view paste/paste.14224 @ 7473:057ddba56df0

<b_jonas> learn Virgil is a prayer at dawn, as well as an ancient Italian poet who led Dante to hell so they can ask the blind transgendered seer Anchises stupid politics questions concerning contemporary noble families.
author HackBot
date Mon, 18 Apr 2016 00:44:22 +0000
parents e037173e0012
line wrap: on
line source

136) * Phantom_Hoover wonders where the size of the compiled Linux kernel comes from. <cpressey> To comply with the GFDL, there's a copy of Wikipedia in there.
140) <CakeProphet> how does a "DNA computer" work. <CakeProphet> von neumann machines? <Phantom_Hoover> CakeProphet, that's boring in the context of DNA. <Phantom_Hoover> It's just stealing the universe's work and passing it off as our own.
153) <Phantom_Hoover> OK, so is conspiring to conspire to commit a crime a crime?   <cpressey> Let's all get together and talk about defacing public property sometime
155) <AnMaster> cpressey, oh go to zzo's website. He is NIH  <Phantom_Hoover> AnMaster, really? I was strongly under the impression that zzo was invented here.
158) * Phantom_Hoover sticks crayons in his nose
168) <alise> Phantom_Hoover: Don't be nasty; he's a lunatic, not a murderer.
179) <Phantom_Hoover> It's only been 2 months since anyone last made a commit!  <alise> WRONG 8 WEEKS
180) <Phantom_Hoover> Doing logs with dc is probably indicative of something in the DSM.
182) <Vorpal> ais523, what is "MS Publisher"?  <Phantom_Hoover> Vorpal, you don't want to know.  <ais523> Vorpal: be glad that you don't know the answer  <alise> Vorpal: "horrible"
205) <Phantom_Hoover> [...] I'm just widening the shaft to be 4x2 or so.
213) <Phantom_Hoover> For instance, Jesus' Y chromosome was clearly GOD'S.
214) <Phantom_Hoover> OK, let's reduce the human genome to 4 chromosomes, in 2 homologous pairs.
256) <Phantom_Hoover> [...] reyouthismootherate [...]
261) <Phantom_Hoover> This is good if you are a wheat plant but bad if you like eating wheat seeds.
286) <fizzie> Phantom_Hoover: I have just one tvtropes page open in elinks, but my tvtropes.txt "queue" has 38 URLs waiting for processing.
304) <fungot> Phantom_Hoover: if the list is in random order, like poor ehird here
305) <Phantom_Hoover> elliott, incidentally, I started my explorations again after getting bored of the Himalayas.
308) <fungot> Phantom_Hoover: mutation is often considerably harder for both humans and compilers can analyze it much more difficult' part that induces bloody vomit... huh....intriguing
319) <Phantom_Hoover> ZOMGMODULES, St. Christopher, saint and werewolf.
341) <Phantom_Hoover> Oh, Hitler! You and your wacky antics!
367) <Phantom_Hoover> Scotland turns from red and yellow to A DIFFERENT SHADE OF YELLOW
369) [on Sgeo's karaoke] <Phantom_Hoover> That is the thing that made me into a gay vampire.
370) <Phantom_Hoover> Yeah, I went through a whole series of existential crises when I was 8 or so.
390) <Phantom_Hoover> Lymia, I don't know what that is but I want to hit you for it on principle.
398) <Phantom_Hoover> The system I kind of have in mind makes a flying train a natural consequence.
401) <Sgeo> Hmm. I guess it's nearby GRBs that would be problematic?  <Phantom_Hoover> Sgeo, if by 'problematic' you mean 'what's that in the AAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH'.
412) <Phantom_Hoover> The eigenratio of reality has to be enormous, though.
416) [on petrol] <ais523> oklofok: it's actually poisonous, so I advise against drinking it  <Phantom_Hoover> ais523, also contains benzene, my carcinogen of choice.
424) * perlmonkey is pursuing the line of reasoning that eating raw foods can improve cognitive function  <Phantom_Hoover> perlmonkey, well, it certainly makes you think about what you'd rather be eating.
428) <Phantom_Hoover> The wickedest man of all.  <Phantom_Hoover> Surpassed only in wickedness by the wicked witches of the west and east.  <copumpkin> you talking about me again?  <Phantom_Hoover> Yes.  <copumpkin> k
442) <Phantom_Hoover> I go to clean up the shrapnel from a teabag and you're discussing the definition of god out of nowhere.
445) <Phantom_Hoover> oerjan, little do you realise that everything you say and do is part of that great monad tutorial we call life.
446) <ais523> Phantom_Hoover: nope, I removed . from the current directory
448) <Phantom_Hoover> pikhq, living in the future sucks.  <Phantom_Hoover> The past just keeps coming up to us and trying to make us feel guilty.
450) <oklopol> such a famous bisexual  <Phantom_Hoover> Yeah, like Marlon Brando.  <Phantom_Hoover> And Caligula.  <Phantom_Hoover> And... Keeley Hawes?  <Phantom_Hoover> I feel cheated by Ashes to Ashes now.
466) <augur> ive been in #haskell and #agda primarily, recently  <Phantom_Hoover> So is #agda now full of dependently-typed gay sex?
508) <Phantom_Hoover> Sgeo_, the origin of suffering is desire for e-book readers.
521) <fungot> Phantom_Hoover: it is a hate so pure and... pumpkin seeds?
522) <Phantom_Hoover> Oh look, Dax has brought TWO glowy science sticks.  <Phantom_Hoover> SHIT JUST GOT REAL
523) <Phantom_Hoover> OK, Taneb's been taken by a mood and he needs raw emeralds.  <Phantom_Hoover> It's been fun knowing him.
524) <Phantom_Hoover> Taneb's been hit by melancholy.  <Phantom_Hoover> He didn't have any friends, fortunatel.y
525) <Phantom_Hoover> Oh god.  <Phantom_Hoover> I've become a metallurgy hipster.
526) <Phantom_Hoover> You realise the micromanagement it took to make quintopia encrust my silver throne with emeralds rather than a jug?
534) <Phantom_Hoover> Riots in Glasgow would probably be reported as a sudden drop in crime.
536) <Phantom_Hoover> What is it with Cardassians, they're all really nice and then they hit you with a rock.
548) <Phantom_Hoover> I gave her the Noblesse Oblige rooms.  <Phantom_Hoover> She was happy with them even when they were behind 2 locked doors and a floodgate and full of water.
549) <Phantom_Hoover> On further reflection, I think I did manage to miss winter and spring altogether.  <Phantom_Hoover> This does explain the goblin siege I had in autumn.
556) <Phantom_Hoover> I didn't realise nickel apparently can't be shaped into a screw because of some fundamental feature of dwarven physics.
566) <Phantom_Hoover> The only happy dorf has a compassion stat of 0.  <Phantom_Hoover> Well, 20, but it amounts to the same.
574) <Phantom_Hoover> I keep asking random people for "friendship <thing>" and it's crippling
579) <Phantom_Hoover> FFS, building a perpetual motion machine should not be this hard.
580) <Phantom_Hoover> Hmm, I really need to institute dwarven birth control.
581) <Phantom_Hoover> Intake flooded with magma.  <Phantom_Hoover> Reactor connected.  <Phantom_Hoover> Pumps active.  <Phantom_Hoover> YES IT'S WORKING
584) <Phantom_Hoover> The fact that the elves will be happy with this will hopefully be counteracted by the fact that I plan to drop them into the magma cistern.
585) <Phantom_Hoover> I'm sacrificing the animals, then I'm going to bed.
586) <Phantom_Hoover> Yeah, Bashir, just sit there drinking, rather than diagnosing the carpenter mauled in that tragic bonobo accident.
593) <Phantom_Hoover> You mean it'd be Tau Zero but without the spaceship?
594) <Phantom_Hoover> OK, making myself emergency doctor on the advice of IRC.
601) <Phantom_Hoover> THERE WAS A VISIBLE SUPERNOVA AND NOBODY FUCKING TOLD ME??????????????????????????/
602) <Phantom_Hoover> It is like the Holocaust but with Nazis.
605) <Phantom_Hoover> We have no leather.  <Phantom_Hoover> Time to use that most venerable of resources, the puppy.
607) <Gregor> Phantom_Hoover: Sort of a monadic human centipede.
621) <Taneb> Mayor says we need to make aluminum items  <Phantom_Hoover> Taneb, PH says you need to make lava items.
622) <elliott> Dear god stop staring at me.  <monqy> no never  <Phantom_Hoover> monqy is always staring at everyone.  <monqy> it takes many eyes to do this but I manage  <Phantom_Hoover> He is an inspiration to us all.
631) <Phantom_Hoover> I mean, any organisation called the Scottish Defence League should be beating up English people, what other point would there be?
636) <Phantom_Hoover> OMG  <Phantom_Hoover> What if  <Phantom_Hoover> we shoot Hitler with neutrinos
637) <Phantom_Hoover> It's like Pygmalion and Galatea but more weeaboo.  <Phantom_Hoover> Also lesbian.
645) <Phantom_Hoover> Guys no don't fly a Jem Hadar ship into Cardassian space to shoot things I played that mission in FreeSpace and it never works.
670) <Phantom_Hoover> oh god oh god  <Phantom_Hoover> what if I become  <Phantom_Hoover> attracted  <Phantom_Hoover> to birds
671) <Ngevd> "Facekicker" Hird is a member of the Hird family   <Phantom_Hoover> Ngevd, world-renowned detective.
675) <Phantom_Hoover> You know what annoys me about Deep Space 9.  <Phantom_Hoover> It wasn't in deep space.  <Phantom_Hoover> It was orbiting Bajor.
677) <Phantom_Hoover> I think the worst part of growing up is that it isn't retroactive.
678) <Phantom_Hoover>  <Phantom_Hoover> WELCOME TO FUCKING STEELROMANCED
690) <Phantom_Hoover> I'd insult you behind your back, but I don't care which side of your back I insult you on.
695) <Phantom_Hoover> Life expectancy now is a function of whether you go berserk or not.
705) <Phantom_Hoover> No you can't fight crime in Glasgow.  <Phantom_Hoover> It's like trying to get rid of the space-time continuum.
724) <Phantom_Hoover> The reason the cute animals collection includes pictures of intestines is that cute animals have to have intestines.
734) <Ngevd> This is not the time for science!   <Phantom_Hoover> ALL TIMES ARE TIME FOR SCIENCE