view paste/paste.14983 @ 10176:00ca58f2763c

<oerjan> learn The `words dictionary framework was designed by H\xc3\xa5lgar Oslekk, Bick Noffrey, Guiston Degra\xc3\xaeme, Myyntti Raatalla, G\xc3\xb6lrika Rosenskild, Waslomir Siwovich, Gy\xc5\x91rvan S\xc3\xa1rbik, and Pastronella Gattrovezzi.
author HackBot
date Sat, 28 Jan 2017 18:46:09 +0000
parents d2c0f7f1812b
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2013-05-08.txt:13:38:53: -!- JesseH has joined #esoteric.
2013-05-08.txt:13:49:20: <JesseH> I started working on an esoteric programming language yesterday.
2013-05-08.txt:14:03:41: <JesseH> My language is interpreted with an interpreter I wrote in Lua btw.
2013-05-08.txt:17:13:14: <JesseH> Jafet, descentos looked interesting until I saw the reddit link >_>
2013-05-08.txt:17:24:13: <JesseH> You got one? :D
2013-05-08.txt:17:25:04: <JesseH> My distro is exactly ubuntu 10.04, but without the firefox package.
2013-05-08.txt:17:25:12: <JesseH> VIVA REVOLUTIOJ
2013-05-08.txt:17:25:18: <JesseH> REVOLUTION*
2013-05-08.txt:18:02:54: <JesseH> Yep, a friend of mine is working on this.
2013-05-08.txt:18:03:13: <JesseH> It wasn't funded.
2013-05-08.txt:18:03:17: <JesseH> ;__; 
2013-05-08.txt:18:03:21: <Taneb> JesseH: I don't think I know you. Are you new?
2013-05-08.txt:18:03:29: <JesseH> I am new. :-)
2013-05-08.txt:18:04:54: <JesseH> I was told by that this was the place to go.
2013-05-08.txt:18:06:42: <JesseH> I recently started working on a esoteric programming language, and thought I'de hang out here. :P
2013-05-08.txt:18:07:11: <kmc> JesseH: cool, what's it like?
2013-05-08.txt:18:07:43: <JesseH> This is your basic hello world program.
2013-05-08.txt:18:07:43: <JesseH> START:ou:hello world:DONE:
2013-05-08.txt:18:07:53: <JesseH> The interpreter is written in Lua.
2013-05-08.txt:18:08:07: <JesseH> It does some basic things, working on getting it turing complete. ^_^
2013-05-08.txt:18:08:59: <JesseH>
2013-05-08.txt:18:09:11: <JesseH> A script MUST be on one line
2013-05-08.txt:18:09:25: <JesseH> I am still working on the unique part.
2013-05-08.txt:18:09:32: <JesseH> It handles things differently I can tell you that.
2013-05-08.txt:18:10:03: <JesseH>
2013-05-08.txt:18:10:19: <JesseH> watch out python...derplang is coming!
2013-05-08.txt:18:10:23: <JesseH> :P
2013-05-08.txt:18:11:59: <JesseH> Pretty easy to implement too.
2013-05-08.txt:18:12:17: <JesseH> A little bit harder to write...
2013-05-08.txt:18:12:18: <tromp> JesseH: how do you output the string ":DONE:" ?
2013-05-08.txt:18:12:35: <JesseH> You can't :P
2013-05-08.txt:18:12:46: <JesseH> DONE: means end of code
2013-05-08.txt:18:13:27: <JesseH> This isn't C XD
2013-05-08.txt:18:13:58: <JesseH> I don't use "'s to show the interpreter what is a string and what isnt
2013-05-08.txt:18:14:12: <JesseH> actually what you could do is do this
2013-05-08.txt:18:14:18: <JesseH> START:ou:DONE :DONE:
2013-05-08.txt:18:14:23: <JesseH> That will print DONE
2013-05-08.txt:18:14:40: <JesseH> With one added space at the makes a difference. ^_^
2013-05-08.txt:18:15:24: <JesseH> Yes
2013-05-08.txt:18:15:52: <JesseH> Now, I could take it out, and make it not matter very easily....but why would I do that?
2013-05-08.txt:18:16:01: <JesseH> Actually wait
2013-05-08.txt:18:16:03: <JesseH> I was wrong
2013-05-08.txt:18:16:10: <JesseH> You can do 
2013-05-08.txt:18:16:13: <JesseH> ou:DONE:
2013-05-08.txt:18:16:23: <JesseH> I forgot how I implemented it! Such bad memory
2013-05-08.txt:18:16:35: <JesseH> Since yesterday I've rewritten around 10 times :P
2013-05-08.txt:18:16:57: <JesseH> It checks the 1st, and last statement
2013-05-08.txt:18:17:03: <JesseH> the 1st statement MUST be start
2013-05-08.txt:18:17:08: <JesseH> and the last MUST be DONE
2013-05-08.txt:18:17:21: <JesseH> If not, it spits a DERP error to you
2013-05-08.txt:18:18:03: <JesseH> So yeah, if you wanted to get some input, and print it out 5 times heres what the script would look like
2013-05-08.txt:18:18:22: <JesseH> START:ou:What is your name?:ip:x:fo:1:5:ou:x:DONE:
2013-05-08.txt:18:18:33: <JesseH> I think...let me run that in my interpreter to check.
2013-05-08.txt:18:19:10: <JesseH> Yep that syntax is correct
2013-05-08.txt:18:23:04: <JesseH> Taneb, thanks btw ^_^
2013-05-08.txt:18:48:37: <Taneb> JesseH: btw did you get asked the questions
2013-05-08.txt:18:48:52: <JesseH> What questions O.o
2013-05-08.txt:18:49:17: <JesseH> Sounds like a fun place to live
2013-05-08.txt:18:49:32: <JesseH> but no
2013-05-08.txt:18:49:45: <JesseH> I do not.
2013-05-08.txt:18:49:56: <JesseH> Thanks
2013-05-08.txt:18:49:58: <JesseH> ^_^
2013-05-08.txt:18:51:13: <JesseH> How do I get my coords?
2013-05-08.txt:18:51:33: <oerjan> JesseH: i'm sure google maps can give them somehow
2013-05-08.txt:18:51:40: <JesseH> Oh right
2013-05-08.txt:18:51:53: <JesseH> I live in Murica if that matters.
2013-05-08.txt:18:52:36: <JesseH> O.o
2013-05-08.txt:18:52:50: <JesseH> More like, Georgia.
2013-05-08.txt:18:53:15: <JesseH> <_> #esoteric lurkers be creapin
2013-05-08.txt:18:53:27: <boily> JesseH: thanks! and subtly your body weigh?
2013-05-08.txt:18:53:32: <JesseH> Taneb, probably no
2013-05-08.txt:18:53:38: <JesseH> boily, 135
2013-05-08.txt:18:53:44: <JesseH> No one here is from georgia XD
2013-05-08.txt:18:54:01: <JesseH> I would be surprised.
2013-05-08.txt:18:54:02: <Taneb> JesseH: do you know anyone called Adam Curtis
2013-05-08.txt:18:54:04: <boily> JesseH: ah, good, someone else that works with good ol' regular orthodox pounds.
2013-05-08.txt:18:54:18: <oerjan> JesseH: you _could_ be right since kallisti isn't present
2013-05-08.txt:18:54:22: <JesseH> Taneb, sounds familiar O.o
2013-05-08.txt:18:55:00: <JesseH> lol
2013-05-08.txt:18:55:42: <JesseH> Atlanta is the city where "it's happeneing".
2013-05-08.txt:18:55:48: <JesseH> I don't live there either. :c
2013-05-08.txt:18:56:38: <JesseH> The good neighborhoods >_>
2013-05-08.txt:18:58:29: <JesseH> So um
2013-05-08.txt:18:58:32: <JesseH> Enough of that
2013-05-08.txt:18:58:50: <JesseH> Cool esolang talk goes on here?
2013-05-08.txt:18:58:55: <JesseH> I haven't heard any ;D
2013-05-08.txt:18:59:22: <JesseH> Taneb, good idea for a language!
2013-05-08.txt:18:59:24: <JesseH> ha
2013-05-08.txt:18:59:26: <JesseH> haha
2013-05-08.txt:18:59:27: <JesseH> hahaha
2013-05-08.txt:18:59:49: <Taneb> JesseH, yeah, look at the topic bar
2013-05-08.txt:19:01:15: <JesseH> toaster is only toaster complete >_>
2013-05-08.txt:19:08:46: <FireFly> I assume JesseH has been properly `welcome'd?
2013-05-08.txt:19:10:01: <FireFly> `relcome JesseH
2013-05-08.txt:19:10:08: <HackEgo> ​14JesseH: Welcome to07 02the06 inte12r08nat14ional hub for esoteri04c 14pr13ogramming language design and deployment! For more03 informatio07n06, ch10eck ou03t o03ur wik04i: (For the other 14kind of eso06teri05ca, try #eso06t12eric on irc.d05al.n05et.)
2013-05-08.txt:19:20:55: <JesseH> FireFly, thanks ;D
2013-05-08.txt:19:22:16: <JesseH> dal net?
2013-05-08.txt:19:22:19: <JesseH> Might try it out
2013-05-08.txt:19:23:43: <JesseH> ^_^
2013-05-08.txt:19:24:12: <JesseH> So um, no convos are going on so...
2013-05-08.txt:19:24:30: <JesseH> Anyone wanna discuss my language, help me decide what to implement next/in the future?
2013-05-08.txt:19:25:04: <JesseH> For those who missed... (
2013-05-08.txt:19:25:19: <JesseH> Fork and or star it pl0x :-)
2013-05-08.txt:19:26:01: <Taneb> JesseH: make a wiki article!
2013-05-08.txt:19:26:08: <JesseH> I just might!
2013-05-08.txt:19:26:26: <JesseH> Some of the design will change though so I'm afraid to go into much detail.
2013-05-08.txt:19:28:28: <JesseH> Taneb, where is this wiki so I can make an article
2013-05-08.txt:19:28:50: <JesseH> Just checking ^_^
2013-05-08.txt:19:30:38: <JesseH> What am I supposed to put here?
2013-05-08.txt:19:30:56: <Taneb> JesseH: nothing
2013-05-08.txt:19:31:05: <JesseH> ah okay
2013-05-08.txt:19:31:44: <JesseH> I don't know where to put my article ;_;
2013-05-08.txt:19:32:35: <JesseH> ahh
2013-05-08.txt:19:32:36: <JesseH> okay
2013-05-08.txt:19:32:55: <JesseH>
2013-05-08.txt:19:32:59: <JesseH> That's "Derplang"
2013-05-08.txt:19:33:05: <JesseH> My language is called "derplang"
2013-05-08.txt:19:33:44: <oerjan> JesseH: you need to put a {{lowercase}} template on top of the article.
2013-05-08.txt:19:35:08: <JesseH> okay oerjan 
2013-05-08.txt:19:38:50: <nooodl> JesseH: why's it called derplang?
2013-05-08.txt:19:38:57: <JesseH> because...derp
2013-05-08.txt:19:39:10: <JesseH> pronounced "derpling"
2013-05-08.txt:19:39:27: <JesseH> derp-lang
2013-05-08.txt:19:39:42: <JesseH> Inspired by the derpitines of ancient rome
2013-05-08.txt:19:39:49: <JesseH> or whatever
2013-05-08.txt:19:44:49: <JesseH> Will the Contents thingy show up automatically?
2013-05-08.txt:19:44:57: <JesseH> (of the wiki)
2013-05-08.txt:19:45:31: <boily> JesseH: contents is either javascript and or php and or stuff going on in the background, usually.
2013-05-08.txt:19:45:40: <JesseH> O.o
2013-05-08.txt:19:47:04: <JesseH> Someone needs to create a language, that is used for creating other languages.
2013-05-08.txt:19:47:30: <JesseH> > create language called mixANDfix
2013-05-08.txt:19:47:36: <JesseH> >> language created
2013-05-08.txt:19:47:37: <JesseH> lol
2013-05-08.txt:19:48:02: <JesseH> It will make up random syntax and what not.
2013-05-08.txt:19:48:06: <nortti> `? JesseH
2013-05-08.txt:19:48:08: <HackEgo> JesseH? ¯\(°_o)/¯
2013-05-08.txt:19:48:19: <JesseH> `?`?
2013-05-08.txt:19:48:46: <JesseH> `? nortti 
2013-05-08.txt:19:48:50: <JesseH> D:
2013-05-08.txt:20:19:24: <JesseH>
2013-05-08.txt:20:19:29: <JesseH> Tell me what you guys think ;D
2013-05-08.txt:20:22:22: <Taneb> JesseH: are numbers and strings automatically coerced to eachother
2013-05-08.txt:20:23:00: <JesseH> With co?
2013-05-08.txt:20:23:25: <JesseH> Yep
2013-05-08.txt:20:23:44: <JesseH> huh?
2013-05-08.txt:20:23:48: <JesseH> Explain your questions ;D
2013-05-08.txt:20:24:02: <mnoqy> JesseH: you should add a section on what's unique about your language
2013-05-08.txt:20:24:23: <JesseH> Taneb, if they are strings it won't work and will spit a lua error at you probably
2013-05-08.txt:20:24:48: <JesseH> Yep that won't work
2013-05-08.txt:20:25:25: <JesseH> mnoqy, I will eventually. ^_^
2013-05-08.txt:20:25:43: <JesseH> I am considering taking out the START and DONE things...
2013-05-08.txt:20:25:49: <Taneb> JesseH: would you consider an implementation inaccurate if it detected that at compile-time and didn't compile because of ti
2013-05-08.txt:20:26:16: <JesseH> I don't understand
2013-05-08.txt:20:26:45: <JesseH> JesseH = simpleton
2013-05-08.txt:20:30:11: <AnotherTest> JesseH: it's bad because you haven't categorized it
2013-05-08.txt:20:30:13: <nooodl> JesseH: does 'fo' only work with single-argument commands?
2013-05-08.txt:20:32:22: <JesseH> nooodl, then that would throw a lua error at you
2013-05-08.txt:20:32:54: <JesseH> nooodl, yes for now, its all single argument. Must be a number. Basically it says "execute" the command with one argument x number of times.
2013-05-08.txt:20:33:14: <JesseH> AnotherTest, I see a contents thing is that what you mean? 
2013-05-08.txt:20:33:28: <JesseH> Oh wait no I see AnotherTest 
2013-05-08.txt:20:35:06: <JesseH> oh dang I am confused on categorizing!
2013-05-08.txt:20:35:49: <JesseH> AnotherTest, What do you mean you havent categorized?
2013-05-08.txt:20:36:12: <JesseH> <AnotherTest> JesseH: it's bad because you haven't categorized it
2013-05-08.txt:21:12:57: <JesseH> night Taneb 
2013-05-08.txt:22:18:42: -!- JesseH is now known as NotJesseH.
2013-05-08.txt:22:19:14: -!- NotJesseH is now known as JesseH.
2013-05-08.txt:23:29:26: <JesseH> I think my language is becoming too useful.
2013-05-08.txt:23:29:29: <JesseH> >_>
2013-05-08.txt:23:33:10: <JesseH> Yep, might just stop development here. It does enough. ^_^
2013-05-08.txt:23:40:15: <JesseH>
2013-05-08.txt:23:40:43: <JesseH> Actually no, once I get a better conditional statement, and some socket library access, ill say it's "done".
2013-05-08.txt:23:40:59: <JesseH> That way I can start working on my other ideas ^_^
2013-05-08.txt:23:43:23: <JesseH> Scroll down look for the github
2013-05-08.txt:23:43:45: <JesseH> What would be the point designing a language without implementing?
2013-05-08.txt:23:43:47: <JesseH> :P
2013-05-08.txt:23:46:52: <JesseH> D:
2013-05-08.txt:23:49:48: <JesseH> Sgeo, bitbucket
2013-05-08.txt:23:52:11: <JesseH> I don't think youll die if you don't push for a few minutes
2013-05-08.txt:23:52:22: <JesseH> :P
2013-05-08.txt:23:58:54: <JesseH> lol
2013-05-09.txt:00:01:54: <JesseH> what im sayin
2013-05-09.txt:01:25:28: <JesseH> I just got something that is similar to "goto" implemented in my language. ^_^
2013-05-09.txt:01:25:49: <JesseH> Now if I get the "if" thingie implemented you might be able to do something with this confusing pile of shit :D
2013-05-09.txt:01:26:25: <JesseH> Bike, 
2013-05-09.txt:01:26:27: <JesseH> potato
2013-05-09.txt:01:27:12: <JesseH> Harm things? I hope so.
2013-05-09.txt:01:27:28: <JesseH> Agreed
2013-05-09.txt:01:28:12: <JesseH> basically, in my language, everything in between the :'s have a numerical number..which is in order
2013-05-09.txt:01:28:36: <JesseH> You can now hop to any part of the program :D
2013-05-09.txt:01:31:32: <JesseH> I love this channel XD
2013-05-09.txt:01:31:43: <JesseH> I'm so used to being kicked and banned for saying off-topic shit
2013-05-09.txt:01:31:54: <JesseH> You know that you can't talk about ubuntu in #ubuntu?
2013-05-09.txt:01:31:55: <Bike> JesseH: how could would you say your language is at resource allocation in emergency conditions
2013-05-09.txt:01:32:16: <JesseH> no no i'm not complaining!
2013-05-09.txt:01:32:22: <JesseH> please continue to speak about potatos
2013-05-09.txt:01:32:31: <JesseH> lol
2013-05-09.txt:01:32:48: <JesseH> kmc, forgot the rest D:
2013-05-09.txt:01:33:17: <JesseH> Bike, this is a high level esoteric language
2013-05-09.txt:01:37:17: <JesseH> Isn't there a moo language?
2013-05-09.txt:01:38:40: <JesseH>
2013-05-09.txt:02:09:18: <JesseH> Hi can anyone look through the language overview and give me tips on what else the language needs?
2013-05-09.txt:02:10:36: <Bike> JesseH: 99 bottles
2013-05-09.txt:02:10:52: <JesseH> Bike, really? ill totally add that if you want ^^
2013-05-09.txt:02:11:01: <JesseH> bike: will print out "99 bottles"
2013-05-09.txt:02:11:41: <JesseH> Bike, dont understand
2013-05-09.txt:02:12:10: <JesseH> does not compute
2013-05-09.txt:02:12:23: <JesseH> hmm
2013-05-09.txt:02:12:35: <JesseH> I've heard the reference before
2013-05-09.txt:02:12:37: <JesseH> I forgot
2013-05-09.txt:02:13:00: <Bike> JesseH:
2013-05-09.txt:02:14:04: <JesseH> Ohhhh Bike okay i understand now!
2013-05-09.txt:02:14:50: <Bike> JesseH: also implement
2013-05-09.txt:02:15:52: <JesseH> Alright thanks for the tips
2013-05-09.txt:02:17:36: <JesseH> Bike, Does it have to get the first number, and put that in front of the string?
2013-05-09.txt:02:17:44: <Bike> JesseH: does what have to what
2013-05-09.txt:02:17:50: <JesseH> oh wait
2013-05-09.txt:02:17:59: <JesseH> okay so basically
2013-05-09.txt:02:18:31: <JesseH> i have to write a program in my language that if you type something, it will manipulate that data and return something else
2013-05-09.txt:02:18:44: <JesseH> or well
2013-05-09.txt:02:18:57: <JesseH> I need an if statement in my language...I know that
2013-05-09.txt:02:19:12: <JesseH> input already works
2013-05-09.txt:02:19:26: <JesseH> Bike, alright
2013-05-09.txt:02:25:34: <JesseH> ackerman function is a bit confusing. I may just be sleepy.
2013-05-09.txt:02:26:12: <JesseH> I'm looking at other examples
2013-05-09.txt:02:26:56: <JesseH> How could I do this without if statement?
2013-05-09.txt:02:27:15: <JesseH> or well
2013-05-09.txt:02:27:32: <JesseH> How can I write this in a language without the ability to create functions?
2013-05-09.txt:02:28:31: <JesseH> I can add conditions >:P
2013-05-09.txt:02:28:54: <JesseH> That's the part I'm working on
2013-05-09.txt:02:28:59: <JesseH> Seeing what I need for it to be turing complete
2013-05-09.txt:02:29:05: <JesseH> mnoqy, my point :P
2013-05-09.txt:02:29:38: <JesseH> In my language, to go on forever, printing a number that gets bigger each time you do this...
2013-05-09.txt:02:30:42: <lifthrasiir> JesseH: I can't get a gist of your language (from the past log), can you describe a bit more? :)
2013-05-09.txt:02:31:12: <JesseH> nu:x:0:ad:y:x:1:ou:y:gt:4
2013-05-09.txt:02:31:21: <JesseH> let me test that code
2013-05-09.txt:02:32:01: <JesseH> well that just prints 1 forever :/
2013-05-09.txt:02:32:25: <JesseH> Ill need to fix ^_^
2013-05-09.txt:02:33:03: <JesseH> lifthrasiir, sorry im super thinking
2013-05-09.txt:02:33:13: <JesseH> brains cpu is all on one thing right now
2013-05-09.txt:02:33:21: <JesseH> You can force close or wait 
2013-05-09.txt:02:33:59: <lifthrasiir> JesseH: yes, it is definitely not TC, meaning that it is not on the same level as other esolangs and normal languages (at least conceptually)
2013-05-09.txt:02:35:00: <JesseH> lifthrasiir, turing completeness is my goal
2013-05-09.txt:02:36:37: <JesseH> I think ill make the if statement only check if the two variables are ==
2013-05-09.txt:02:36:45: <JesseH> That will make things interesting.
2013-05-09.txt:02:38:37: <Bike> imo, jesseh should learn ski calculus and then make something interesting
2013-05-09.txt:02:38:51: <JesseH> I just may
2013-05-09.txt:02:40:11: <JesseH> ill making something that is only sometimes tc
2013-05-09.txt:02:40:23: <JesseH> lifthrasiir, yep
2013-05-09.txt:02:40:51: <JesseH> everytime the interpreter is run, it throws a random, and if it is whatever value, it will use the code that makes it turing complete
2013-05-09.txt:02:40:53: <JesseH> if not, it wont
2013-05-09.txt:02:40:54: <JesseH> :-)
2013-05-09.txt:02:41:09: <JesseH> lol
2013-05-09.txt:02:50:16: <JesseH> I'm going to bed. Tomorrow...turring completeness is among us.
2013-05-09.txt:11:21:07: <JesseH> Alright, I have a conditional statement. | Check "it" in Language Overview.
2013-05-09.txt:12:55:20: <JesseH> Anyone have any good suggestions for esoteric languages to learn?
2013-05-09.txt:13:09:22: <nooodl> JesseH: hey, how does 'ou' work? does it append a newline when printing something?
2013-05-09.txt:13:20:26: <JesseH> nooodl, it will ignore and go on to the next statement
2013-05-09.txt:13:20:33: <JesseH> nooodl, ou:x will output whatever x is
2013-05-09.txt:13:20:44: <JesseH> if x isn't a declared variable it will output "x"
2013-05-09.txt:13:20:56: <JesseH> nooodl, I think "st:foo:Hello, world!:co:foo:foo:foo:" is legal
2013-05-09.txt:13:21:03: <JesseH> You can test with the interpreter if youde like
2013-05-09.txt:13:21:11: <JesseH> nooodl, and yes new line
2013-05-09.txt:13:21:23: <JesseH> What OS are you on?
2013-05-09.txt:13:21:35: <JesseH> Just go install lua5.1 XD
2013-05-09.txt:13:22:31: <JesseH> Once I get the socket library added, we can have some real fun XD
2013-05-09.txt:13:24:42: <JesseH> nooodl, st:foo:Hello, world!:co:foo:foo:foo:ou:foo: didn't work D:
2013-05-09.txt:13:24:51: <JesseH> But in theory it's supposed to so it's an implementation error
2013-05-09.txt:13:26:38: <JesseH> yes
2013-05-09.txt:13:26:41: <JesseH> it has to be a number
2013-05-09.txt:13:26:51: <JesseH> and it should work if x is declared
2013-05-09.txt:13:26:53: <JesseH> i will test
2013-05-09.txt:13:29:37: <JesseH> That will give you a lua error
2013-05-09.txt:13:30:02: <JesseH> You are basically giving gt the value of 6
2013-05-09.txt:13:30:08: <JesseH> which is not what you're supposed to do XD
2013-05-09.txt:13:30:21: <JesseH> Trying to break my codez are we? ;D
2013-05-09.txt:13:32:14: <JesseH> st:foo:hi:st:coo:bye:co:z:foo:coo:ou:z:
2013-05-09.txt:13:32:16: <JesseH> That works
2013-05-09.txt:13:32:29: <JesseH> The output is foocoo
2013-05-09.txt:13:32:44: <JesseH> oh shit
2013-05-09.txt:13:32:47: <JesseH> !
2013-05-09.txt:13:32:51: <JesseH> That's not supposed to happen
2013-05-09.txt:13:33:38: <JesseH> lua derplang.lua filename.derp
2013-05-09.txt:13:33:40: <JesseH> :-)
2013-05-09.txt:13:34:06: <JesseH> brb
2013-05-09.txt:13:48:26: <oerjan> <JesseH> Will the Contents thingy show up automatically? <-- there's a minimum number of sections before it shows up, i think, and there's also some user viewing preference.
2013-05-09.txt:13:49:18: <JesseH> oerjan, ah oke
2013-05-09.txt:13:49:29: <JesseH> nooodl, :-) there is lots of magic to my language you don't know
2013-05-09.txt:13:49:35: <oerjan> <JesseH> Someone needs to create a language, that is used for creating other languages. <-- haskell hth
2013-05-09.txt:13:49:37: <JesseH> Thanks to lua's derpness
2013-05-09.txt:13:51:17: <oerjan> JesseH: also emmental on the wiki might count, in a different way.
2013-05-09.txt:13:51:30: <JesseH> I'm confused on a lot of wiki stuff
2013-05-09.txt:13:51:34: <JesseH> So I don't understand what you mean
2013-05-09.txt:13:52:05: <JesseH> boily, give descriptions of each one of those commands and ill put em in ;)
2013-05-09.txt:13:52:39: <Phantom_Hoover> JesseH why do you have a girl's name
2013-05-09.txt:13:53:13: <JesseH> I am what you call...a genital morpher
2013-05-09.txt:13:53:41: <JesseH> mighty morphing genitalssss
2013-05-09.txt:13:54:20: <JesseH> O.o
2013-05-09.txt:13:58:09: <JesseH> I hope so. :P
2013-05-09.txt:13:58:31: <JesseH> fixing a couple bugs in implementation 
2013-05-09.txt:14:01:43: <JesseH> So
[too many lines; stopping]