comparison paste/paste.17086 @ 1370:b1dd7c1d2cb2

<hagb4rd> pastelog robocop
author HackBot
date Fri, 11 Jan 2013 05:57:41 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
1369:60f3b46ba550 1370:b1dd7c1d2cb2
1 2007-06-06.txt:11:41:57: <SimonRC> Never let Robocop hang the decorations on your Christmas tree, he will only break them all.
2 2008-06-18.txt:23:34:59: <augur> Despite the small release and lack of promotion, Idiocracy has grown to have a strong following. In 2007, Omni Consumer Products [15] (named after the fictitious RoboCop corporation) and Redux Beverages introduced a real Brawndo energy drink.[16] It is marketed online with a tongue-in-cheek YouTube advertisement featuring the voice of comedian Mark Little, inspired by one of his sketches called "Powerthirst."[17]
3 2013-01-02.txt:01:48:00: <hagb4rd> `fetch
4 2013-01-02.txt:01:48:03: <HackEgo> 2013-01-02 01:48:02 URL: [10585] -> "v1?key=AIzaSyBfdt4VN9qT_Y8LAl100TBRCWAOiSTaqSY&cx=009459769908964694922:yb5esesqxmg&q=robocop&searchType=image&fileTy
5 2013-01-02.txt:01:48:32: <hagb4rd> `fetch | paste
6 2013-01-02.txt:01:48:32: <HackEgo> \ 2013-01-02 01:48:32 ERROR 400: Bad Request.
7 2013-01-02.txt:01:49:28: <HackEgo> v1?key=AIzaSyBfdt4VN9qT_Y8LAl100TBRCWAOiSTaqSY&cx=009459769908964694922:yb5esesqxmg&q=robocop&searchType=image&fileType=jpg&imgSize=xlarge&alt=json&safe=off
8 2013-01-02.txt:01:50:01: <oerjan> `run mv v* robocop
9 2013-01-02.txt:01:50:13: <oerjan> `file robocop
10 2013-01-02.txt:01:50:17: <HackEgo> robocop: ASCII English text, with very long lines
11 2013-01-02.txt:01:51:11: <oerjan> ^url robocop
12 2013-01-02.txt:01:51:20: <oerjan> `url robocop
13 2013-01-02.txt:01:51:25: <HackEgo>
14 2013-01-02.txt:01:54:13: <hagb4rd> how is it named robocop anyway?
15 2013-01-09.txt:07:52:39: <HackEgo> bin \ canary \ egobot.tar.xz \ etc \ factor \ factor-linux-x86-64-0.95.tar.gz \ foo \ foo.err \ foo.out \ ibin \ interps \ karma \ lib \ luabuild \ luafilesystem-1.6.2-1.rockspec \ luafilesystem-1.6.2-1.src.rock \ luarocks.err \ luarocks.out \ paste \ penlight-1.0.0-1.rockspec \ penlight-1.0.0-1.src.rock \ quotes \ quotese \ robocop \ run \ share \
16 2013-01-09.txt:07:55:02: <hagb4rd> `rm robocop