diff share/dict/12dicts/American/6of12.txt @ 11897:923774efc0f2 draft

<b_jonas> fetch share/dict/12dicts/American/6of12.txt https://hack.esolangs.org/get/share/dict/12dicts/American/6of12.txt
author HackEso <hackeso@esolangs.org>
date Sat, 03 Aug 2019 12:46:21 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/dict/12dicts/American/6of12.txt	Sat Aug 03 12:46:21 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,32193 @@
+absolute zero
+a cappella
+according to
+acetic acid
+Achilles' heel
+Achilles tendon+
+acid rain
+acid test
+act of God+
+acute accent
+Adam's apple
+ad hoc
+ad infinitum
+ad lib
+ad nauseam
+affirmative action
+African violet+
+air bag
+air base
+air brake
+air conditioner=
+air conditioning
+aircraft carrier
+air force
+air freshener+
+air lane^
+air lock^
+air pocket
+air raid
+air rifle
+air strike+
+a la carte
+a la king+
+a la mode
+alarm clock
+alimentary canal
+alley cat+
+all right
+alma mater
+alter ego
+alternating current
+Alzheimer's disease
+American Indian
+American Revolution
+amino acid
+amusement park
+angel food cake+
+animal husbandry+
+animal rights+
+answering machine
+Antarctic Circle^
+ante meridiem
+a posteriori
+April Fools' Day^
+a priori
+Arabic numeral
+Arctic Circle^
+area code
+arithmetic mean
+Ark of the Covenant~
+armed forces
+artesian well
+art gallery+
+artificial intelligence
+artificial respiration
+ascorbic acid
+Ash Wednesday
+as long as+
+assault and battery+
+assembly line
+as soon as+
+as though+
+as well as+
+at all+
+athlete's foot
+athletic supporter+
+atom bomb#
+atomic bomb
+atomic energy
+atomic number
+atomic weight
+attache case
+attorney general
+audio book+
+au gratin
+au jus
+aurora borealis
+automated teller machine+
+automatic pilot
+automatic transmission+
+auxiliary verb
+baby boomer
+baby buggy#
+baby carriage
+baby grand
+baby talk+
+bachelor party+
+bachelor's degree
+back and forth+
+back door+
+back order+
+back-seat driver+
+bag lady
+baker's dozen
+baking powder
+baking soda
+balance sheet
+bald eagle
+ball bearing
+ball game^
+ballistic missile
+ballot box+
+ballpoint pen#
+bank account+
+bank card^
+barbed wire
+bar code
+bar graph
+bar mitzvah
+barrel organ
+base hit+
+base on balls
+bas mitzvah#
+bathing suit
+bat mitzvah
+battering ram
+bay leaf
+bay window
+BB gun+
+bear hug+
+bear market+
+beast of burden
+beauty parlor
+beauty salon
+beauty shop#
+because of+
+bed and breakfast^
+bell jar+
+bell pepper+
+belly button<
+belly laugh^
+Bermuda shorts
+best man
+better off+
+bicarbonate of soda
+big bang theory^
+big business+
+big deal+
+Big Dipper
+big shot
+big time^
+Bill of Rights
+bill of sale
+billy club
+billy goat
+biological warfare
+bird of prey
+bird's-eye view
+birth certificate+
+birth control
+birthday suit+
+bituminous coal
+black belt
+black eye
+black-eyed Susan
+black hole
+black magic
+black mark+
+black market
+black sheep
+black widow
+blank check
+blank verse
+blast furnace
+blind date
+blind spot
+block and tackle
+blood bank
+blood count
+blood group
+blood poisoning
+blood pressure
+blood test+
+blood type
+blood vessel
+blotting paper
+blow job+
+blue blood
+blue cheese
+blue chip^
+blue jay
+blue jeans
+blue law
+blue ribbon
+boarding school
+boat people
+bobby pin
+body language
+body shop+
+body stocking+
+boiling point
+boll weevil
+bona fide
+bone marrow+
+bone meal
+bon mot
+bon voyage
+boob tube
+booby prize
+booby trap
+boom box
+boot camp
+boric acid
+bottom line
+bowie knife
+bowling alley+
+bow tie
+boxer shorts+
+boxing glove+
+box office
+Boy Scout
+Boy Scouts
+brain drain
+brain wave
+brake light+
+branding iron+
+brand name
+Brazil nut
+breaking and entering+
+bridle path
+brigadier general
+broad jump
+Bronx cheer+
+bronze medal+
+brown rice
+brown sugar
+Brussels sprout^
+Brussels sprouts
+bubble bath+
+bubble gum
+bubonic plague
+bucket seat
+bulletin board
+bull market+
+bull session+
+bumper sticker
+bungee cord
+Bunsen burner
+burglar alarm+
+bush league^
+bus stop+
+buzz saw
+cabin cruiser
+cabin fever+
+cable car
+cable television
+cable TV#
+call girl
+camp follower+
+Canada goose
+Canadian bacon+
+candy bar+
+candy cane+
+canker sore#
+can opener+
+capital gain
+capital letter+
+capital punishment
+carbolic acid
+carbon copy
+carbon dioxide
+carbon monoxide
+carbon paper
+card catalog+
+cardiac arrest+
+cardinal number
+card table+
+car pool
+carrier pigeon
+car seat
+carte blanche
+car wash^
+case study+
+cashier's check+
+cash register
+cast iron
+castor oil
+catalytic converter
+cathode-ray tube
+CAT scan
+cat's cradle
+cayenne pepper
+cell phone+
+cellular phone
+cement mixer+
+center field+
+center of gravity
+central heating+
+centrifugal force
+cerebral palsy
+certificate of deposit
+certified check
+certified public accountant
+cesarean section^#
+chafing dish
+chain gang
+chain letter+
+chain reaction
+chain saw
+chain smoker+
+chain store
+chaise longue
+chaise lounge#
+chamber music
+chamber of commerce
+change of life
+charge account
+charge card
+charley horse
+charter member
+cheap shot+
+checking account
+chemical engineering+
+chest of drawers
+chewing gum
+chicken feed
+chicken pox<
+chicken wire
+Chief Executive
+child's play
+child support+
+chili con carne
+Chinese checkers
+Chinese lantern
+chop suey
+chorus line+
+chow mein
+Christian name
+Christian Science
+Christmas carol+
+Christmas Eve+
+Christmas tree
+chuck wagon
+cinder block+
+circuit board+
+circuit breaker
+circuit court
+circumstantial evidence+
+citizens band^
+citric acid
+city hall
+civil disobedience
+civil engineer
+civil engineering
+civil law
+civil rights
+civil servant
+civil service
+civil war
+class action
+classical music+
+classified ad+
+clearance sale+
+cleft palate
+clip joint
+clock radio+
+close call
+closed shop
+club sandwich
+club soda
+coal mine+
+coal tar
+Coast Guard
+coat hanger+
+coat of arms
+coaxial cable
+cock-and-bull story+
+cocker spaniel
+coffee break
+coffee shop
+coffee table
+cold cream
+cold cuts
+cold feet+
+cold front
+cold shoulder
+cold sore
+cold sweat+
+cold turkey
+cold war
+collective bargaining
+collective noun
+coloring book+
+comic book
+comic strip
+commander in chief
+commissioned officer
+common cold+
+common denominator
+common law
+Common Market
+common noun
+common sense
+community college
+community property+
+compact disc
+complex fraction
+compound fracture
+compound interest
+concentration camp
+conference call+
+conflict of interest
+con man^
+conscientious objector
+consolation prize+
+consumer price index+
+contact lens
+continental drift
+continental shelf
+controlled substance+
+control room+
+convenience store+
+conveyor belt+
+coral snake
+corn bread
+corned beef+
+corn on the cob+
+corn syrup
+coronary thrombosis
+corporal punishment+
+Costa Rican
+cost of living
+costume jewelry
+cottage cheese
+cotton candy+
+cotton gin
+couch potato
+cough drop+
+country and western
+country club
+country music
+county seat+
+coup de grace+
+coup d'etat
+court order+
+cover charge
+covered wagon
+crab apple
+crab grass^
+crash course+
+crash helmet+
+crash landing=
+cream cheese
+cream of tartar
+cream puff+
+credit card
+credit rating+
+credit union+
+crepe paper
+crew cut
+crib death
+cross section
+crossword puzzle
+crown prince
+cruise control+
+crystal ball+
+cube root
+Cub Scout~
+cue ball+
+cuff link
+cystic fibrosis
+daddy longlegs
+Danish pastry
+dark horse
+data processing
+day care
+daylight saving time
+dead end
+dead heat
+dead letter
+dean's list+
+death penalty+
+death row
+decimal point
+deep freeze^
+de facto
+defense mechanism
+definite article
+deja vu
+Democratic Party
+dental floss
+department store
+depth charge
+designated driver+
+desktop publishing
+deutsche mark^
+devil's advocate
+devil's food cake~
+dew point
+diacritical mark
+dial tone
+diesel engine
+differential gear
+dining room+
+direct current
+direct object
+disc jockey
+disk drive
+disk jockey+
+displaced person
+district attorney
+ditto mark
+diving board
+divining rod
+Doberman pinscher^
+dog collar+
+doggy bag
+dog tag+
+Don Juan
+dormer window#
+double bass
+double boiler
+double chin+
+double date
+double entendre
+double play
+double standard
+double take
+down payment
+Down's syndrome
+Down syndrome<#
+drag queen+
+drag race
+drawing board+
+drawing card
+drawing room
+dressing gown
+dressing room+
+dress rehearsal
+dribs and drabs
+drill press+
+driver's license+
+drum major
+drum majorette
+dry cell
+dry cleaning
+dry dock
+dry goods
+dry ice
+dry measure
+dry run
+ductless gland
+duct tape+
+dude ranch
+due process
+due to+
+duffel bag
+dump truck
+dune buggy
+dust bowl
+Dutch door+
+Dutch treat
+each other
+Easter egg+
+easy chair
+egg roll
+ego trip
+elbow grease
+elder statesman+
+El Dorado+
+electoral college
+electric blanket+
+electric chair
+electric guitar+
+electronic mail
+electron microscope
+elementary school
+emergency room+
+eminent domain
+endangered species
+end zone+
+engagement ring+
+English horn
+en masse
+en route
+Epsom salts
+equal sign
+Eskimo dog
+esprit de corps
+et al.
+et cetera
+Eustachian tube^
+evening gown+
+evening star
+exchange rate
+excise tax#
+exclamation mark#
+exclamation point
+expense account+
+extended family
+extension cord+
+eye shadow
+face value
+facts of life+
+fair play+
+fairy tale
+fait accompli+
+falling star
+fallopian tube^
+false alarm+
+false teeth+
+family planning
+family tree
+fan club+
+fan mail+
+Far East
+fast food
+father figure+
+Father's Day^
+faux pas
+favorite son+
+fed up+
+Ferris wheel
+fiber optics
+field day
+field glasses
+field goal
+field hockey
+field marshal
+field trip
+figure of speech
+figure skater+
+figure skating+
+filet mignon
+filling station
+fine arts
+finish line+
+fire alarm+
+fire drill
+fire engine
+fire escape
+fire extinguisher
+fire hydrant
+fire station
+fire truck^
+firing line
+firing squad
+first aid
+first base+
+first class
+First Lady<#
+first lady
+first lieutenant
+first mate+
+first name
+first offender+
+first person
+fishing rod
+flash card^
+flash flood+
+flash point
+flea collar+
+flea market
+flesh and blood+
+flight attendant
+flip side
+floor plan+
+floor show
+floppy disk
+flow chart
+fl. oz.^
+fluid ounce
+fluorescent lamp
+fly ball+
+flying buttress
+flying fish
+flying saucer
+foam rubber
+focal length
+folk dance
+folk music+
+folk singer^
+folk song
+food chain
+food poisoning
+food processor
+food stamp
+fool's gold
+foregone conclusion
+forest ranger
+form letter
+fortune cookie+
+forty winks+
+forwarding address+
+fossil fuel
+foul play
+fountain pen
+four-leaf clover+
+four-letter word+
+fourth dimension
+fourth estate
+Fourth of July
+fox terrier
+free enterprise
+free fall
+free love+
+free trade
+free verse
+free will
+freezing point
+freight train
+French bread+
+French dressing
+French fries
+French fry
+French horn
+French kiss+
+French toast
+frequency modulation
+fringe benefit
+front door+
+front office
+front page+
+fruit fly
+frying pan+
+full moon
+funeral director
+funeral home
+funeral parlor#
+funny bone
+game plan
+game show
+gamma ray
+garage sale
+garbage disposal+
+garter snake
+gas chamber
+gas mask
+gas station
+gee whiz+
+Geiger counter
+General Assembly^
+general practitioner
+general store
+Generation X
+genetic code
+genetic engineering
+German measles
+German shepherd
+ghost town
+gift certificate+
+Gila monster
+ginger ale
+gin rummy
+Girl Scout
+given name
+glass ceiling
+glee club
+global warming
+glove compartment+
+gold digger
+golden rule
+gold leaf
+gold medal+
+gold mine~
+gold rush+
+golf ball+
+golf club+
+golf course+
+Good Friday
+good luck+
+good morning+
+good night+
+good Samaritan^
+good will<#
+goose bumps#
+goose flesh
+goose pimples#
+Grade A+
+grade school
+grad school+
+graduate school+
+grammar school
+grandfather clock
+grand jury
+grand piano
+grand prix+
+grand slam
+grass roots
+graveyard shift
+gray matter
+Great Dane+
+Great Lakes
+green bean
+greenhouse effect
+green onion
+green pepper
+green thumb
+grizzly bear
+gross national product
+ground beef+
+ground control+
+ground cover
+ground crew
+ground floor
+Groundhog Day
+ground rule
+group therapy
+growing pains+
+guided missile
+guinea fowl
+guinea pig
+gypsy moth
+habeas corpus
+half brother
+half dollar~
+half note
+half sister
+halfway house
+Hall of Fame+
+hands down+
+hang glider
+hang gliding
+happy hour
+hard copy
+hard disk
+hard hat
+hard of hearing+
+hard palate
+hard sell
+hash browns+
+haute cuisine
+have to+
+hay fever
+head cold+
+head count+
+head start
+health food
+hearing aid
+heart attack
+heat lightning
+heat wave
+heavy metal
+Heimlich maneuver
+heir apparent
+high fidelity
+high five^
+high frequency
+high heels+
+high school
+high seas
+high technology
+high tide
+high time
+hit man
+hoi polloi
+Holy Communion
+Holy Ghost
+Holy Grail
+Holy Land
+Holy Spirit
+home economics
+home plate
+home run
+homing pigeon
+honeydew melon
+honorable mention+
+honor roll+
+horn of plenty
+hors d'oeuvre
+horse chestnut
+horse sense
+hot air
+hot dog
+hot flash
+hot line
+hot plate
+hot potato
+hot rod
+hot seat
+hot spot
+hot tub
+hot water
+house arrest
+House of Representatives
+hue and cry
+human being#
+hunger strike
+hung jury+
+hush money+
+hush puppy
+hydrochloric acid
+hydrogen bomb
+hydrogen peroxide
+ice age^
+ice cream
+ice cube+
+ice hockey
+ice milk
+ice pick
+ice skate
+ice skater=
+ice water+
+ill will
+immune system+
+improper fraction
+inasmuch as
+income tax
+indefinite article
+Independence Day
+index finger
+India ink
+Indian corn
+Indian summer
+indirect object
+industrial arts
+industrial park
+infantile paralysis
+information superhighway
+in memoriam
+inner city
+inner ear
+inner tube+
+in re
+installment plan
+instant replay
+instead of+
+integrated circuit+
+interior decorator=
+internal-combustion engine
+in toto
+in vitro
+Irish coffee
+Iron Curtain
+ironing board
+iron lung
+irrespective of
+ivory tower
+Jack Frost
+jack rabbit<
+jai alai
+Jane Doe
+Japanese beetle
+jelly roll+
+Jesus Christ#
+jet engine
+jet lag
+jet propulsion
+jet set
+jet stream
+jigsaw puzzle
+Jim Crow
+job action
+job lot
+John Doe
+Judas Iscariot#
+Judgment Day
+jugular vein
+jumper cables+
+jump rope+
+junior college
+junior high school
+junk food
+junk mail
+justice of the peace
+juvenile delinquency
+juvenile delinquent
+kangaroo court
+key ring
+kidney bean
+killer whale
+kind of+
+Kitty Litter+
+Ku Klux Klan
+kung fu
+Labor Day
+labor union
+lactic acid
+ladies' room+
+laissez faire~
+lame duck
+landing gear
+landing strip
+land mine^
+lap dog
+lapis lazuli
+large intestine
+laser disc^
+Last Judgment+
+last straw+
+Latin America
+Latin American
+launching pad#
+launch pad
+lawn bowling
+lawn mower
+lazy Susan+
+leap year
+learning disability
+left field+
+left wing
+legal tender
+letter carrier
+liberal arts
+license plate+
+lie detector
+lieutenant colonel
+lieutenant general
+lieutenant governor
+lieutenant junior grade
+life belt
+life buoy
+life insurance
+life jacket
+life preserver
+life raft
+life vest#
+light bulb+
+lightning bug
+lightning rod
+lily of the valley
+lima bean
+line drive
+line of scrimmage
+lingua franca
+linking verb
+linseed oil
+lip service+
+list price
+litmus test
+living room
+living will
+loan shark
+locker room+
+long johns+
+long jump
+long shot
+looking glass
+loony bin
+Lord's Prayer
+love affair+
+love seat
+lower class+
+lowest common denominator
+low profile
+low tide
+lump sum+
+lunatic fringe+
+machine gun
+machine language
+Mach number
+mad cow disease+
+magnetic field
+magnetic tape
+magnifying glass
+maiden name
+maid of honor
+mail carrier
+mail order
+maitre d'
+major general
+malted milk
+man in the street+
+maple sugar
+maple syrup
+maraschino cherry
+marching band+
+Mardi Gras
+Marine Corps
+martial art
+martial law
+masking tape+
+mass media
+mass noun
+mass production
+master key
+Master of Arts
+master of ceremonies
+master's degree
+master sergeant
+matron of honor
+May Day
+medicine man
+melting point+
+melting pot
+Memorial Day
+men's room+
+mental health+
+merchant marine
+mercy killing
+mess hall
+meter maid
+methyl alcohol
+metric system
+metric ton
+microwave oven
+middle age
+Middle Ages
+Middle America
+middle class
+middle ear
+Middle East
+middle school
+Middle West
+military police
+milk chocolate+
+milk of magnesia
+milk shake
+milk tooth
+Milky Way
+mineral oil
+mineral water
+minimum wage
+mint julep
+minus sign
+mixed number
+mobile home
+money market
+money order
+monkey business
+monkey wrench
+monosodium glutamate
+morning glory
+morning sickness
+morning star
+Morse code
+Mother Goose+
+Mother Nature+
+Mother's Day
+mother tongue
+motion picture
+motion sickness
+motor home
+motor scooter
+motor vehicle
+mountain bike+
+mountain goat
+mountain lion
+mountain range+
+mouth organ
+movie star+
+mucous membrane
+mug shot^
+mulligan stew+
+multiple sclerosis
+multiplication sign
+mumbo jumbo
+muscular dystrophy
+music box+
+musk ox
+mustard gas
+mutual fund
+nail file+
+nail polish
+name tag+
+nanny goat
+national anthem+
+National Guard
+national monument+
+national park+
+Native American
+natural childbirth
+natural gas
+natural history
+natural resources+
+natural selection
+nautical mile
+navel orange
+navy bean+
+navy blue
+Near East
+near miss+
+nerve cell
+nerve gas
+nervous breakdown
+nervous system
+nest egg
+neutron bomb
+never-never land
+New Age
+new moon
+New Testament
+New World
+new year~
+New Year's Day
+New Year's Eve
+next door<
+next of kin
+next to+
+night crawler
+night owl
+nitric acid
+nitrous oxide
+Nobel prize^
+noblesse oblige
+no man's land^
+nom de plume
+noncommissioned officer
+non compos mentis
+non sequitur
+no one
+North American
+Northern Hemisphere^
+northern lights
+North Pole
+North Star
+nose cone^
+nose dive<
+nose job+
+notary public
+nouveau riche
+nt. wt.
+nuclear energy
+nuclear family
+nuclear reactor
+nuclear weapon+
+nucleic acid
+null and void+
+nursery rhyme
+nursery school
+nursing home
+object lesson+
+objet d'art
+odds and ends
+of course+
+off year
+oil painting
+oil well
+Old Glory
+old guard^
+old hat
+old maid
+old man
+old master^
+Old Testament
+Old World
+olive branch
+Olympic Games
+one another+
+one-night stand+
+one-track mind+
+op art
+op. cit.
+open-heart surgery
+open house
+open season+
+open shop
+opera glasses
+operating system
+oral sex+
+ordinal number
+organized crime+
+outboard motor
+outer space
+out of+
+owing to+
+oxygen mask+
+oxygen tent
+ozone layer
+package store
+pack rat
+paddle wheel
+Palm Sunday
+panel truck
+paper clip
+paper towel+
+Pap test
+parcel post
+par excellence
+parking garage+
+parking lot
+parking meter
+Parkinson's disease
+parochial school
+part of speech
+party line
+passive resistance
+past participle
+past tense+
+patent leather
+patent medicine
+pat. pend.
+patrol car
+patron saint
+pay dirt
+pay phone
+peace pipe
+pea jacket
+peanut butter
+peat moss
+pecking order
+peeping Tom^
+pen name
+penny pincher^
+pen pal
+pepper mill
+pep rally+
+pep talk
+per annum
+per capita
+per diem
+performing arts
+periodic table
+permanent press
+per se
+personal computer
+personal pronoun
+petit four
+petroleum jelly
+petty cash
+petty officer
+phone book+
+phone booth+
+phone sex+
+photoelectric cell
+photo finish
+physical education
+physical science
+physical therapy
+picket line
+picture tube+
+picture window
+pie chart
+piggy bank
+pilot light
+pinch hitter=
+pine cone+
+pink slip+
+pin money
+pins and needles
+pinto bean+
+pipe dream
+pipe organ
+pit bull+
+pituitary gland
+pit viper
+place mat
+plane tree
+plaster of Paris
+plastic surgeon
+plastic surgery
+plate glass
+plate tectonics
+playing card
+plus sign
+poetic justice
+poetic license
+pogo stick+
+point man
+point of view
+poison ivy
+poison oak
+poker face
+polar bear
+pole vault
+police officer
+police state
+police station+
+political correctness=
+politically correct
+political prisoner+
+political science
+polka dot
+pollen count
+pool table+
+pop quiz+
+pork barrel+
+postage stamp
+post exchange^
+postmaster general
+post office
+potato chip
+pot roast
+potter's wheel
+pound cake
+powder room
+power of attorney
+power plant
+practical joke
+practical nurse
+prairie dog
+prairie schooner
+praying mantis
+premenstrual syndrome
+preparatory school
+prep school
+presence of mind
+present participle
+present tense+
+press agent
+press conference
+press release
+pressure cooker
+pressure group
+price tag+
+prickly pear
+prima donna
+prima facie
+primary color
+primary school
+prime meridian
+prime minister
+prime number
+prime rate
+prime time
+principal parts
+printing press
+prior to+
+private eye
+probation officer
+promissory note
+proper noun
+pro tempore
+proving ground
+public address system^
+public defender
+public domain
+public relations
+public school
+public servant
+public television+
+public utility
+Puerto Rican
+pug nose
+punching bag+
+punch line
+punctuation mark
+punk rock
+puppy love+
+pup tent
+push button
+pussy willow
+quality control+
+quality time+
+quantum leap
+quarter horse
+question mark
+quid pro quo
+quiz show
+quotation mark
+radial tire
+radio telescope
+rag doll+
+rain check
+rain forest
+ranch house
+rank and file
+rapid transit
+rat race
+R & B
+R & D
+real estate
+real time
+rear admiral
+rearview mirror+
+recombinant DNA+
+record player
+red blood cell
+red carpet
+Red Cross
+red herring
+red-light district
+red meat+
+red pepper
+red tape
+reference book
+registered nurse
+remote control
+report card
+Republican Party
+rest home
+rest room
+Revolutionary War
+rhesus monkey
+rhetorical question
+rheumatic fever
+Rh factor^
+rhythm and blues
+rhythm method
+rib cage+
+Richter scale
+right angle
+right field+
+right of way
+right triangle
+right wing
+rigor mortis
+ring finger+
+rip cord
+road map+
+Robin Hood
+rock and roll
+rock bottom
+rock garden
+rocking chair
+rocking horse
+rock 'n' roll^
+rock salt
+role model
+roll call
+roller coaster
+roller skate
+roller skater=
+rolling pin
+Roman candle+
+Roman Catholic
+Roman numeral
+room and board
+rooming house
+room service+
+room temperature+
+root beer
+root canal+
+rose water^
+Rosh Hashanah
+round robin+
+round table^
+round trip
+rubber band
+rubber stamp
+rule of thumb+
+rummage sale
+running mate
+rush hour
+sacred cow
+safe-deposit box+
+safe sex
+safety belt#
+safety glass
+safety match
+safety net
+safety pin
+safety razor
+safety valve
+Saint Bernard
+Saint Patrick's Day
+Saint Valentine's Day
+salad bar
+salad dressing
+sales representative
+sales slip
+sales tax
+salt lick
+Salvation Army
+sand dollar+
+sand trap
+sanitary napkin
+Santa Claus
+Saturday night special^
+savings account
+savings bank
+scarlet fever
+school board+
+school year+
+science fiction
+Scotch tape
+scrambled eggs+
+scratch paper+
+sea anemone
+sea gull
+sea horse
+sea legs
+sea level
+sea lion
+search warrant
+season ticket
+seat belt
+sea urchin
+secondary school
+second base+
+second class
+second lieutenant
+second nature
+second person
+second wind
+secret agent+
+secret police+
+Secret Service
+security blanket+
+security deposit+
+seed money
+senior citizen
+senior high school
+septic tank
+sergeant at arms+
+sergeant major
+serial killer+
+serial number
+service charge+
+service station
+severance pay
+sewing machine
+sex appeal
+sex symbol
+sexual harassment+
+sexual intercourse
+shaving cream+
+sheep dog
+sheet metal
+sheet music
+shelf life
+shell shock+
+shish kebab
+shock absorber
+shock therapy
+shock wave
+shooting star
+shopping center
+shopping mall+
+short circuit
+short shrift
+short story
+shot put
+shoulder blade
+shoulder pad+
+show and tell+
+show business
+show of hands+
+Shrove Tuesday
+Siamese twins
+sick bay^
+sick leave
+sickle cell anemia
+sick pay
+side dish
+side effect
+significant other+
+sign language
+silver lining+
+silver medal+
+simple interest
+sine qua non
+single file
+singles bar+
+sitting duck
+situation comedy
+sixth sense
+skeleton key
+skid row
+ski lift
+skim milk
+skin diver=
+skin diving
+slam dunk+
+slave driver
+sleeping bag
+sleeping car
+sleeping pill
+sleeping sickness
+sleight of hand
+sliding scale
+slipped disk
+slot machine
+slow motion
+slumber party+
+slush fund
+small change
+small claims court+
+small fry
+small intestine
+small talk
+smart aleck
+smelling salts
+smoke alarm+
+smoke detector
+smoke screen
+snack bar
+snap bean
+snow job+
+soap opera
+sob story+
+social disease
+social science
+social scientist
+social security
+social studies
+social work
+social worker=
+soda cracker
+soda fountain
+soda pop
+soda water
+sodium bicarbonate
+sodium chloride
+sofa bed+
+soft drink
+soft palate
+soft sell
+solar cell
+solar plexus
+solar system
+soldier of fortune
+so long+
+sonic boom
+son of a bitch+
+sore throat+
+sort of+
+sotto voce
+soul food+
+soul mate+
+sound barrier
+sound bite
+sound effects
+sounding board
+sour cream+
+South African
+South America
+South American
+southern lights^
+South Pole
+space heater+
+space shuttle
+space station
+Spanish moss+
+spark plug
+special delivery
+special effects+
+specific gravity
+speed bump+
+speed limit+
+speed trap+
+spelling bee
+sperm whale
+spinal column
+spinal cord
+spinning wheel
+spitting image+
+split pea+
+split personality
+split second+
+sponge bath+
+sponge cake
+sports car
+spot check
+spray can
+spray gun
+spring fever
+squad car
+square dance
+square meal+
+square root
+stage fright^
+stag party+
+stained glass+
+stainless steel
+stamping ground
+standard of living
+standard time
+Stars and Stripes
+Star-Spangled Banner
+station wagon
+status quo
+status symbol
+statute of limitations+
+statutory rape+
+staying power
+steam engine
+steam shovel
+steel guitar+
+steel wool
+steering wheel
+stick shift
+still life
+stock car
+stock exchange
+stock market
+Stone Age
+stool pigeon
+storage battery
+straight man+
+straw man+
+straw vote
+strep throat
+strike zone+
+string bean
+stringed instrument
+strobe light#
+stuffed shirt
+stumbling block
+submachine gun
+submarine sandwich+
+subordinate clause+
+such and such^
+suction cup+
+sudden death+
+sugar beet
+sugar daddy+
+sulfuric acid
+Sun Belt<#
+Sunday school^
+support group+
+Supreme Being
+Supreme Court
+surrogate mother
+suspended animation
+suspension bridge
+swan song
+sweat suit
+sweet corn
+sweet pea
+sweet potato
+sweet tooth
+swimming pool
+Swiss cheese
+swizzle stick
+table tennis
+talcum powder
+talent scout+
+talk show
+tank top
+tannic acid
+tap dance
+tape deck
+tape measure
+tape recorder
+tape recording=
+tartar sauce
+task force
+taste bud
+T-bone steak+
+T cell
+tea bag^
+teacher's pet+
+tear gas
+teddy bear
+tee shirt#
+tenant farmer
+Ten Commandments+
+tennis court+
+term paper+
+terra cotta
+terra firma
+terry cloth^#
+test tube
+thank you+
+theme park+
+theme song+
+thermos bottle^#
+think tank
+third base+
+third degree
+third party+
+third person
+Third World
+three R's
+ticker tape+
+tidal wave
+time bomb
+time clock
+time frame+
+time limit+
+time zone
+tin plate^
+tissue paper
+tit for tat^
+toggle switch
+toilet paper
+toilet water
+toll road+
+tommy gun^
+tongue twister
+tooth powder^
+top hat
+tote bag
+totem pole
+tour de force
+town hall
+town house
+town meeting+
+tow truck+
+track record+
+trade name
+trade secret+
+trade union
+trade wind
+trading post
+traffic circle
+traffic jam+
+traffic light
+traffic signal#
+trailer park+
+trash can+
+travel agent+
+traveler's check
+tree house+
+trench coat
+trench mouth
+trial and error+
+trial run+
+trick or treat+
+trolley bus^
+trolley car
+truck farm
+truck stop+
+trundle bed
+trust fund+
+tsetse fly
+T square^
+tug of war
+tuning fork
+tunnel vision
+turning point
+turn signal+
+TV dinner
+twin bed+
+typhoid fever#
+ultrahigh frequency
+umbilical cord
+Uncle Sam
+Uncle Tom
+Union Jack^
+United Kingdom
+United Nations
+universal joint
+Universal Product Code
+upper class
+upper crust
+upper hand
+upside down
+up to+
+urban renewal
+vacuum cleaner
+vacuum tube
+Valentine's Day
+value-added tax
+vapor trail+
+vending machine
+venereal disease
+venetian blind
+verbal noun
+very high frequency
+vested interest
+Veterans Day
+vice admiral^
+vice presidency^
+vice president
+vice squad+
+vice versa
+vicious circle
+videocassette recorder
+video game
+virtual reality
+vital signs
+vital statistics
+vocal cords
+voice box
+voice mail
+wading bird
+waffle iron
+wagon train
+waiting list
+waiting room
+walking stick
+walk of life+
+Wall Street
+want ad
+ward heeler
+war game+
+warm front
+warrant officer
+washing machine
+wastepaper basket#
+water buffalo
+water chestnut
+water closet
+water fountain+
+water heater+
+water hole
+watering hole
+water lily
+water main
+water moccasin
+water pipe
+water polo
+water power
+water rat
+water ski
+water table
+water tower
+water vapor+
+water wheel
+water wings^
+wax bean
+waxed paper#
+wax museum+
+wax paper
+wear and tear
+weather forecast+
+weather strip~
+weather stripping^#
+weather vane
+wedding ring+
+Western Hemisphere^
+wet blanket
+wet dream+
+wet nurse
+wet suit
+wheat germ
+whipped cream+
+whisk broom
+white blood cell
+white elephant
+white flag
+white heat
+White House
+white lie
+white meat+
+white paper+
+white sale
+white water
+whole number
+whooping cough
+wild-goose chase
+wild rice
+Wild West
+windchill factor
+wind instrument
+window box
+window dressing
+windshield wiper
+wind tunnel
+wire service
+wisdom tooth
+wise guy+
+wishful thinking+
+witch doctor
+witch hazel
+witch hunt
+withholding tax
+witness stand+
+women's liberation+
+wonder drug+
+wood alcohol
+word of mouth^
+word processing
+word processor
+work ethic+
+working class
+World Series
+World War I
+World War II
+World Wide Web
+wrought iron
+X chromosome
+yard sale+
+Y chromosome
+yellow fever
+yellow jacket
+Yom Kippur
+yours truly+
+zero hour
+zero tolerance+
+ZIP code^
+zoological garden
+zoom lens