diff luabuild/luarocks-2.0.12/src/luarocks/repos.lua @ 1125:87f6d05d4b4a

<GreyKnight> (cd luabuild; tar xf luarocks-2.0.12.tar.gz)
author HackBot
date Fri, 14 Dec 2012 22:07:40 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/luabuild/luarocks-2.0.12/src/luarocks/repos.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:07:40 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+--- Functions for managing the repository on disk.
+module("luarocks.repos", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
+local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
+--- Get all installed versions of a package.
+-- @param name string: a package name.
+-- @return table or nil: An array of strings listing installed
+-- versions of a package, or nil if none is available.
+local function get_installed_versions(name)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   local dirs = fs.list_dir(path.versions_dir(name))
+   return (dirs and #dirs > 0) and dirs or nil
+--- Check if a package exists in a local repository.
+-- Version numbers are compared as exact string comparison.
+-- @param name string: name of package
+-- @param version string: package version in string format
+-- @return boolean: true if a package is installed,
+-- false otherwise.
+function is_installed(name, version)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   return fs.is_dir(path.install_dir(name, version))
+local function recurse_rock_manifest_tree(file_tree, action) 
+   assert(type(file_tree) == "table")
+   assert(type(action) == "function")
+   local function do_recurse_rock_manifest_tree(tree, parent_path, parent_module)
+      for file, sub in pairs(tree) do
+         if type(sub) == "table" then
+            local ok, err = do_recurse_rock_manifest_tree(sub, parent_path..file.."/", parent_module..file..".")
+            if not ok then return nil, err end
+         else
+            local ok, err = action(parent_path, parent_module, file)
+            if not ok then return nil, err end
+         end
+      end
+      return true
+   end
+   return do_recurse_rock_manifest_tree(file_tree, "", "")
+local function store_package_data(result, name, file_tree)
+   if not file_tree then return end
+   return recurse_rock_manifest_tree(file_tree, 
+      function(parent_path, parent_module, file)
+         local pathname = parent_path..file
+         result[path.path_to_module(pathname)] = pathname
+         return true
+      end
+   )
+--- Obtain a list of modules within an installed package.
+-- @param package string: The package name; for example "luasocket"
+-- @param version string: The exact version number including revision;
+-- for example "2.0.1-1".
+-- @return table: A table of modules where keys are module identifiers
+-- in "foo.bar" format and values are pathnames in architecture-dependent
+-- "foo/bar.so" format. If no modules are found or if package or version
+-- are invalid, an empty table is returned.
+function package_modules(package, version)
+   assert(type(package) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   local result = {}
+   local rock_manifest = manif.load_rock_manifest(package, version)
+   store_package_data(result, package, rock_manifest.lib)
+   store_package_data(result, package, rock_manifest.lua)
+   return result
+--- Obtain a list of command-line scripts within an installed package.
+-- @param package string: The package name; for example "luasocket"
+-- @param version string: The exact version number including revision;
+-- for example "2.0.1-1".
+-- @return table: A table of items where keys are command names
+-- as strings and values are pathnames in architecture-dependent
+-- ".../bin/foo" format. If no modules are found or if package or version
+-- are invalid, an empty table is returned.
+function package_commands(package, version)
+   assert(type(package) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   local result = {}
+   local rock_manifest = manif.load_rock_manifest(package, version)
+   store_package_data(result, package, rock_manifest.bin)
+   return result
+--- Check if a rock contains binary executables.
+-- @param name string: name of an installed rock
+-- @param version string: version of an installed rock
+-- @return boolean: returns true if rock contains platform-specific
+-- binary executables, or false if it is a pure-Lua rock.
+function has_binaries(name, version)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   local rock_manifest = manif.load_rock_manifest(name, version)
+   if rock_manifest.bin then
+      for name, md5 in pairs(rock_manifest.bin) do
+         -- TODO verify that it is the same file. If it isn't, find the actual command.
+         if fs.is_actual_binary(dir.path(cfg.deploy_bin_dir, name)) then
+            return true
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return false
+function run_hook(rockspec, hook_name)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   assert(type(hook_name) == "string")
+   local hooks = rockspec.hooks
+   if not hooks then
+      return true
+   end
+   if not hooks.substituted_variables then
+      util.variable_substitutions(hooks, rockspec.variables)
+      hooks.substituted_variables = true
+   end
+   local hook = hooks[hook_name]
+   if hook then
+      util.printout(hook)
+      if not fs.execute(hook) then
+         return nil, "Failed running "..hook_name.." hook."
+      end
+   end
+   return true
+local function install_binary(source, target)
+   assert(type(source) == "string")
+   assert(type(target) == "string")
+   local match = source:match("%.lua$")
+   local file, ok, err
+   if not match then
+      file = io.open(source)
+   end
+   if match or (file and file:read():match("^#!.*lua.*")) then
+      ok, err = fs.wrap_script(source, target)
+   else
+      ok, err = fs.copy_binary(source, target)
+   end
+   if file then file:close() end
+   return ok, err
+local function resolve_conflict(target, deploy_dir, name, version)
+   local cname, cversion = manif.find_current_provider(target)
+   if not cname then
+      return nil, cversion
+   end
+   if name ~= cname or deps.compare_versions(version, cversion) then
+      local versioned = path.versioned_name(target, deploy_dir, cname, cversion)
+      fs.make_dir(dir.dir_name(versioned))
+      fs.move(target, versioned)
+      return target
+   else
+      return path.versioned_name(target, deploy_dir, name, version)
+   end
+function should_wrap_bin_scripts(rockspec)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   if cfg.wrap_bin_scripts ~= nil then
+      return cfg.wrap_bin_scripts
+   end
+   if rockspec.deploy and rockspec.deploy.wrap_bin_scripts == false then
+      return false
+   end
+   return true
+function deploy_files(name, version, wrap_bin_scripts)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   assert(type(wrap_bin_scripts) == "boolean")
+   local function deploy_file_tree(file_tree, source_dir, deploy_dir, move_fn)
+      if not move_fn then
+         move_fn = fs.move
+      end
+      return recurse_rock_manifest_tree(file_tree, 
+         function(parent_path, parent_module, file)
+            local source = dir.path(source_dir, parent_path, file)
+            local target = dir.path(deploy_dir, parent_path, file)
+            local ok, err
+            if fs.exists(target) then
+               local new_target, err = resolve_conflict(target, deploy_dir, name, version)
+               if err == "untracked" then
+                  fs.delete(target)
+               elseif err then
+                  return nil, err.." Cannot install new version."
+               else
+                  target = new_target
+               end
+            end
+            fs.make_dir(dir.dir_name(target))
+            ok, err = move_fn(source, target)
+            fs.remove_dir_tree_if_empty(dir.dir_name(source))
+            if not ok then return nil, err end
+            return true
+         end
+      )
+   end
+   local rock_manifest = manif.load_rock_manifest(name, version)
+   local ok, err = true
+   if rock_manifest.bin then
+      local move_bin_fn = wrap_bin_scripts and install_binary or fs.copy_binary
+      ok, err = deploy_file_tree(rock_manifest.bin, path.bin_dir(name, version), cfg.deploy_bin_dir, move_bin_fn)
+   end
+   if ok and rock_manifest.lua then
+      ok, err = deploy_file_tree(rock_manifest.lua, path.lua_dir(name, version), cfg.deploy_lua_dir)
+   end
+   if ok and rock_manifest.lib then
+      ok, err = deploy_file_tree(rock_manifest.lib, path.lib_dir(name, version), cfg.deploy_lib_dir)
+   end
+   return ok, err
+--- Delete a package from the local repository.
+-- Version numbers are compared as exact string comparison.
+-- @param name string: name of package
+-- @param version string: package version in string format
+-- @param quick boolean: do not try to fix the versioned name
+-- of another version that provides the same module that
+-- was deleted. This is used during 'purge', as every module
+-- will be eventually deleted.
+function delete_version(name, version, quick)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   local function delete_deployed_file_tree(file_tree, deploy_dir)
+      return recurse_rock_manifest_tree(file_tree, 
+         function(parent_path, parent_module, file)
+            local target = dir.path(deploy_dir, parent_path, file)
+            local versioned = path.versioned_name(target, deploy_dir, name, version)
+            if fs.exists(versioned) then
+               local ok = fs.delete(versioned)
+               fs.remove_dir_tree_if_empty(dir.dir_name(versioned))
+               if not ok then return nil, "Failed deleting "..versioned end
+            else
+               local ok = fs.delete(target)
+               if not quick then
+                  local next_name, next_version = manif.find_next_provider(target)
+                  if next_name then
+                     local versioned = path.versioned_name(target, deploy_dir, next_name, next_version)
+                     fs.move(versioned, target)
+                     fs.remove_dir_tree_if_empty(dir.dir_name(versioned))
+                  end
+               end
+               fs.remove_dir_tree_if_empty(dir.dir_name(target))
+               if not ok then return nil, "Failed deleting "..target end
+            end
+            return true
+         end
+      )
+   end
+   local rock_manifest = manif.load_rock_manifest(name, version)
+   if not rock_manifest then
+      return nil, "rock_manifest file not found for "..name.." "..version.." - not a LuaRocks 2 tree?"
+   end
+   local ok, err = true
+   if rock_manifest.bin then
+      ok, err = delete_deployed_file_tree(rock_manifest.bin, cfg.deploy_bin_dir)
+   end
+   if ok and rock_manifest.lua then
+      ok, err = delete_deployed_file_tree(rock_manifest.lua, cfg.deploy_lua_dir)
+   end
+   if ok and rock_manifest.lib then
+      ok, err = delete_deployed_file_tree(rock_manifest.lib, cfg.deploy_lib_dir)
+   end
+   if err then return nil, err end
+   fs.delete(path.install_dir(name, version))
+   if not get_installed_versions(name) then
+      fs.delete(dir.path(cfg.rocks_dir, name))
+   end
+   return true