view bin/gaseen @ 12001:00218840bf5c draft

<wib_jonas> `` perl -pi -e \'s/^(url\\(1hackeso\\) -) .*/$1 print URL for a file in the hackenv hg repository and web access of the repository/\' share/whatis
author HackEso <>
date Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:21:00 +0000
parents 7b39af120554
line wrap: on
line source

who="${1% }" who="${who,,}"
gawk -vw="$who" -vOFS=":" '
tolower($2) ~ w{x=$0} ENDFILE{if(x){print substr(FILENAME,1,10), x; exit}}
' < <(for ((i=${#arr[@]}-1; i>=0; i-- )); do echo ${arr[i]}; done)