view src/ploki/GNUmakefile @ 12296:042127c1c142 draft

<fizzie> ` rm /hackenv/bin/bfi; ln -s /hackenv/lib/kps/bfi /hackenv/bin/bfi # no need for actual copies that you can forget to delete though
author HackEso <>
date Sat, 04 Jan 2020 13:28:36 +0000
parents ac0403686959
line wrap: on
line source

.PHONY: all clean realclean distclean dist remake

include MakeSkel

$(OBJ:.o=.depend): %.depend: %.c %.h
	$(DEPEND) $< >$@

-include $(OBJ:.o=.depend)

Makefile: MakeSkel GNUmakefile $(OBJ:.o=.depend)
	$(RMF) Makefile
	$(CP) MakeSkel Makefile
	$(CAT) *.depend >>Makefile

.PHONY: dist
dist: Makefile tags distclean
	plokidir="`$(BASENAME) \"\`$(PWD)\`\"`" \
	version="`$(CAT) VERSION`" && \
	cd .. && \
	$(RMF) "ploki-$$version.tar$(ZIP_EXT)" && \
	$(TAR) -cf "ploki-$$version.tar" --exclude-from="$$plokidir/IGNORE" "$$plokidir" && \
	$(ZIP) "ploki-$$version.tar"