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date Sat, 04 May 2013 06:18:25 +0000
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2004-05-27.txt:23:27:50: <mooz-> lament; I think there's finnish palindromes with several hundred words at least, which make up a semi-coherent story
2004-05-27.txt:23:29:57: <lament> probabyl because all finnish words are palindromes
2007-09-03.txt:18:41:59: <ihope> Even though it has nothing to do with palindromes or redivision.
2007-10-20.txt:00:03:04: <ehird`> matches palindromes: /^\W*(?:((.)\W*(?1)\W*|)|((.)\W*(?3)\W*|\W*.\W*))\W*$/i
2007-12-08.txt:10:05:38: <oklopol> i can't do palindromes in english :<
2007-12-08.txt:10:06:26: <oklopol> well, i can do palindromes in any language that's fully robust
2007-12-08.txt:10:10:39: <oklopol> okay, i guess i can somewhat make palindromes in english too, but i'm a bit slow
2007-12-08.txt:10:34:17: <oklopol> it's interesting that it's a lot easier to write song lyrics in english than in finnish, but simultaneously i cannot come up with any good long palindromes
2008-01-18.txt:19:05:31: <ais523> it rejected q; apparently it only wants even-length palindromes
2009-01-02.txt:03:26:27: <Warrigal> Remind me of palindromes, actually.
2009-01-23.txt:20:42:02: <oklopol> english is so trivial to make palindromes in
2009-02-15.txt:06:05:11: <GregorR> oklopol: Everyone has at least len(nick) trivial palindromes :P
2009-02-15.txt:09:17:24: <oerjan> <GregorR> oklopol: Everyone has at least len(nick) trivial palindromes :P
2009-02-16.txt:23:59:10: <oklofok> also both have palindromes in their nicks, you have a lot in common.
2009-02-17.txt:00:03:48: <oerjan> zeers with palindromes
2009-02-17.txt:00:04:48: <oerjan> but a bit short on palindromes
2009-02-17.txt:00:05:40: <oklofok> oerjan: nick palindromes are a temporary meme, please keep up.
2009-03-28.txt:22:40:50: * oerjan ponders an alternative way of making unlambda palindromes
2009-04-04.txt:22:38:31: <fizzie> "I'm training our recognizer to recognize palindromes better."
2009-04-04.txt:22:42:33: <oklopol> i guess palindromes are a bit trivial in languages you know natively
2009-04-09.txt:19:52:02: <oklopol> giving just random palindromes and non-palindromes will not work, even if the body of a palindrome checker was accidentally generated, it would be discarded.
2009-08-05.txt:23:57:59: <oklopol> have i done many palindromes here?
2010-01-17.txt:21:00:17: <oklopol> palindromes should not contain names
2010-04-10.txt:01:12:37: <oklopol> for palindromes, just make f reverse the latter one
2010-05-31.txt:21:34:12: <oerjan> as opposed to palindromes
2010-07-16.txt:07:19:09: <AnMaster> ever thought about the trivial way of making a language where all programs will have to output palindromes?
2011-07-12.txt:16:37:33: <oklopol> hi Taneb, do you wanna do palindromes or math?
2011-07-12.txt:16:37:57: <Taneb> I'm no good at palindromes
2011-07-12.txt:16:58:59: <Taneb> I'm just writing palindromes
2011-07-16.txt:09:50:26: <oklopol> you make the awesomest palindromes, you don't need sex and you don't need sleep. you are a fucking superhuman :|
2011-07-17.txt:12:27:27: <CakeProphet> awww yeah, list of all palindromes in an alphabet.
2011-07-17.txt:12:44:52: <ais523> NihilistDandy: fear of palindromes?
2011-07-17.txt:12:44:57: <quintopia> fear of palindromes?
2011-07-17.txt:12:47:51: <quintopia> alternately, you could delete on of the middle characters from the next rank of palindromes
2011-07-17.txt:12:57:13: <NihilistDandy> I dunno. Once you see a lot of palindromes, they start to come easy :D
2011-07-17.txt:13:07:05: <CakeProphet> > let palindromes alphabet = map ((((,) `ap` reverse)) $ (inits . repeat) alphabet >>= sequence >>=  (\x y -> map (\z -> x++z++y) ([]:map pure alphabet)) `ap` reverse
2011-07-17.txt:13:07:12: <CakeProphet> > let palindromes alphabet = map ((((,) `ap` reverse)) $ (inits . repeat) alphabet >>= sequence >>=  (\x y -> map (\z -> x++z++y) ([]:map pure alphabet)) `ap` reverse in palindromes "abc"
2011-07-17.txt:13:07:50: <CakeProphet> > let palindromes alphabet = (inits . repeat) alphabet >>= sequence >>=  (\x y -> map (\z -> x++z++y) ([]:map pure alphabet)) `ap` reverse in palindromes "abc"
2011-07-17.txt:13:09:53: <CakeProphet> there might be a fancier way to do that, but really the only way I can think of is to use >>= with a function that produces a list containing the even palidrome and its associated odd palindromes
2011-07-17.txt:13:13:24: <CakeProphet> > let palindromes alphabet = (inits . repeat) alphabet >>= sequence >>=  (\x y -> [x++y, map (\z -> x++z:y) alphabet]) `ap` reverse in palindromes "abc"
2011-07-17.txt:13:13:44: <CakeProphet> > let palindromes alphabet = (inits . repeat) alphabet >>= sequence >>=  (\x y -> [x++y, map (\z -> x++(z:y)) alphabet]) `ap` reverse in palindromes "abc"
2011-07-17.txt:13:15:52: <CakeProphet> > let palindromes alphabet = (inits . repeat) alphabet >>= sequence >>=  (\x y -> (x++y) : map (\z -> x++z:y) alphabet) `ap` reverse in palindromes "abc"
2011-07-17.txt:13:18:03: <CakeProphet> > let palindromes alphabet = (inits . repeat) alphabet >>= sequence >>=  (\x y -> (x++y) : map ((x++).(:y)) alphabet) `ap` reverse in palindromes "abc"
2011-07-17.txt:13:34:14: <CakeProphet> let palindromes alphabet = [0..] >>= (`replicateM` alphabet) >>=  (\x y -> (x++y) : map ((x++).(:y)) alphabet) `ap` reverse in palidromes "ab"
2011-07-17.txt:13:34:17: <CakeProphet> > let palindromes alphabet = [0..] >>= (`replicateM` alphabet) >>=  (\x y -> (x++y) : map ((x++).(:y)) alphabet) `ap` reverse in palidromes "ab"
2011-07-17.txt:13:34:24: <CakeProphet> > let palindromes alphabet = [0..] >>= (`replicateM` alphabet) >>=  (\x y -> (x++y) : map ((x++).(:y)) alphabet) `ap` reverse in palindromes "ab"
2011-07-17.txt:13:37:10: <elliott> > let strings = ([0..] >>=) . flip replicateM; palindromes = alphabet >>= (\x y -> (x++y) : map ((x++).(:y)) alphabet) `ap` reverse in palindromes "ab"
2011-07-17.txt:13:37:21: <elliott> > let strings = ([0..] >>=) . flip replicateM; palindromes alphabet = strings alphabet >>= (\x y -> (x++y) : map ((x++).(:y)) alphabet) `ap` reverse in palindromes "ab"
2011-07-20.txt:13:48:22: <CakeProphet> mmm palindromes.
2011-07-29.txt:16:32:52: <Taneb> The fear of palindromes
2011-07-30.txt:00:13:56: <elliott_> `addquote <Taneb> aibohphobia  <Taneb> The fear of palindromes
2011-07-30.txt:00:13:58: <HackEgo> 547) <Taneb> aibohphobia  <Taneb> The fear of palindromes
2011-08-20.txt:07:05:10: <NihilistDandy> Palindromes are better.
2011-08-20.txt:07:10:08: <oerjan> palindromes are self-anagrams
2011-09-12.txt:08:33:20: <CakeProphet> aspect:  here is a program I made in Haskell that outputs an infinite list of palindromes in an alphabet.
2011-09-12.txt:08:40:47: <CakeProphet> I could probably rewrite palindromes to be more readable but I prefer the concise code.
2011-09-12.txt:08:43:57: <monqy> > let palindromes alphabet = fmap (join $ (++) . reverse) ([0..] >>= (`replicateM` alphabet)) in palindromes "abc"
2011-10-14.txt:03:04:44: <elliott> a math problem involving counting palindromes?
2011-10-19.txt:20:13:46: <HackEgo> 521) <Taneb> aibohphobia  <Taneb> The fear of palindromes
2011-12-24.txt:05:46:06: <kallisti> @tell Ngevd More fun Haskell programs. A program that generates palindromes in a given alphabet:
2011-12-24.txt:10:00:57: <kallisti> > let { palindromes alphabet = [0..] >>= (`replicateM`  alphabet) >>=  (\x y -> (x++y) : map ((x++).(:y)) alphabet)  `ap` reverse } in palindromes "abc"
2011-12-28.txt:12:43:02: <monqy> not the palindromes?
2011-12-28.txt:12:43:13: <kallisti> but I use that to make palindromes yes.
2012-01-05.txt:01:09:49: <kallisti> palindromes are core to my research hcraeser ym ot eroc era semordnillap
2012-01-12.txt:18:30:13: <kallisti> `pastelog palindromes