view bin/luarocks-admin @ 11282:0987fcb66a1c

<oerjan> learn The porthellingularity will happen when boily starts making a porthello and cannot stop braiding in more and more words.
author HackBot
date Mon, 25 Dec 2017 18:53:10 +0000
parents d137f631bad5
line wrap: on
line source

package.path = [[/hackenv/share/lua/5.2//?.lua;/hackenv/share/lua/5.2//?/init.lua;]]..package.path

local command_line = require("luarocks.command_line")

program_name = "luarocks-admin"
program_description = "LuaRocks repository administration interface"

commands = {
} = require("")
commands.make_manifest = require("luarocks.make_manifest")
commands.add = require("luarocks.add")
commands.remove = require("luarocks.admin_remove")
commands.refresh_cache = require("luarocks.refresh_cache")
