt:17:02:58: <olsner> oh joy
2008-01-23.txt:17:10:09: <olsner> our project management system at work is called Project Management System, i.e. PMS :P
2008-01-23.txt:17:15:09: <olsner> any nice small string rewriting esolangs out there? thinking of writing an interpreter in mod_rewrite
2008-01-23.txt:17:15:15: <ehird> olsner: yes
2008-01-23.txt:17:15:16: <ehird> olsner: thue
2008-01-23.txt:17:16:24: <olsner> you don't know about haskell? you should try it out, it's sweet
2008-01-23.txt:17:17:05: <olsner> "if it's not an esolang, ..."?
2008-01-23.txt:17:17:29: <olsner> oh, I see
2008-01-23.txt:17:17:58: <olsner> I read it as "what's this haskell? as long as it's not an esolang, let's take it"
2008-01-23.txt:17:18:46: <olsner> underload :: Stack -> (String, Stack)
2008-01-23.txt:17:19:03: <ehird> olsner: compiler.
2008-01-23.txt:17:19:17: <ehird> olsner: the way we compile it is... a bit hard to grok
2008-01-23.txt:17:20:15: <olsner> does underload have input?
2008-01-23.txt:17:20:29: <ais523> olsner: no
2008-01-23.txt:17:21:15: <olsner> ah, yes, forgot the part about the input program
2008-01-23.txt:17:27:40: <olsner> apt-get darcs
2008-01-23.txt:17:27:56: <ehird> olsner: this is a good point, beforehand ais523 couldn't install anything though
2008-01-23.txt:17:29:03: <olsner> darcs has a pretty low barrier to entry really, took like 30 minutes to get going
2008-01-23.txt:17:29:28: <olsner> no funky databases, servers or any of that crud
2008-01-23.txt:17:33:30: <olsner> how would you set up a darcs push without giving shell access?
2008-01-23.txt:17:33:41: <ehird> olsner: i'm not sure, but meh
2008-01-23.txt:17:36:13: <olsner> I guess the secure way is to darcs send things to an e-mail and let some maintainer person apply after review
2008-01-23.txt:17:36:37: <ehird> olsner: yes, well, that's not quite rapid enough for me :-)
2008-01-23.txt:17:36:41: <olsner> I've heard of e-mail services with GPG-based authentification of patches
2008-01-23.txt:17:36:55: <olsner> but still, ssh-access is probably still easiest
2008-01-23.txt:17:40:37: <olsner> isn't user@host:path the syntax for ssh? yeah :P
2008-01-23.txt:17:45:42: <olsner> huh? darcs get worked on a non-repository?
2008-01-23.txt:17:45:54: <ehird> olsner: that is a repository.
2008-01-23.txt:17:46:21: <olsner> "remove that dir, i need to get the repo up first"
2008-01-23.txt:17:47:29: <olsner> darcs record
2008-01-23.txt:17:47:52: <ehird> olsner: darcsum.
2008-01-23.txt:17:48:11: <olsner> oh
2008-01-23.txt:17:50:58: <ehird> olsner: the underload compiler is interesting because at first glance, it seems self-modifying and uncompilable
2008-01-23.txt:17:54:03: <ehird> olsner: what's the simple way to get a read-only darcs?
2008-01-23.txt:17:54:27: <olsner> ehird: I had a http server laying around and just set up a vhost for darcs
2008-01-23.txt:17:54:40: <ehird> olsner: i don't have a server lying around until i get my site up :-)
2008-01-23.txt:17:57:20: <ehird> olsner: any other easy way?
2008-01-23.txt:17:58:09: <olsner> searching, but it seems that http is the preferred way of getting read-only public access
2008-01-23.txt:18:01:39: <olsner> it's really not that hard to set up apache2 and a vhost (or a symlink for ~darcs to go to the right place)
2008-01-23.txt:18:01:52: <ehird> olsner: eww, apache
2008-01-23.txt:18:02:23: <olsner> or any other web browser for that matter, since darcs only needs plain http file serving
2008-01-23.txt:18:03:14: <olsner> do you also get database errors from
2008-01-23.txt:18:03:16: <ehird> olsner: I should write my own :P
2008-01-23.txt:18:03:19: <ehird> olsner: and everyone does
2008-01-23.txt:18:03:22: <ais523> olsner: once in a while
2008-01-23.txt:18:06:27: <ehird> olsner: if you want to see the crazy state-stuff that the compiler uses to compile:
2008-01-23.txt:18:08:13: <olsner> do I want prelude.c, postlude.c or underload.scm?
2008-01-23.txt:18:09:13: <ehird> olsner: prelude.c is all the library functions and structures that the output uses
2008-01-23.txt:18:09:34: <olsner> I show the code to my brain but it refuses to parse although I know that it knows scheme
2008-01-23.txt:18:09:47: <ehird> olsner: it's not pretty that's for sure
2008-01-23.txt:18:09:50: <olsner> time to get home from work I think!
2008-01-23.txt:18:10:32: <olsner> the name 'blimp' reminds me of haskell's thunks
2008-01-23.txt:18:11:22: <ehird> olsner: it's kind of similar
2008-01-23.txt:18:13:50: <ehird> olsner: which is why we have ugly code
2008-01-23.txt:18:14:25: <olsner> sounds like something you might be able to use a tie-the-knot technique on
2008-01-23.txt:18:14:49: <ehird> olsner: is that really a programming technique?
2008-01-23.txt:18:15:16: <olsner> it's all those cool haskell tricks where you build a value that depends on itself
2008-01-23.txt:18:15:53: <olsner> they look like magic
2008-01-23.txt:18:16:02: <ehird> olsner: how would i use that in THIS case...?
2008-01-23.txt:18:16:31: <olsner> dunno, I don't even understand how the language we're compiling works yet ;-)
2008-01-23.txt:18:16:39: <olsner> *you're
2008-01-23.txt:18:16:41: <ehird> olsner: another thing is that i want to generate a parse tree, but for (...) i need to store the string ... as well as its parse tree
2008-01-23.txt:18:16:48: <ehird> olsner: the wiki can help
2008-01-23.txt:18:21:14: <olsner> well, gotta run now, cya
2008-01-23.txt:18:21:24: <ehird> bye olsner :)
2008-01-23.txt:18:21:27: -!- olsner has quit ("leaving").
2008-01-23.txt:19:19:51: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2008-01-23.txt:19:28:43: <olsner> wow, frappr was useless
2008-01-23.txt:19:29:35: <olsner> stuck in som kind of weird slideshow, and the only place I can put a pin is Null in Texass
2008-01-23.txt:19:38:26: <olsner> wow, frappr now takes all keypresses twice
2008-01-23.txt:19:43:31: <olsner> emacs should be removed, not rewritten... but I guess that can be construed as motivation for doing it
2008-01-23.txt:21:51:30: <olsner> can I be an oompaloompian hacker?
2008-01-23.txt:21:52:22: <olsner> I get by
2008-01-23.txt:21:57:02: <olsner> llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogochian!
2008-01-23.txt:21:57:13: <oerjan> olsner: bless you!
2008-01-23.txt:21:57:16: <olsner> *actual place name*
2008-01-23.txt:22:21:58: <olsner> something like perl? :P
2008-01-23.txt:22:22:12: <ehird> olsner: nah, not really
2008-01-23.txt:22:22:36: <ehird> olsner: you can't easily refactor perl, it isn't mostly written in itself, and it doesn't have a native-compiling kernel
2008-01-23.txt:22:22:50: <ehird> olsner: but really jokes aside you should join #ninjacode, it's going to be awesome :P
2008-01-23.txt:22:22:51: <olsner> yeah, the analogy is quite imperfect
2008-01-24.txt:01:24:53: -!- olsner has quit ("Leaving").
2008-01-24.txt:14:41:10: -!- salparot is now known as olsnerWk.
2008-01-24.txt:15:23:24: -!- olsnerWk has quit ("Changing server").
2008-01-24.txt:23:34:51: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2008-01-24.txt:23:35:21: <olsner> so, I'm working on a sed script that translates thue into mod_rewrite rules... testing it on a brainfuck interpreter written in thue :P
2008-01-24.txt:23:35:42: <ehird> olsner: do you get a crapload of redirects or something?
2008-01-24.txt:23:36:50: <olsner> basically you write http://host/brainfuckProgram:000_001_010_ to execute the brainfuck program on input [0,1,2]
2008-01-24.txt:23:37:59: <olsner> and I rewrite it to print.php?output in the end, and let print.php just print that string
2008-01-24.txt:23:38:56: <olsner> have a few bugs in it I think... and the sed script isn't exactly readable (regexps producing regexps ^^)
2008-01-24.txt:23:42:35: <olsner> oh noes, mod_rewritwe translates ? into a request with a query string... and only uses the URI part for future matching... more ugly sed hacking :S
2008-01-24.txt:23:43:47: <ehird> olsner: you can tell it to match whole
2008-01-24.txt:23:45:55: <olsner> hmm... the apache manual suggests otherwise: "The Pattern will not be matched against the query string."
2008-01-24.txt:23:46:28: <olsner> under "Note: Query String"
2008-01-24.txt:23:50:27: <olsner> seems the workaround they recommend is to match URI and query string separately, with a RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ... before the RewriteRule
2008-01-25.txt:00:00:27: <olsner> apache doesn't handle the case of looping rewrites very well... I don't know how to abort runaway requests in apache
2008-01-25.txt:00:25:58: <olsner> (Does Brainfuck over HTTP count? :P)
2008-01-25.txt:00:26:22: <eagle-101> olsner, I suppose, if it is able to keep a socket open. (or the brainfuck equivalent)
2008-01-25.txt:00:29:59: -!- olsner has quit (Remote closed the connection).
2008-01-25.txt:22:08:34: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2008-01-25.txt:23:41:55: <olsner> wow, a computer with several billion tits.. now that'd be something
2008-01-25.txt:23:43:41: <olsner> unfortunately, #apache didn't seem to be interested in my report on mod_rewrite's memory problems when running a brainfuck interpreter
2008-01-25.txt:23:45:34: <olsner> neither 0 or 1 are prime numbers according to the definitions I've been taught
2008-01-25.txt:23:48:01: <olsner> but the digits 8, 1, 6, 4 and 9 are also non-primes
2008-01-25.txt:23:49:01: <oklopol> olsner: i didn't say them though
2008-01-25.txt:23:49:31: <olsner> oklopol: 89, 83, 79, 71, 67, 61, 59, 51, 47, 43
2008-01-25.txt:23:50:02: <oklopol> olsner: well you fixed me pretty bad there
2008-01-25.txt:23:50:32: <olsner> well, the condition was *using only prime numbers*
2008-01-25.txt:23:51:55: <olsner> gotta go sleep, too tired to think
2008-01-26.txt:11:58:16: <olsner> funny, I read that one like only a week ago
2008-01-26.txt:20:32:11: <olsner> my haskell thue interpreter is far too slow... it's taken more than 30 minutes to run BF hello world through the Thue BF interpreter, and still not done
2008-01-26.txt:20:32:46: <olsner> the python thue interpreter does it in 3-4 minutes
2008-01-26.txt:20:34:34: <olsner> done! 33m35s :(
2008-01-26.txt:20:35:55: <ehird> olsner: Write something that compiles it into Haskell rules
2008-01-26.txt:20:37:44: <olsner> yeah, and ending it with thueStep (x:xs) = x:thueStep xs; thueStep [] = thueStep [] - that'd probably work!
2008-01-26.txt:20:38:31: <olsner> I was otherwise thinking of building some kind of automaton and running that
2008-01-26.txt:20:38:53: <ehird> olsner: that would be a slow thueStep base case
2008-01-26.txt:20:41:31: <olsner> wouldn't the find part basically do the exact same thing as thueStep only not replace anything?
2008-01-26.txt:20:41:53: <ehird> olsner: you could use a more efficient algorithm
2008-01-26.txt:23:24:50: <olsner> what's the Juggernaut?
2008-01-26.txt:23:25:08: <olsner> (and I though it was spelled juggernaught?)
2008-01-26.txt:23:25:49: <olsner> ooh, nice tool
2008-01-26.txt:23:36:04: <olsner> heh, funny etymology of that word
2008-01-27.txt:00:09:35: <olsner> 25852016738884976640000
2008-01-27.txt:02:25:58: -!- olsner has quit ("Leaving").
2008-02-05.txt:01:13:19: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2008-02-05.txt:01:13:39: <olsner> must one join *every* channel? :P
2008-02-05.txt:02:35:38: -!- olsner has quit ("Leaving").
2008-02-05.txt:06:09:45: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2008-02-05.txt:08:48:20: -!- olsner has quit ("Leaving").
2008-02-05.txt:22:54:26: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2008-02-06.txt:00:04:26: -!- olsner has quit ("Leaving").
2008-02-06.txt:07:09:37: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2008-02-06.txt:07:24:43: <oklopol> [09:13] --> olsner has joined this channel
2008-02-06.txt:07:25:54: <olsner> what was all the fuzz about?
2008-02-06.txt:07:26:19: <olsner> well, <!-- back at you
2008-02-06.txt:07:26:50: <immibis> olsner: interpreting irc client output as xml </immibis> </olsner> </immibis> </olsner> </oklopol> </immibis> </immibis> </oklopol>
2008-02-06.txt:07:28:57: <olsner> immibis: but why? it's *not* xml and shouldn't be parsed as it
2008-02-06.txt:07:29:10: * olsner decides to be boring
2008-02-06.txt:07:29:56: <olsner> <![CDATA[
2008-02-06.txt:08:52:58: -!- olsner has quit ("-> work").
2008-02-06.txt:23:29:55: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2008-02-06.txt:23:41:47: <olsner> what happened to ninjacode?
2008-02-06.txt:23:42:03: <ehird`> olsner: it's still going to be written; it's just on the back-burner
2008-02-06.txt:23:42:21: <olsner> ninjacode 2?
2008-02-06.txt:23:43:03: <ehird`> olsner: you got bored fast
2008-02-06.txt:23:43:36: <olsner> heh, late night at work, so I'll be entering daily hibernation as soon as possible
2008-02-06.txt:23:47:48: <olsner> besides the profanity, I think they've got something going there
2008-02-06.txt:23:51:41: <ehird`> olsner: oh noes, prrofanity, what will we do :D
2008-02-07.txt:01:38:50: <olsner> LD H,C? which architecture is that?
2008-02-07.txt:01:38:56: <ehird`> olsner: z80
2008-02-07.txt:01:39:08: <olsner> aha
2008-02-07.txt:01:46:11: <olsner> "Phawn is still on the drawing board" haha
2008-02-07.txt:01:47:33: -!- olsner has quit ("Leaving").
2008-02-07.txt:07:37:13: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2008-02-07.txt:18:09:33: <olsner> if ordinary people could do it, it wouldn't be esoteric, now would it?
2008-02-07.txt:18:11:25: <olsner> zisc? isn't that ibm's old neural net processor?
2008-02-07.txt:18:12:05: <olsner> yeah, it's like having EVAL as an opcode
2008-02-07.txt:18:13:29: <lament> olsner: having EVAL as an opcode would not be very useful if it were the only instruction.
2008-02-07.txt:18:13:55: <olsner> lament: depends on what it takes - let's say it takes a pointer to a block of lisp code :P
2008-02-08.txt:18:30:47: -!- olsner has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
2008-02-08.txt:18:45:42: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2008-02-08.txt:18:45:46: -!- olsner has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
2008-02-08.txt:18:47:32: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2008-02-09.txt:00:00:12: -!- olsner has quit ("Leaving").
2008-02-09.txt:00:03:58: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2008-02-09.txt:01:15:15: <olsner> afaik, APL doesn't even have an official unicode mapping
2008-02-09.txt:01:15:22: <ehird`_> olsner: it does.
2008-02-09.txt:01:16:33: <olsner> oh, I was under the impression that APL fonts and systems had to use user-mapped unicode ranges for APL characters - at least all the APL fonts I've found turned out to be mutually incompatible
2008-02-09.txt:01:17:13: <olsner> more than a few thousands though
2008-02-09.txt:01:18:03: <olsner> haskell Chars go up to 1114111, I think
2008-02-09.txt:01:18:32: -!- olsner has quit ("Leaving").
2008-02-09.txt:11:55:08: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2008-02-09.txt:20:56:00: -!- olsner has quit ("Leaving").
2008-02-09.txt:21:08:15: -!- olsner has joined #esoteric.
2008-02-10.txt:00:24:08: <olsner> I don't think it's been "claimed" - rather "proved"
2008-02-10.txt:00:25:40: <olsner> but that does not exclude the quine being devilishly hard to find, I guess
2008-02-10.txt:01:06:09: -!- olsner has quit ("Leaving").
[too many lines; stopping]