diff unicode @ 4574:d09b208e869f

<Jafet> fetch http://sources.debian.net/data/main/u/unicode/0.9.7/unicode
author HackBot
date Thu, 17 Apr 2014 22:53:59 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/unicode	Thu Apr 17 22:53:59 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,815 @@
+import os, glob, sys, unicodedata, locale, gzip, re, traceback, encodings
+import urllib, webbrowser, textwrap
+# bz2 was introduced in 2.3, we want this to work also with earlier versions
+    import bz2
+except ImportError:
+    bz2 = None
+# for python3
+    unicode
+except NameError:
+    unicode = str
+# 'any' and 'all' were introduced in python2.5
+# dummy replacement for older versions
+    all
+except NameError:
+    all = lambda x: False
+PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
+if PY3:
+    import subprocess as cmd
+    def is_ascii(s):
+        "test is string s consists completely of ascii characters (python 3)"
+        try:
+            s.encode('ascii')
+        except UnicodeEncodeError:
+            return False
+        return True
+    def out(*args):
+        "pring args, converting them to output charset"
+        for i in args:
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+            sys.stdout.buffer.write(i.encode(options.iocharset, 'replace'))
+    # ord23 is used to convert elements of byte array in python3, which are integers
+    ord23 = lambda x: x
+    # unichr is not in python3
+    unichr = chr
+else: # python2
+    # getoutput() and getstatusoutput() methods have
+    # been moved from commands to the subprocess module
+    # with Python >= 3.x
+    import commands as cmd
+    def is_ascii(s):
+        "test is string s consists completely of ascii characters (python 2)"
+        try:
+            unicode(s, 'ascii')
+        except UnicodeDecodeError:
+            return False
+        return True
+    def out(*args):
+        "pring args, converting them to output charset"
+        for i in args:
+            sys.stdout.write(i.encode(options.iocharset, 'replace'))
+    ord23 = ord
+from optparse import OptionParser
+# list of terminals that support bidi
+biditerms = ['mlterm']
+    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
+except locale.Error:
+    pass
+# guess terminal charset
+    iocharsetguess = locale.nl_langinfo(locale.CODESET) or "ascii"
+except locale.Error:
+    iocharsetguess = "ascii"
+if os.environ.get('TERM') in biditerms and iocharsetguess.lower().startswith('utf'):
+    LTR = u'\u202d' # left to right override
+    LTR = ''
+colours = {
+            'none'       :    "",
+            'default'    :    "\033[0m",
+            'bold'       :    "\033[1m",
+            'underline'  :    "\033[4m",
+            'blink'      :    "\033[5m",
+            'reverse'    :    "\033[7m",
+            'concealed'  :    "\033[8m",
+            'black'      :    "\033[30m",
+            'red'        :    "\033[31m",
+            'green'      :    "\033[32m",
+            'yellow'     :    "\033[33m",
+            'blue'       :    "\033[34m",
+            'magenta'    :    "\033[35m",
+            'cyan'       :    "\033[36m",
+            'white'      :    "\033[37m",
+            'on_black'   :    "\033[40m",
+            'on_red'     :    "\033[41m",
+            'on_green'   :    "\033[42m",
+            'on_yellow'  :    "\033[43m",
+            'on_blue'    :    "\033[44m",
+            'on_magenta' :    "\033[45m",
+            'on_cyan'    :    "\033[46m",
+            'on_white'   :    "\033[47m",
+            'beep'       :    "\007",
+            }
+general_category = {
+      'Lu':  'Letter, Uppercase',
+      'Ll':  'Letter, Lowercase',
+      'Lt':  'Letter, Titlecase',
+      'Lm':  'Letter, Modifier',
+      'Lo':  'Letter, Other',
+      'Mn':  'Mark, Non-Spacing',
+      'Mc':  'Mark, Spacing Combining',
+      'Me':  'Mark, Enclosing',
+      'Nd':  'Number, Decimal Digit',
+      'Nl':  'Number, Letter',
+      'No':  'Number, Other',
+      'Pc':  'Punctuation, Connector',
+      'Pd':  'Punctuation, Dash',
+      'Ps':  'Punctuation, Open',
+      'Pe':  'Punctuation, Close',
+      'Pi':  'Punctuation, Initial quote',
+      'Pf':  'Punctuation, Final quote',
+      'Po':  'Punctuation, Other',
+      'Sm':  'Symbol, Math',
+      'Sc':  'Symbol, Currency',
+      'Sk':  'Symbol, Modifier',
+      'So':  'Symbol, Other',
+      'Zs':  'Separator, Space',
+      'Zl':  'Separator, Line',
+      'Zp':  'Separator, Paragraph',
+      'Cc':  'Other, Control',
+      'Cf':  'Other, Format',
+      'Cs':  'Other, Surrogate',
+      'Co':  'Other, Private Use',
+      'Cn':  'Other, Not Assigned',
+bidi_category = {
+     'L'   : 'Left-to-Right',
+     'LRE' : 'Left-to-Right Embedding',
+     'LRO' : 'Left-to-Right Override',
+     'R'   : 'Right-to-Left',
+     'AL'  : 'Right-to-Left Arabic',
+     'RLE' : 'Right-to-Left Embedding',
+     'RLO' : 'Right-to-Left Override',
+     'PDF' : 'Pop Directional Format',
+     'EN'  : 'European Number',
+     'ES'  : 'European Number Separator',
+     'ET'  : 'European Number Terminator',
+     'AN'  : 'Arabic Number',
+     'CS'  : 'Common Number Separator',
+     'NSM' : 'Non-Spacing Mark',
+     'BN'  : 'Boundary Neutral',
+     'B'   : 'Paragraph Separator',
+     'S'   : 'Segment Separator',
+     'WS'  : 'Whitespace',
+     'ON'  : 'Other Neutrals',
+comb_classes = {
+        0: 'Spacing, split, enclosing, reordrant, and Tibetan subjoined',
+        1: 'Overlays and interior',
+        7: 'Nuktas',
+        8: 'Hiragana/Katakana voicing marks',
+        9: 'Viramas',
+       10: 'Start of fixed position classes',
+      199: 'End of fixed position classes',
+      200: 'Below left attached',
+      202: 'Below attached',
+      204: 'Below right attached',
+      208: 'Left attached (reordrant around single base character)',
+      210: 'Right attached',
+      212: 'Above left attached',
+      214: 'Above attached',
+      216: 'Above right attached',
+      218: 'Below left',
+      220: 'Below',
+      222: 'Below right',
+      224: 'Left (reordrant around single base character)',
+      226: 'Right',
+      228: 'Above left',
+      230: 'Above',
+      232: 'Above right',
+      233: 'Double below',
+      234: 'Double above',
+      240: 'Below (iota subscript)',
+def get_unicode_properties(ch):
+    properties = {}
+    if ch in linecache:
+        fields = linecache[ch].strip().split(';')
+        proplist = ['codepoint', 'name', 'category', 'combining', 'bidi', 'decomposition', 'dummy', 'digit_value', 'numeric_value', 'mirrored', 'unicode1name', 'iso_comment', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'titlecase']
+        for i, prop in enumerate(proplist):
+            if prop!='dummy':
+                properties[prop] = fields[i]
+        if properties['lowercase']:
+            properties['lowercase'] = unichr(int(properties['lowercase'], 16))
+        if properties['uppercase']:
+            properties['uppercase'] = unichr(int(properties['uppercase'], 16))
+        if properties['titlecase']:
+            properties['titlecase'] = unichr(int(properties['titlecase'], 16))
+        properties['combining'] = int(properties['combining'])
+        properties['mirrored'] = properties['mirrored']=='Y'
+    else:
+        properties['codepoint'] = '%04X' % ord(ch)
+        properties['name'] = unicodedata.name(ch, '')
+        properties['category'] = unicodedata.category(ch)
+        properties['combining'] = unicodedata.combining(ch)
+        properties['bidi'] = unicodedata.bidirectional(ch)
+        properties['decomposition'] = unicodedata.decomposition(ch)
+        properties['digit_value'] = unicodedata.digit(ch, '')
+        properties['numeric_value'] = unicodedata.numeric(ch, '')
+        properties['mirrored'] = unicodedata.mirrored(ch)
+        properties['unicode1name'] = ''
+        properties['iso_comment'] = ''
+        properties['uppercase'] = ch.upper()
+        properties['lowercase'] = ch.lower()
+        properties['titlecase'] = ''
+    return properties
+def do_init():
+    HomeDir = os.path.expanduser('~/.unicode')
+    HomeUnicodeData = os.path.join(HomeDir, "UnicodeData.txt")
+    global UnicodeDataFileNames
+    UnicodeDataFileNames = [HomeUnicodeData, '/usr/share/unicode/UnicodeData.txt', '/usr/share/unidata/UnicodeData.txt', './UnicodeData.txt'] + \
+        glob.glob('/usr/share/unidata/UnicodeData*.txt') + \
+        glob.glob('/usr/share/perl/*/unicore/UnicodeData.txt') + \
+        glob.glob('/System/Library/Perl/*/unicore/UnicodeData.txt') # for MacOSX
+    HomeUnihanData = os.path.join(HomeDir, "Unihan*")
+    global UnihanDataGlobs
+    UnihanDataGlobs = [HomeUnihanData, '/usr/share/unidata/Unihan*', '/usr/share/unicode/Unihan*', './Unihan*']
+def get_unihan_files():
+    fos = [] # list of file names for Unihan data file(s)
+    for gl in UnihanDataGlobs:
+        fnames = glob.glob(gl)
+        fos += fnames
+    return fos
+def get_unihan_properties_internal(ch):
+    properties = {}
+    ch = ord(ch)
+    global unihan_fs
+    for f in unihan_fs:
+        fo = OpenGzip(f)
+        for l in fo:
+            if l.startswith('#'):
+                continue
+            line = l.strip()
+            if not line:
+                continue
+            char, key, value = line.strip().split('\t')
+            if int(char[2:], 16) == ch:
+                properties[key] = unicode(value, 'utf-8')
+            elif int(char[2:], 16)>ch:
+                break
+    return properties
+def get_unihan_properties_zgrep(ch):
+    properties = {}
+    global unihan_fs
+    ch = ord(ch)
+    chs = 'U+%X' % ch
+    for f in unihan_fs:
+        if f.endswith('.gz'):
+            grepcmd = 'zgrep'
+        elif f.endswith('.bz2'):
+            grepcmd = 'bzgrep'
+        else:
+            grepcmd = 'grep'
+        cmdline = grepcmd+' ^'+chs+r'\\b '+f
+        status, output = cmd.getstatusoutput(cmdline)
+        output = output.split('\n')
+        for l in output:
+            if not l:
+                continue
+            char, key, value = l.strip().split('\t')
+            if int(char[2:], 16) == ch:
+                if PY3:
+                    properties[key] = value
+                else:
+                    properties[key] = unicode(value, 'utf-8')
+            elif int(char[2:], 16)>ch:
+                break
+    return properties
+# basic sanity check, if e.g. you run this on MS Windows...
+if os.path.exists('/bin/grep'):
+    get_unihan_properties = get_unihan_properties_zgrep
+    get_unihan_properties = get_unihan_properties_internal
+def error(txt):
+    out(txt)
+    out('\n')
+    sys.exit(1)
+def get_gzip_filename(fname):
+    "return fname, if it does not exist, return fname+.gz, if neither that, fname+bz2, if neither that, return None"
+    if os.path.exists(fname):
+        return fname
+    if os.path.exists(fname+'.gz'):
+        return fname+'.gz'
+    if os.path.exists(fname+'.bz2') and bz2 is not None:
+        return fname+'.bz2'
+    return None
+def OpenGzip(fname):
+    "open fname, try fname.gz or fname.bz2 if fname does not exist, return file object or GzipFile or BZ2File object"
+    if os.path.exists(fname) and not (fname.endswith('.gz') or fname.endswith('.bz2')):
+        return open(fname)
+    if os.path.exists(fname+'.gz'):
+        fname = fname+'.gz'
+    elif os.path.exists(fname+'.bz2') and bz2 is not None:
+        fname = fname+'.bz2'
+    if fname.endswith('.gz'):
+        return gzip.GzipFile(fname)
+    elif fname.endswith('.bz2'):
+        return bz2.BZ2File(fname)
+    return None
+def GrepInNames(pattern, fillcache=False):
+    p = re.compile(pattern, re.I)
+    f = None
+    for name in UnicodeDataFileNames:
+        f = OpenGzip(name)
+        if f != None:
+            break
+    if not fillcache:
+        if not f:
+            out( """
+Cannot find UnicodeData.txt, please place it into 
+/usr/share/unicode/UnicodeData.txt, ~/.unicode/ or current 
+working directory (optionally you can gzip it).
+Without the file, searching will be much slower.
+""" )
+            for i in xrange(sys.maxunicode):
+                try:
+                    name = unicodedata.name(unichr(i))
+                    if re.search(p, name):
+                        yield myunichr(i)
+                except ValueError:
+                    pass
+        else:
+            for l in f:
+                if re.search(p, l):
+                    r = myunichr(int(l.split(';')[0], 16))
+                    linecache[r] = l
+                    yield r
+            f.close()
+    else:
+        if f:
+            for l in f:
+                if re.search(p, l):
+                    r = myunichr(int(l.split(';')[0], 16))
+                    linecache[r] = l
+            f.close()
+def valfromcp(n, cp=None):
+    "if fromcp is defined, then the 'n' is considered to be from that codepage and is converted accordingly"
+    if cp:
+        xh = '%x' %n
+        if len(xh) % 2: # pad hexadecimal representation with a zero
+            xh = '0'+xh
+        cps = ( [xh[i:i+2] for i in range(0,len(xh),2)] )
+        cps = ( chr(int(i, 16)) for i in cps)
+        cps = ''.join(cps)
+        """
+        if 0 <= n <= 255:
+            s = chr(n)
+        elif 256 <= n <= 65535:
+            s = struct.pack('>H', n)
+        elif 65536 <= n <= sys.maxint:
+            s = struct.pack('>H', n)
+        else: # bad character code, either negative or too big
+            raise ValueError("Bad character code %s" %n)
+        print 'ee',`s`
+        n = unicode(s, cp)
+        """
+        s = unicode(cps, cp)
+        ns = [ord(x) for x in s]
+        return ns
+    else:
+        return [n]
+def myunichr(n):
+    try:
+        r = unichr(n)
+        return r
+    except OverflowError:
+        traceback.print_exc()
+        error("The codepoint is too big - it does not fit into an int.")
+    except ValueError:
+        traceback.print_exc()
+        err = "The codepoint is too big."
+        if sys.maxunicode <= 0xffff:
+            err += "\nPerhaps your python interpreter is not compiled with wide unicode characters."
+        error(err)
+def guesstype(arg):
+    if not arg: # empty string
+        return 'empty string', arg
+    elif not is_ascii(arg):
+        return 'string', arg
+    elif arg[:2]=='U+' or arg[:2]=='u+': # it is hexadecimal number
+        try:
+            val = int(arg[2:], 16)
+            if val>sys.maxunicode:
+                return 'regexp', arg
+            else:
+                return 'hexadecimal', arg[2:]
+        except ValueError:
+            return 'regexp', arg
+    elif arg[0] in "Uu" and len(arg)>4:
+        try:
+            val = int(arg[1:], 16)
+            if val>sys.maxunicode:
+                return 'regexp', arg
+            else:
+                return 'hexadecimal', arg
+        except ValueError:
+            return 'regexp', arg
+    elif len(arg)>=4:
+        if len(arg) in (8, 16, 24, 32):
+            if all(x in '01' for x in arg):
+                val = int(arg, 2)
+                if val<=sys.maxunicode:
+                    return 'binary', arg
+        try:
+            val = int(arg, 16)
+            if val>sys.maxunicode:
+                return 'regexp', arg
+            else:
+                return 'hexadecimal', arg
+        except ValueError:
+            return 'regexp', arg
+    else:
+        return 'string', arg
+def process(arglist, t, fromcp=None):
+    # build a list of values, so that we can combine queries like
+    # LATIN ALPHA and search for LATIN.*ALPHA and not names that
+    # contain either LATIN or ALPHA
+    result = []
+    names_query = [] # reserved for queries in names - i.e. -r
+    for arg_i in arglist:
+        if t==None:
+            tp, arg = guesstype(arg_i)
+            if tp == 'regexp':
+                # if the first argument is guessed to be a regexp, add
+                # all the following arguments to the regular expression -
+                # this is probably what you wanted, e.g. 
+                # 'unicode cyrillic be' will now search for the 'cyrillic.*be' regular expression
+                t = 'regexp'
+        else:
+            tp, arg = t, arg_i
+        if tp=='hexadecimal':
+            val = int(arg, 16)
+            vals = valfromcp(val, fromcp)
+            for val in vals:
+                r = myunichr(val)
+                list(GrepInNames('%04X'%val, fillcache=True)) # fill the table with character properties
+                result.append(r)
+        elif tp=='decimal':
+            val = int(arg, 10)
+            vals = valfromcp(val, fromcp)
+            for val in vals:
+                r = myunichr(val)
+                list(GrepInNames('%04X'%val, fillcache=True)) # fill the table with character properties
+                result.append(r)
+        elif tp=='octal':
+            val = int(arg, 8)
+            vals = valfromcp(val, fromcp)
+            for val in vals:
+                r = myunichr(val)
+                list(GrepInNames('%04X'%val, fillcache=True)) # fill the table with character properties
+                result.append(r)
+        elif tp=='binary':
+            val = int(arg, 2)
+            vals = valfromcp(val, fromcp)
+            for val in vals:
+                r = myunichr(val)
+                list(GrepInNames('%04X'%val, fillcache=True)) # fill the table with character properties
+                result.append(r)
+        elif tp=='regexp':
+            names_query.append(arg)
+        elif tp=='string':
+            try:
+                if PY3: # argv is automatically decoded into unicode, even padded with bogus character if it is not encodable
+                    unirepr = arg
+                else:
+                    unirepr = unicode(arg, options.iocharset)
+            except UnicodeDecodeError:
+                error ("Sequence %s is not valid in charset '%s'." % (repr(arg),  options.iocharset))
+            unilist = ['%04X'%ord(x) for x in unirepr]
+            unireg = '|'.join(unilist)
+            list(GrepInNames(unireg, fillcache=True))
+            for r in unirepr:
+                result.append(r)
+        elif tp=='empty string':
+            pass # do not do anything for an empty string
+    if names_query:
+        query = '.*'.join(names_query)
+        for r in GrepInNames(query):
+            result.append(r)
+    return result
+def maybe_colours(colour):
+    if use_colour:
+        return colours[colour]
+    else:
+        return ""
+# format key and value
+def printkv(*l):
+    for i in range(0, len(l), 2):
+        if i<len(l)-2:
+            sep = "  "
+        else:
+            sep = "\n"
+        k, v = l[i], l[i+1]
+        out(maybe_colours('green'))
+        out(k)
+        out(": ")
+        out(maybe_colours('default'))
+        out(unicode(v))
+        out(sep)
+def print_characters(clist, maxcount, query_wiki=0):
+    """query_wiki - 0 - don't
+                    1 - spawn browser
+    """
+    counter = 0
+    for c in clist:
+        if query_wiki:
+            ch = urllib.quote(c.encode('utf-8')) # wikipedia uses UTF-8 in names
+            wiki_url = 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/'+ch
+            webbrowser.open(wiki_url)
+            query_wiki = 0 # query only the very first character
+        if maxcount:
+            counter += 1
+        if counter > options.maxcount:
+            out("\nToo many characters to display, more than %s, use --max option to change it\n" % options.maxcount)
+            return
+        properties = get_unicode_properties(c)
+        out(maybe_colours('bold'))
+        out('U+%04X '% ord(c)) 
+        if properties['name']:
+            out(properties['name'])
+        else:
+            out(maybe_colours('default'))
+            out(" - No such unicode character name in database")
+        out(maybe_colours('default'))
+        out('\n')
+        ar = ["UTF-8", ' '.join([("%02x" % ord23(x)) for x in c.encode('utf-8')]) ,
+              "UTF-16BE", ''.join([("%02x" % ord23(x)) for x in c.encode('utf-16be')]),
+              "Decimal", "&#%s;" % ord(c) ]
+        if options.addcharset:
+            try:
+                rep = ' '.join([("%02x" % ord(x)) for x in c.encode(options.addcharset)] )
+            except UnicodeError:
+                rep = "NONE"
+            ar.extend( [options.addcharset, rep] )
+        printkv(*ar)
+        if properties['combining']:
+            pc = " "+c
+        else:
+            pc = c
+        out(pc)
+        uppercase = properties['uppercase']
+        lowercase = properties['lowercase']
+        if uppercase:
+            out(" (%s)" % uppercase)
+            out('\n')
+            printkv( "Uppercase", 'U+%04X'% ord(properties['uppercase']) )
+        elif lowercase:
+            out(" (%s)" % properties['lowercase'])
+            out('\n')
+            printkv( "Lowercase", 'U+%04X'% ord(properties['lowercase']) )
+        else:
+            out('\n')
+        printkv( 'Category', properties['category']+ " (%s)" % general_category[properties['category']] )
+        if properties['numeric_value']:
+            printkv( 'Numeric value',  properties['numeric_value'])
+        if properties['digit_value']:
+            printkv( 'Digit value',  properties['digit_value'])
+        bidi = properties['bidi']
+        if bidi:
+            printkv( 'Bidi', bidi+ " (%s)" % bidi_category[bidi] )
+        mirrored = properties['mirrored']
+        if mirrored:
+            out('Character is mirrored\n')
+        comb = properties['combining']
+        if comb:
+            printkv( 'Combining', str(comb)+ " (%s)" % (comb_classes.get(comb, '?')) )
+        decomp = properties['decomposition']
+        if decomp:
+            printkv( 'Decomposition', decomp )
+        if options.verbosity>0:
+            uhp = get_unihan_properties(c)
+            for key in uhp:
+                printkv(key, uhp[key])
+        out('\n')
+def print_block(block):
+    #header
+    out(" "*10)
+    for i in range(16):
+        out(".%X " % i)
+    out('\n')
+    #body
+    for i in range(block*16, block*16+16):
+        hexi = "%X" % i
+        if len(hexi)>3:
+            hexi = "%07X" % i
+            hexi = hexi[:4]+" "+hexi[4:]
+        else:
+            hexi = "     %03X" % i
+        out(LTR+hexi+".  ")
+        for j in range(16):
+            c = unichr(i*16+j)
+            if unicodedata.combining(c):
+                c = " "+c
+            out(c)
+            out('  ')
+        out('\n')
+    out('\n')
+def print_blocks(blocks):
+    for block in blocks:
+        print_block(block)
+def is_range(s, typ):
+    sp = s.split('..')
+    if len(sp)!=2:
+        return False
+    if not sp[1]:
+        sp[1] = sp[0]
+    elif not sp[0]:
+        sp[0] = sp[1]
+    if not sp[0]:
+        return False
+    low = list(process([sp[0]], typ)) # intentionally no fromcp here, ranges are only of unicode characters
+    high = list(process([sp[1]], typ))
+    if len(low)!=1 or len(high)!=1:
+        return False
+    low = ord(low[0])
+    high = ord(high[0])
+    low = low // 256
+    high = high // 256 + 1
+    return range(low, high)
+parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] arg")
+parser.add_option("-x", "--hexadecimal",
+      action="store_const", const='hexadecimal', dest="type", 
+      help="Assume arg to be hexadecimal number")
+parser.add_option("-o", "--octal",
+      action="store_const", const='octal', dest="type", 
+      help="Assume arg to be octal number")
+parser.add_option("-b", "--binary",
+      action="store_const", const='binary', dest="type", 
+      help="Assume arg to be binary number")
+parser.add_option("-d", "--decimal",
+      action="store_const", const='decimal', dest="type",
+      help="Assume arg to be decimal number")
+parser.add_option("-r", "--regexp",
+      action="store_const", const='regexp', dest="type",
+      help="Assume arg to be regular expression")
+parser.add_option("-s", "--string",
+      action="store_const", const='string', dest="type",
+      help="Assume arg to be a sequence of characters")
+parser.add_option("-a", "--auto",
+      action="store_const", const=None, dest="type",
+      help="Try to guess arg type (default)")
+parser.add_option("-m", "--max",
+      action="store", default=10, dest="maxcount", type="int",
+      help="Maximal number of codepoints to display, default: 10; 0=unlimited")
+parser.add_option("-i", "--io",
+      action="store", default=iocharsetguess, dest="iocharset", type="string",
+      help="I/O character set, I am guessing %s" % iocharsetguess)
+parser.add_option("--fcp", "--fromcp",
+      action="store", default='', dest="fromcp", type="string",
+      help="Convert numerical arguments from this encoding, default: no conversion")
+parser.add_option("-c", "--charset-add",
+      action="store", dest="addcharset", type="string",
+      help="Show hexadecimal reprezentation in this additional charset")
+parser.add_option("-C", "--colour",
+      action="store", dest="use_colour", type="string",
+      default="auto",
+      help="Use colours, on, off or auto")
+parser.add_option('', "--color",
+      action="store", dest="use_colour", type="string",
+      default="auto",
+      help="synonym for --colour")
+parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
+      action="count", dest="verbosity",
+      default=0,
+      help="Increase verbosity (reads Unihan properties - slow!)")
+parser.add_option("-w", "--wikipedia",
+      action="count", dest="query_wiki",
+      default=0,
+      help="Query wikipedia for the character")
+      action="store_const", dest="list_all_encodings",
+      const=True,
+      help="List (approximately) all known encodings")
+(options, arguments) = parser.parse_args()
+linecache = {}
+if options.list_all_encodings:
+    all_encodings = os.listdir(os.path.dirname(encodings.__file__))
+    all_encodings = set([os.path.splitext(x)[0] for x in all_encodings])
+    all_encodings = list(all_encodings)
+    all_encodings.sort()
+    print (textwrap.fill(' '.join(all_encodings)))
+    sys.exit()
+if len(arguments)==0:
+    parser.print_help()
+    sys.exit()
+if options.use_colour.lower() in ("on", "1", "true", "yes"):
+    use_colour = True
+elif options.use_colour.lower() in ("off", "0", "false", "no"):
+    use_colour = False
+    use_colour = sys.stdout.isatty()
+    if sys.platform == 'win32':
+        use_colour = False
+l_args = [] # list of non range arguments to process
+for argum in arguments:
+    is_r = is_range(argum, options.type)
+    if is_r:
+        print_blocks(is_r)
+    else:
+        l_args.append(argum)
+if l_args:
+    unihan_fs = []
+    if options.verbosity>0:
+        unihan_fs = get_unihan_files() # list of file names for Unihan data file(s), empty if not available
+        if not unihan_fs:
+            out( """
+Unihan_*.txt files not found. In order to view Unihan properties, 
+please place the file into /usr/share/unidata/, 
+/usr/share/unicode/, ~/.unicode/
+or current working directory (optionally you can gzip or bzip2 them).
+You can get the files by unpacking ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/Unihan.zip
+Warning, listing UniHan Properties is rather slow.
+            options.verbosity = 0
+    try:
+        print_characters(process(l_args, options.type, options.fromcp), options.maxcount, options.query_wiki)
+    except IOError: # e.g. broken pipe
+        pass