view nasmbuild/nasm-2.13rc9/test/multisection.asm @ 10714:0350bdce1ab8

<rdococ> revert
author HackBot
date Sun, 16 Apr 2017 15:59:43 +0000
parents 587a0a262d22
line wrap: on
line source

;Testname=aout;  Arguments=-faout  -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=stdout stderr lnxhello.o
;Testname=aoutb; Arguments=-faoutb -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=stdout stderr lnxhello.o
;Testname=as86;  Arguments=-fas86  -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=stdout stderr lnxhello.o
;Testname=elf32; Arguments=-felf32 -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=stdout stderr lnxhello.o
;Testname=elf64; Arguments=-felf64 -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=stdout stderr lnxhello.o
;Testname=obj;   Arguments=-fobj   -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=stdout stderr lnxhello.o
;Testname=rdf;   Arguments=-frdf   -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=stdout stderr lnxhello.o
;Testname=win32; Arguments=-fwin32 -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=stdout stderr lnxhello.o
;Testname=win64; Arguments=-fwin64 -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=stdout stderr lnxhello.o

; To test where code that is placed before any explicit SECTION
; gets placed, and what happens if a .text section has an ORG
;statement, uncomment the following lines.
;	times	10h	nop
;section .text
;org 0x300
;	times	20h	inc ax

; let's see which of these sections can be placed in the specified order.

section .appspecific
section .data
section .stringdata
section .mytext
section .code
section .extra_code

section .stringdata
mystr1: db "Hello, this is string 1", 13, 10, '$'

section .extra_code
org 0x200
bits 16
   mov si, asciz1
   mov ah, 0x0E
   xor bx, bx
   test al, al
   jz .end
   int  0x10
   jmp short .print

   xor ax, ax
   int 0x16

   mov ax, 0x4c00
   int 0x21

section .appspecific
asciz1: db "This is string 2", 0

section .code
org 0x100
bits 16

   mov dx, mystr1
   mov ah, 9
   int 0x21

   xor ax, ax
   int 0x16

   jmp more

section .text
	xor	eax,eax
	times	50h nop

section .mytext

	xor	ebx,ebx

section .data
	db	95h,95h,95h,95h,95h,95h,95h,95h

section .hmm
	resd	2

section .bss
	resd	8

section .final1
	inc	ax

section .final2
	inc	bx

section .final3
	inc	cx