diff interps/clc-intercal/CLC-INTERCAL-Docs-1.-94.-2/doc/html/belongs.html @ 996:859f9b4339e6

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author HackBot
date Sun, 09 Dec 2012 19:30:08 +0000
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/interps/clc-intercal/CLC-INTERCAL-Docs-1.-94.-2/doc/html/belongs.html	Sun Dec 09 19:30:08 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+    <HEAD>
+    </HEAD>
+    <BODY>
+	<H1>CLC-INTERCAL Reference</H1>
+	<H2>... Belongs TO</H2>
+	<P>
+	Table of contents:
+	<UL>
+	    <LI><A HREF="index.html">Parent directory</A>
+	    <LI><A HREF="#belongs">Belongs TO</A>
+	</UL>
+	</P>
+	<H2><A NAME="belongs">Belongs To</A></H2>
+	<P>
+	CLC-INTERCAL introduces an unique infrastructure over the registers. We
+	shall explain it with an example.
+	</P>
+	<P>
+	Imagine building a tree structure in other languages. You have a root, and
+	there are pointers from the root to other nodes, which in turn have pointers
+	to other nodes, until you get to the leaves.
+	</P>
+	<P>
+	This all sounds simple, but it has several drawbacks. The most important,
+	is that each node can have an arbitrary number of children, so you need to
+	start using messy techniques like variable-length lists. Also, if the
+	nodes need to contain values as well as pointers, you need to remember
+	reserving the extra space.
+	</P>
+	<P>
+	CLC-INTERCAL does not suffer from these problems. By simply reversing the
+	pointers, you can easily see that any leave or node has exactly one parent.
+	We call this a BELONGS TO relation. Because the relation is an infrastructure
+	built on top of the registers, you can still use them for something else,
+	like storing values.
+	</P>
+	<P>
+	As an example, consider the following binary tree in LISP notation:
+	((1, (2, 3)), (4, ((5, 6), 7))). It looks awfully complicated for a seven
+	leaves data structure. To write that in CLC-INTERCAL one could do:
+        PLEASE DO .1 &lt;- #1
+        DO ENSLAVE .1 TO .3
+        DO .2 &lt;- #2
+        DO ENSLAVE .2 TO .4
+        PLEASE .5 &lt;- #3
+        DO ENSLAVE .5 TO .4
+        DO ENSLAVE .4 TO .3
+        DO ENSLAVE .3 TO .6
+        PLEASE .7 &lt;- #4
+        DO ENSLAVE .7 TO .8
+        DO .9 &lt;- #5
+        DO ENSLAVE .9 TO .10
+        PLEASE .11 &lt;- #6
+        DO ENSLAVE .11 TO .10
+        DO ENSLAVE .10 TO .12
+        DO .13 &lt;- #7
+        PLEASE ENSLAVE .13 TO .12
+        DO ENSLAVE .12 TO .8
+        DO ENSLAVE .8 TO .6
+	</P>
+	<P>
+	The root of the tree is <CODE>.6</CODE>. Its two subtrees are <CODE>.3</CODE>
+	and <CODE>.8</CODE>. Down the left subtree, we note that both <CODE>.1</CODE>
+	and <CODE>.4</CODE> BELONG TO it. And so on, just as simple as the rest of
+	</P>
+	<P>
+	If you know the name of a slave, you can get to its master by prefixing the
+	name with a big-money symbol (<CODE>$</CODE>). If a register happens to
+	BELONG TO more than one master, the big-money symbol is the one most recently
+	acquired. The previous one is accessed with the prefix 2 (two), and the
+	one before it with the prefix 3 (three). Up to nine masters can be accessed
+	this way. For example, after:
+	PLEASE .1 &lt;- #2
+	DO .2 &lt;- #5
+	DO .3 &lt;- #8
+	The register <CODE>$.3</CODE> would be itself, while <CODE>2.3</CODE> would
+	be <CODE>.1</CODE> and <CODE>3.3</CODE> would be <CODE>.2</CODE>.
+	</P>
+	<P>
+	The prefix can be repeated to access the master's master, and so on. There is
+	no limit. If prefixes are repeated, they are executed from left to right.
+	Thus, in the above example, <CODE>$$2.3</CODE> would be the same as
+	<CODE>2.3</CODE> aka <CODE>.1</CODE> (because <CODE>$.3</CODE> is the same
+	as <CODE>.3</CODE>). On the other hand, <CODE>2$$.3</CODE> is an error,
+	because <CODE>2.3</CODE> is <CODE>.1</CODE>, which has no owner. Note that
+	this order of evaluation of prefixes differs from the way other languages
+	do that.
+	</P>
+	<P>
+	If you were wondering why CLC-INTERCAL has registers which cannot hold any
+	value (whirlpool, <CODE>@</CODE>), here's is why. They can be enslaved and
+	in turn can have slaves. So you can use them as indirect references to
+	other registers. In fact, this is what the lecture system does. See
+	<A HREF="lectures.html">the chapter on Classes and Lectures</A>.
+	</P>
+	<P>
+	One more note. When a register is STASHed, any information about its owners
+	is saved in the STASH. When it is retrieved, the ownership information comes
+	back from the STASH. Also, if you ENSLAVE or FREE a register which is being
+	IGNOREd nothing happens.
+	</P>
+	<P>
+	If you think to use this mechanism as pointers, you'll find out that you
+	very quickly run into problems. We won't tell you how, as it would spoil
+	the fun.
+	</P>