diff bin/gs2.py @ 8365:81911da6b984

<Moon__> ` mv gs2.py bin/gs2.py
author HackBot
date Mon, 06 Jun 2016 04:10:13 +0000
parents gs2.py@439383b78281
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bin/gs2.py	Mon Jun 06 04:10:13 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1224 @@
+# gs2 interpreter (version 0.2)
+# (c) nooodl 2014
+import copy
+import inspect
+import itertools as it
+import math
+import operator
+import os
+import random
+import re
+import string
+import struct
+import sys
+import traceback
+from collections import namedtuple
+from fractions import gcd
+Block = namedtuple('Block', 'code')
+STRING_ENDS = '\x05\x06' + ''.join(map(chr, range(0x9b, 0xa0)))
+DEBUG = False
+def log(x):
+    if not DEBUG: return
+    line, name = inspect.stack()[1][2:4]
+    sys.stderr.write('\x1b[36m%s:%d\x1b[34m: %r\x1b[0m\n' % (name, line, x))
+def lcm(a, b):
+    if (a, b) == (0, 0): return 0
+    return abs(a * b) // gcd(a, b)
+def product(xs):
+    p = 1
+    for x in xs:
+        p *= x
+    return p
+def split(a, b, clean=False):
+    res = [[]]
+    lb = len(b)
+    i = 0
+    while i < len(a):
+        if a[i:i + lb] == b:
+            res.append([])
+            i += lb
+        else:
+            res[-1].append(a[i])
+            i += 1
+    return filter(None, res) if clean else res
+def join(a, b):
+    res = []
+    for i, x in enumerate(a):
+        if i > 0:
+            res.extend(b)
+        res.extend(x if is_list(x) else [x])
+    return res
+def set_diff(a, b):
+    res = []
+    for i in a:
+        if i not in b:
+            res.append(i)
+    return res
+def set_and(a, b):
+    res = []
+    for i in a:
+        if i in b:
+            res.append(i)
+    return res
+def set_or(a, b):
+    return a + set_diff(b, a)
+def set_xor(a, b):
+    return set_diff(a, b) + set_diff(b, a)
+# prime number functions
+prime_list = []
+sieved = 2
+composite = set([1])
+def sieve(limit):
+    global prime_list
+    global sieved
+    global composite
+    if limit <= sieved: return
+    prime_list = []
+    for i in range(2, limit):
+        if i in composite: continue
+        for j in range(i*i, limit, i):
+            composite.add(j)
+        prime_list.append(i)
+    sieved = limit
+def is_prime(n):
+    global prime_list
+    sieve(n+1)
+    return n not in composite
+def nth_prime(n):
+    global prime_list
+    sieve(int(math.log(n) * n) + 100)
+    return prime_list[n-1]
+def n_primes(n):
+    global prime_list
+    sieve(int(math.log(n) * n) + 100)
+    return prime_list[:n]
+def primes_below(n):
+    global prime_list
+    sieve(n+1)
+    return list(it.takewhile(lambda x: x < n, prime_list))
+def next_prime(n):
+    n += 1
+    while not is_prime(n): n += 1
+    return n
+def totient(n):
+    count = 0
+    for i in xrange(1, n+1):
+        if gcd(n, i) == 1: count += 1
+    return count
+def factor(n, exps=False):
+    if is_num(n):
+        p = 2
+        res = []
+        while n > 1:
+            while n % p == 0:
+                res.append(p)
+                n //= p
+            p = next_prime(p)
+        if exps:
+            res = [[k, len(list(g))] for k, g in it.groupby(res)]
+        return res
+    elif is_list(n):
+        if n and is_num(n[0]):
+            n = zip(n[0::2], n[1::2])
+        p = 1
+        for b, e in n: p *= b ** e
+        return p
+    else:
+        raise TypeError('factor')
+def chunks(x, y):
+    # chunks(range(12), 3) ==> [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], ...]
+    while x:
+        yield x[:y]
+        x = x[y:]
+def tokenize(prog):
+    # string hack
+    cs = STRING_ENDS
+    if re.match('^[^\x04]*[%s]' % cs, prog):
+        prog = '\x04' + prog
+    mode = None
+    if prog[0] in '\x30\x31\x32': # set mode
+        mode = prog[0]
+        prog = prog[1:]
+    token_re = [
+        '\x04[^%s]*[%s]' % (cs, cs), # string (array)
+        '\x01.',                     # unsigned byte
+        '\x02..',                    # signed short
+        '\x03....',                  # signed long
+        '\x07.',                     # 1 char string
+        '.',                         # regular token
+    ]
+    tokens = re.findall('|'.join(token_re), prog, re.DOTALL)
+    final = []
+    blocks = [Block([])]
+    i = 0 
+    while i < len(tokens):
+        t = tokens[i]
+        log(tokens[i:])
+        if t == '\x08': #= {
+            blocks.append(Block([]))
+            final.append('\x00')
+        elif t == '\x09': #= }
+            blocks[-2].code.append(blocks.pop())
+            blocks[-1].code.append(final.pop())
+        elif '\xe0' <= t <= '\xff' and ord(t) & 7 < 6:
+            # quick block
+            # 0b111XXYYY -- Y+1 is number of tokens, X is end token:
+            #   0 = nop (0x00)  2 = filter (0x35)
+            #   1 = map (0x34)  3 = both (0x38)
+            # but 0xfe and 0xff are special (see below.)
+            num = (ord(t) & 7) + 1
+            ts = blocks[-1].code[-num:]
+            del blocks[-1].code[-num:]
+            blocks[-1].code.append(Block(ts))
+            blocks[-1].code.append('\x00\x34\x35\x38'[(ord(t) >> 3) & 3])
+        elif t in '\xee\xef': #= z1 zipwith1, z2 zipwith2
+            # zipwith (1/2 tokens)
+            num = (ord(t) & 1) + 1
+            ts = blocks[-1].code[-num:]
+            del blocks[-1].code[-num:]
+            blocks[-1].code.append(Block(ts))
+            blocks[-1].code.append('\xb1')
+        elif t in '\xf6\xf7': #= dm1 dump-map1, df1 dump-filter1
+            # like m1/f1 with dump prepended to block
+            # useful with transpose, pairwise, cartesian-product, etc.
+            f = {'\xf6': '\x34', '\xf7': '\x35'}[t]
+            x = blocks[-1].code.pop()
+            blocks[-1].code.extend([Block(['\x0e', x]), f])
+        elif t == '\xfe': #= m:
+            blocks.append(Block([]))
+            final.append('\x34')
+        elif t == '\xff': #= f:
+            blocks.append(Block([]))
+            final.append('\x35')
+        else:
+            blocks[-1].code.append(t)
+        i += 1
+    while final:
+        blocks[-2].code.append(blocks.pop())
+        blocks[-1].code.append(final.pop())
+    assert len(blocks) == 1
+    main = blocks[0]
+    if mode == '\x30': #= line-mode
+        main = Block(['\x2a', main, '\x34', '\x54'])
+    elif mode == '\x31': #= word-mode
+        main = Block(['\x2c', main, '\x34', '\x55'])
+    elif mode == '\x32': #= line-mode-skip-first
+        main = Block(['\x2a', '\x22', main, '\x34', '\x54'])
+    main.code.extend(final)
+    return main
+is_num   = lambda v: isinstance(v, (int, long))
+is_list  = lambda v: isinstance(v, list)
+is_block = lambda v: isinstance(v, Block)
+def to_gs(ps): return map(ord, ps)
+def to_ps(gs):
+    if is_list(gs): return ''.join(map(chr, gs))
+    else: return chr(gs)
+def regex_count(pattern):
+    c = 0
+    if pattern[0] == ']':
+        c = 1
+        pattern = pattern[1:]
+    elif pattern[0] == '}':
+        c = ord(pattern[1])
+        pattern = pattern[2:]
+    return (c, pattern)
+def show(value, nest=False):
+    if is_list(value):
+        return ''.join(show(x, nest=True) for x in value)
+    elif nest and is_num(value):
+        return chr(value)
+    else:
+        return str(value)
+class Stack(list):
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        list.__init__(self, *args)
+        self.junk = []
+    def pop(self, i=-1, junk=True):
+        x = list.pop(self, i)
+        if junk: self.junk.append(x)
+        return x
+class GS2(object):
+    def __init__(self, code, stdin=''):
+        self.code = code
+        self.stdin = to_gs(stdin)
+        self.stack = Stack([self.stdin])
+        self.regs = {
+            0: to_gs(stdin),         # A
+            1: len(stdin),           # B
+            2: to_gs(code),          # C
+            3: random.randint(0, 2), # D
+        }
+        self.counter = 1
+    def run(self):
+        try:
+            self.evaluate(tokenize(self.code))
+            sys.stdout.write(''.join(map(show, self.stack)))
+        except Exception:
+            # If the code fails, print something meaningful to stderr,
+            # but quine on stdout: this allows GS2 to good at simple
+            # "print this string" programs -- just upload a plaintext
+            # file, it's unlikely to be valid GS2 code.
+            traceback.print_exc()
+            if not DEBUG: sys.stdout.write(self.code)
+    def evaluate(self, block):
+        log(block)
+        for t in block.code:
+            if is_block(t):
+                self.stack.append(t)
+            elif t[0] == '\x00': #= nop
+                pass
+            elif t[0] == '\x01': # push unsigned byte
+                self.stack.append(struct.unpack('<B', t[1:])[0])
+            elif t[0] == '\x02': # push signed short
+                self.stack.append(struct.unpack('<h', t[1:])[0])
+            elif t[0] == '\x03': # push signed long
+                self.stack.append(struct.unpack('<l', t[1:])[0])
+            elif t[0] == '\x04': # string
+                assert len(t) >= 2
+                assert t[-1] in STRING_ENDS
+                strings = t[1:-1].split('\x07')
+                strings = map(to_gs, strings)
+                if t[-1] == '\x05': # regular
+                    self.stack += strings
+                elif t[-1] == '\x06': # array
+                    self.stack.append(strings)
+                elif t[-1] == '\x9b': # printf
+                    f = to_ps(strings.pop())
+                    n = f.count('%') - f.count('%%') * 2
+                    x = tuple(map(to_ps, self.stack[-n:]))
+                    del self.stack[-n:]
+                    self.stack.append(to_gs(f % x))
+                elif t[-1] == '\x9c': # regex match
+                    pattern = to_ps(strings.pop())
+                    c, pattern = regex_count(pattern)
+                    s = to_ps(self.stack.pop())
+                    f = re.match if c else re.search
+                    self.stack.append(1 if f(pattern, s) else 0)
+                elif t[-1] == '\x9d': # regex sub
+                    repl = to_ps(strings.pop())
+                    pattern = to_ps(strings.pop())
+                    c, pattern = regex_count(pattern)
+                    s = to_ps(self.stack.pop())
+                    m = re.sub(pattern, repl, s, count=c)
+                    self.stack.append(to_gs(m))
+                elif t[-1] == '\x9e': # regex find
+                    pattern = to_ps(strings.pop())
+                    c, pattern = regex_count(pattern)
+                    s = to_ps(self.stack.pop())
+                    ms = re.findall(pattern, s)
+                    if c > 0: ms = ms[0] if ms else []
+                    self.stack.append(map(to_gs, ms))
+                elif t[-1] == '\x9f': # regex split
+                    pattern = to_ps(strings.pop())
+                    c, pattern = regex_count(pattern)
+                    s = to_ps(self.stack.pop())
+                    m = re.split(pattern, s, maxsplit=c)
+                    self.stack.append(map(to_gs, m))
+            elif t[0] == '\x07': # single char string
+                self.stack.append([ord(t[1])])
+            # \x08 and \x09 are block syntax
+            elif t == '\x0a': #= new-line
+                self.stack.append([ord('\n')])
+            elif t == '\x0b': #= empty-list
+                self.stack.append([])
+            elif t == '\x0c': #= empty-block
+                self.stack.append(Block([]))
+            elif t == '\x0d': #= space
+                self.stack.append([ord(' ')])
+            elif t == '\x0e': #= make-array extract-array dump
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack[-x:] = [self.stack[-x:]]
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    for i in x:
+                        self.stack.append(i)
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('make-array / extract-array')
+            elif t == '\x0f': #= exit
+                break
+            elif 0x10 <= ord(t[0]) <= 0x1a: # push small number
+                self.stack.append(ord(t[0]) - 0x10)
+            elif t == '\x1b': self.stack.append(100)
+            elif t == '\x1c': self.stack.append(1000)
+            elif t == '\x1d': self.stack.append(16)
+            elif t == '\x1e': self.stack.append(64)
+            elif t == '\x1f': self.stack.append(256)
+            elif t == '\x20': #= negate reverse eval
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(-x)
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    self.stack.append(x[::-1])
+                elif is_block(x):
+                    self.evaluate(x)
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('negate / reverse')
+            elif t == '\x21': #= bnot head
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(~x)
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    self.stack.append(x[0])
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('bitwise not / head')
+            elif t == '\x22': #= not tail
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(0 if x else 1)
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    self.stack.append(x[1:])
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('not / tail')
+            elif t == '\x23': #= abs init
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(abs(x))
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    self.stack.append(x[:-1])
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('abs / init')
+            elif t == '\x24': #= digits last
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(map(int, str(abs(x))))
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    self.stack.append(x[-1])
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError('digits / last')
+            elif t == '\x25': #= random
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(random.randrange(x))
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    self.stack.append(random.choice(x))
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('random')
+            elif t == '\x26': #= dec left-uncons
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(x - 1)
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    self.stack.append(x[1:])
+                    self.stack.append(x[0])
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('deincrement / left uncons')
+            elif t == '\x27': #= inc right-uncons
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(x + 1)
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    self.stack.append(x[:-1])
+                    self.stack.append(x[-1])
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('increment / right uncons')
+            elif t == '\x28': #= sign min
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(cmp(x, 0))
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    self.stack.append(min(x))
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('sign / min')
+            elif t == '\x29': #= thousand max
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(x * 1000)
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    self.stack.append(max(x))
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('thousand / max')
+            elif t == '\x2a': #= double lines
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(x * 2)
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    if x and x[-1] == ord('\n'):
+                        x.pop()
+                    self.stack.append(split(x, to_gs('\n')))
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('double / line')
+            elif t == '\x2b': #= half unlines
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(x // 2)
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    x = [to_gs(show(i)) for i in x]
+                    self.stack.append(join(x, to_gs('\n')))
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('half / unlines')
+            elif t == '\x2c': #= square words
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(x * x)
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    self.stack.append(map(to_gs, to_ps(x).split()))
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('square / words')
+            elif t == '\x2d': #= sqrt unwords
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(int(math.sqrt(x)))
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    x = [to_gs(show(i)) for i in x]
+                    self.stack.append(join(x, to_gs(' ')))
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('sqrt / unwords')
+            elif t == '\x2e': #= range length
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(range(x))
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    self.stack.append(len(x))
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('range / length')
+            elif t == '\x2f': #= range1 sort
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(range(1, x + 1))
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    self.stack.append(list(sorted(x)))
+                elif is_block(x):
+                    l = self.stack.pop()
+                    def f(z):
+                        self.stack.append(z)
+                        self.evaluate(x)
+                        return self.stack.pop(junk=False)
+                    self.stack.append(list(sorted(l, key=f)))
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('range1 / sort')
+            elif t == '\x30': #= + add catenate
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x) and is_num(y):
+                    self.stack.append(x + y)
+                elif is_list(x) and is_list(y):
+                    self.stack.append(x + y)
+                elif is_block(x) and is_block(y):
+                    self.stack.append(Block(x.code + y.code))
+                elif is_list(x) and not is_list(y):
+                    self.stack.append(x + [y])
+                elif not is_list(x) and is_list(y):
+                    self.stack.append([x] + y)
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('add / catenate')
+            elif t == '\x31': #= - sub diff
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x) and is_num(y):
+                    self.stack.append(x - y)
+                elif is_list(x) and is_list(y):
+                    self.stack.append(set_diff(x, y))
+                elif is_list(x) and not is_list(y):
+                    self.stack.append(set_diff(x, [y]))
+                elif not is_list(x) and is_list(y):
+                    self.stack.append(set_diff(y, [x]))
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('subtract / set diff')
+            elif t == '\x32': #= * mul join times fold
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x) and (is_block(y) or is_list(y)):
+                    x, y = y, x
+                if is_block(x) and is_list(y):
+                    x, y = y, x
+                if is_num(x) and is_num(y):
+                    self.stack.append(x * y)
+                elif is_list(x) and is_list(y):
+                    self.stack.append(join(x, y))
+                elif is_list(x) and is_num(y):
+                    self.stack.append(x * y)
+                elif is_block(x) and is_num(y):
+                    for i in xrange(y):
+                        self.evaluate(x)
+                elif is_list(x) and is_block(y):
+                    self.stack.append(x[0])
+                    for i in x[1:]:
+                        self.stack.append(i)
+                        self.evaluate(y)
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('multiply / join / times / fold')
+            elif t == '\x33': #= / div chunks split each
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if not is_list(x) and is_list(y):
+                    x, y = y, x
+                if is_num(x) and is_num(y):
+                    self.stack.append(x // y)
+                elif is_list(x) and is_num(y):
+                    self.stack.append(list(chunks(x, y)))
+                elif is_list(x) and is_list(y):
+                    self.stack.append(split(x, y))
+                elif is_list(x) and is_block(y):
+                    for i in x:
+                        self.stack.append(i)
+                        self.evaluate(y)
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('divide / chunks / split / each')
+            elif t == '\x34': #= % mod step clean-split map
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if not is_list(x) and is_list(y):
+                    x, y = y, x
+                if is_num(x) and is_num(y):
+                    self.stack.append(x % y)
+                elif is_list(x) and is_num(y):
+                    self.stack.append(x[::y])
+                elif is_list(x) and is_list(y):
+                    self.stack.append(split(x, y, clean=True))
+                elif is_list(x) and is_block(y):
+                    self.eval_map(y, x)
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('modulo / step / split\' / map')
+            elif t == '\x35': #= & and get when filter
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_block(x) and is_num(y):
+                    x, y = y, x
+                if is_num(x) and is_list(y):
+                    x, y = y, x
+                if is_block(x) and is_list(y):
+                    x, y = y, x
+                if is_num(x) and is_num(y):
+                    self.stack.append(x & y)
+                elif is_list(x) and is_list(y):
+                    self.stack.append(set_and(x, y))
+                elif is_list(x) and is_num(y):
+                    self.stack.append(x[y])
+                elif is_num(x) and is_block(y):
+                    if x: self.evaluate(y)
+                elif is_list(x) and is_block(y):
+                    self.eval_filter(y, x)
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('and / get / when / filter')
+            elif t == '\x36': #= | or unless
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_block(x) and is_num(y):
+                    x, y = y, x
+                if is_num(x) and is_num(y):
+                    self.stack.append(x | y)
+                elif is_list(x) and is_list(y):
+                    self.stack.append(set_or(x, y))
+                elif is_num(x) and is_block(y):
+                    if not x: self.evaluate(y)
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('bor / unless')
+            elif t == '\x37': #= ^ xor concatmap
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_block(x) and is_list(y):
+                    x, y = y, x
+                if is_num(x) and is_num(y):
+                    self.stack.append(x ^ y)
+                elif is_list(x) and is_list(y):
+                    self.stack.append(set_xor(x, y))
+                elif is_list(x) and is_block(y):
+                    res = []
+                    for i in x:
+                        self.stack.append(i)
+                        self.evaluate(y)
+                        res.extend(self.stack.pop(junk=False))
+                    self.stack.append(res)
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('xor / concatmap')
+            elif t == '\x38': #= smallest both
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_block(y):
+                    x = self.stack.pop()
+                    self.evaluate(y)
+                    self.stack.append(x)
+                    self.evaluate(y)
+                else:
+                    x = self.stack.pop()
+                    self.stack.append(min(x, y))
+            elif t == '\x39': #= biggest
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(max(x, y))
+            elif t == '\x3a': #= clamp
+                z = self.stack.pop()
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(min(max(x, y), z))
+            elif t == '\x3c': #= gcd take
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x) and is_list(y):
+                    x, y = y, x
+                if is_num(x) and is_num(y):
+                    self.stack.append(gcd(x, y))
+                elif is_list(x) and is_num(y):
+                    self.stack.append(x[:y])
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('gcd / take')
+            elif t == '\x3d': #= lcm drop
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x) and is_list(y):
+                    x, y = y, x
+                if is_num(x) and is_num(y):
+                    self.stack.append(lcm(x, y))
+                elif is_list(x) and is_num(y):
+                    self.stack.append(x[y:])
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('lcm / drop')
+            elif t == '\x3e': #= pow index
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x) and is_list(y):
+                    x, y = y, x
+                if is_num(x) and is_num(y):
+                    self.stack.append(x ** y)
+                elif is_list(x) and is_num(y):
+                    self.stack.append(x.index(y) if y in x else -1)
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('power / index')
+            elif t == '\x3f': #= log member
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_list(y):
+                    x, y = y, x
+                if is_num(x) and is_num(y):
+                    self.stack.append(int(math.log(x, y)))
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    self.stack.append(1 if y in x else 0)
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('log / member')
+            elif t == '\x40': #= dup
+                self.stack.append(self.stack[-1])
+            elif t == '\x41': #= dup2
+                self.stack.append(self.stack[-1])
+                self.stack.append(self.stack[-1])
+            elif t == '\x42': #= swap
+                self.stack.append(self.stack.pop(-2))
+            elif t == '\x43': #= rot
+                self.stack.append(self.stack.pop(-3))
+            elif t == '\x44': #= rrot
+                self.stack.append(self.stack.pop(-3))
+                self.stack.append(self.stack.pop(-3))
+            elif t == '\x45': #= over
+                self.stack.append(self.stack[-2])
+            elif t == '\x46': #= nip
+                self.stack.pop(-2)
+            elif t == '\x47': #= tuck
+                self.stack.insert(-2, self.stack[-1])
+            elif t == '\x48': #= 2dup
+                self.stack.append(self.stack[-2])
+                self.stack.append(self.stack[-2])
+            elif t == '\x49': #= pick
+                n = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(self.stack[-n])
+            elif t == '\x4a': #= roll
+                n = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(self.stack.pop(-n))
+            elif t == '\x4b': #= wrap-stack
+                self.stack = [copy.deepcopy(self.stack)]
+            elif t == '\x4c': #= leave-top
+                del self.stack[:-1]
+            elif t == '\x4d': #= itemize
+                self.stack.append([self.stack.pop()])
+            elif t == '\x4e': #= rrange
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(range(x)[::-1])
+            elif t == '\x4f': #= crange
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if x > y: x, y = y, x
+                self.stack.append(range(x, y))
+            elif t == '\x50': #= pop
+                self.stack.pop()
+            elif t == '\x51': #= pop2
+                self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.pop()
+            elif t == '\x52': #= show
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(to_gs(show(x)))
+            elif t == '\x53': #= map-show
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(map(to_gs, map(show, x)))
+            elif t == '\x54': #= show-lines
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(to_gs('\n'.join(map(show, x))))
+            elif t == '\x55': #= show-words
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(to_gs(' '.join(map(show, x))))
+            elif t in '\x56\x57': #= read-num, read-nums
+                x = to_ps(self.stack.pop())
+                nums = map(int, re.findall(r'-?\d+', x))
+                self.stack.append(nums[0] if t == '\x56' else nums)
+            elif t == '\x58': #= show-line
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(to_gs(show(x) + '\n'))
+            elif t == '\x59': #= show-space
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(to_gs(show(x) + ' '))
+            elif t == '\x5a': #= show-comma
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(to_gs(', '.join(map(show, x))))
+            elif t == '\x5b': #= show-python
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(to_gs(', '.join(map(show, x)).join('[]')))
+            elif t in '\x5c\x5d\x5e': #= ljust, center, rjust
+                fill = ' ' 
+                if is_num(self.stack[-2]):
+                    fill = chr(self.stack.pop())
+                width = self.stack.pop()
+                s = self.stack.pop()
+                if t == '\x5c': g = show(s).ljust(width, fill)
+                if t == '\x5d': g = show(s).center(width, fill)
+                if t == '\x5e': g = show(s).rjust(width, fill)
+                self.stack.append(to_gs(g))
+            elif t == '\x5f': #= inspect
+                self.stack.append(to_gs(repr(self.stack.pop())))
+            elif t == '\x60': #= logical-and
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(x and y)
+            elif t == '\x61': #= logical-or
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(x or y)
+            elif t == '\x62': #= divides left-cons
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(0 if x % y else 1)
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    self.stack.append([y] + x)
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('divides / left-cons')
+            elif t == '\x63': #= divmod group
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(y):
+                    x = self.stack.pop()
+                    self.stack.append(x // y)
+                    self.stack.append(x % y)
+                elif is_list(y):
+                    gb = [list(g) for k, g in it.groupby(y)]
+                    self.stack.append(list(gb))
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('divmod / group')
+            elif t == '\x64': #= sum even
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(1 if x % 2 == 0 else 0)
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    self.stack.append(sum(x))
+            elif t == '\x65': #= product odd
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(1 if x % 2 == 1 else 0)
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    self.stack.append(product(x))
+            elif t == '\x66': #= fizzbuzz
+                fizzbuzz = []
+                for i in range(1, 101):
+                    s = ("Fizz" if i % 3 == 0 else "") + \
+                        ("Buzz" if i % 5 == 0 else "")
+                    fizzbuzz.append(s or str(i))
+                self.stack.append(to_gs('\n'.join(fizzbuzz)))
+            elif t == '\x67': #= popcnt right-cons
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    x = abs(x)
+                    p = 0
+                    while x:
+                        p += (x & 1)
+                        x >>= 1
+                    self.stack.append(p)
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    y = self.stack.pop()
+                    self.stack.append(x + [y])
+            elif t == '\x68': #= hello
+                x = 0
+                if len(self.stack) >= 1 and is_num(self.stack[-1]):
+                    x = self.stack.pop()
+                    x = (range(0, 11) + [100, 1000, 16, 64, 256]).index(x)
+                s1 = 'h' if x & 1 else 'H'
+                s2 = 'W' if x & 2 else 'w'
+                s3 = ['!', '', '.', '...'][((x & 4) >> 2) | ((x & 16) >> 3)]
+                s4 = '' if x & 8 else ','
+                f = '%sello%s %sorld%s' % (s1, s4, s2, s3)
+                self.stack.append(to_gs(f))
+            elif t in '\x69\x6a': #= base, binary
+                b = 2 if t == '\x6a' else self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    x = abs(x)
+                    res = []
+                    while x:
+                        res.append(x % b)
+                        x //= b
+                    self.stack.append(res[::-1])
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    res = 0
+                    for i in x:
+                        res = res * b + i
+                    self.stack.append(res)
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('base / binary')
+            elif t == '\x6b': #= is-prime
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x):
+                    self.stack.append(1 if is_prime(x) else 0)
+                elif is_list(x):
+                    self.stack.append(filter(is_prime, x))
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('is-prime')
+            elif t == '\x6c': #= primes
+                op = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if op == 0:   self.stack.append(n_primes(x))
+                elif op == 1: self.stack.append(primes_below(x))
+                elif op == 2: self.stack.append(next_prime(x))
+                elif op == 3: self.stack.append(totient(x))
+                elif op == 4: self.stack.append(factor(x, exps=False))
+                elif op == 5: self.stack.append(factor(x, exps=True))
+            elif t == '\x6d': #= scan
+                f = self.stack.pop()
+                def call_f(x, y):
+                    self.stack.append(x)
+                    self.stack.append(y)
+                    self.evaluate(f)
+                    return self.stack.pop()
+                xs = self.stack.pop()
+                res = [xs.pop(0)]
+                while xs:
+                    res.append(call_f(res[-1], xs.pop(0)))
+                self.stack.append(res)
+            elif t in '\x70\x71\x72\x73\x74\x75': #= lt <, eq =, gt >, ge >=, ne !=, le <=
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                ops = {
+                    '\x70': operator.lt,
+                    '\x71': operator.eq,
+                    '\x72': operator.gt,
+                    '\x73': operator.ge,
+                    '\x74': operator.ne,
+                    '\x75': operator.le,
+                }
+                self.stack.append(1 if ops[t](x, y) else 0)
+            elif t == '\x76': #= cmp
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(cmp(x, y))
+            elif t == '\x77': #= is-sorted
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_list(x):
+                    self.stack.append(1 if x == list(sorted(x)) else 0)
+                elif is_block(x):
+                    l = self.stack.pop()
+                    def f(z):
+                        self.stack.append(z)
+                        self.evaluate(x)
+                        return self.stack.pop()
+                    sorted_l = list(sorted(l, key=f))
+                    self.stack.append(1 if l == sorted_l else 0)
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError('sorted')
+            elif t == '\x78': #= shift-left inits
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_list(y):
+                    inits = []
+                    for i in xrange(len(y) + 1):
+                        inits.append(y[:i])
+                    self.stack.append(inits)
+                else:
+                    x = self.stack.pop()
+                    self.stack.append(x << y)
+            elif t == '\x79': #= shift-right tails
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_list(y):
+                    tails = []
+                    for i in xrange(len(y) + 1):
+                        tails.append(y[len(y)-i:])
+                    self.stack.append(tails)
+                else:
+                    x = self.stack.pop()
+                    self.stack.append(x >> y)
+            elif t == '\x7a': #= digit-left enumerate
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_list(y):
+                    self.stack.append(list(map(list, enumerate(y))))
+                else:
+                    x = self.stack.pop()
+                    self.stack.append(x * (10 ** y))
+            elif t == '\x7b': #= digit-right
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(x // (10 ** y))
+            elif t == '\x7c': #= power-of-2
+                self.stack.append(2 ** self.stack.pop())
+            elif t == '\x7d': #= power-of-10
+                self.stack.append(10 ** self.stack.pop())
+            elif t == '\x7e': #= sub-power-of-2
+                self.stack.append(2 ** self.stack.pop() - 1)
+            elif t == '\x7f': #= sub-power-of-10
+                self.stack.append(10 ** self.stack.pop() - 1)
+            elif t == '\x80': #= pair
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append([x, y])
+            elif t == '\x81': #= copies
+                n = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append([x for _ in xrange(n)])
+            elif t == '\x82': #= take-end
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(x) and is_list(y):
+                    x, y = y, x
+                self.stack.append(x[-y:])
+            elif t == '\x83': #= cartesian-product
+                y = self.stack.pop()
+                x = self.stack.pop()
+                p = it.product(x, y)
+                self.stack.append(list(map(list, p)))
+            elif t == '\x84': #= uppercase-alphabet
+                self.stack.append(range(ord('A'), ord('Z') + 1))
+            elif t == '\x85': #= lowercase-alphabet
+                self.stack.append(range(ord('a'), ord('z') + 1))
+            elif t == '\x86': #= ascii-digits
+                self.stack.append(range(ord('0'), ord('9') + 1))
+            elif t == '\x87': #= printable-ascii
+                self.stack.append(range(32, 127))
+            elif t in '\x88\x89\x8a\x8b\x8c\x8d\x8e\x8f': #= is-alnum, is-alpha, is-digit, is-lower, is-space, is-upper, is-printable, is-hexdigit
+                m = [str.isalnum, str.isalpha, str.isdigit,
+                     str.islower, str.isspace, str.isupper,
+                     lambda x: all(32 <= ord(c) <= 126 for c in x),
+                     lambda x: x in '0123456789abcdefABCDEF']
+                p = m[ord(t) - 0x88]
+                x = to_ps(self.stack.pop())
+                self.stack.append(1 if p(x) else 0)
+            elif t == '\x90': #= uniq nub
+                xs = self.stack.pop()
+                uniq = []
+                for x in xs:
+                    if x not in uniq:
+                        uniq.append(x)
+                self.stack.append(uniq)
+            elif t == '\x91': #= compress
+                ns = self.stack.pop()
+                xs = self.stack.pop()
+                new = []
+                for n, x in zip(ns, xs):
+                    new += [x for _ in xrange(n)]
+                self.stack.append(new)
+            elif t == '\x92': #= select
+                xs = self.stack.pop()
+                iis = self.stack.pop()
+                new = []
+                for i in iis:
+                    new.append(xs[i])
+                self.stack.append(new)
+            elif t == '\x93': #= permutations
+                xs = self.stack.pop()
+                if is_num(xs):
+                    n = xs
+                    xs = self.stack.pop()
+                else:
+                    n = None
+                ps = list(map(list, it.permutations(xs, n)))
+                self.stack.append(ps)
+            elif t == '\x94': #= fold-product
+                xss = self.stack.pop()
+                ys = list(map(list, it.product(*xss)))
+                self.stack.append(ys)
+            elif t == '\x95': #= repeat-product
+                n = self.stack.pop()
+                xs = self.stack.pop()
+                ys = list(map(list, it.product(xs, repeat=n)))
+                self.stack.append(ys)
+            elif t == '\x96': #= combinations
+                n = self.stack.pop()
+                xs = self.stack.pop()
+                ys = list(map(list, it.combinations(xs, n)))
+                self.stack.append(ys)
+            elif t == '\x97': #= combinations-with-replacement
+                n = self.stack.pop()
+                xs = self.stack.pop()
+                ys = list(map(list, it.combinations_with_replacement(xs, n)))
+                self.stack.append(ys)
+            elif t == '\x98': #= pairwise
+                xs = self.stack.pop()
+                ys = map(list, zip(xs, xs[1:]))
+                self.stack.append(ys)
+            elif t == '\x99': #= flatten
+                def flatten(xs):
+                    acc = []
+                    for x in xs:
+                        if is_list(x):
+                            acc += flatten(x)
+                        else:
+                            acc.append(x)
+                    return acc
+                xs = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(flatten(xs))
+            elif t == '\x9a': #= transpose
+                xs = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(map(list, zip(*xs)))
+            elif '\xa0' <= t <= '\xaf': # junk (recently popped items)
+                self.stack.append(self.stack.junk[-1 - (ord(t) & 15)])
+            elif t == '\xb0': #= zip
+                ys = self.stack.pop()
+                xs = self.stack.pop()
+                self.stack.append(map(list, zip(xs, ys)))
+            elif t == '\xb1': #= zipwith
+                f = self.stack.pop()
+                ys = self.stack.pop()
+                xs = self.stack.pop()
+                l0 = len(self.stack)
+                for x, y in zip(xs, ys):
+                    self.stack.append(x)
+                    self.stack.append(y)
+                    self.evaluate(f)
+                self.stack[l0:] = [self.stack[l0:]]
+            elif t == '\xb2': #= counter
+                self.stack.append(self.counter)
+                self.counter += 1
+            elif '\xc8' <= t <= '\xcb': # save
+                self.regs[ord(t) & 3] = self.stack[-1]
+            elif '\xcc' <= t <= '\xcf': # put
+                self.regs[ord(t) & 3] = self.stack.pop()
+            elif '\xd0' <= t <= '\xd3': # get
+                self.stack.append(self.regs[ord(t) & 3])
+            elif '\xd4' <= t <= '\xd7': # nip
+                self.regs[ord(t) & 3] = self.stack.pop(-2)
+            elif '\xd8' <= t <= '\xdb': # tuck
+                self.stack.insert(-1, self.regs[ord(t) & 3])
+            elif '\xdc' <= t <= '\xdf': # show
+                self.stack.append(to_gs(show(self.regs[ord(t) & 3])))
+            else:
+                raise ValueError('invalid token %r' % t) 
+    def eval_map(self, f, x):
+        l0 = len(self.stack)
+        for i in x:
+            self.stack.append(i)
+            self.evaluate(f)
+        self.stack[l0:] = [self.stack[l0:]]
+    def eval_filter(self, f, x):
+        l0 = len(self.stack)
+        for i in x:
+            self.stack.append(i)
+            self.evaluate(f)
+            if self.stack.pop():
+                self.stack.append(i)
+        self.stack[l0:] = [self.stack[l0:]]
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
+        print >> sys.stderr, 'usage: python %s [-d] <code file>' % sys.argv[0]
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if sys.argv[1] == '-d':
+        DEBUG = True
+        sys.argv.pop(1)
+    code = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb').read()
+    stdin = '' if sys.stdin.isatty() else sys.stdin.read()
+    GS2(code, stdin).run()