view paste/paste.4030 @ 10176:00ca58f2763c

<oerjan> learn The `words dictionary framework was designed by H\xc3\xa5lgar Oslekk, Bick Noffrey, Guiston Degra\xc3\xaeme, Myyntti Raatalla, G\xc3\xb6lrika Rosenskild, Waslomir Siwovich, Gy\xc5\x91rvan S\xc3\xa1rbik, and Pastronella Gattrovezzi.
author HackBot
date Sat, 28 Jan 2017 18:46:09 +0000
parents f77a0ba2879b
line wrap: on
line source

597) <shachaf> VMS Mosaic?  <shachaf> I hope that's not Mosaic ported to VMS.  <shachaf> Hmm. It's Mosaic ported to VMS.
607) * Sgeo|web wants to see elliott be wrong about something  <elliott> Sgeo|web: That literally never happens.  <shachaf> Sgeo|web: There you go. A great example.
611) <shachaf> You should get kmc in this channel. kmc has good quotes.  <shachaf> `quote kmc  <HackEgo> 686) <kmc> COCKS [...] <kmc> truly cocks  <shachaf> Well, in theory.
619) <oerjan> shachaf: wait, _you_ are in northumberland?  <shachaf> No.  <oerjan> whew  <oerjan> we don't have room for more esolangers there.  <shachaf> oerjan: Wait, *you* are in Northumberland?  <oerjan> no  <shachaf> Whew.  <shachaf> We don't have room for more esolangers there.
655) <shachaf> fizzie: What kind of speech recognition do you do?  <shachaf> If you only need to recognize famous speeches, like Churchill or something, it should be pretty easy.
679) <shachaf> elliott: Anyway, if you wrote a Haskell book, I would read it and possibly provide classical criticism.  <shachaf> That is to say, non-constructive.
699) <shachaf> Lent is a bad habit that people find very difficult to give up.
708) <shachaf> Free as in unregistered, not free as in lunch or speech.
718) <shachaf> elliott: Apparently Rowan Williams is Primate of All England.  <shachaf> CHECKMATE CREATIONISTS
739) <shachaf> U+2205 [∅] NO LETTER O ALLOWED
830) <shachaf> Bike: Your client colours people?  <Bike> it would be pretty boring to see everyone as white, i get that enough in real life
831) <shachaf> Do physicists have half-life crises?
841) <sgeo> GreyKnight, shachaf is like a high-level Forth
864) <olsner> shachaf: contrary to common belief, #esoteric is not really "a channel for crazy people", but has (ostensibly) a topic... is beaky from finland?
875) <shachaf> When you're a logreader, everything is a quote.
892) <shachaf> Taneb: STOP TRYING TO GET LENS INTO EVERYTHING  <shachaf> Bike: You should use lens!  <Taneb> NEVER  <Bike> shachaf: i'm getting mixed messages here 
917) <kmc> shachaf: LC_ALL=de_DE.utf-8 errno -l  <kmc> Veraltete NFS-Dateizugriffsnummer  <kmc> Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler  <kmc> "Unterbrechung während des Betriebssystemaufrufs"  i think that was in the Ring Cycle
919) <shachaf> what are some good concurrency primitives  <ais523> shachaf: how primitive do you want?
921) <shachaf> oerjan: What's cosubtyping?  <Phantom_Hoover> some sort of fusion of cosplay and type theory?
980) <shachaf> Bike: I think you're ready to learn about lens.  <Bike> oh god  <Bike> fiora help somebody help  <Bike> anybody
998) <shachaf> oerjan is spreading the tired rumour that if you play Nietzsche backwards you hear Jewish messages.
1003) <shachaf> "would be a good name for a band when preceded by its quotation" would be a good name for a band when preceded by its quotation
1010) <Fiora> shachaf: make friends.  help people.  find ways to help people be happy.  hug people.  have fun.  make the world a little bit better.
1013) <shachaf> i would visit elliott but i'm vegetarian
1037) <shachaf> shadowing, more like shadowing
1038) <shachaf> your first mistake was making your second mistake
1042) <shachaf> kmc: you gotta tell me if you're an op
1054) <shachaf> Hmm, is an Electronic Signature in a PDF file a thing?  <shachaf> How do they work?  <zzo38> [1] Yes. [2] It doesn't.
1061) <@elliott> well, I think if you don't think figuring out who the opposite of shachaf is requires thought, then you don't know shachaf very well
1085) <Bike> a dark day for all of humankind  <zzo38> Bike: Wrong. Not all of humankind lives in the same timezone.  <shachaf> a dark day for some of humankind  <zzo38> OK
1101) <shachaf> "Well, that was fun" -- Taneb "atriq" Ngevd
1118) <shachaf> sometimes i think fizzie twiddling fungot's knobs behind the scenes  <fungot> shachaf: because he is in the way of eventual development of ai on par with e.g. ( sqrt square double), and the
1134) <shachaf> A Swede who was in #esoteric / Thought his rhymes were a little generic. / "I might use, in my prose, / ꙮs, / But my poetry's alphanumeric."
1136) <shachaf> i'm from space.........chu space
1171) <shachaf> pippi långstrump's name is translated as "gilgi" or "bilbi" usually  <ion> Does she have a ring of power?
1200) <shachaf> you open the third door and behind it is an argument about the monty hall problem
1246) <fungot> tswett: stop being an associative list. [...] <shachaf> is tswett being an associative list again  <tswett> I'm: sorry; I: can't help it;
1253) <shachaf> What is an esolang?  <hppavilion[1]> shachaf: It's an archaic term for an Esolang
1267) <b_jonas> shachaf: different notation. -o is logical or in find, but it's linear implication in linear logic
1268) <shachaf> pikhq: The Google way isn't exactly NIH. They have their own variant of it.
1278) <Taneb> Morning  <shachaf> G'daneb  <shachaf> invent anything good overnight?  <Taneb> I don't know yet, I haven't read the logs