diff paste/paste.3499 @ 1026:9a4f41db9f00

<elliott> revert
author HackBot
date Mon, 10 Dec 2012 23:42:04 +0000
parents e037173e0012
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/paste/paste.3499	Mon Dec 10 23:42:04 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+2003-02-12.txt:03:06:37: <calamari> @)
+2003-03-06.txt:03:02:27: -!- SamB has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: _SamB_!~naesten@
+2003-03-10.txt:13:25:03: <dbc> #ident  "@(#)true.sh    1.6     93/01/11 SMI"   /* SVr4.0 1.4   */
+2003-03-14.txt:04:21:05: <calamari> it should be near the top.. jeffry@ 
+2003-04-01.txt:09:42:20: -!- deltab has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: deltab_!~deltab@espians.com))).
+2003-04-03.txt:06:26:32: -!- lament has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: lament_!~lament@h24-78-145-92.vc.shawcable.net))).
+2003-04-12.txt:13:29:52: <dbc> Assumes EOF->0 or EOF->no change. Daniel B. Cristofani (cristofd@hevanet.com)]
+2003-05-21.txt:06:27:12: <dbc1> Daniel B. Cristofani (cristofd@hevanet.com)]
+2003-07-25.txt:01:22:04: -!- andreou changed the modes of #esoteric: +b *!*@bespin.org
+2003-07-25.txt:03:20:45: <andreou> [03:21:18] * andreou sets mode: +b *!*@bespin.org
+2003-07-25.txt:03:21:16: -!- andreou changed the modes of #esoteric: +b *!*@bespin.org
+2003-07-25.txt:03:25:04: -!- andreou changed the modes of #esoteric: +b clog!*@*
+2003-07-26.txt:03:28:36: <andreou> HATE HATE SYSAD@$%!$%!#$!@#$@#NO CARRIER
+2003-07-29.txt:23:42:28: <lament> 14:39 <@Taaus> Ok. I'll look forward to your implementation :)
+2003-07-29.txt:23:44:52: <lament>  <@Taaus> Now read this conversation in reverse.
+2003-07-30.txt:22:13:27: <lament> Taaus: ooh. Sick!@
+2003-07-31.txt:18:52:29: <lament> @.-::=@_.
+2003-07-31.txt:18:52:32: <lament> @*-::=@_*
+2003-07-31.txt:18:52:37: <lament> @_*...............|
+2003-10-21.txt:00:40:38: <andreou> post an apb on misc@
+2003-10-21.txt:00:51:27: <lament> hi steve, we'll cure you!@
+2003-10-21.txt:00:52:01: <calamari_> andreou i'm not a good role model for that.. I like to add @ for exit :)
+2003-10-21.txt:00:52:31: <calamari_> but it gets along with @ just fine
+2003-10-21.txt:00:54:23: <andreou> oh, in comp.sys.hp48 there was an interesting thread in which two brainfuck compilers/interpreters crept up... i meant to summarize it and send it over to lang@ and fob
+2003-10-22.txt:03:33:57: <andreou> lament lang@, sci@ and misc@
+2003-10-31.txt:09:12:05: <BFBot> ????????????????????? !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
+2003-11-21.txt:02:38:14: <Taaus> @+(0,0) @@{@+(1,1)}
+2003-11-21.txt:02:39:07: <Taaus> @+<coord> is "push <coord> onto stack", @@<coord> is "do <coord> for each item in stack"
+2003-11-21.txt:02:43:26: <Taaus> The @+ operation doesn't affect the current coordinate, but it does push its argument onto the stack.
+2004-02-08.txt:20:50:21: <fizzie> random stuff: I almost wrote a sed-based brainf*ck interpreter, but then I decided writing a befunge one would be more interesting. managed to implement [0-9], @ and +, then got bored.
+2004-02-28.txt:23:06:35: <fizzie> [1:07:11] fizban@colin ~> /usr/bin/ddate +"It's  the %e of %B, %Y. %. %NCelebrate %H."
+2004-04-09.txt:09:26:53: <fizzie> [11:29:04] fizban@colin ~/hut/t-106.231-lop> cat hw2-code.bf
+2004-04-29.txt:06:08:42: <andreou> dbc post it on misc@
+2004-05-04.txt:04:20:30: <Toreun> toreun@toreun.org works for email
+2004-05-06.txt:01:24:58: <heatsink> Did you send that to something@burr.something?
+2004-05-27.txt:15:11:49: <fizzie> hm, since when have I had this '@' character in front of my name and why? it's scary. if I make an U-turn I might hit it and it'd terminate this program. (assuming life works like befunge. would think it does.)
+2004-05-30.txt:17:18:36: <fizzie> 10:27:31 -!- dbc [ttm@130-94-161-238-dsl.hevanet.com] has joined #esoteric
+2004-05-30.txt:17:18:37: <fizzie> 11:15:54 -!- cedricshock [~cedric@209-181-58-5.eugn.qwest.net] has quit ["Leaving"]
+2004-05-30.txt:17:18:40: <fizzie> 17:19:19 -!- Toreun [~Toreun@ool-45738c44.dyn.optonline.net] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]
+2004-05-30.txt:17:18:43: <fizzie> 17:25:43 -!- dbc [ttm@130-94-161-238-dsl.hevanet.com] has quit ["you have no chance to survive make your time."]
+2004-05-30.txt:19:46:28: <fizzie> meh, I think I've watched that scary @ long enough, and it doesn't seem to be going away. guess I must take steps.
+2004-05-30.txt:19:48:41: <fizzie> I think chanserv's the sanest person here and should thusly keep the only @.
+2004-06-04.txt:16:13:43: <fizzie> 16:39:21 -!- dbc [ttm@130-94-161-238-dsl.hevanet.com] has quit ["you have no chance to survive make your time."]
+2004-06-04.txt:16:13:49: <fizzie> 18:08:57 -!- Keymaker [~Keymaker@wire74.adsl.netsonic.fi] has joined #esoteric
+2004-06-04.txt:18:44:34: <fizzie> "To submit new programs, email pkalliok@helsinki.fi."
+2004-06-12.txt:10:28:58: <fizzie> ($n = $_, print "entry: " . join(", ", map { "$_ -> " . $n->{$_} } keys %{$n}) . "
+") foreach @entries;
+2004-06-12.txt:12:28:16: <fizzie> [2004-06-11 16:13:27] -!- Netsplit orwell.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: clog, Toreun, lament, @ChanServ, kosmikus, mtve, grumpy_old_one, edwinb
+2004-06-12.txt:12:28:22: <fizzie> [2004-06-11 16:14:01] -!- Netsplit over, joins: @ChanServ, kosmikus, mtve
+2004-12-23.txt:09:47:29: <calamari-> email me if you make something boot up.. I'd love to see it! :)  jeff@kidsquid.com
+2004-12-25.txt:14:12:37: <nooga> >?>5>>.@
+2004-12-28.txt:20:32:07: <calamari_> for example, I could add ( ) for previous and next disk byte, and @ to switch between screen/kybd and disk I/O
+2005-01-02.txt:20:11:19: <ZeroOne> Yoko Kanno/Origa/Shanti Snyder - Inner Universe  (mebe plays crap Live @ Shinsen-Radio)
+2005-01-16.txt:12:05:42: <Keymaker> "!dlroW olleH"> #,_@
+2005-01-16.txt:12:07:42: <mtve> could be    "!dlroW olleH">:# #,_@
+2005-01-16.txt:12:13:46: <Keymaker> anyways, here is the final version of this:  "!dlroW olleH"> #, :# _@
+2005-01-16.txt:12:29:25: <Keymaker>  ^_25*,@>?1v
+2005-01-16.txt:12:33:07: <mtve> >?1>?1>?1>?1>?1>?1>?1>?1>........25*,@
+2005-01-16.txt:12:42:59: <Keymaker>  ^_25*,@v0?1v
+2005-01-16.txt:19:56:19: <mtve> 0?v#_25*,@ v
+2005-01-17.txt:15:01:31: <Keymaker>  @,*52<
+2005-01-17.txt:16:28:35: <Keymaker>  ^ -1 < ^<@,<
+2005-01-29.txt:00:31:05: <urger> Anyone interested should email me at nhbrr@yahoo.com
+2005-02-08.txt:19:28:09: <Keymaker> @
+2005-02-08.txt:19:32:20: <Keymaker> and so does the 'g'.. #b10g,@
+2005-02-10.txt:04:39:33: <calamari> arke: for more fun change the bf cell to hold binary values only.  then you don't need both + and -, just a "not" operation, call it @.  Now @@ is the same as doing nothing, so @ can be combined with >, call it }.  So you get: < is <, > is }<}, @ is }<  :)
+2005-03-04.txt:00:24:13: <{^Raven^}> i make ppl put an @ at the end of the input file
+2005-03-06.txt:07:57:58: <calamari> I also noticed an @ at the end of the file.. I suspect I corrupted you on that.  oops!
+2005-03-06.txt:07:59:52: <calamari> I used the @ to make my interpreter easier to write.. laziness on my part
+2005-03-06.txt:08:08:40: <{^Raven^}> we won't need an '@' at the end of the file soon...we will be able to call the appropriate PESOIX function to check EOF :)
+2005-03-15.txt:15:48:59: <calamari> I think it'd be neat to leave the code in @VAR form until the very end, and have a routine that sorted the variables to minimize code size
+2005-03-15.txt:15:51:28: <calamari> I'm not sure if the algorithm I've come up will work, but here it is: 1) count interactions between variables (an interaction occurs linearly, as each @ is come across, for example @A[@B+@A-] would be two interactions on AB)  
+2005-03-15.txt:16:10:16: <calamari> certain operations cause some >><< wastefulness, if they don't conform to the @VAR spec.. for example variable assign and read go off and do their own thing, but they still need to interface with the outside world, so you'll sometimes see wasted brackets around them.  It uses fixed >>> to get to the known previous location so then the next @ call might cause <<<<<< and suddenly you have >>><<<<<<
+2005-03-16.txt:05:55:51: <Tefad> []++++++++++[>>+>+>++++++[<<+<+++>>>-]<<<<-] "A*$";?@![#>>+<<]>[>>]<<<<[>++<[-]]>.>.   supposed to return H
+2005-03-16.txt:05:58:23: <Tefad> @ is supposed to be ignored
+2005-03-17.txt:20:53:55: <calamari> export CVSROOT=:ext:ravenswolf_@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/brainfuck
+2005-04-05.txt:15:38:59: <kipple> on the positive side, it will remove the need for the @ stack (which is an abomination) as a language feature
+2005-04-05.txt:15:39:50: <Keymaker> will the output be read from @ stack before o stack?
+2005-04-05.txt:15:41:28: <kipple> so the next version will add one operator and remove the special stack @
+2005-04-28.txt:17:48:05: <fizzie> fis@colin:~$ ./out
+2005-04-28.txt:17:48:11: <fizzie> fis@colin:~$ ./out
+2005-05-01.txt:16:36:33: <mtve> echo subscribe lang | mail listar@esoteric.sange.fi 
+2005-05-05.txt:12:38:29: <fizzie> fis@colin:~/prog/eclipse-workspace/misc$ java -cp . org.gehennom.misc.BFRE 'a(a|b)*b|b(a|b)*a' > ~/prog/misc/brfd/re.bf
+2005-05-05.txt:12:38:35: <fizzie> fis@colin:~/prog/misc/brfd$ echo -n 'aabbab' | ./BRFD.EXE re.bf 
+2005-05-05.txt:12:38:35: <fizzie> fis@colin:~/prog/misc/brfd$ echo -n 'aabbaa' | ./BRFD.EXE re.bf 
+2005-05-05.txt:13:05:53: <Keymaker> "48*2+,>:#,_@                                                       @_,#:>,+2*84
+2005-05-05.txt:13:16:02: <Keymaker> ##"57*:,,48*2+,>:#,_48*2+,57*,          @          ,*75,+2*84_,#:>,+2*84,,:*75"#
+2005-05-05.txt:15:35:45: <fizzie> fis@colin:~/prog/misc/brfd$ echo -n '11.4.2002 11:03:22' | ./BRFD.EXE re.bf 
+2005-05-05.txt:15:35:45: <fizzie> fis@colin:~/prog/misc/brfd$ echo -n '32.4.2002 11:03:22' | ./BRFD.EXE re.bf 
+2005-05-05.txt:15:35:45: <fizzie> fis@colin:~/prog/misc/brfd$ echo -n '11.4.2002 11:60:22' | ./BRFD.EXE re.bf 
+2005-05-06.txt:00:32:54: <fizzie> >~# :#,_@   (with EOF=0 semantics)
+2005-05-06.txt:14:06:33: <Keymakere> <> #"25*6*:,2+:,2+2/:,3+:,1-,>:#,_57*1-,@"
+2005-05-06.txt:19:20:45: <GregorR> M9&9A:75S:&]D9G5I9&AA<V9P;VEH96%W:6]P9FAE9'-A:6]F:&4@87=I;V9H
+2005-05-06.txt:22:56:15: <Keymaker> and as well there's @ and * and . and stuff like that not mentioned in the manual. well, maybe i should try harder to understand it. but someone should make a thue tutorial!
+2005-05-09.txt:18:01:39: <pgimeno> @ójò
+2005-05-10.txt:04:42:35: <Keymaker> but not that much, just remember that stack names are one character (a..z or @)
+2005-05-10.txt:17:54:47: <GregorR-L> Your program pointer is the @...
+2005-05-10.txt:17:54:57: <GregorR-L> And the @ wanders...
+2005-05-14.txt:00:06:19: <GregorR> BTW, my address is PresidentGregor@whitehouse.gov
+2005-05-16.txt:20:56:11: <fizzie> push @{$a}, [$r, $pk, [$ss, $start-1, $i, $si], [$es, $end-1, $i+$start, $ei]] if($#{$p} == 1 && $p->[0] eq $ss && $p->[1] eq $es);
+2005-05-18.txt:23:14:18: <GregorR-L> OK, I have everything working except input, output, @ and the string preprocessor :-P
+2005-05-18.txt:23:20:59: <kipple> btw, the @ stack will probably be gone in the next version... :D
+2005-05-18.txt:23:50:08: <GregorR-L> No @ yet >_<
+2005-05-18.txt:23:50:11: <GregorR-L> @ = annoying :-P
+2005-05-18.txt:23:51:10: <GregorR-L> If you push ASCII 113 onto @, does it pop 1-1-3 or 3-1-1?
+2005-05-18.txt:23:58:40: <kipple> is it the @?
+2005-05-19.txt:00:53:54: <kipple> the @ stack works a bit differently, but otherwise it seems to work fine :)
+2005-05-19.txt:19:24:55: <kipple> and the @ stack pads up to six (i think) zeroes 
+2005-05-23.txt:22:25:43: <kipple> subscribe lang to listar@esoteric.sange.fi
+2005-05-29.txt:12:41:47: <jix> hmm.. is it possible to implement the @ stack in kipple
+2005-05-29.txt:12:48:52: <jix> hmm.. for the @ stack every push would be optimal.. but if one would like to have the opposite of @ every pop would be better
+2005-05-29.txt:14:35:10: <jix> hmm the parser doesn't parse (@>o) correctly
+2005-05-29.txt:15:00:35: <jix> but the @ stack doesn't work
+2005-05-30.txt:19:39:30: <jix> it's strategy: kill allTricks,findAndDestroy,logicex, self repair, destroy @... code, try 4 times to lay a bomb to the opponents position(i added a ! in the +++s .. no idea why^^), bombing!
+2005-06-02.txt:00:55:42: <graue> "r@!", if you can make sure there won't be an r at the beginning, will match only "!"
+2005-06-02.txt:16:43:23: <GregorR> Many of them had something like this:    :@....;
+2005-06-02.txt:18:36:14: <graue> that was discussed on lang@esoteric a few years back
+2005-06-02.txt:19:20:09: <graue> ! and @ aren't allowed within groups
+2005-06-02.txt:19:21:13: <graue> so there is a way to search for a literal ! or @, do [!] or [@]
+2005-06-04.txt:07:43:55: <graue> news flash: sort language gets name, nice website, faux-academic paper! details @ http://www.oceanbase.org/graue/sortle/
+2005-06-04.txt:17:27:11: <graue> why does "k">@>o in kipple produce 7?
+2005-06-04.txt:17:28:23: <kipple> "k">@ pushes 3 values onto @, 1, 0 and 7. @>o only pushes one value onto o, nemaly 7
+2005-06-04.txt:17:32:47: <kipple> "k">@ (@>o) would be the way to do that
+2005-06-04.txt:17:40:50: <graue> not "k">(@>o)?
+2005-06-08.txt:00:43:40: <fizzie> Whee, my befunge program "12345@" prints out (a stack dump, at the end of the interpreter) 5, 4, 5, 1 and exits. :) :)
+2005-06-08.txt:00:45:58: <fizzie> Uh, "123+45@" was the program, I mean.
+2005-06-08.txt:00:47:01: <fizzie> I used  perl -e 'print "123+45@", " " x 7999;' > test.bef  to create the input.
+2005-06-08.txt:00:52:32: <fizzie> The topmost three voices select which parts of code to run, based on the current-command on the stack of the third voice, voices 4 and 5 contain the playfield, voices 6 and 8 are quite temporary, voices 7 and 9 hold the current IP and delta, voice 10 contains a '1' to drive the main loop (or 0 after a '@'), voice 11 has the befunge stack and voices 12 and 13 are temporary.
+2005-06-08.txt:00:53:55: <fizzie> It seems I've implemented only the befunge commands #, $, *, +, -, [0-9] and @. Will do the rest later.
+2005-06-10.txt:18:58:15: <Keymaker> lol @ lament :p
+2005-06-11.txt:22:19:52: <malaprop> PHP requires a $ in front of all variables; Perl requires $ in front of scalars and @ for hashes.
+2005-06-12.txt:00:24:26: <Keymaker> it will be there, probably character @
+2005-06-12.txt:21:55:03: <Keymaker> cpressey seems to have done nice job @ esowiki
+2005-06-14.txt:03:40:15: <calamari> it's magic :)   cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/directnet checkout -P directnet
+2005-06-14.txt:19:56:55: <Keymaker> grrh.. it's annoying to read posts (@ google groups) where people talk about brainfuck and don't understand its usefulness and so on.. grrrrrrrh. release the hounds!
+2005-06-16.txt:21:21:32: <calamari> I'm using < = < and } = >@
+2005-06-16.txt:21:22:43: <jix> write it with > and @
+2005-06-16.txt:21:23:02: <jix> [>.<@] is [}<}.<<}]
+2005-06-16.txt:21:23:17: <jix> > => }<}  < => < and @ => <}
+2005-06-16.txt:21:23:51: <calamari> because @ = <}
+2005-06-16.txt:21:25:15: <calamari> >[>.<@]<[>,<@]
+2005-06-16.txt:21:31:39: <jix> >>>>>>>>>[<<<<<<<<.>>>>>>>>@]<<<<<<<<<[>,<@] would work without changing the current translation
+2005-06-16.txt:21:52:22: <calamari> . = [@]>[@]>[@]@;  (before } tanslation)
+2005-06-16.txt:21:52:48: <jix> no need for [@] arn't the bits always 0 ?
+2005-06-16.txt:21:52:49: <calamari> , = [@]>[@]@>[@];
+2005-06-16.txt:21:56:15: <jix> than it may work but with . = [@]>[@]>[@]@; and , = [@]>[@]@>[@]; it doesn't 
+2005-06-16.txt:21:58:29: <calamari> even better would be [.@]<[,<]
+2005-06-16.txt:21:59:19: <calamari> actually, nm on [.@]
+2005-06-17.txt:10:29:01: <pgimeno> lament: lol @ http://z3.ca/~lament/pictures/flow.gif - Hofstadter would probably enjoy it very much
+2005-06-19.txt:12:27:05: <kipple> Panu Kalliokoski, pkalliok@cs.helsinki.fi
+2005-06-19.txt:16:10:58: <jix> and i need an exit character... @
+2005-06-19.txt:16:11:57: <jix> !,[@
+2005-06-19.txt:17:04:43: <jix> !,[@
+2005-06-19.txt:19:20:39: <jix> @15,556 cool
+2005-06-19.txt:20:02:11: <kipple> the cat example uses them, and also a @ operator which isn't mentioned
+2005-06-19.txt:20:02:42: <jix> i should scan my homework for the @ operator ;)
+2005-06-25.txt:19:18:59: <{^Raven^}> i dunno, it's nice writing otherwise pure brainfuck with just a few @myvar's scattered in
+2005-06-25.txt:19:20:38: <{^Raven^}> instead of myvar=2 using BF @myvar[-]++
+2005-06-25.txt:19:20:41: <calamari> although I'm pretty sure I came up with the @ syntax, but who knows, my memory could be going
+2005-06-25.txt:19:22:56: <{^Raven^}> ahh, i;'m not sure if it's me but BF @array(1)[-]@array(2) generates (>>>etc)[-]>[-]
+2005-06-25.txt:19:55:34: * {^Raven^} is playing with a version of BFBSAIC that doesn't expand @var's into arrows
+2005-06-27.txt:21:41:12: <calamari> it'd be nice to be able to use @var's inside the debugger, wouldn't it  :)
+2005-06-27.txt:21:48:56: <{^Raven^}> for @vars, add an option to BFBASIC to output out a @var map at the top of the output
+2005-06-27.txt:21:49:18: <{^Raven^}> so maybe '@_T0 = 1
+2005-06-27.txt:21:49:33: <{^Raven^}> '@_T1 = 2
+2005-06-27.txt:22:06:33: <calamari> I can't remember.. are the @var's produced by bfbasic uppercase ?
+2005-06-28.txt:23:46:55: <calamari> got the @ stuff working in the debugger
+2005-06-29.txt:00:56:46: <{^Raven^}> Now if "Now @varname goes to the cell defined by varname (note: it can be derailed with < and >)" does what I think it does that's really cool
+2005-06-29.txt:00:57:43: <calamari> @a>@b will bump you one past actual @b
+2005-06-29.txt:01:01:25: <{^Raven^}> This will allow the integrity of the parser proper to be tested since all the @var stuff would be theoretically perfect!
+2005-06-29.txt:01:29:22: <calamari> raven: I think what what I did with the @vars is called a wimpmode :)
+2005-07-01.txt:00:03:47: <yrz\werk> yrz@inverno:~/wrk/eso$ tar cvzf hcbf5d-0.0.1.tar.gz hcbf5d-0.0.1/
+2005-07-01.txt:19:10:49: <{^Raven^}> calamari: two options: bfdebug works fine and babasic is flawed but seems to work 99% of the time, or bfdebug has an issue with embedded @vars
+2005-07-01.txt:19:13:07: <calamari> it will see the @var's and go there, then do > and < on top of that
+2005-07-01.txt:19:14:23: <calamari> perhaps I should require something like $$ that activates the @var's
+2005-07-01.txt:19:14:42: <{^Raven^}> bfdebug reads @var map, executes code as usual but when encountering an @var in the program it checks the current cell and complains if they do not agree
+2005-07-01.txt:19:15:40: <calamari> It's okay if @var and actual cell don't agree, in certain situations
+2005-07-01.txt:19:16:48: <{^Raven^}> but if @myvar is supposed to be in cell 34 and it is referenced while we are on cell 35 that tells us that a misalignment has occured
+2005-07-01.txt:19:17:32: <calamari> raven: it's fine.. for example, imagine if you did >@myvar
+2005-07-01.txt:19:24:53: <{^Raven^}>     (code) @_G+@_Q+[
+2005-07-01.txt:19:25:00: <{^Raven^}>     (pre)  @_G[@_T[-]+@_G-]@_T[@_G+
+2005-07-01.txt:19:25:01: <{^Raven^}>     (code) @_T0[-]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+2005-07-01.txt:19:25:06: <{^Raven^}>            ++++++++@A[-]@_T0[@A+@_T0-]
+2005-07-01.txt:19:25:15: <{^Raven^}>            @_T0[-]@A[@_T0+@_0+@A-]@_0[@A+@_0-]@_1[-]@_2[-]@_3[-]@_4[-]@_
+2005-07-01.txt:19:25:18: <{^Raven^}>            T0[@_3+[@_4+@_0+@_3-]@_0[@_3+@_0-]+@_4----------[@_0-@_4[-]]@
+2005-07-01.txt:19:25:20: <{^Raven^}>            _0[@_2+@_3[-]@_0-]@_2[@_4+@_0+@_2-]@_0[@_2+@_0-]+@_4---------
+2005-07-01.txt:19:25:21: <{^Raven^}>            -[@_0-@_4[-]]@_0[@_1+@_2[-]@_0-]@_T0-]@_1[@_0++++++++[@_1++++
+2005-07-01.txt:19:25:23: <{^Raven^}>            ++@_2++++++@_0-]@_1.@_2.[-]@_1[-]]@_2[@_0++++++++[@_2++++++@_
+2005-07-01.txt:19:25:25: <{^Raven^}>            0-]@_2.[-]]@_0++++++++[@_3++++++@_0-]@_3.[-]@_0++++++++++.[-]
+2005-07-01.txt:19:25:30: <{^Raven^}>     (code) @_Q-
+2005-07-01.txt:19:25:32: <{^Raven^}>     (post) @_T-]
+2005-07-01.txt:19:25:35: <{^Raven^}>     (code) @_Q]
+2005-07-01.txt:19:35:52: <calamari> the line wrapping causes the @ and var to be split in some cases
+2005-07-01.txt:20:24:34: <calamari> raven:  @_0-@_T0[@_0-@_T0-]@_0[@_T0+@_0-]@_T0[@_L1+@_G-@_T0[-]]
+2005-07-01.txt:20:24:41: <calamari> raven: notice the @G ?
+2005-07-01.txt:20:24:47: <calamari> err @_G
+2005-07-01.txt:20:29:17: <{^Raven^}> the NOT is @_0-@_T0[@_0-@_T0-]@_0[@_T0+@_0-]
+2005-07-10.txt:09:59:29: <tokigun> @ (terminate program); 0..9 (set A to 0..9)
+2005-07-19.txt:21:55:52: <graue> mailto:graue@oceanbase.org
+2005-07-20.txt:01:22:03: <pgimeno> >> :pgimeno!pgimeno@124.Red-80-59-211.pooles.rima-tde.net JOIN :#zz
+2005-07-20.txt:19:34:54: <jix> ;foreach(@d){if($_<0){foreach(@d){print"z($_);"}}else{print chr($_)}}
+2005-07-20.txt:19:45:33: <fizzie> And if you're trying to save characters,  foreach(@d){print"z($_);"}  is obviously suboptimal (while equivalent) to  print"z($_);"foreach@d;
+2005-07-22.txt:11:20:48: <mtve> " @\# -2+{|~0*8-4~0.~*5+2\#{|1~/
+2005-07-22.txt:12:22:32: <mtve> " @\# -2+{|~0*8-4~0.~*5+2\#{|1~/
+2005-07-22.txt:12:51:19: <tokigun> @\#+,~-/
+2005-07-23.txt:17:28:54: <fizzie> fis@sesefras:~$ ./afbi mandelbrot.b  fis@sesefras:~$ 
+2005-07-23.txt:17:29:12: <fizzie> fis@sesefras:~$ ./afbi mandelbrot.b
+2005-07-23.txt:17:29:16: <fizzie>         fis@sesefras:~$ 
+2005-07-23.txt:20:29:26: <GregorR> With +- swapped for @?
+2005-07-23.txt:20:29:51: <calamari> some like +, I like @.. maybe both ?
+2005-07-23.txt:20:30:19: <GregorR> I'll just translate +- into @
+2005-07-23.txt:22:34:33: <calamari> @a[@x_0 i_0 @x_1 i_1 ... @x_n i_n @a], where at most one @x_n = a, and i_n=-1.  Result a=0, x_n+=a*i_n 
+2005-07-24.txt:19:18:31: <lindi-> GregorR: that runs mandelbrot.b in 26 seconds on pentium@2.8GHz. if i compile mandelbrot.b with BF2C.c and gcc it runs in 2.9 seconds
+2005-07-26.txt:21:31:34: <GregorR-W> Could you email it to AKAQuinn@hotmail.com ?
+2005-07-27.txt:17:20:08: <fizzie> fis@erottaja:~$ cat > test.c
+2005-07-27.txt:17:20:08: <fizzie> fis@erottaja:~$ gcc -o test test.c ; ./test
+2005-07-27.txt:17:54:12: <calamari> wish I defined } as @> instead of >@.. oh well
+2005-07-27.txt:17:58:12: <calamari> well, the original was >@ .. it feels dishonest to change it 5 years laterg
+2005-07-28.txt:01:56:32: <graue> !@#
+2005-07-28.txt:20:10:12: <calamari> this is the one I'm testing @[>>>>>>>>@[<@]>[>]<<<<<<<<<[@]>>>>>>>>[<]@>[@>]<<<<<<<<<@[@
+2005-07-29.txt:02:37:59: <calamari> graue: the main highlights: can save output to file, eof choices, 1-bit cell support, including }@* instructions, "block comments", fast run, interactive input, input echo
+2005-07-30.txt:22:27:10: <calamari> then you can jump to a cell with @name
+2005-07-30.txt:22:27:52: <jix> that's a problem because the @ character on a mac is on alt-l too
+2005-07-30.txt:22:28:50: <jix> @ on us
+2005-07-30.txt:23:00:31: <jix> @ and ~ are the only alt-letter ascii characters
+2005-07-30.txt:23:09:58: <jix> converting $a=0 and @a and such things to >>> and <<<
+2005-07-30.txt:23:11:46: <jix> you have a library with templates like @var1+@var2- and you can insert it replacing @var1 and @var2 with @a and @some_other_var
+2005-07-30.txt:23:21:21: <jix> doesn't @bla conflict with Bit @?
+2005-07-30.txt:23:23:24: <calamari> if you have a $abc=3 and you do @abc of course that'll conflict.. so don't do that ;)
+2005-07-31.txt:00:58:04: <GregorR> @ or something ...
+2005-07-31.txt:02:01:12: <calamari_> graue: in that scheme the only instructions would be @ and nop, depending on number of spaces, < > depending on turn direction, loops based on 3x3 block  
+2005-08-04.txt:05:50:47: <Gs30ng> just @
+2005-08-10.txt:18:39:39: <calamari> commands: > = [>], @ = invert bit, if 1->0, then invert next bit (etc)
+2005-08-10.txt:18:40:38: <calamari> example of @: 
+2005-08-10.txt:18:40:56: <calamari> @ = 1 0 0 0 0
+2005-08-10.txt:18:41:04: <calamari> @ = 0 1 0 0 0 
+2005-08-10.txt:18:41:11: <calamari> @ = 1 1 0 0 0 
+2005-08-10.txt:18:41:18: <calamari> @ = 0 0 1 0 0
+2005-08-10.txt:18:41:52: <int-e> @ is basically [>]+<[-<]> if the cell to the left of the pointer is 0.
+2005-08-10.txt:18:46:48: <int-e> I'm pretty sure that's wrong. right now you can model your machine as a single register machine with an increment (@) and a strange operation that divides by 2 repeatedly as long as the register's contents is odd.
+2005-08-10.txt:18:48:48: <calamari> hmm.. > seems redundant, since @ is enough to eventually build any state
+2005-08-11.txt:00:25:51: <kipple> rune@krokodille.com
+2005-08-16.txt:22:12:05: <jix> number are in base -5 using 'q' as 0, 'w' as 1, 'e' as 2, and '@' as 4.  numbers end with a 'r' and use 't' as decimal point
+2005-08-18.txt:03:02:29: <int-e> 8+*~.@ prints an @?
+2005-08-20.txt:16:57:09: <nooga> :n,3100 @>n0 (2 !n !' 
+2005-08-20.txt:19:25:21: <nooga> @ condition body - works like while(condition) body;
+2005-08-24.txt:00:07:04: <nooga> ~q1:i0:n##_0-01@|<in=in?>###_0i-010q##_0i!##_0i qP
+2005-08-24.txt:03:46:12: <nooga> !"7SADOL
+@1(3!"2> `;0!"2
+2005-08-26.txt:14:52:37: <tokigun> nooga: ~q1:i0@<i,239!?-#_0,242##_0i#_0q",239~q1:i0@<i,239!?-#_0,242##_0i#_0q",239*
+2005-08-26.txt:15:40:02: <tokigun> :i,299:b",21899 bottles of beer:n',210@i(4!+++++++b",213 on the wall,nb"1,n",230Take one down, pass it around,n:i-i1:b+++i"7 bottle?-i1"1s"0"8 of beer!+++b",213 on the wall.nn
+2005-08-31.txt:22:21:18: <fungebob> oh yea, thatd be great, jim@jimbomania.com
+2005-09-03.txt:17:56:03: <jix> @@^ is a NOP
+2005-09-03.txt:17:57:23: <jix> @@^BuT@@^ does nothing 2 times
+2005-09-03.txt:17:58:05: <wildhalcyon> What would @@^BuTBuT@@^ do? Anything?
+2005-09-07.txt:17:42:06: <jix> m[j]-=1}[x.index($&)-1]+";"}#esoteric@irc.freenode.net  Jannis Harder 2005#
+2005-09-09.txt:14:53:18: <jix> m[j]-=1}[x.index($&)-1]+";"}#esoteric@irc.freenode.net  Jannis Harder 2005#
+2005-09-09.txt:16:55:23: <nooga>   @@count = 0
+2005-09-15.txt:01:46:58: <twobitsprite> its the one where the program resides in one array, and the data in the other, and there is a new operation '@' (or something) which causes the arrays to change locations so that now you are executing from the data array, or something
+2005-09-15.txt:01:54:35: <twobitsprite> it will... but I also plan to have this distributed, a la SETI@home...
+2005-09-18.txt:01:59:23: <telemakh0s> twobitsprite@gmail.com
+2005-09-18.txt:05:11:06: <heatsink> v{abc}@
+2005-09-22.txt:23:31:00: <Keymaker> "EGNUFEB NI MARGORP NEM LAER">:#,_@
+2005-09-24.txt:16:32:06: <Keymaker> ^%9_^#`9:+-*86<@,*52,<
+2005-09-26.txt:23:40:09: <GregorR> Aardwolf's email address: IAmAardwolfTheProgrammerOfEsotericLanguagesAndPerpetratorOfEmailsTooLongToRemember4546327859623793465789436257043265798042365783274803265704999036254789032430548903254321754089325748902564891065419078654890175489027503891754890237@server5435432.pop3.mail.aardwolfswebsiteaboutnothinginparticular.com
+2005-09-26.txt:23:52:10: <kipple> hmm. I managed to create the address .@krokodille.com. I wonder if it will work....
+2005-09-28.txt:14:04:34: <Wildhalcyon> They should have used the @ sign for it
+2005-10-03.txt:18:45:21: <chips> result: '@'
+2005-10-04.txt:18:15:38: <jix> it took years until the first girl joined #macintosh@euirc
+2005-10-06.txt:06:02:54: <Gs30ng> A -> @
+2005-10-08.txt:21:46:49: <jix> befunge <@> gnu beef
+2005-10-11.txt:16:43:03: <nooga> #include @ ircnet :D
+2005-10-19.txt:05:42:02: <lament> 99 9[1-$][\$@$@$@$@\/*=[1-$$[%-$@]?0=[\$.' ,\]?]?]#
+2005-10-19.txt:07:18:04: <lament> !99 9[1-$][\$@$@$@$@\/*=[1-$$[%-$@]?0=[\$.' ,\]?]?]#
+2005-10-19.txt:07:28:56: <lament> !99 9[1-$][\$@$@$@$@\/*=[1-$$[%-$@]?0=[\$.' ,\]?]?]#
+2005-10-19.txt:16:09:03: <jix> !99 9[1-$][\$@$@$@$@\/*=[1-$$[%-$@]?0=[\$.' ,\]?]?]#.
+2005-10-19.txt:23:49:35: <lament> ![[1O1O>][$@\-@]#%]m:
+2005-10-19.txt:23:53:00: <lament> ![[1O1O>][$@\-\]#%]m:
+2005-10-19.txt:23:54:35: <lament> ![[1O1O>2O2O=|][$@\-\]#%]m:
+2005-10-20.txt:00:01:10: <falsebot> [[1, 'O', 1, 'O', '>', 2, 'O', 2, 'O', '=', '|'], ['$', '@', '\', '-', '\'], '#', '%']
+2005-10-20.txt:03:42:50: <calamari> !1 2 4@.
+2005-10-20.txt:03:42:56: <calamari> !1 2 4@...
+2005-10-20.txt:03:45:55: <calamari> !3 2$@+\..
+2005-10-20.txt:03:46:40: <calamari> !2 3$@+\..
+2005-10-20.txt:03:46:50: <calamari> !3 2$@+\..
+2005-10-20.txt:03:46:58: <calamari> !3 5$@+\..
+2005-10-20.txt:03:47:01: <calamari> !3 5$@+\. .
+2005-10-20.txt:03:47:11: <calamari> !3 5$@+\." ".
+2005-10-20.txt:03:47:15: <calamari> !5 8$@+\." ".
+2005-10-20.txt:03:47:22: <calamari> !8 13$@+\." ".
+2005-10-20.txt:03:49:41: <lament> !1 1 10a:[a;0>][$@+\." "." "]#
+2005-10-20.txt:03:50:22: <lament> !1 1 10a:[a;0>][O1O1$@+\." "." "]#
+2005-10-20.txt:03:50:56: <lament> !1 1 10a:[a;0>][$@+\." "]#
+2005-10-20.txt:03:51:04: <lament> !1 1 10a:[a;0>][O1O1$@+\." "]#
+2005-10-20.txt:03:54:07: <calamari> !0 1 10a:[a;0>][$@+\." "a;1-a:]#
+2005-10-20.txt:03:58:38: <calamari> !0 1 10a:[a;0>][$@ a;1-a:a;." "]#
+2005-10-20.txt:03:58:42: <calamari> !0 1 10a:[a;0>][$@+ a;1-a:a;." "]#
+2005-10-20.txt:04:00:30: <calamari> !0 1 10a:[a;0>][$@+\$." "a;1-a:]#
+2005-10-20.txt:04:00:40: <calamari> !0 1 10a:[a;0>][$@+\$.@" "a;1-a:]#