view paste/paste.3409 @ 4743:01f529641c6c

<Hjulle> for x in `seq 10`; do echo a$x >> y; sleep 1; done
author HackBot
date Mon, 25 Aug 2014 13:39:53 +0000
parents e037173e0012
line wrap: on
line source

2006-12-21.txt:00:03:10: <GregorR-W> A METRIC FUCKTON OF LEETNESS
2007-10-02.txt:22:43:25: <ehird`> Or is it a metric fuckton?
2007-10-02.txt:22:45:28: * SimonRC prefers the imperial fuckton
2007-10-02.txt:22:46:21: <bsmntbombdood> a metric fuckton is larger than an imperial fuckton
2007-10-02.txt:22:47:37: <oerjan> so now you can convert a pound to either newtons or fucktons, depending?
2007-10-02.txt:22:51:54: <ehird`> everything you need to know about the metric fuckton:
2007-10-02.txt:22:57:39: <bsmntbombdood> a metric fuckton is 2200 fucks
2007-10-02.txt:22:57:47: <bsmntbombdood> an imperial fuckton is 2000 fucks
2007-12-16.txt:00:53:27: <ehird`> I know it's been done, and I knew the first metric fucktons of emacs weren't :) Heck, i've even toyed around with my own (but it's not usable as of yet)
2008-09-05.txt:18:01:53: <tusho> the web is shit, people put shit that contradicts other shit in their shit, and as a browser maker you have to bend over, take it, and add a metric fuckton of hacks to make them work
2008-09-15.txt:12:20:18: <tusho> and a metric fuckton of other stuff
2009-01-28.txt:15:58:02: <pikhq> Also, that takes up a fuckton of memory.
2009-04-05.txt:21:45:35: <ehird> which is a fucktonion
2009-05-19.txt:22:51:02: <ehird> iirc, if you do a fuckton of sequential reads/writes it can be faster, but not by much
2009-05-31.txt:20:09:26: <ehird> bsmntbombdood: kernel reserves a fuckton of memory for usage later
2009-06-18.txt:21:09:14: <pikhq> They've had a fuckton of settlements.
2009-06-18.txt:21:10:58: <ehird> pikhq: metric fuckton?
2009-06-18.txt:21:12:27: <pikhq> SI fuckton.
2009-06-18.txt:21:14:46: <ehird> so "metric fuckton" → "SI fuckton" is sily.
2009-06-22.txt:20:56:28: <pikhq> Which is a fuckton of volume.
2009-07-11.txt:00:11:44: <ehird> They just had a fuckton of aliases.
2009-07-13.txt:21:55:52: <ehird> AnMaster:; a clever calculator/programming languages that knows a metric fuckton of units.
2009-07-13.txt:21:56:00: <ehird> (But not the metric fuckton, unfortunately.)
2009-07-13.txt:21:56:12: <AnMaster> only the imperial fuckton?
2009-08-10.txt:19:08:15: <ehird> exactly, a fuckton of .img.bin files
2009-08-20.txt:19:01:29: <ehird> AnMaster: it uses a royal fuckton
2009-08-20.txt:19:01:37: <ehird> (that's bigger than both a metric fuckton and an imperial fucktonne)
2009-08-21.txt:20:19:33: <ehird_> yes, and xserver-xorg installs a fuckton
2009-08-28.txt:13:38:29: <ehird> a fuckton of Fisherman's Friend lozenges
2009-08-30.txt:11:42:02: <AnMaster> ehird, and the answer is: a metric fuckton more
2009-10-01.txt:21:35:31: <pikhq> The Windows 95 CD came with more features and a metric fuckton of videos on the disc...
2009-10-12.txt:18:01:35: <ehird> And, soon, with five metric fucktons more desk space!
2009-11-01.txt:11:13:54: <ehird> Anyway, maintaining a compatible libc would be a metric fuckton of work.
2010-01-02.txt:15:44:58: <ehirdiphone> You said you study computational linguistics funny because I'm pretty sure any ai will involve a fuckton of it
2010-01-07.txt:21:19:54: <ehird> Perl 6 sure does have a metric fuckton of operators.
2010-03-06.txt:03:59:51: <Quadrescence> So why should I bother taking 384 hours explaining the faults of PLT Scheme to you relative to the language at hand when you don't know anything about it except it uses a fuckton of parentheses?
2010-03-13.txt:18:17:37: <pikhq> It leaked a metric fuckton of memory. And the author had no idea why.
2010-03-13.txt:18:23:53: <Gregor> `calc 1 metric fuckton in US fucktons
2010-03-13.txt:18:25:41: <Gregor> pikhq: Y'know, I'm starting to think that metric fucktons aren't even a real unit!
2010-05-23.txt:17:51:28: <alise> And the tag parser itself is going to have to handle finding 3 metric fucktons of text and then realising it's unbalanced and so shooting it off as text
2010-05-23.txt:17:52:27: <Quadrescence> 3 metric fucktons
2010-05-23.txt:17:52:57: <alise> Yes; it's slightly less than 3 regular fucktons.
2010-07-18.txt:00:05:24: <pikhq> That used a metric fuckton of crazy shit.
2010-08-09.txt:00:00:49: <alise> Wait ... didn't that show The Wire have a fuckton of profanity?
2010-08-09.txt:00:00:59: <pikhq> They had a fuckton of bleeps.
2010-08-13.txt:00:15:28: <alise_> dbc: Metric FUCKton, I'll have you know.
2010-08-13.txt:00:17:31: <oerjan> "he was crushed under a metric fuckton of lovers"
2010-09-02.txt:19:25:14: <alise> fizzie: Actually, isn't there some big ARM computer that consists of a fuckton of them?
2010-10-17.txt:17:57:02: <elliott> pikhq: I think we are up for a FUCKTON of flashbacks.
2010-10-18.txt:19:59:20: <elliott> Vorpal: It's, like, a daemon-based fancy-fancy abstraction layer to a metric fuckton of package managers.
2010-10-20.txt:15:02:41: <pikhq> But given that they're an ISP, I'm going with "still a fuckton."
2010-11-06.txt:01:51:16: <elliott> ...this thing would cost a fuckton. I want it.
2011-01-29.txt:02:26:32: <Gregor> (But wine has a fuckton of dependencies, so gathering them all = nightmare)
2011-02-04.txt:00:35:29: <pikhq> Sure, it produces a *fuckton* of food, but it produces shitty food in a manner that we *can't* keep doing.
2011-02-13.txt:18:08:09: <Gregor> elliott: It certainly made my life fucktons easier.
2011-02-21.txt:03:59:01: <elliott> and have that expand a fuckton
2011-02-24.txt:00:31:15: <pikhq> elliott_: I dunno about Finnish, but Japanese agglutinates a fuckton.
2011-02-25.txt:20:39:53: <pikhq> There's a metric fuckton of homework due.
2011-02-26.txt:22:48:23: <pikhq> So, yeah, we spend a *fuckton* of time on primary and secondary education for, well, shitty results.
2011-08-22.txt:00:01:53: <pikhq> *Java* seems to love using metric fucktons of heap, though.
2011-09-03.txt:03:39:32: <elliott> CakeProphet: Hey, I'm going to reban you again, because the nvidia code you linked me to uses fucktons of helpers that I can't find the definitions of
2011-09-07.txt:00:02:15: <pikhq_> It's in C++, so low-level, it's a fuckton of painful serialisation.
2011-09-12.txt:03:52:40: <Gregor> As per how many files, roughly a metric fuckton.
2011-09-17.txt:13:57:42: <itidus21> `log fuckton
2011-09-17.txt:13:57:45: <HackEgo> 2010-03-13.txt:18:25:41: <Gregor> pikhq: Y'know, I'm starting to think that metric fucktons aren't even a real unit!
2011-09-17.txt:13:58:50: <itidus21> `log fuckton
2011-09-17.txt:13:58:53: <HackEgo> 2010-10-17.txt:17:57:02: <elliott> pikhq: I think we are up for a FUCKTON of flashbacks.
2011-09-17.txt:13:59:46: <itidus21> why are people always addressing pikhq with the word fuckton i wonder
2011-09-17.txt:14:00:20: <itidus21> `log fuckton
2011-09-17.txt:14:00:24: <HackEgo> 2011-09-17.txt:13:58:50: <itidus21> `log fuckton
2011-09-17.txt:14:00:28: <itidus21> `log fuckton
2011-09-17.txt:14:00:31: <HackEgo> 2011-09-12.txt:03:52:40: <Gregor> As per how many files, roughly a metric fuckton.
2011-09-17.txt:14:01:33: <itidus21> `log fuckton
2011-09-17.txt:14:01:37: <HackEgo> 2009-06-18.txt:21:10:58: <ehird> pikhq: metric fuckton?
2011-09-17.txt:15:59:22: <Gregor> `pastelogs fuckton