diff perl-5.22.2/regen/mk_PL_charclass.pl @ 8045:a16537d2fe07

<xfix> tar xf perl-5.22.2.tar.gz # Ah, whatever, I\'m doing it anyway
author HackBot
date Sat, 14 May 2016 14:54:38 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/perl-5.22.2/regen/mk_PL_charclass.pl	Sat May 14 14:54:38 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+#!perl -w
+use v5.15.8;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+require 'regen/regen_lib.pl';
+require 'regen/charset_translations.pl';
+# This program outputs l1_charclass_tab.h, which defines the guts of the
+# PL_charclass table.  Each line is a bit map of properties that the Unicode
+# code point at the corresponding position in the table array has.  The first
+# line corresponds to code point U+0000, NULL, the last line to U+00FF.  For
+# an application to see if the code point "i" has a particular property, it
+# just does
+#    'PL_charclass[i] & BIT'
+# The bit names are of the form '_CC_property_suffix', where 'CC' stands for
+# character class, and 'property' is the corresponding property, and 'suffix'
+# is one of '_A' to mean the property is true only if the corresponding code
+# point is ASCII, and '_L1' means that the range includes any Latin1
+# character (ISO-8859-1 including the C0 and C1 controls).  A property without
+# these suffixes does not have different forms for both ranges.
+# This program need be run only when adding new properties to it, or upon a
+# new Unicode release, to make sure things haven't been changed by it.
+my @properties = qw(
+    ALPHA
+    ASCII
+    BLANK
+    CASED
+    CNTRL
+    DIGIT
+    GRAPH
+    LOWER
+    PRINT
+    PUNCT
+    SPACE
+    UPPER
+# Read in the case fold mappings.
+my %folded_closure;
+my @hex_non_final_folds;
+my @non_latin1_simple_folds;
+my @folds;
+use Unicode::UCD;
+BEGIN { # Have to do this at compile time because using user-defined \p{property}
+    # Use the Unicode data file if we are on an ASCII platform (which its data
+    # is for), and it is in the modern format (starting in Unicode 3.1.0) and
+    # it is available.  This avoids being affected by potential bugs
+    # introduced by other layers of Perl
+    my $file="lib/unicore/CaseFolding.txt";
+    if (ord('A') == 65
+        && pack("C*", split /\./, Unicode::UCD::UnicodeVersion()) ge v3.1.0
+        && open my $fh, "<", $file)
+    {
+        @folds = <$fh>;
+    }
+    else {
+        my ($invlist_ref, $invmap_ref, undef, $default)
+                                    = Unicode::UCD::prop_invmap('Case_Folding');
+        for my $i (0 .. @$invlist_ref - 1 - 1) {
+            next if $invmap_ref->[$i] == $default;
+            my $adjust = -1;
+            for my $j ($invlist_ref->[$i] .. $invlist_ref->[$i+1] -1) {
+                $adjust++;
+                # Single-code point maps go to a 'C' type
+                if (! ref $invmap_ref->[$i]) {
+                    push @folds, sprintf("%04X; C; %04X\n",
+                                        $j,
+                                        $invmap_ref->[$i] + $adjust);
+                }
+                else {  # Multi-code point maps go to 'F'.  prop_invmap()
+                        # guarantees that no adjustment is needed for these,
+                        # as the range will contain just one element
+                    push @folds, sprintf("%04X; F; %s\n",
+                                        $j,
+                                        join " ", map { sprintf "%04X", $_ }
+                                                        @{$invmap_ref->[$i]});
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for (@folds) {
+        chomp;
+        # Lines look like (without the initial '#'
+        #0130; F; 0069 0307; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE
+        # Get rid of comments, ignore blank or comment-only lines
+        my $line = $_ =~ s/ (?: \s* \# .* )? $ //rx;
+        next unless length $line;
+        my ($hex_from, $fold_type, @folded) = split /[\s;]+/, $line;
+        my $from = hex $hex_from;
+        # Perl only deals with S, C, and F folds
+        next if $fold_type ne 'C' and $fold_type ne 'F' and $fold_type ne 'S';
+        # Get each code point in the range that participates in this line's fold.
+        # The hash has keys of each code point in the range, and values of what it
+        # folds to and what folds to it
+        for my $i (0 .. @folded - 1) {
+            my $hex_fold = $folded[$i];
+            my $fold = hex $hex_fold;
+            push @{$folded_closure{$fold}}, $from if $fold < 256;
+            push @{$folded_closure{$from}}, $fold if $from < 256;
+            if (($fold_type eq 'C' || $fold_type eq 'S')
+                && ($fold < 256 != $from < 256))
+            {
+                # Fold is simple (hence can't be a non-final fold, so the 'if'
+                # above is mutualy exclusive from the 'if below) and crosses
+                # 255/256 boundary.  We keep track of the Latin1 code points
+                # in such folds.
+                push @non_latin1_simple_folds, ($fold < 256)
+                                                ? $fold
+                                                : $from;
+            }
+            elsif ($i < @folded-1
+                   && $fold < 256
+                   && ! grep { $_ eq $hex_fold } @hex_non_final_folds)
+            {
+                push @hex_non_final_folds, $hex_fold;
+                # Also add the upper case, which in the latin1 range folds to
+                # $fold
+                push @hex_non_final_folds, sprintf "%04X", ord uc chr $fold;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    # Now having read all the lines, combine them into the full closure of each
+    # code point in the range by adding lists together that share a common
+    # element
+    foreach my $folded (keys %folded_closure) {
+        foreach my $from (grep { $_ < 256 } @{$folded_closure{$folded}}) {
+            push @{$folded_closure{$from}}, @{$folded_closure{$folded}};
+        }
+    }
+    # We have the single-character folds that cross the 255/256, like KELVIN
+    # SIGN => 'k', but we need the closure, so add like 'K' to it
+    foreach my $folded (@non_latin1_simple_folds) {
+        foreach my $fold (@{$folded_closure{$folded}}) {
+            if ($fold < 256 && ! grep { $fold == $_ } @non_latin1_simple_folds) {
+                push @non_latin1_simple_folds, $fold;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+sub Is_Non_Latin1_Fold {
+    my @return;
+    foreach my $folded (keys %folded_closure) {
+        push @return, sprintf("%X", $folded), if grep { $_ > 255 }
+                                                     @{$folded_closure{$folded}};
+    }
+    return join("\n", @return) . "\n";
+sub Is_Non_Latin1_Simple_Fold { # Latin1 code points that are folded to by
+                                # non-Latin1 code points as single character
+                                # folds
+    return join("\n", map { sprintf "%X", $_ } @non_latin1_simple_folds) . "\n";
+sub Is_Non_Final_Fold {
+    return join("\n", @hex_non_final_folds) . "\n";
+my @bits;   # Bit map for each code point
+# For each character, calculate which properties it matches.
+for my $ord (0..255) {
+    my $char = chr($ord);
+    utf8::upgrade($char);   # Important to use Unicode rules!
+    # Look at all the properties we care about here.
+    for my $property (@properties) {
+        my $name = $property;
+        # Remove the suffix to get the actual property name.
+        # Currently the suffixes are '_L1', '_A', and none.
+        # If is a latin1 version, no further checking is needed.
+        if (! ($name =~ s/_L1$//)) {
+            # Here, isn't an _L1.  If its _A, it's automatically false for
+            # non-ascii.  The only current ones (besides ASCII) without a
+            # suffix are valid over the whole range.
+            next if $name =~ s/_A$// && $char !~ /\p{ASCII}/;
+        }
+        my $re;
+        if ($name eq 'PUNCT') {;
+            # Sadly, this is inconsistent: \pP and \pS for the ascii range,
+            # just \pP outside it.
+            $re = qr/\p{Punct}|[^\P{Symbol}\P{ASCII}]/;
+        } elsif ($name eq 'CHARNAME_CONT') {;
+            $re = qr/\p{_Perl_Charname_Continue}/,
+        } elsif ($name eq 'SPACE') {;
+            $re = qr/\p{XPerlSpace}/;
+        } elsif ($name eq 'IDFIRST') {
+            $re = qr/[_\p{Alpha}]/;
+        } elsif ($name eq 'WORDCHAR') {
+            $re = qr/\p{XPosixWord}/;
+        } elsif ($name eq 'ALPHANUMERIC') {
+            # Like \w, but no underscore
+            $re = qr/\p{Alnum}/;
+        } elsif ($name eq 'QUOTEMETA') {
+            $re = qr/\p{_Perl_Quotemeta}/;
+        } elsif ($name eq 'NONLATIN1_FOLD') {
+            $re = qr/\p{Is_Non_Latin1_Fold}/;
+        } elsif ($name eq 'NONLATIN1_SIMPLE_FOLD') {
+            $re = qr/\p{Is_Non_Latin1_Simple_Fold}/;
+        } elsif ($name eq 'NON_FINAL_FOLD') {
+            $re = qr/\p{Is_Non_Final_Fold}/;
+        } elsif ($name eq 'IS_IN_SOME_FOLD') {
+            $re = qr/\p{_Perl_Any_Folds}/;
+        } elsif ($name eq 'MNEMONIC_CNTRL') {
+            # These are the control characters that there are mnemonics for
+            $re = qr/[\a\b\e\f\n\r\t]/;
+        } else {    # The remainder have the same name and values as Unicode
+            $re = eval "qr/\\p{$name}/";
+            use Carp;
+            carp $@ if ! defined $re;
+        }
+        #print "$ord, $name $property, $re\n";
+        if ($char =~ $re) {  # Add this property if matches
+            $bits[$ord] .= '|' if $bits[$ord];
+            $bits[$ord] .= "(1U<<_CC_$property)";
+        }
+    }
+    #print __LINE__, " $ord $char $bits[$ord]\n";
+my $out_fh = open_new('l1_char_class_tab.h', '>',
+		      {style => '*', by => $0,
+                      from => "property definitions"});
+print $out_fh <<END;
+/* For code points whose position is not the same as Unicode,  both are shown
+ * in the comment*/
+# Output the table using fairly short names for each char.
+foreach my $charset (get_supported_code_pages()) {
+    my @a2n = @{get_a2n($charset)};
+    my @out;
+    print $out_fh "\n" . get_conditional_compile_line_start($charset);
+    for my $ord (0..255) {
+        my $name;
+        my $char = chr $ord;
+        if ($char =~ /\p{PosixGraph}/) {
+            my $quote = $char eq "'" ? '"' : "'";
+            $name = $quote . chr($ord) . $quote;
+        }
+        elsif ($char =~ /\p{XPosixGraph}/) {
+            use charnames();
+            $name = charnames::viacode($ord);
+            $name =~ s/LATIN CAPITAL LETTER //
+                    or $name =~ s/LATIN SMALL LETTER (.*)/\L$1/
+                    or $name =~ s/ SIGN\b//
+                    or $name =~ s/EXCLAMATION MARK/'!'/
+                    or $name =~ s/QUESTION MARK/'?'/
+                    or $name =~ s/QUOTATION MARK/QUOTE/
+                    or $name =~ s/ INDICATOR//;
+            $name =~ s/\bWITH\b/\L$&/;
+            $name =~ s/\bONE\b/1/;
+            $name =~ s/\b(TWO|HALF)\b/2/;
+            $name =~ s/\bTHREE\b/3/;
+            $name =~ s/\b QUARTER S? \b/4/x;
+            $name =~ s/VULGAR FRACTION (.) (.)/$1\/$2/;
+            $name =~ s/\bTILDE\b/'~'/i
+                    or $name =~ s/\bCIRCUMFLEX\b/'^'/i
+                    or $name =~ s/\bSTROKE\b/'\/'/i
+                    or $name =~ s/ ABOVE\b//i;
+        }
+        else {
+            use Unicode::UCD qw(prop_invmap);
+            my ($list_ref, $map_ref, $format) = prop_invmap("Name_Alias");
+            if ($format !~ /^s/) {
+                use Carp;
+                carp "Unexpected format '$format' for 'Name_Alias";
+                last;
+            }
+            my $which = Unicode::UCD::search_invlist($list_ref, $ord);
+            if (! defined $which) {
+                use Carp;
+                carp "No name found for code pont $ord";
+            }
+            else {
+                my $map = $map_ref->[$which];
+                if (! ref $map) {
+                    $name = $map;
+                }
+                else {
+                    # Just pick the first abbreviation if more than one
+                    my @names = grep { $_ =~ /abbreviation/ } @$map;
+                    $name = $names[0];
+                }
+                $name =~ s/:.*//;
+            }
+        }
+        my $index = $a2n[$ord];
+        $out[$index] = ($ord == $index)
+                    ? sprintf "/* U+%02X %s */ %s,\n", $ord, $name, $bits[$ord]
+                    : sprintf "/* 0x%02X U+%02X %s */ %s,\n", $index, $ord, $name, $bits[$ord];
+    }
+    print $out_fh join "", @out;
+    print $out_fh "\n" . get_conditional_compile_line_end();