view paste/paste.5219 @ 6335:13b0867d7d25

<oerjan> ` sed -i \'s!autow!share/autow!g\' bin/autowelcome
author HackBot
date Sat, 28 Nov 2015 07:48:48 +0000
parents b2cc3747ec36
line wrap: on
line source

2004-02-08.txt:21:25:50: <Toreun> comments vertically are not necessarily comments horizontally
2004-04-30.txt:21:42:02: <fizzie> I'm decompressing a 768x576-sized 25fps mpeg2 file (recorded some pal-rated tv), running a horizontal deblocking, vertical deblocking, deringing, linear-blend-deinterlacing and temporal noise reduction filters on the image, then bicubic-resampling the image to 640x480 and compressing it to a 1000kbps mpeg4, while simultaneously mp3-encoding the pcm audio in the video.
2004-09-14.txt:21:23:36: <ZeroOne> or if variable length commands didn't work, then three characters long, but so that vertical movement would still be treated by single columns, not by colums of three.
2005-05-04.txt:21:41:08: <GregorR-L> I was mentally imagining it the other way.  I was seeing a vertical tape in my head, with values stretching left-right.
2005-06-29.txt:02:14:49: <{^Raven^}> calamari: the ability to vertically extend the memory view to show locations 16..31, 32..47, 48..63, etc
2005-06-29.txt:02:30:46: <calamari> oh.. vertically :)
2005-07-01.txt:19:01:46: <graue> you can eliminate wire crossing by using = and | as pipes, where if the IP is moving horizontally and hits | or vertically and hits =, the program ends, and if the IP moves into a blank space or anything else the program ends
2005-10-05.txt:23:28:13: <WildHalcyon> Ive been looking at 2-d glypho, encoding both horizontal and vertical. You need a minimum set of symbols though...
2005-10-21.txt:14:26:32: <fizzie> Seems I managed to semi-fix that thing. The route selection still doesn't work, and I need to manually reverse the trains, but at least the signals look correct. (Interestingly, signals in a diagonal piece of track work differently than signals on a horizontal/vertical piece of track. I wonder if that's a bug in 0.3.6 - is the latest release, after all.)
2005-10-26.txt:08:15:37: <GregorR> Evoluent™ VerticalMouse™ 2: Right handed: $69.95, left handed: $99.95
2006-02-26.txt:17:02:32: <GregorR> Ö <(You guys just don't respect vertical smileys.)
2006-02-26.txt:17:05:27: <GregorR> ^o^ <(Vertical smileys are the wave of the future!)
2006-07-27.txt:20:13:43: <ihope> Let's see... split the cursor position in two halves and monitor either the vertical or the horizontal.
2006-08-30.txt:05:40:04: <GreyKnight> Just a sheet that suddenly shoots off vertically
2006-09-02.txt:10:07:41: <GreyKnight> is this pair of close vertical lines after the parentheses an encoding of ", but" ?
2007-03-25.txt:21:26:45: <RodgerTheGreat> because not having any keys vertically aligned makes it easier to create mechanical linkages that swing a type-block into position on an ink-impregnated tape, and re-learning typing sucks
2007-07-07.txt:19:16:36: <ihope> Same for the letter T: the one end of the vertical line has to go exactly as far as the horizontal line.
2007-07-14.txt:20:22:46: <RodgerTheGreat> much of my code organization is based on vertical arrangement of methods in a sensible fashion
2007-07-14.txt:21:51:00: <Figs> you don't actually have to write it vertically though
2007-07-14.txt:22:11:45: <Figs> vertical would be allowed through
2007-07-20.txt:06:24:34: <RodgerTheGreat> I built it like a triangular honeycomb, oriented vertically
2007-07-25.txt:00:50:36: <Figs> I wish I could do vertical text select in notepad... :S
2007-08-25.txt:23:06:22: <navaburo> problem there is that it becomes unnatural to move the pointer vertically
2007-09-21.txt:01:14:21: <Tritonio> and the vertical line means sudden movement.
2007-12-17.txt:23:16:12: <immibis> bsmntbombdood: presumably it's so you can run the game so the screen shows either a vertical plane , or a horizontal one (with gravity off).
2007-12-17.txt:23:16:29: <immibis> gravity on = like a vertical plane. gravity off = like a horizontal one.
2008-02-09.txt:01:09:56: <ehird`_> VERTICAL PARENTHESES
2008-02-19.txt:20:51:59: <ehird`> and up/down for vertical
2008-02-19.txt:21:10:35: <ais523> many interps do it differently for horizontal and vertical
2008-02-20.txt:19:49:25: <ehird`> vertically
2008-03-01.txt:03:46:28: <slereah_> But my CPU is in a vertical position! :o
2008-03-02.txt:17:37:09: <slereah_> Let us conceive a pile or vertical column consisting of an indefinite number of circular discs, all pierced through their centres by a common axis, around which each of them can take an independent rotatory movement. If round the edge of each of these discs are written the ten figures which constitute our numerical alphabet, we may then, by arranging a series of these figures in the same vertical line, express in this manner
2008-03-09.txt:22:34:02: <AnMaster> ehird, also you may want to change from "indent new paragraphs" to "use vertical skip"
2008-03-14.txt:02:32:30: <ehird> vertical tab
2008-03-14.txt:02:34:02: <AnMaster> so vertical tab could work
2008-03-14.txt:02:34:50: <AnMaster> say: {vertical tab, size of number describing size of numbers of dimension, dimension }
2008-03-14.txt:02:36:36: <ehird> vertical tab NUMBER veritacal tab
2008-03-14.txt:02:36:56: <AnMaster> ehird, how do you do vertical tab in emacs?
2008-03-14.txt:20:41:53: <ehird> oerjan: vertical strnigs too
2008-03-14.txt:20:41:57: <AnMaster> oerjan, not only that, but vertical too
2008-03-20.txt:19:55:55: <Deewiant> it's just a string running in the vertical direction
2008-03-20.txt:19:57:34: <AnMaster> Deewiant, but why vertical
2008-03-20.txt:19:58:38: <Deewiant> so I figured that since there will be two fairly long strings I might as well put them vertically
2008-03-20.txt:20:09:34: <ais523> wow, Slashdot's HTTP output has a lot of vertical whitespace
2008-03-20.txt:23:32:37: <AnMaster> Judofyr, oh wait, VV008 bit is, I think, vertical visibility
2008-04-01.txt:21:04:51: <ais523> "For example, the characters "b" and "d" are coded as o<VerticalLine><PositionLeft> and o<VerticalLine><PositionRight>, respectively."
2008-04-01.txt:21:25:48: <AnMaster> vertically or whatever
2008-04-01.txt:21:28:43: <AnMaster> or vertically or so on
2008-04-03.txt:15:33:49: <AnMaster> but, in kate I got a think grey vertical line at column 80
2008-04-05.txt:01:12:16: <lament> normally you draw strings vertically but that's hard on irc
2008-04-16.txt:21:36:34: <ais523> I think it would be TC if you repeated the program as a cylinder, so that the left and right sides of the program were identified, and the program was repeated vertically an infinite number of times
2008-04-21.txt:14:21:00: <ais523> on this UK keyboard I only have £ as non-ASCII characters, also a key which sometimes produces a weird vertical-bar-but-not-really char on Windows but is mapped to | on Linux
2008-04-21.txt:14:21:31: <AnMaster> ais523, you mean the split vertical bar thing?
2008-04-21.txt:14:21:52: <ais523> only the key /marked/ split vertical bar is over backspace
2008-04-21.txt:14:21:57: <ais523> that produces regular vertical bar
2008-04-21.txt:14:22:10: <ais523> the key which looks like a regular vertical bar is AltGr-`
2008-04-21.txt:14:22:17: <ais523> and it produces split vertical bar on Windows
2008-04-21.txt:14:22:29: <ais523> and shade-half-the-pixel vertically on DOS
2008-04-21.txt:14:23:11: <AnMaster> <ais523> only the key /marked/ split vertical bar is over backspace <-- I got no one marked like that here
2008-04-21.txt:14:37:59: <ais523> standardising vertical whitespace, using tiny margins, and changing the font to Arial Narrow
2008-04-21.txt:14:42:13: <ais523> the vertical whitespace is what saved most of the space for me
2008-04-26.txt:04:30:48: <evincarofautumn> Should vertical and horizontal movement be independent?
2008-04-26.txt:23:55:09: <oklopol> okay, so first diagonally, then horizontall-/vertically
2008-04-27.txt:00:06:02: <oklopol> oklopol: okay, so first diagonally, then horizontall-/vertically <<< can you reaffirm this was not correct after saying that?
2008-06-18.txt:01:31:44: <lament> Using your face, you push the big red button. The pillar starts slowly sinking vertically into the ocean.
2008-06-24.txt:19:07:33: <RodgerTheGreat> I tend to think of memory as arranged from low addresses to high addresses vertically. 00000000 is at the "top" and FFFFFFFF is at the "bottom"
2008-06-28.txt:09:47:02: <psygnisfive> i chose to display each iteration by stripping white space and displaying each character as a colored vertical bar
2008-06-28.txt:19:03:05: <tusho> and put it on top of its vertically-reversed self
2008-06-28.txt:19:09:16: <psygnisfive> the center one doesnt show up because the vertical bands are getting too small to see.
2008-06-28.txt:19:12:15: <psygnisfive> and do an expansion vertically
2008-06-28.txt:22:56:32: <augur> oklopol, the vertical versions actually let you see some of the fractal nature
2008-07-01.txt:13:01:06: <AnMaster> and a dot a bit above the vertical line
2008-07-01.txt:14:53:38: <ais523> it would be nice to get the v> trick working in a vertical column rather than drifting to the left
2008-07-07.txt:19:22:48: <AnMaster> Deewiant, because then a program written for variant 1 and variant 2 won't work vertically in same interpreter
2008-07-16.txt:15:43:15: <ais523> tusho: I like it, but fix the vertical alignment
2008-07-18.txt:17:01:03: <tusho> but I just go vertical
2008-07-24.txt:15:16:34: <AnMaster> I mean, it is one of those control chars like vertical tab that simply isn't used today
2008-07-24.txt:15:24:44: <tusho> emacs source has vertical tabs
2008-07-25.txt:21:53:48: <AnMaster> MikeRiley, vertical tab!
2008-07-29.txt:22:04:23: <psygnisfive> "In heraldry, gules (pronounced with a hard 'g') is the tincture with the colour red, and belongs to the class of dark tinctures called "colours". In engraving, it is sometimes depicted as a region of vertical lines or else marked with gu. as an abbreviation."
2008-08-08.txt:19:37:27: <ais523> wasting 185px of vertical space is inexcusable really, some computers only have 480px vertical space altogether and will use much of it for toolbars
2008-08-08.txt:19:37:42: <ais523> I have 800px vertical by default
2008-08-08.txt:21:39:30: <AnMaster> ais523, vertical tab
2008-08-08.txt:21:39:53: <AnMaster> vertical tab<dimension>
2008-08-08.txt:21:40:18: <AnMaster> ais523, a number following the vertical tab
2008-08-12.txt:16:19:54: <tusho> asiekierka: remember, you can fit code in vertically
2008-08-16.txt:22:57:46: <optbot> oklopol: and a dot a bit above the vertical line
2008-08-22.txt:21:30:46: <tusho> ais523: the spinning wheel is now vertically aligned properly to the button
2008-08-25.txt:10:59:09: <AnMaster> it wrapped vertically
2008-08-25.txt:11:00:59: <AnMaster> Deewiant, if B reflects at x=85 y=696, then the code goes downwards, and then it wraps vertically at the lower edge of the funge space
2008-09-08.txt:13:15:37: <funktio> "The Befunge-93 specification restricts each valid program to a grid of 80 instructions horizontally by 25 instructions vertically."
2008-09-14.txt:10:38:00: <AnMaster> Deewiant, so indv basically stors the vector vertically now instead of horizontally?
2008-09-15.txt:10:32:12: <fizzie> There's another (a vertically oriented one) in the brainfuck bytecode interpreter.
2008-09-15.txt:10:33:20: <AnMaster> you could just write the code paths vertically
2008-09-17.txt:21:33:09: <AnMaster> I mean vertically
2008-09-18.txt:08:10:19: <oklopol> it wants the vertical lines to be separated with equal distances
2008-09-18.txt:08:12:58: <oklopol> wonder if i'm confusing vertical and horizontal
2008-09-18.txt:14:00:13: <ais523> tusho: you put vertical bars in
2008-10-12.txt:03:40:24: <ihope> Then the first monkey on the path becomes the new current monkey, and moves either toward or away from the old current monkey: red moves toward green and away from blue, green moves toward blue and away from red, blue moves toward red and away from green. The monkey moves one step in a cardinal direction, preferring horizontal movement to vertical movement if they would otherwise result in him being the same distance from the old curren
2008-10-17.txt:12:43:04: <ais523> but it would become more likely to be "tall" as it became more vertical
2008-10-17.txt:12:46:03: <fizzie> fi:korkea means "has a large vertical extent", while fi:korkealla means "located at a high altitude".
2008-10-21.txt:17:29:23: <AnMaster> asiekierka, another idea: have = accelerate the dots to double its current speed if particle enter horizontally, and have it decelerate to half the speed if the dots enter vertically
2008-10-22.txt:15:32:39: <asiekierka> In vertical, pretty much the same happens
2008-10-22.txt:15:55:53: <ais523> use a large vertical loop
2008-10-22.txt:15:56:27: <ais523> this doesn't affect the loop as it's vertical
2008-10-22.txt:16:18:01: <Slereah_> Unless you do something other than horizontal/vertical
2008-10-22.txt:16:28:23: <Slereah_> [17:17:53] <Slereah_> Unless you do something other than horizontal/vertical
2008-11-02.txt:09:46:59: <SimonRC> dude, vertical ain't going to work with the 5-sec delay
2008-11-03.txt:21:13:36: <oklopol> i mean, periods don't exactly look all that clean next to each other, and some languages may require vertical lines.
2008-11-25.txt:11:56:50: <ais523> so you're just going to get a load of vertical black stripes separated by at least 2 white stripes
2008-11-27.txt:00:15:58: <trave> horizontally AND vertically inverted
2008-11-27.txt:00:16:13: <psygnisfive> horiontal, vertical, or a rotation, it doesnt matter
2008-11-30.txt:20:21:23: <ehird> can it be done vertically? that is, it copies everything above a line downwards
2008-12-01.txt:00:50:59: <oklopol> goes vertical - horizontal - vertical ...
2008-12-01.txt:17:31:07: <ais523> wow, I just realised why UK keyboards have ¬ and that weird broken-vertical-bar char on them
2008-12-04.txt:21:59:40: <ehird> it's way too slim and vertical for no real reason, it's inconsistent in its indentation and it's hard to read
2008-12-06.txt:20:23:49: <oerjan> zuff: 104 seems to be able to produce something else than vertical lines, but more rarely and which eventually dies out in my first tries
2008-12-11.txt:03:16:23: <oerjan> hm vertical ones are different
2008-12-11.txt:03:17:05: <Warrigal> Vertical lines sound fun.
2009-01-04.txt:18:50:05: <AnMaster> <vertical-line>       | <U007C> VERTICAL LINE
2009-01-07.txt:13:05:52: <ais523> that's just because good-style Prolog is inherently very vertical
2009-01-12.txt:21:54:29: <lament> AnMaster: they're just nets, people normally draw them vertically but i draw them horizontally here
2009-01-14.txt:18:38:59: <ais523> which makes it much vertically longer than it ought to be
2009-01-17.txt:18:53:18: <AnMaster> flipped vertically
2009-02-02.txt:17:31:05: <ehird> The base size is 16px, the line height is 1.5, so the basic vertical measure is 16 x 1.5 = 24px
2009-02-09.txt:23:13:13: <ehird> AnMaster: well, it's a horizontal line with a vertical line sticking from the middle
2009-02-22.txt:22:09:04: <ais523> by the way, does anyone here know why vertical tabs?
2009-02-22.txt:22:09:16: <ehird> I like vertical tabs
2009-02-22.txt:22:10:28: <oerjan> i imagine if you were filling out a lot of them on a typewriter, vertical tabs would be nice
2009-03-03.txt:18:03:30: <ehird> since it can curve horizontally or vertically
2009-03-10.txt:23:25:18: <AnMaster> ais523, vertical
2009-03-12.txt:16:43:17: <fizzie> I think there is a reasonable intuitivity about that thing: given any NxN square of bit-patterns for 00...00 to 11...11; you get the horizontal and vertical lines because of the 00..00, and the diagonal because ~x => N-x, and ~x & x == 0 always; and you get to do the same thing in the smaller N-1 x N-1 squares for those cases where the leading bits are either (0, 0), (0, 1) or (1, 0) because in those cases the bit in the and result is a zero, but in the final s
2009-03-12.txt:17:31:25: <ais523> comex: typical indentation style with that ; would be to line up the ; vertically underneath the opening bracket of the (;) group
2009-03-13.txt:01:05:50: <ehird> because it was a vertical line
2009-03-19.txt:16:26:53: <ais523> or at least, it uses extra vertical space for longer inventory listings, and extra horizontal space for status messages
2009-03-21.txt:19:26:29: <ehird> "Apparently, Japanese Smileys(Emoticons) are read vertically whilewestern Smileys(Emoticons) are read hosizontally."
2009-03-24.txt:19:46:26: <ais523_> on the other hand, they're rather too vertical for me to keep a lot in mind at once
2009-03-26.txt:14:34:19: <AnMaster> wonder why the sharp vertical pattern in several places?
2009-03-30.txt:19:59:04: <fizzie> It's a bit sad that ⁂ has a funky name (asterism) but ⁑ has to get by with just "two asterisks aligned vertically".
2009-03-30.txt:22:42:08: <ehird> So: vertical size of font + line spacing.
2009-03-31.txt:00:28:33: <fizzie> Oh, okay. There's white vertical rectangle, ▯, too. That's quite close to that apl squish quad.
2009-03-31.txt:18:33:03: <fizzie> "U+2B35 leftwards two-headed arrow with double vertical stroke" is missing, for example. I can't count the number of times I've tried to use that one, it's so common.
2009-03-31.txt:22:39:10: <AnMaster> ehird, partly yes, but -> is more vertically symmetrical than ^.
2009-04-04.txt:17:52:51: <AnMaster> vertically of course
2009-04-05.txt:15:15:58: <fizzie> It's probably not been optimized for smiley usage; it was just the vertical ellipsis in mathematical operators.
2009-04-05.txt:18:43:02: <fizzie> The subpixel order should be rather easy to see if you do (in Gimp in 800%-zoom or something) a file which has a single-pixel vertical line of alternating blue and red pixels, and then look at it at native size, with the magnifying glass or otherwise.
2009-04-08.txt:21:05:39: <AnMaster> vertical-to-transaction
2009-04-09.txt:18:46:37: <AnMaster> I thought you mean arms hanging straight down the sides and the keyboard in vertical position
2009-04-10.txt:19:34:31: <ehird> This outputs 77, followed by 462. This sort of thing is why bracketing is compulsory in Forte. The line shows that non-newline whitespace is ignored (for technical reasons, there are no form feeds, tabs, or vertical tabs in the above line, but there could be and the line would still work).
2009-04-10.txt:19:35:10: <ehird> This outputs 77, followed by 462. This sort of thing is why bracketing is compulsory in Forte. The line shows that non-newline whitespace is ignored (for technical reasons, there are no form feeds, tabs, or vertical tabs in the above line, but there could be and the line would still work).
2009-04-22.txt:19:43:31: <fizzie> Incidentally, do they still use the "correct" layout of ins-home-pageup-del-end-pagedown keys in addition to the weird vertical thing?
2009-04-25.txt:21:12:48: <ais523> it saves a lot of vertical space
2009-04-25.txt:21:15:36: <ais523> the close of a loop isn't very interesting, especially not to take up vertical space!
2009-04-28.txt:00:02:54: <ehird> Deewiant: how does this handle vertical?
2009-04-28.txt:16:18:34: <ehird> Deewiant: I need to store two boundary maps, vertical & horizontal, right
2009-04-28.txt:16:38:17: <Deewiant> ehird: You don't need to store even as much info as you're planning on storing for horiz/vertical bounds, two points (min/max of bounding rectangle) are enough
2009-04-28.txt:17:01:00: <ehird> Deewiant: But the map int only covers lines, not verticalines!
2009-04-28.txt:23:57:34: <AnMaster> ehird, can't you move your ears vertically?
2009-04-29.txt:22:33:13: <Deewiant> No, it's saying that depending on the size of the stack it's horizontal/vertical
2009-05-01.txt:00:35:02: <lifthrasiir> but sometimes the string is placed vertically, or even splitted ;)
2009-05-01.txt:00:35:24: <AnMaster> vertically is hard indeed
2009-05-04.txt:18:54:12: <AnMaster> especially if the mobo is mounted vertically
2009-05-04.txt:20:02:59: <ehird> OTOH, a font with different metrics fucks up the whole vertical/horizontal rhythm entirly.
2009-05-05.txt:20:13:35: <ais523> more fun Perl6 syntax: "