view paste/paste.28419 @ 6894:1041408d241c

<oerjan> le/rn soviet union/In ancient history, the Soviet Union used to be the THEM. They believed in absurd principles like "Better Red than Dead". Then Ronald Reagan invented Star Wars to destroy it, after which there seemed to be no the THEM for a while.
author HackBot
date Tue, 16 Feb 2016 21:39:22 +0000
parents 157901e20cc2
line wrap: on
line source

2004-05-27.txt:05:56:40: -!- Keymaker has joined #esoteric.
2004-05-27.txt:05:57:43: <Keymaker> Hello everyone; haven't been here ever before, and excuse me my bad English.
2004-05-27.txt:06:05:10: <Keymaker> Heh
2004-05-27.txt:06:05:14: <Keymaker> Yeah.
2004-05-27.txt:06:05:22: <Keymaker> Finnish
2004-05-27.txt:06:05:23: <Keymaker> !
2004-05-27.txt:06:05:27: <Keymaker> I'm from Finland :)
2004-05-27.txt:06:05:47: <Keymaker> Ok
2004-05-27.txt:06:07:16: <Keymaker> Hmmm, too bad I have to go now. I'll come back sometime later, goodbye everyone.
2004-05-27.txt:06:07:19: -!- Keymaker has quit ().
2004-05-27.txt:12:07:32: -!- Keymaker has joined #esoteric.
2004-05-27.txt:12:40:24: <Keymaker> Are you 1.) discussing privately or 2.) just idling? :)
2004-05-27.txt:12:47:23: <Keymaker> yah
2004-05-27.txt:12:47:29: <Keymaker> I can see.
2004-05-27.txt:12:55:03: <Keymaker> hmmm, yes
2004-05-27.txt:12:55:50: <Keymaker> Well, what language you're interested most about?
2004-05-27.txt:12:59:59: <Keymaker> i see
2004-05-27.txt:13:00:29: <Keymaker> i just read something about befunge, gotta say i didn't understand anything :O but it seemed interesting
2004-05-27.txt:13:08:21: <Keymaker> But well, I think I'll go to do some coding or play Commander Keen, cya.
2004-05-27.txt:13:08:22: -!- Keymaker has quit ().
2004-05-27.txt:14:54:06: -!- Keymaker has joined #esoteric.
2004-05-27.txt:14:55:47: <Keymaker> I just realized (=read) Befunge code is in 2d table. No wonder the code looked so cryptic before. :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:03:03: <Keymaker> yeah
2004-05-27.txt:15:03:28: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:03:50: <Keymaker> by the way, where does the code start?
2004-05-27.txt:15:03:59: <Keymaker> from some corner or is there some symbol for it?
2004-05-27.txt:15:04:17: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:15:05:08: <Keymaker> i might take a look at it later :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:05:37: <Keymaker> thanks
2004-05-27.txt:15:06:11: <Keymaker> :O
2004-05-27.txt:15:06:28: <Keymaker> wow, probably wasn't pretty easy to code that one..
2004-05-27.txt:15:12:19: <Keymaker> heh
2004-05-27.txt:15:18:04: <Keymaker> Before I realized not so many mins ago that Befunge consist of single characters like BF and the code is in table, I was pretty confused when I was trying to figure 'is there any logic in this language?'. I was trying to think what syntax and instructions it used and didn't realize the different instructions were in front of my eyes as single characters. :\ (sorry, I just had to say this now because I forgot to say this totally ^ up there)
2004-05-27.txt:15:19:24: <Keymaker> Probably it'll be better to search some info before looking at the code, for now on. :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:19:57: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-27.txt:15:19:58: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:15:21:28: <Keymaker> you probably mean the cat's eye page about Befunge?
2004-05-27.txt:15:23:46: <Keymaker> allright :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:24:41: <Keymaker> hmm, is he in this room at the moment?
2004-05-27.txt:15:25:18: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:15:25:49: <Keymaker> what's 'oses'?
2004-05-27.txt:15:25:57: <Keymaker> oh
2004-05-27.txt:15:26:44: <Keymaker> ok - though, i don't know (yet) what it is
2004-05-27.txt:15:26:55: <Keymaker> heh
2004-05-27.txt:15:28:16: <Keymaker> i'll stay with brainf#ck, but this befunge is just something i don't wanna miss :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:28:33: <Keymaker> is there any good interpreters/compilers?
2004-05-27.txt:15:28:57: <Keymaker> too bad i have to confess, i'm still using win :(
2004-05-27.txt:15:29:35: <Keymaker> heh
2004-05-27.txt:15:31:03: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:32:18: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-27.txt:15:33:13: <Keymaker> that's big plus (lack of bugs)
2004-05-27.txt:15:33:40: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:15:35:13: <Keymaker> :D
2004-05-27.txt:15:36:00: <Keymaker> too bad
2004-05-27.txt:15:37:05: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:37:29: <Keymaker> what you're doing? code?
2004-05-27.txt:15:39:28: <Keymaker> hmmm
2004-05-27.txt:15:39:30: <Keymaker> i see
2004-05-27.txt:15:40:48: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-27.txt:15:40:52: <Keymaker> does it work?
2004-05-27.txt:15:41:45: <Keymaker> :(
2004-05-27.txt:15:42:36: <Keymaker> sorry, but i'm not really good coder :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:43:41: <Keymaker> hmmm, just wondering, how many here are actually from finland?
2004-05-27.txt:15:44:00: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:15:45:13: <Keymaker> yah
2004-05-27.txt:15:45:17: <Keymaker> not at all
2004-05-27.txt:15:46:42: <Keymaker> hmmm, by the way, why c? why not c++?
2004-05-27.txt:15:47:00: <Keymaker> i think that's somehow simpler
2004-05-27.txt:15:47:18: <Keymaker> ah, i see
2004-05-27.txt:15:48:16: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:48:43: <Keymaker> if i have time enough ever i think i'll write somekind of brainf#ck interpreter
2004-05-27.txt:15:49:31: <Keymaker> oo-like?
2004-05-27.txt:15:49:39: <Keymaker> ah
2004-05-27.txt:15:49:51: <Keymaker> i just realized at the same moment i asked :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:51:22: <Keymaker> heh
2004-05-27.txt:15:51:39: <Keymaker> hmm, too bad probably not true :(
2004-05-27.txt:15:53:12: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:54:06: <Keymaker> ah, the agent family :)
2004-05-27.txt:15:57:09: <Keymaker> it'd take me a lot time to read those funge specifications, but what is the biggest difference between befunge 93 and 98, or are they even same language?
2004-05-27.txt:15:57:49: <Keymaker> oh
2004-05-27.txt:15:58:09: <Keymaker> well, i'll use the 93 one when i use this
2004-05-27.txt:15:59:13: <Keymaker> 'trefunge'?
2004-05-27.txt:15:59:49: <Keymaker> oh
2004-05-27.txt:16:00:05: <Keymaker> hehe
2004-05-27.txt:16:00:11: <Keymaker> that all goes too confusing :)
2004-05-27.txt:16:00:50: <Keymaker> yeah
2004-05-27.txt:16:01:24: <Keymaker> i wonder is there any language that anyone hadn't had skills to write an interpreter or a compiler?
2004-05-27.txt:16:02:36: <Keymaker> yah
2004-05-27.txt:16:03:11: <Keymaker> yeah
2004-05-27.txt:16:03:33: <Keymaker> there was that '#' that jumps over one?
2004-05-27.txt:16:03:39: <Keymaker> cell
2004-05-27.txt:16:04:06: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-27.txt:16:04:44: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-27.txt:16:05:25: <Keymaker> are those 1-9 (and a-f) kinda like variables in befunge?
2004-05-27.txt:16:05:39: <Keymaker> that one can save some number into those?
2004-05-27.txt:16:06:01: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:16:06:20: <Keymaker> ah
2004-05-27.txt:16:06:43: <Keymaker> i see
2004-05-27.txt:16:06:58: <Keymaker> heh
2004-05-27.txt:16:07:20: <Keymaker> kinda cheating again :)
2004-05-27.txt:16:07:58: <Keymaker> in some ways that 98 version makes the whole thing a lot easier, but also a lot more confusing if someone wants to use all the things possible in it
2004-05-27.txt:16:08:38: <Keymaker> i wasn't familiar with that
2004-05-27.txt:16:10:33: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-27.txt:16:10:50: <Keymaker> so, in 93 there's 80x25 'cells' to play with?
2004-05-27.txt:16:12:03: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:16:13:21: <Keymaker> some smaller limits in languages is what i've always liked
2004-05-27.txt:16:14:09: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-27.txt:16:14:35: <Keymaker> yes
2004-05-27.txt:16:15:51: <Keymaker> it isn't pretty useful to have 32-bit stack and 8-bit playfield in 93'?
2004-05-27.txt:16:16:44: <Keymaker> yeah
2004-05-27.txt:16:17:31: <Keymaker> yeah
2004-05-27.txt:16:17:50: <Keymaker> actully it sounds pretty logical when you said it that way :)
2004-05-27.txt:16:19:23: <Keymaker> a bit off-topic, do you know any language that would have less instructions that bf's 8?
2004-05-27.txt:16:19:45: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:16:19:49: <Keymaker> i wonder how they work..
2004-05-27.txt:16:20:01: <Keymaker> wow
2004-05-27.txt:16:21:29: <Keymaker> hmm, now when i think about it probably some language could be made with three instructions probablu
2004-05-27.txt:16:21:46: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-27.txt:16:22:06: <Keymaker> cheers
2004-05-27.txt:16:23:51: <Keymaker> too bad :(
2004-05-27.txt:16:24:35: <Keymaker> good :)
2004-05-27.txt:16:26:44: <Keymaker> yah
2004-05-27.txt:16:30:03: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-27.txt:16:30:16: <Keymaker> sounds nice
2004-05-27.txt:16:31:59: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:16:32:13: <Keymaker> i'll try to see if i find something someday
2004-05-27.txt:16:38:18: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-27.txt:16:40:15: <Keymaker> hmmm, i think i'll go now :(
2004-05-27.txt:16:40:30: <Keymaker> it has been nice chatting, see you some other time :)
2004-05-27.txt:16:41:16: <Keymaker> bye
2004-05-27.txt:16:41:19: -!- Keymaker has quit ().
2004-05-27.txt:19:59:40: -!- Keymaker has joined #esoteric.
2004-05-27.txt:20:01:23: <Keymaker> hmmm, does Daniel C., that brainf#ck coder, visit this place sometimes?
2004-05-27.txt:20:05:50: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-27.txt:20:05:58: <Keymaker> ok, thanks for info
2004-05-27.txt:20:06:17: <Keymaker> just thought it would be nice to talk him a bit sometime :)
2004-05-27.txt:20:08:41: <Keymaker> haha interesting :D
2004-05-27.txt:20:13:04: <Keymaker> heh strange stuff, but well made
2004-05-27.txt:20:13:26: <Keymaker> i wonder if it's some brainfuck program that did those fractals?
2004-05-27.txt:20:14:58: <Keymaker> yeah
2004-05-27.txt:20:44:21: <Keymaker> Just curiously asking; how old is this channel? I mean how many year you've been here?
2004-05-27.txt:20:45:34: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-27.txt:20:45:52: <Keymaker> hmmm
2004-05-27.txt:20:45:58: <Keymaker> not long time ago
2004-05-27.txt:20:48:15: <Keymaker> wow
2004-05-27.txt:20:48:30: <Keymaker> is there any way to read those in web?
2004-05-27.txt:20:50:39: <Keymaker> ok - thanks a lot! :)
2004-05-27.txt:21:08:35: <Keymaker> Interesting material.,
2004-05-27.txt:21:12:31: <Keymaker> hmmm
2004-05-27.txt:21:12:42: <Keymaker> looks very nice
2004-05-27.txt:21:39:32: <Keymaker> almost? :)
2004-05-27.txt:21:44:14: <Keymaker> it sounds pretty impressive
2004-05-27.txt:21:46:25: <Keymaker> :(
2004-05-27.txt:21:46:37: <Keymaker> really bad luck :(
2004-05-27.txt:21:49:02: <Keymaker> i haven't had a good change to test the language :( always too busy
2004-05-27.txt:21:49:11: <Keymaker> ti-basic i mean
2004-05-27.txt:21:57:17: <Keymaker> i would like to learn it..
2004-05-27.txt:22:21:50: <Keymaker> i'll go, good nite
2004-05-27.txt:22:21:51: -!- Keymaker has quit ().
2004-05-28.txt:10:27:03: -!- Keymaker has joined #esoteric.
2004-05-28.txt:10:46:39: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-28.txt:10:47:27: <Keymaker> dcb been here?
2004-05-28.txt:10:59:00: <Keymaker> ok'
2004-05-28.txt:10:59:06: <Keymaker> hehe
2004-05-28.txt:10:59:39: <Keymaker> noo, i just want to change a couple of words with him, that guy seems to be genius
2004-05-28.txt:11:05:49: <Keymaker> ok ok :)
2004-05-28.txt:11:06:09: <Keymaker> we - 1 to be exact, i'm not too bright
2004-05-28.txt:11:06:29: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-28.txt:11:11:51: <Keymaker> ok, good luck
2004-05-28.txt:11:35:58: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-28.txt:11:59:56: <Keymaker> Hmmm, really strange, one cd I bought smells like chicken noodles.. *confused*
2004-05-28.txt:12:47:24: <Keymaker> Hmmm, it's Back to the Future time. See you in the future.
2004-05-28.txt:12:47:27: <Keymaker> Or past.
2004-05-28.txt:12:47:27: -!- Keymaker has quit ().
2004-05-28.txt:20:07:15: -!- Keymaker has joined #esoteric.
2004-05-28.txt:20:07:27: <Keymaker> hiya
2004-05-28.txt:20:09:40: <calamari_> hi keymaker
2004-05-28.txt:20:09:44: <Keymaker> hi
2004-05-28.txt:20:14:27: <Keymaker> evening
2004-05-28.txt:20:14:32: <Keymaker> been here the whole day? :)
2004-05-28.txt:20:16:20: <Keymaker> hmmm, what the parser means?
2004-05-28.txt:20:17:16: <calamari_> keymaker: it takes a c source file and decides what the tokens are .. like "int" "main" "(" ")" "{" .. etc
2004-05-28.txt:20:17:35: <Keymaker> ah
2004-05-28.txt:20:30:15: <Keymaker> interesting :)
2004-05-28.txt:20:37:02: <Keymaker> is 'bfbasic' some program released?
2004-05-28.txt:20:37:37: <Keymaker> cheers
2004-05-28.txt:20:39:26: <Keymaker> this sounds like really hard job to do, how long you've been working on it?
2004-05-28.txt:20:39:40: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-28.txt:20:39:58: <Keymaker> well, good luck with it :)
2004-05-28.txt:20:51:58: <Keymaker> what kind of?
2004-05-28.txt:21:20:52: <Keymaker> now?
2004-05-28.txt:21:21:05: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-28.txt:21:21:13: <Keymaker> better remember :)
2004-05-28.txt:21:49:40: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-28.txt:22:38:33: <Keymaker> hmmm
2004-05-28.txt:22:38:46: <Keymaker> I think I'll go, good night everyone. :)
2004-05-28.txt:22:38:53: -!- Keymaker has quit ().
2004-05-29.txt:07:13:35: -!- Keymaker has joined #esoteric.
2004-05-29.txt:07:13:51: <Keymaker> hiya
2004-05-29.txt:07:20:19: <Keymaker> hi
2004-05-29.txt:07:21:20: <Keymaker> soon i'll have to go and get my something-paper-where-is-grades 'cos summer break (!!) starts..
2004-05-29.txt:07:22:33: <Keymaker> hehe :)
2004-05-29.txt:07:22:49: <Keymaker> i quit yesterday ~hour berofe that time
2004-05-29.txt:07:23:30: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-29.txt:07:23:36: <Keymaker> i haven't tried that game
2004-05-29.txt:07:24:26: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-29.txt:07:25:35: <Keymaker> i bet
2004-05-29.txt:07:25:43: <Keymaker> hehe
2004-05-29.txt:07:26:34: <Keymaker> many things that seem to be boring at first sight often happen to be very interesting/fun
2004-05-29.txt:07:26:54: <Keymaker> exactly :)
2004-05-29.txt:07:27:12: <Keymaker> yeah
2004-05-29.txt:07:27:20: <Keymaker> depends on language a lot
2004-05-29.txt:07:27:38: <Keymaker> yeah
2004-05-29.txt:07:27:44: <Keymaker> that's most important
2004-05-29.txt:07:28:00: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-29.txt:07:28:02: <Keymaker> yeah i see
2004-05-29.txt:07:28:22: <Keymaker> writing something 24/7 you don't like isn't a dream job
2004-05-29.txt:07:28:50: <Keymaker> but too bad, clock is ticking fast, i need to go that i don't miss the stuff there
2004-05-29.txt:07:28:53: <Keymaker> good night :)
2004-05-29.txt:07:29:03: -!- Keymaker has quit ().
2004-05-30.txt:17:13:41: -!- Keymaker has joined #esoteric.
2004-05-30.txt:17:13:55: <Keymaker> ah, home sweet home :)
2004-05-30.txt:17:17:58: <Keymaker> nNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
2004-05-30.txt:17:18:14: <Keymaker> i knew this, i knew this!
2004-05-30.txt:17:18:26: <Keymaker> something good had to happen when i was away for a day..
2004-05-30.txt:17:18:59: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-30.txt:17:19:26: <Keymaker> a lot idling i see
2004-05-30.txt:17:19:51: <Keymaker> well, i hopefully he's here next saturday -- or week
2004-05-30.txt:17:20:54: <Keymaker> *i hope (small correction to the above ^)
2004-05-30.txt:17:24:24: <Keymaker> yah
2004-05-30.txt:17:24:34: <Keymaker> too bad i can't keep this always on :(
2004-05-30.txt:17:34:24: <Keymaker> well, i could try to say something between that joining and quiting time :)
2004-05-30.txt:17:35:06: <Keymaker> (looking at those logs you posted seems he was here ~7 hours)
2004-05-30.txt:17:42:57: <Keymaker> hehe
2004-05-30.txt:17:43:00: <Keymaker> :D
2004-05-30.txt:18:16:07: <Keymaker> argh, i have to got 
2004-05-30.txt:18:16:12: <Keymaker> darn
2004-05-30.txt:18:16:25: <Keymaker> i pressed accidentally enter, i'll write the message again
2004-05-30.txt:18:16:52: <Keymaker> argh, i have to go and start baking a pizza :( i'll be back later
2004-05-30.txt:19:05:52: -!- t is now known as Keymaker[-].
2004-05-30.txt:19:06:01: <Keymaker[-]> done
2004-05-30.txt:19:08:54: <Keymaker[-]> ?
2004-05-30.txt:19:12:22: <Keymaker[-]> o k
2004-05-30.txt:19:14:05: <Keymaker[-]> so, how's your day Toreun? been working on anything? :)
2004-05-30.txt:19:22:26: <Keymaker[-]> ah i see
2004-05-30.txt:19:22:28: -!- Keymaker has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
2004-05-30.txt:19:22:37: <Keymaker[-]> hmmm
2004-05-30.txt:19:22:43: <Keymaker[-]> is it in web yet?
2004-05-30.txt:19:23:04: <Keymaker[-]> :D
2004-05-30.txt:19:23:18: <Keymaker[-]> i'll take a look
2004-05-30.txt:19:24:22: <Keymaker[-]> Ooooh :o Very nice design there!
2004-05-30.txt:19:25:06: -!- Keymaker[-] is now known as Keymaker.
2004-05-30.txt:19:25:31: <Keymaker> yah
2004-05-30.txt:19:25:40: <Keymaker> i'm kinda same when it comes to designing something
2004-05-30.txt:19:25:53: <Keymaker> i'm never totally happy with my works
2004-05-30.txt:19:27:42: <Keymaker> yah
2004-05-30.txt:19:27:51: <Keymaker> same here
2004-05-30.txt:19:28:13: <Keymaker> oh, and gotta say that SimpleBits looks really nice as well
2004-05-30.txt:19:30:28: <Keymaker> you're skills are good enough
2004-05-30.txt:19:30:33: <Keymaker> but my skills.. ugh..
2004-05-30.txt:19:30:58: <Keymaker> yeh
2004-05-30.txt:19:31:43: <Keymaker> know that feeling
2004-05-30.txt:19:32:07: <Keymaker> hmm
2004-05-30.txt:19:32:51: <Keymaker> :(
2004-05-30.txt:19:32:53: <Keymaker> yeah
2004-05-30.txt:19:33:27: <Keymaker> hm
2004-05-30.txt:19:33:34: <Keymaker> i bet
2004-05-30.txt:19:33:43: <Keymaker> it has other bugs as well :)
2004-05-30.txt:19:35:01: <Keymaker> wha do you mean?
2004-05-30.txt:19:35:27: <Keymaker> oh
2004-05-30.txt:19:35:37: <Keymaker> what does it do?
2004-05-30.txt:19:36:37: <Keymaker> yea
2004-05-30.txt:19:37:43: <Keymaker> yes, it wakes up and sues every other company and coder >:)
2004-05-30.txt:19:39:59: <Keymaker> it eases things a lot
2004-05-30.txt:19:40:26: <Keymaker> nice site, i've seen it sometime before :)
2004-05-30.txt:19:42:28: <Keymaker> too bad :( well, good that i had my change to see it weeks before this point of time
2004-05-30.txt:19:48:25: <Keymaker> y.. yo....y.. you.. youre mortal again fizzie :O
2004-05-30.txt:19:48:52: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-30.txt:19:49:23: <Keymaker> i haven't seen him/her talking, but on the other hand i've spent quite few time here
2004-05-30.txt:19:53:14: <Keymaker> hehe
2004-05-30.txt:19:53:21: <Keymaker> i see
2004-05-30.txt:19:53:54: <Keymaker> well, it makes one wonder, why then hang out in a channel :D
2004-05-30.txt:19:54:33: <Keymaker> yes
2004-05-30.txt:20:01:22: <Keymaker> well, soon i should make up some nice design for my site
2004-05-30.txt:20:03:28: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-30.txt:20:03:33: <Keymaker> well the site isn't in the web
2004-05-30.txt:20:03:43: <Keymaker> :)
2004-05-30.txt:20:04:12: <Keymaker> i'm working on couple of sites
2004-05-30.txt:20:04:20: <Keymaker> but this design i was talking about will
2004-05-30.txt:20:04:27: <Keymaker> be to my "personal" site
2004-05-30.txt:20:04:38: <Keymaker> that'll have my (lame) brainfuck codes
2004-05-30.txt:20:05:02: <Keymaker> and other code projects
2004-05-30.txt:20:05:14: <Keymaker> ok
2004-05-30.txt:20:05:59: <Keymaker> toreun: when your projects are there, tell me so i can go and check out :)
2004-05-30.txt:20:06:24: <Keymaker> ok :)
2004-05-30.txt:20:06:37: <Keymaker> hehe
2004-05-30.txt:20:08:45: <Keymaker> what does that 'd' mean and where it searches that info fizzie?
2004-05-30.txt:20:09:39: <Keymaker> demi?
2004-05-30.txt:20:09:48: <fizzie> keymaker should be able to parse the language.
2004-05-30.txt:20:09:48: <Keymaker> um, why? :)
[too many lines; stopping]